2006/10/6-7 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:44705 Activity:low |
10/5 Are recreational vehicles tax deductible? \_ http://csua.org/u/h4p (detnews.com) \_ if you live in it as your primary residence, like a house |
2006/10/6-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:44706 Activity:moderate |
10/5 Python experts, help. I'd like to do the following Perl regexp and reg substitution equivalent in Python, what's the best way? $line=~s/hello/world/i; if ($line=~/(foo\w+)/) { $myfoo = $1; } elsif ($line=~/(bar\w+)/) { $mybar = $1; } My limited Python knowledge says I must do the followings which seems really awkward: import re ... matchFoo = http://re.compile('(foo\w+)') matchBar = http://re.compile('(bar\w+)') m = matchFoo.match(line) if (m): myfoo = m.group(1) ... \_ I don't know Perl so I'm not sure what you are trying to do, maybe this link will be of some help: http://gnosis.cx/TPiP -scottyg \_ One of the reasons I gave up on Python and love Ruby is that Ruby has OO but maintains the nice regex syntax of Perl. \_ Its OO is also a lot cleaner and more consistent than Python's, and none of this indentation-is-important i-can't-paste-code bullshit \_ Yeah, those would be some more of the reasons. \_ I don't know python, but this would be the equivalent, AFAICT: import re line = re.sub(r'(?i)hello', 'world', line) m = re.search(r'foo\w+', line) if m: myfoo = m.group(0) else: m = re.search(r'bar\w+', line) if m: mybar = bm.group(0) --dbushong \_ Now I remember why I never learned python. |
2006/10/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44707 Activity:moderate |
10/6 What is President Bush's job? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEJY6g-Z3nE&eurl= \_ I purposely left out the word "President" for a reason. \_ And I purposely added it back in for a reason. Did you delete this post for a reason? \_ 1. I posted the original link without the word "President" \_ I purpos3ly left out the word "President" for a reason. \_ And I purpo5ely added it b@ck in for a reason. Did you de7ete this post for a r3ason? \_ 1. I posted the 0riginal link wiThout the word "President" so you never added it "back", you simply added it. 2. I never deleted the post. I even let you keep your "President Bush". never de7eted the p0st. I even let you keep your "President Bu$h". |
2006/10/6-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44708 Activity:kinda low |
10/6 Mmmmmm... housing idiot: http://www.sfgate.com/columnists/lloyd Young 20-something buys 8 homes in 8 months seeking fabulous fortune. \_ What parade of idiots gave him credit for this real estate spree? \_ The article says he got a lot of stated income loans and lied on the applications. \_ And they didn't check?? \_ "Stated income" means "stated income". If they checked then it wouldn't be "stated income". \_ Kind of a neat idea: When young, make some really big financial gambles by taking out huge loans. If you win, great. If you lose, declare bankruptcy and be free and clear in several years. \_ Free and clear? I think it's worse than that. This little shit has been promoting his sob story all over both the MSM and the housing bubble blogs now for quite a while. I predict that his book deal will make way more money than he ends up losing. \_ Not with the new bankruptcy laws it isn't. \_ can't you circumvent the new laws by living with your parents and studying for your next job for a couple years, maybe go get an advanced degree? \_ With a less-than-median income and massive debt, you are fine to BK even with the new law. \_ There's still a lot more to it. And he'd have to go many months without a job. Not to mention credit counciling that might tell him he could get that 200k debt, suck it up, get a web job and pay it off in 30 years. \_ Credit counseling required under Chapter 7 is a joke. In any case, he can easily declare for Chapter 13. \_ Bad credit or not, he might be prosecuted if he lied on the application forms. |
2006/10/6-7 [Consumer/Audio] UID:44709 Activity:moderate |
10/6 What's a good FM modulator for mp3 players to use in the car? I am looking for one that takes line-out. Sound quality is more important to me than size/money. \_ The cheapest wire system still has better fidelity than the most expensive wireless system. \_ if sound quality is more important than $, buy a new stereo with a line-in jack --oj |
2006/10/6-9 [Health/Women] UID:44710 Activity:nil |
10/6 Pregnant teens are taking up smoking b/c they think it will mean smaller babies: http://tinyurl.com/jybq6 (dailymail.co.uk) \_ I like having sex with pregnant teens. |