2006/10/9-10 [Computer/Rants] UID:44727 Activity:low |
10/9 What's so hot about e-bill or other web-based payment systems for paying utility bills? The old-fashioned method of automatic payment from checking accounts has existed for more than 20 years, and it doesn't even require any user action as some e-bill methods do. \_ Plus if you're a hermit and set up all your bills this way, you can die in your apartment or house and it can take years for people to discover your dead body which is cool. \_ I'd rather have user action (don't like automatic deductions), and I'd rather not have paper bills or checks. -tom \_ I agree with tom. I don't like automatic deductions. \_ Specifically, say you cancel your service with a company but for some reason they keep billing you. With direct withdrawal, they're still taking money out of your account every month until you get it worked out; with the modern systems, you can choose to cut them off any time you want. Here's the setup I use: whenever my bill payer receives a bill for me, they automatically *schedule* it to be paid in a few weeks. If I'm paying attention, I can log in and edit or cancel the payment before it goes out; if I'm not edit or cancel the payment before it goes out. If I'm not paying attention, my bills still get paid. |
2006/10/9-10 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:44728 Activity:nil |
10/9 Support plug-in hybrids: http://www.pluginpartners.org |
2006/10/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44729 Activity:nil |
10/8 Sorry for this nerdy question in the midst of N.Korea nuke debate. Soda has webdav installed, right? can i in theory use soda as my personal calendar server? |
2006/10/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:44730 Activity:high |
10/8 So was the October Surprise a N. Korean underground nuke test? http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/ustqab.php http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,218699,00.html \_ Hey, seriously, I am a liberal and oppose our invasion of Iraq. But in this case, i really think we need to think about use military force against the N.Koreans. It will be a while before they actually weaponize the nukes. Allowing them to have nukes is dangerous just because they don't mind selling it to the highest bidder! Further, we need to remove any excuse for Japan get its nukes. \_ If we use military action against North Korea, it'll be the Korean War from 1950 - 1953 all over again, with the strong possibility of China backing North Korea (as they did before from 1950 - 1953). That would be World War III. But yeah, other than those pesky details, your idea makes sense. \_ Part of any pre-invasion plan will be an understanding between the U.S. and China about N. Korean reconstruction. \_ Uhm, no. History does repeat itself but the cliche doesn't mean it like that. It's a comment on human nature not history itself per se. Anyway, the Korean war was part of the whole anti-communist containment/rollback strategy at the time. No one would consider any such action without China's advanced consent this time. Totally different situation. But if the consent this time. Totally different situation. But if China were willing to allow an invasion they're much more likely first to simply cut off NK from food and oil if having a nuke-fre NK is their goal. They could do so at anytime and the fact that they haven't makes me believe they want NK to have nukes. \_ I don't think China wants NK to have nukes. To China, there is always the risk of the North uniting with the South. When it eventually happens, Korea most likely won't be as "left" or as communist as it is today. I don't think China likes to see a non-alley neighbor having nukes. This downside is not worth the upside of a close alley having nukes. The upside is not much anyway, given that China itself already has nukes. \_ NK is like the mad dog on the end of China's leash but it is still China's dog. They have nukes because China let them have nukes. With out Chinese oil and food aid the place would completely collapse. The Chinese are more concerned about millions of hungry NK heading to their border than they are about NK nukes. \_ "Mr. President, this is not the hour of our weakness. This is the hour of our strength. If the Chinese cross the Yalu, I will make of them the greatest slaughter in the history of warfare. They have no means for giving ground ... air support to the ground troops. And they cannot do it and I do not believe they will." If only Truman had been smart enough to listen to MacArthur, the NK issue would not exist today. \_ In a way, you're absolutely right. If Truman had listened to MacArthur, human civilization would not exist today. By extension, neither would the NK issue. \_ human civilization wouldn't exist? Oh please.... \_ Truman would have provoked nuclear war. \_ Let's assume this is true. The US had how many bombs? Dozens? A few hundred tops? China and Russia had how many between them? And what ability to deliver them outside their own borders? What is much more likely is China either retreats or they nuke back. If they retreat it's over. If they nuke back, then Korea becomes a waste land, a lot of people die, we may have nuked China back directly in which case even more people die, then China is forced to capitulate after their country is a wasteland. So, worst case, China and Korea are gone, best case, Korea/China border is nuked out. Either way, "The Whole World Is Dead! OMG! WTF! BBQ!" is not a serious proposition. Of course this all sucks big time if you're Korean or Chinese but that is not the same as "the end of civilization". \_ Heh. You remind me a lot of George C. Scott's character in Dr. Strangelove. "Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed! I'm saying two or three million dead TOPS....err, depending on the breaks!" \_ Whatever. The point remains. The world would not have ended. The nukes were much smaller, harder to deliver and fewer in number. I'm not saying I'm in favor of having nuked China at the time. I'm saying the sky wouldn't have turned to blood or rain frogs or everyone's first born male child died in the night. \_ Seconded. Bomb the crap out of them. --other lefty \_ You're kidding, yes? This is the perfect time for sanctions and other non-military arm twisting and you want to bomb? Iraq was due for an invasion after years of failed sanctions and many on the left wanted to simply end sanctions and walk away because sanctions weren't hurting the right people.... I find the whole thing fascinating. \_ Who are you who are so wise in the ways of geopolitics? \_ Sanctioning NK won't hurt the right people either. You think Kim Jong-Il will starve before all the civilians do? \_ The people are already starving. Once the army is starving things may change. \_ if China impose a sanction, N.Korea probably will implode. This is of course something YOU want, but it is not something China nor South Korean wants. Why? just think in terms of illegal immigration issue... except that million of them going to try to get across the broder in the period of weeks. Unless you are ready to allow Chinese mow down those N.Korean refugees with machine gun fire, and you have a plan for post-implode N.Korea, I recommend you STFU. \_ Yes, Karl Rove planted nuke tech in NK going back to the early 90s having forseen the need almost 15 years in advance for an October Surprise in the 2006 mid term elections. The man is the Devil! \_ Just curious, the test was 10:36am local time (N and S Korea). About when did news of the test go out on the wire actually? \_ About an hour afterwards, based on Google News timestamps. \_ world leaders will agree that n korea escalated unnecessarily. Dubya and GOPers will talk tough and the intl media for once will agree with this posture. \_ Why would the international media matter? Anyway this isn't the time to talk military strike. It is the time to squeeze them dry of food, oil, and cash. |
2006/10/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44731 Activity:very high |
10/8 Bush diplomacy comes to its logical conclusion: Threatening three countries, labeling them the "Axis of Evil" and then invading one of them for no real reason causes the other two to pursue nuclear weapons to defend themselves. Good job, neocons, are you actually double agents out to destroy America or are you just that stupid? \_ you are unamerican. there is a "relationship" between Iraq and 9/11. And we are making progress in Iraq: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6221366 (NPR: U.S. Monthly Toll in Iraq at Highest Point in 2 Years) see, we are breaking records! \_ Except for the fact that all three countries were working on nukes many years before 2000, this is an excellent analysis. ;-) \_ missing the point. imagine if we are not stuck in Iraq, we would of have a lot more options against N.Korea, no? \_ No, not really. Even with a WWII sized draft size army we would not invade NK. Current military doctrine is to bomb from high flying jets/bombers and missiles from Navy TF way over the horizon, not put a million men on the ground. \_ And Israel demonstrated how effective that is when they used it against Hezbollah. \_ I didn't say it was effective. Anyway, the NK have the sort of traditional WWII style army which it would *mostly* work against but that wouldn't matter anyway. \_ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,134625,00.html WASHINGTON. The chief U.S. arms inspector in Iraq has found no evidence of weapons of mass destruction (search) production by Saddam Hussein's (search) regime after 1991. no evidence of weapons of mass destruction production by Saddam Hussein's regime after 1991. U.S. officials also said the report shows Saddam was much farther away from a nuclear weapons program in 2003 than he was between 1991 and 1993; there is no evidence that Iraq and Al Qaeda exchanged weapons; and there is no evidence that Al Qaeda and Iraq shared information, technology or personnel in developing weapons. \_ Yeah no kidding "after 1991". What a weird date to go by. I wonder what happened at that time? And how exactly do we know all this? We had to invade to find out. Thanks for the update. \_ Um, is this sarcasm? Desert Storm happened in 1991. \_ Yes that was sarcasm pointing out that "no big surprise that after 1991 Hussein's ability to produce weapons was greatly reduced since he just got smashed". And "being farther or closer" to nukes isn't the point at all anyway since it was about all 3 countries having worked on a nuke program long prior to 2000. GWB has screwed up any number of things like all Presidents (because they're human) but Iraq, Iran and NK working on nukes had *nothing* to do with him as the op falsely claims. Lay blame where it belongs but there's no need to rewrite history to create fault where none exists. \_ So you don't think threatening to invade a country has anything to do with them working on producing weaponry? What color is the sky in your world? \_ The nukes were in development while Bush JR was in rehab. Go see what the OP said. It flies in the face of reality. Was Clinton threatening them? Bush Sr? Reagan? No. So why build nukes? Lots of reasons but none of them having to do with Bush Jr. threatening them or the US in general. Blue. If you want to drag this to some other topic, that's fine, but what you're saying has nothing to do with the OP's claims. \_ They *were* in development, then Iraq *stopped* working on them. NK *was* working on them, then *stopped* working on them, until they were threatened. I honestly don't know the status of Iran's nuclear weapon program but it certainly was accelerated after Bush's threat to Iran. Do you honestly believe that these countries slowed down their weapon's research in response to a credible outside threat? Is this your serious contention? \_ Iraq stopped because they got crushed in GW1, geeze. Iran never stopped as far as we know. NK never stopped for any lengthy period of time as far as we know. And in each case they were started during a previous administration. This is historic fact. I make no other contentions in that regard. As far as Iran goes, btw, their original reason for the pro-nuke policy change from their original "nukes are against the Koran" policy was getting their ass kicked by Iraqi gas attacks. That wasn't Jr's fault either. As far as their speed of research goes, I'm sure they were already going as fast as possible because getting them second in the region doesn't have nearly the same weight as being first. What gave you the idea they were just slowly crawling along until the Great Satan turned his Evil Eye their way? Is it your contention that NK and Iran and Iraq had no serious interest in nukes until the Great Satantic Dictator came to power in the US and all was rainbows and chocolate rivers before that? Seriously, give it a rest. This is all history book stuff. \_ Yes, it is my serious contention that Iraq was not doing any nuclear research and not only was not making progress towards developing one, they were actually going backwards as they lost skill and capability. This is not just my contention, it was the finding of the bipartisan Iraq commission. Do you dispute those findings? Lots of countries "have interest" in things. We should not start wars because of a nations interest in something, only because it is an actual threat. Furthermore, it is my contention that NK was mostly abiding by the terms of the Clinton sponsored UN guidelines, where they agreed to halt nuclear research in return for free nuclear power. Soon after Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech, NK renounced the agreement, broke the seals on the nuclear rods and turned off the UN nonitor cameras. The CIA agrees with me, btw, at least according to The Washington Times, a paper not usually known for its pro-Clinton stance: http://www.csua.org/u/h5f "North Korea announced last year that it had a secret program to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. It then expelled international inspectors who had been monitoring the nuclear weapons\ freeze and restarted the small 5-megawatt reactor. " \_ Uh, yes, secret NK program. Thanks for making my point there. As far as Iraq goes, of course they went backwards after GW1. What else would happen? And they had to go backwards from something, meaning they had already conducted research. Man, I thought I was going to have to go find an actual link when I first saw how long your post was with a link and all but all you've done is support what I've been saying all along: those 3 countries had nuke programs while Jr. was in rehab. Thanks for saving me the hassle of finding a link. I'll take your WT link as is. Going home now. Have a nice evening. \_ So I guess we agree that I have made my point: Bush's trash talking and belligerent warmongering have resulted in America being less safe. Thanks for playing. |
2006/10/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Recreation/Dating] UID:44732 Activity:high |
10/9 I remember one winter semester during an El Nino year when, starting in January, some rain fell almost every single day. Attendance at lectures was pretty minimal. I remember occasionally thinking about buying an umbrella, but I was sure that as soon as I did the rain would stop. That didn't actually happen until May. \_ your memory is incorrect. \_ I never bought an umbrella. There was always one sitting around somewhere someone else lost. Well, ok, my first year I bought one and lost it. It's just umbrella karma. \_ Was it 1992 or 1993? I remember in a March of either of this year, it rained every single day. -- Class of '93 \_ it felt like it rained every other day from 92-94. housing sucked. profs didn't seem like they're genuinely interested in teaching and certainly didn't have time to talk to you. smelly eecs TAs seriously needed to retake esl. the counselors at cal really sucked and treated their jobs like temps cuz they were. a super hot b-school-wannabe freshman that i had a serious crush on used me to do her cs9x projects and other assignments. after i finished her b-school pre-reqs she ditched me and started dating my former buddy. FUCKING BITCH I HATE YOU!!! AND FUCK YOU ALL GREEDY BUSINESS MAJORS!!! anyways around that time i also started taking a lot of anti-depressants and light recreational drugs. i carefully crafted my suicide note during the most depressing, cold and wet winter semester I ever experienced at cal. i planned my suicide carefully for the coming spring to minimize pain for my family members but when spring actually came, i just couldn't do it. maybe it was the improving weather, i don't know. summer came and i ended up taking a leave of absence. if i had stayed any longer i'd surely committed suicide. afterall, i already spent many hours of hard labor on the suicide note, oh well. in short, i really really really really really hate berkeley. \_ So you met this chick on day 3 of class, did her home work, got nothing for it and got dumped? Where in there did you think you had a gf? \_ Well she cooked for me and lived at my place for a few days when I had to do her projects. No we didn't have sex, but she was so sweet to me when she needed my help it was pretty much my first girl friend experience. BITCH \_ OMG, you didn't even get laid? So she came by and said, "do my class for me". You did all the work over 3-4 days just before the deadline, ignored your own work, class, sleep and health and all you got was a few meals and a room mate. Sorry mate but that wasn't your first gf experience. That was in no way shape or form a girl friend. If you'd asked any of your friends, family or even the motd at the time they'd all have told you what was going to happen. \_ In 2006 we broke the record for days of rain in March, at 25. And there's a whole month between March and May. -tom \_ I have bad memory then. -- Class of '93 \_ I was thinking of 94-95. Days of rain: Jan 26, Feb 3, Mar 17, Apr 14. Almost every day is an admitedly an exaggeration, but it was a pretty damp winter/spring. http://ggweather.com/sf/daily.html#b - op \_ Are you sure it wasn't 97-98? We had like 3 months straight rain in Berkeley then. \_ 14 days in March, 10 days in April. \_ but 18, 10, 22, 20 for Nov->Feb. That's pretty bad especially considering Nov and Dec aren't normally that wet in CA. In fact at 47+inches of rain that year it beats the second wettest year in that data set (from 1960-now) by over 12 inches, or 33% more! \_ The wettest being last year? \_ Last year was the second wettest. 97-98 was the wettest. \_ 2004-05 was the wettest in SoCal since 1883 in terms of inches of rain. 2005-06 was the wettest in terms of days of rain. Where does one find the Bay Area totals? \_ There's a link about 15 lines up. \_ No, that year I was living in SF. I have memories of that one too. Maybe I'll post another "I remember" entry about it in the future. :) - op |
2006/10/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:44733 Activity:nil |
10/9 Sony's Casino Royale commercial (shades of ID4?): http://www.youtube.com/v/IZEov48p8V0 This one actually makes the movie look better than the trailer. -stmg |
2006/10/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44734 Activity:nil |
10/9 France to ban public smoking: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6032125.stm \_ Good. The one thing I couldn't stand in Paris was walking into any restaurant only to get a whif of everyone else's smoke. \_ Smoking ban in Italy reduces heart attacks in non-smokers exposed to second-hand smokes: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5398836.stm \_ Um, hardly conclusive. \_ Your reasoning being ...... |
2006/10/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:44735 Activity:nil |
10/9 Is there any search engine where a search like this: exim4 'real-@' -' real ' will work? \_ Given the way they tokenize, I doubt it. Symbol and code searching is generally very poor. |
2006/10/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:44736 Activity:kinda low |
10/9 BBC radio just now said the NK nuke was estimated to be 1Kt and may have been conventional or a failed nuke. \_ Russia is saying the blast is between 5 and 15 kilotons, and it has a border with N Korea and helped them build the plant used to produce plutonium. \_ Since when did Russia share a border with North Korea? I thought China was to the north of North Korea, and South Korea was to the south of North Korea. The rest of North Korea is surrounded by \_ Um, moron, look at a world map or atlas. Russia does not share a border with North Korea. China shares a border with the north side of North Korea. South Korea shares a border on the southern side of North Korea. The rest of North Korea is surrounded by water. \_ NK shares a small part of its far NE border with Russia. \_ Uh, SK has a border with NK too. So? And what's it matter who built the plant that produced the plutonium unless they were involved in building the bomb or testing it? I don't get what you're trying to say. \_ Russian nuclear expertise, duh \_ "duh"? You have no in way explained how the Russian claim of 5-15Kt is more reliable than the other reports of 1Kt. "Russian nuclear expertise" left hanging by itself is no answer to anything. They let you into college? \_ use your brain, don't make ppl spoonfeed it to you \_ So you've got nothing. Thanks for not participating. I believe this is where I say "duh" in response and the whole thing disolves into purely personal attack. \_ Korea has nukes? Great. Now we wait for the red dot on the ground. "Nuclear launch detected" \_ There's never an Observer around when you need one. \_ And China's trying to blind our comsats! \_ Don't worry, Bush, our benevolent Overlord has Vision[tm]! |
2006/10/9-10 [Science/Disaster] UID:44737 Activity:nil |
10/9 Jane's on NK test: http://www.janes.com/security/international_security/news/jdw/jdw061009_2_n.shtml 'The figure of .55 kT, however, seems too low given the 4.2 register on the Richter scale. This could suggest - depending upon the geological make-up of the test site - a yield of 2-12 kT. If, however, the lower yield is correct, it would suggest that the test had been a "pre- or post-detonation" event (ie a failure), as it had been anticipated that North Korea's first nuclear test would have a significantly higher yield." |
2006/10/9-10 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:44738 Activity:high |
10/9 So this whole plugin hybrid campaign thing... Wouldn't that completely fuck the CA power grid if even a few % of drivers bought those? \_ the real issue is not rather CA power grid can handel it. I was told that if we modify it to make it plugin, it will drastically reduce the life span of the rechargable battery of those Prius, thus make the car a lot more prohibitive than it would otherwise. \_ Electric power means "pollute elsewhere." The only way to reduce pollution is nuclear-- which will decimate population and reduce consumption, period. \_ Not necessarily. A large power plant can run cleaner than a bunch of little power plants. And nuclear seems to work in France. \_ no it doesn't. French are racist and they have no problem dumping nuclear waste in some French colony in the Southern Pacific and completely disregards of people live there. Unless we decided that it is ok to mimic what French does in our Indian Reservation, the it is unlikely to work. \_ Those aren't "our" reservations. They are sovereign states that you would have to buy the right from to dump on. They are not colonies. \_ You're also forgetting the fact that "well to wheel", electric vehicles are far more efficient than the most efficient gas powered vehicles (including hybrids). \_ Probably not. We can assume most people would plugin their car at night, which wouldn't have high electric utilization anyway. \_ Yes, the power grid has no ability to power a significant number of electric cars right now. -tom \_ Thanks tom! I guess we're fucked... If only there were some sort of efficient human powered form of transportation... Nah, now I'm just being stupid. \_ Really? I just did a "back of napkin" calculation. CA ISO was providing 50,000 MW of power during the hottest summer day. At night, the usage is typically half of that (or less). Let's assume we have at least 15k MW spare capacity. I just checked the experimental plugin Prius. They have the battery at 9kWhr. Let's assume we can charge it (at night) 1kW for 9 hours. This means the spare power capacity can potentially charge 15 million plugin prius. I wouldn't call that insignificant. Of course my calculation could be off by a power of 10 (or more). \_ We don't produce the same power off-peak; the only way we could would be to burn more natural gas. -tom \_ Not disagreeing with you on this. My point is that a lot of the infrastructure is there for providing "peak" power. Why not use the capacity for off-peak. Of course we'll burn more natural gas, coal, whatever. Energy is not free. \_ I think the infrastructure problem occurs more when a ton of people plug in their cars when they get home at 6pm on a scorching summer day or worse yet, while at work in the middle of the afternoon. \_ Well, yeah, the problem is that if we suddendly were deriving, say, 5% of the power used by autos during commute hours off the grid, we wouldn't have nearly the capacity. 1 horsepower = 745 watts; do the math. -tom \_ Here's the math. Say during one full day's driving, your car needs to output the equivalent of 200hp lasting 10min (very unlikely) and not re-capturing any of this 10min (very unlikely) and not re-capture any of this via re-generative brakes. That's 33.3hp-hr. Say you charge your car between 10pm-8am. Then the charger needs to provide power at 3.33hp. That's 2485.7W, which is about the same as two hair driers. Of course, since neither charging nor motor-driving are 100% efficient, in reality you need more than two hair driers' power to provide 200hp-10min's of driving. \_ http://www.csua.org/u/h5e (http://www.pluginpartners.org "There is a synergy between increased use of PHEVs and expanded use of wind energy. Widespread use of PHEVs in an electric system makes it easier for that system to accept more wind energy. This is because most PHEVs will be charging at night, when demand for electricity is at its lowest, and wind energy production tends to be at its highest in many parts of the country. Also, PHEV batteries can act as storage for wind energy produced at off-peak times." \_ This would make sense if there was a switch on your car charger to only charge your car if the wind is blowing. Otherwise, they're firing up those polluting, expensive backups to charge your car when you ain't a blowin' in da wind. \_ Those polluting expensive backups are still usually cleaner than car engines. See the FAQ at the link above. \_ plug-in hybrid makes a lot more sense when combined with a charger system that has a timer to control when it charges, and time-of-use metering at the home to encourage users to set the system to charge on off-peak hours. The off-peak power is cheaper to generate and tends to use large power plants that produce more efficiently but respond slowly to power demand changes, such as hydro and nuclear. The peaker plants that run at peak hours usually are burning more expensive natural gas. \_ A timer for an AC outlet is not that expensive. I bought a mechanical 15amp one at IKEA for $8. |
2006/10/9-10 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:44739 Activity:nil |
10/9 Swami says if you have ARM, you're FUCKED! http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/09/real_estate/arms_nightmare \_ The Great Swami does not use coarse language -TGS |
2006/10/9-10 [Transportation/Motorcycle, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:44740 Activity:low |
10/10 Think Los Angeles traffic is bad? Go to India: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2063667852598904740&hl=en \_ True. And if you think any US traffic is bad, go to any non-Western country. \_ This video is sped up at least twice. |
2006/10/9-10 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44741 Activity:moderate |
10/9 http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/05/real_estate/moodys/index.htm Swami the Magnificent warned you! \_ I like how the Bay Area barely grazes that list. \_ I'm sure people are very freaked out about a possible 3-10% housing 'crash'. By the way, I think that Moody's is being optimistic. Prices are going to come down a lot more when/if rates rise and credit tightens. \_ My house has already dropped about 10%. Shrug. Only buyers, sellers, and creditors who stupidly gave out highly risky credit need to care about this stuff. \_ We bought in late 2002. Since then our house peaked up 51% in late '05, now has lost ~3% since that peak, and is now up ~ 47% from when we bought. 51% in late '05, and is now up ~ 47% from when we bought (all according to http://zillow.com) \_ I dropped 10% from peak but it doesn't matter either way. |
2006/10/9-10 [Industry/Startup] UID:44742 Activity:high |
10/9 GooTube! Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion: http://tinyurl.com/ftovs (news.yahoo.com) \_ I guess Google's going to start getting emails from Michelle Malkin asking them to wipe her butt for her. \_ She's hot. I'd do it. \_ I love the motd, where else can you make shit up, call yourself clever and smugly walk away despite all evidence to the contrary? \_ Evidence to the contrary? What are you talking about? Michelle Malkin whines like a little baby to a 67-person company who has to review hundreds of videos for appropriateness, write code, negotiate billion dollar acquisitions, and deal with all sorts of legal issues to wipe her butt for her. Seriously, why does Michelle Malkin think she deserves more attention than the other rejects? \_ Yes, evidence to the contrary. She didn't want any special help aka "wiping her butt for her". She wanted a simple form letter telling her why she got banned. If they're too busy to have a form letter for each of their 4 reasons for banning a video they're not a billion dollar company. In fact, being a billion dollar company would only raise the standards by which they should treat people since they'd have the resources. If this 67 person company can't take the time to write 3 more form letters then they're not a billion dollar company and should stop pretending to be worth that. I have no pity or sympathy if their company size doesn't support their business model or vice versa. Perhaps the problem here is you don't know what the phrase "wiping her butt" means.... \_ I have no sympathy for YouTube either. But YouTube wasn't whining and bitching like a little baby. Michelle was. Not only do I have no sympathy for her but I think she's rather obnoxious. YouTube never advertised having a business model that involved dispatching their top employees to investigate the injustices commited upon Malkin. YouTube has bigger fish to catch than dealing with one cry baby. No, I don't think YouTube needs to be any more specific than giving her 4 possibile violations. They might have a perfectly legitimate reason for doing that and it's probably the same 4 violations that every other YouTube reject gets. Perhaps the problem here is that neither you or Malkin know what the meaning of "The world doesn't revolve around you" or "I have better things to do with my time than to deal with you" is. \_ It's a simply customer service issue. No one has asked for anything more than a more specific form letter. Also, no one said the same form letter wasn't used for all violations. The fact that they treat all customers equally poorly doesn't improve their case. It doesn't matter if it was Malkin or a bunch of unknown people or your mom. No matter how whiney you think she is doesn't matter either. She's raised a good point about customer service and ignoring it is a diservice to their entire customer base and all viewers especially since it is pertinent to their reason for being: posting videos. \_ Oh, Malkin is the customer now? I thought she was the product? Either way, I'm sure YouTube ^H^H^H^H^H^H^HGoogle will be happy to be rid of this "customer". You can go on your merry way now. The world can live without you. \_ Thanks for speaking for the world. You just hate Malkin and can't stand that anyone might defend her excellent point. I'm ok with that. You're the one who has to live your life. Enjoy. \_ I personally don't hate MM; that would take way too much effort/investment in an utterly worthless nobody. -!pp \_ Nothing personal, but doesn't this seem like a really minor issue in the greater scheme of things? -!pp \_ Absolutely, but it's still fun. Or I could go off on how the little things matter and add up to big things but I don't feel like supporting that today. |
2006/10/9-10 [Computer/Rants] UID:44743 Activity:nil |
10/9 http://www.sea-code.com Bringing Outsourcing Closer... \_ motd necromancy? That's soo far from the past... \_ keywords: outsource outsourcing cruise cruiseship code monkey codemonkey |
2006/10/9-10 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:44744 Activity:kinda low |
10/9 With US unable to police the globe, nations around the world will do whatever they please. Iran will conduct nuke tests and China will take this golden opportunity to reunite Taiwan. -ChiCom Swami \_ can chicom swami give a time frame pls \_ Don't forget to mention North Korea. |
2006/10/9-10 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:44745 Activity:high |
10/9 Time to short GOOG. \_ 3/4 times I bet against GOOG when it should not have gone up I lost big time. I'm not going to touch GOOG ever, again. They are fuckers who keep screwing us average investors. \_ When "average investors" are shorting, they're almost always wrong. Don't bet against good companies. -tom \_ What makes GOOG a good company? \_ They provide a strongly-branded and effective web service, and so far have avoided the pitfalls that have knocked most of the other web services off the top rung. They also invented a new business model for web advertising that revived what was a declining field. -tom \_ I'm not sure why Google's stock price is so high since it clearly isn't justified by any financial calculation but the markets are not rational. Do not bet against crazy people. \_ GOOG's forward P/E is 33. What do you think it should be? -tom \_ Nothing. Forward PE is a fabrication and meaningless swami-like prediction. What is current PE? \_ It is silly to suggest that current PE is the only "rational" method of valuing a company, particularly one that's growing as fast as GOOG. Google's revenues were 1.4B in 2003, 3.1B in 2004, 6.1B in 2005. 2006 will likely come in at 9B. Earnings were .3B, .6B, 2B, likely 3B. Do you think it was rational, in 2003, to value Google as a company with a yearly earning potential of .3B? What are your projections for Google's earnings in 2007? -tom \_ I didn't suggest "that current PE is the only 'rational' method" of anything. Google's income is 99% from web ads of various sorts. It's an all your eggs in one basket company based entirely on ad revenues which has traditionally been a very unstable market. Maybe they will somehow avoid the long term ups and downs of the economy that hurt other ad based business models but everyone thought similar things in the 95-2000 time frame as well. As far as their earnings for 2007, they are way too secretive a company for me to guess and I do mean guess such a thing. Anyone who comes up with a number is just guessing (unless they're a in-the-know insider at Google). I'm sure a number of people have made a fortune off them but I won't invest my cash in a place that prides itself on revealing as little as possible to investors with nothing more than "We did good before, trust us!" to go on. \_ There are plenty of companies based entirely on ad revenues which have been successful in the long term: television networks come to mind. It does not take "guessing" to project that Google will continue to draw more page views and generate more revenue in 2007 than it did in 2006; choosing a specific number may be little more than a guess, but choosing a range is reasonable, and you can rationally base valuation on your projected range. You said that Google's value "isn't justified by any financial calculation"; you're now backtracking from that position. The current analyst average projection for Google's 2007 earnings is $13.09/share; they will earn almost $10/share this year. Do you think $13/share is irrational for Google's earnings? Do you think the current valuation is irrational if Google earns $13/share next year? -tom \_ Television is a great example. Over time as shows become popular or fade the various major networks do better/worse in the ad wars. I haven't back tracked from anything. I don't know where you got that from. Whatever. Anyway, this is still a company in a new and ever changing market. At any time another company could come along and turn the whole business upside down. Before Google there was Yahoo, Lycos, Hotbot, Alta Vista and several others The analysts in the 95-2000 time frame had all sorts of projections and now just like then they are based on nothing. They have no reason to believe Google will capture 30% more of the market or any other metric. Yes, it is quite possible Google has peaked on eyeballs because there just aren't that many left they don't already have. Then what? Anyway, it probably won't be 07 or 08 but eventually they will not exceed their previous quarter's earnings, all the analysts will scream doom and gloom and their stock will take a huge hit. Once the sheen has rubbed off they'll have to work their asses off to approach their previous peak. As an aside I thought their purchase of youtube was interesting. IIRC that is their first big purchase of a competitor in the Microsoft style of business. Just taking note: a place that hires every PhD in sight and famed for their ingenuity made a similar product which simply sucked and got stomped in that area forcing them to shell out big bucks for a video storage and playback site. Is Google now on the long term slide to buying instead of building, no longer doing that which made them great in the first place? Time will tell. And for the record I do not nor ever have traded the stock and never will for the reasons I already stated so you're not talking to a bitter short seller. \_ It is certainly possible that Google's business will decline at some point in the future, but it is no more rational to expect that than to expect that it will continue to grow. Until I see Google making specific mistakes which are going to cost it market share (like Flash ads), I will continue with the assumption that Google will continue to expand at at least the same rate as Internet usage. -tom \_ I mostly agree with this. The thing is that internet usage has a limit based on the number of people on the planet who can afford it and who care about it. The real question then becomes what are those numbers and that is something they can't control. IIRC they've got about 50-60% of the search market now. Years ago they had about 50-60% of the market. So either the market is poorly defined or they're just not convincing people to adopt their services at a rate greater than they have in the past, thus their growth is directly linked to internet growth. If I was an investor I'd still be more concerned about what the youtube purchase implies than about future internet growth though. \_ Welcome back, Short GOOG at 100^H^H^H200^H^H^H300^H^H^H400 Guy! |
2006/10/9-10 [ERROR, uid:44746, category id '18005#3.65625' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44746 Activity:nil |
10/9 The Democrats seem to have balls these days: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061010/ap_on_el_ge/us_north_korea_politics \_ I'm not seeing anything in that article that makes that clear. |
3/15 |