10/14 Bush Brownshirts attack gallery owner for displaying
contriversial art:
So one of the Bush supportes on the motd claims that this was
a "hoax." Do you seriously believe that this woman broke
her own nose as a publicity stunt?
\_ 1) Go read this for what the real brown shirts did:
If you read that you might learn something.
By slapping "hitler!!!" on every trivial event you only make
yourself sound like Chicken Little and an ignorant idiot.
2) A single isolated event does not a conspiracy make. Here are
two more isolated events that prove nothing:
http://tinyurl.com/uqkjy (icayrshire.icnetwork.co.uk)
http://tinyurl.com/y4aqqt (http://www.king5.com
\_ It was hardly a single isolated event. That was the one
in *San*Francisco* that I was aware of. This kind of thing
was repeated hundreds of times all over the country. It is
to bad you think that a random gang attack on an unfortunate
soldier on leave is somehow equavalent to calculated
political violence intended to intimidate and silence
\_ So you have a problem with equating two acts of violence
against individuals (neither of which were state-
sanctioned) but you have no problem with equating a single
act of violence with the systematic state-organized
round-up of Jews? Okay, this is obviously a troll here.
Everybody move along...
your opponents. By the Bush Adminsitration standards, the
attack on the gallery owner was in fact terrorism, but you
will never see the GOP go on record as opposing their thugs.
The second attack "baby killer" one, is reprehnesible too.
\_ This kind of thing was repeated hundreds of times all
over the country? Really? Where is the proof? If this
is really happening, I guess the vast-right-wing
conspiracy that controls the media is covering it up.
\_ No, it was all dismissed as some local rowdy. It
just isn't "news." Just like the soldier that got
beaten up, it was never widely spread. You must
not get out of the Bay Area much.
\_ I see. It has happened everywhere but no one knows
about it because it has been covered up by the VRWC.
Ok. We're done here.
\_ So basically this is an organized campaign of
terror that has been skillfully disguised by
the Bush Brownshirts to look like a bunch of
random acts of violence by some local loony?
Well, I guess the people behind the coverup
of the alien presence at Area-51 needed some-
thing to do after X-Files went off the air.
The Tru7h is Out There!
3) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/controversial art is
going to elicit unwanted and sometimes violent responses from
idiots. I don't think someone should have punched her nose in
for hosting some pictures of Abu Graib but with 300 million
people in the country I'm not surprised she found one nut. Is
there a guy in jail for it? That's what our system does with
violent nuts. Does 1 idiot mean we're on the road to a brown
shirt night of broken glass? No. Come back when you have some
sense of history.
\_ No one was punished for the act of violence.
\_ Probably because there wasn't an act to investigate. She
didn't conce.
\_ Probably because there wasn't an act to investigate. She
didn't cooperate with police so how are they supposed to
do their jobs? Cop magic? Or was it a conspiracy of The
Blue Shield to stand in the way of Progressive Art? I've
changed my mind. I'm not done here, this is getting fun.
4) You diminish what really happened to real people who were truly
innocent by casually flipping Nazi terms at people and seeing
conspiracy where there is none. I don't actually expect you to
get a clue here but it cost me nothing to try. Please carry on
with your tinfoil idiocy and abuse of history.
\_ Beyond wikipedia articles, people who want to know more about
what really happened in Germany during the rise of Nazism
should read Mein Kampf. I think that finding elements of
mass behavior in today's society that are slightly similar
to that of pre-Nazi german behavior is not always crazy, but
comparing almost anyone to Hitler is almost always crazy.
Fortunately, that man was unique.-!OP
should read Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich. I think that
finding elements of mass behavior in today's society that
are slightly similar to that of pre-Nazi german behavior is
not always crazy, but comparing almost anyone to Hitler is
almost always crazy. Fortunately, that man was unique.-!OP
\_ The rise of Nazism was due: 1) the over-
representation of Jews in the leadership of the
Weimar republic which most Germans viewed as
profligate and destroying traditional German society
and 2) the overwhelming presence of Jews among
the Bolsheviks and their involvement in the Russian
revolution which led to the slaughter of millions of
Russians. I imagine most Germans wanted to avoid
a similar revolution there.
and 2) the disproportionate presence of Jews among
the Bolshevik leadership and their involvement in
the Russian revolution which led to the slaughter
of millions of Russians. I imagine most Germans
wanted to avoid a similar revolution there.
\_ So your contention is that this is okay because what these
guys did was not as bad as what Hitler did? Okay, strange
stance to take, but I guess that is where you stand.
\_ No, it is not OK to punch someone in the nose because you
don't like their art. Nor is it ok because it doesn't rise
to Hitlerian levels of violence. See point 3. Thanks.
\_ Um, Bush Brownshirts? So you are claiming that the President
sanctioned this attack? Or that the President would refuse to
enforce criminal sanctions against those who perpetrated the
attack, if the SFPD and the DA were to bring charges against
\- http://www.cafepress.com/ipa_politics.14449333
\_ A mouse pad proves Bush sanctioned this alleged attack and
hundreds of others no one heard of? Can one of you investing
types please tell me how to get into metals futures? Thanks.
\_ It does, however, prove that you have no sense of irony.
\_ It isn't irony. It's a mouse pad. Maybe you needed
the translation from German to see the lack of irony.
\- which bring us back to metals. --man with the iron
mouse pad
\_ aren't you concerned it will rust? i suspect
"rusty mouse pad" is not covered by your dell
support agreement.
\_ It was a hoax:
\_ It's worth noting that the freeper posts in this thread do not
offer any support for the alleged nose-puncher.
\_ This one sure does though:
\_ I'm not saying you're wrong, but would you mind
a pointer to a particular post? I don't feel like
scrolling through 5 pages of "hee haw!" for that. -John
\_ The Truth IS Out There, John. You just have to open
your eyes! --Mulder
\_ If finding the truth involves sifting through
pages of idiots, I'll stay ignorant! -John
\_ You are getting so area 51 abduction black
helicoptered. Then you'll believe. --Mulder
\_ Maybe the Bush Brownshirts were too busy to attack her
that day b/c of all the "hundreds" of other attacks they
had to carry out (not to mention all the media outlets
they had to silence), so she took it upon herself to help
them out and attack herself.
them out and attack herself. Even if she hadn't faked it,
it might possibly maybe have happened on its own at some
indeterminate time in the future when the Brownshirts
weren't so busy. So even if she faked it, its just as
good as if she had actually been attacked by the Bush
Brownshirts. |