2006/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44620 Activity:very high |
10/1 When a Democrat has oral sex with an intern, whatever. When a Republican writes gay letters to one underaged boy, he quits. \_ When a Democrat has oral sex with an intern, they spend $100 million to investigate. When 3k people die in the worst mass murder in American history, whatever. \_ I wouldn't call two wars and a trillion dollars "whatever", but that's just me. \_ "I really don't spend that much time on him" \_ Which is different than him not actually spending much time or resources on him. \_ Iraq is not about Osama bin Laden or Al Quaeda. -tom \_ Bin Laden and Al Qaeda disagree with you. \_ Yes, yes, it's just about Bush Junior avenging his daddy and HALIBURTON! and Blood For Big Oil! and making the top 1% richer and Israel who actually lew up the towers and turning the US into a dictatorship and establishing and expanding American Hegemony(tm) through the world and probably a few others I forgot. Please fill in where I left off. \_ It's about the Project For a New American Century. You know, the group including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc., who sent an open letter to Clinton in 1998 that America should assert its strength to remake the world to our best interests, and that we should start by invading Iraq. This is not a secret conspiracy. http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm -tom \_ That letter doesn't imply anything close to what you assert. What it says is that Saddam must be removed as a threat. Where are you getting this "America should assert its strength to remake the world to our best interests, and that we should start by invading Iraq" stuff? I never figured Tom to be a tinfoil hat type. \_ Statement of Principles, June 1997: "As the 20th century draws to a close, the United States stands as the world's preeminent power. Having led the West to victory in the Cold War, America faces an opportunity and a challenge: Does the United States have the vision to build upon the achievements of past decades? Does the United States have the resolve to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests? ... We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities." stands as the world's preeminent power. Having led the West to victory in the Cold War, America faces an opportunity and a challenge: Does the United States have the vision to build upon the achievements of past decades? Does the United States have the resolve to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests? ... We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities." http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm You really need to open your eyes. -tom \_ So now you are introducing an entirely different document and it *still* doesn't say what you said above, or even imply it. \_ You clearly aren't reading. You don't think there's any connection between the foundation started in 1997 by the group of chicken hawks now in power to promote American militarism, whose first open letter advocated the invasion of Iraq, and the fact that the same group of chicken hawks decided to invade Iraq on trumped-up evidence? -tom \_ Maybe, maybe not. You are reading into it what you want to read into it. There's a lot of inferences being made. The first letter just said that Saddam should be removed from power. The second letter advocates a string military, a global leadership position, and foreign policy which puts US interests first. You might be right that there's a conspiracy to US global domination at all costs, but you can't prove it based on the evidence you've presented. \_ I agree entirely with you. It would be better if our nation did not take action to reshape the world to be favorable to American interests, but instead reshaped it to be unfavorable. Er uh yeah! So, back to reality for a moment: what is wrong with a nation attempting to reshape the world in a self-interested way? That is the reason for being for all nations. Now then, if you're opposed to the existence of nations, that's another story, but any nation that does not try to serve self-interest will be tossed in history's trashcan. You may disagree with their methods, you may disagree with the specifics of what is self interest and what is not, but railing against national self-interest is senseless. \_ It seems to me that there are many ways to define national self-interest, and that none of them apply to the Iraq debacle. A stable middle east? Access to cheap oil? Less power for Islamic extremists? A stable and financially sound U.S. government? The spread of American values and diplomatic capital with other nations? It's a failure on all counts. Unlike most motd liberals, I actually supported the invasion of Iraq. But unlike the motd conservatives, I'm willing to admit I was wrong and that the present clusterfuck is worse for America and the world even than Saddam. \_ I agree the post-invasion was and continues to be screwed up. But let's do a what-if. What-if they had declared martial law on day 1, rounded up and destroyed the zillion tons of free floating weapons, sealed the borders to Iran+Syria, and then held elections of some sort once the country was stable and under control? Same invasion, but very different post-invasion with a different "today". If you can agree that this was a possible outcome of the invasion, then the invasion itself was in American self-interest, they just botched the aftermath. And btw, yes, I'm \_ Ok, we agree. conservative in foreign affairs but generally leaning one way or the other doesn't require blind knee-jerk responses to real world issues and questions. Even those evil conservatives can make rational evaluations. You just won't find that kind of conservative on the freeper zones any more than you'll find rational liberals on dailykos. \_ Nice straw man. I noticed you completely stopped trying to address the point, which is that invading Iraq is part of a very specific plan by a very specific group of people, who had decided to do it before they were even in power. -tom \_ That isn't a strawman. It is a direct response to "unlike motd conservatives...". And what exactly is your point? That some guys with no power wanted to invade Iraq? I have no power and want a lot of things, too. So what? What is your point? I'm dumb, so if you spell it out for me, I'll address it. \_ You realize you're responding to two different people, right? \_ Yup. And one of them called accused me of strawmanning for replying to the other. I was clarifying. \_ The guy to whom you were clafifying interrupted your clarification to agree with you, and has returned to attempting to do useful engineering work. \_ "Iraq is not about Osama bin Laden or Al Qaeda." That's the point I raised up above. The Iraq invasion is the culmination of a strategy planned and implemented in the open; you do not have to posit the existence of secret conspiracies or anything at all; you only need to read what these people wrote. Whether you think their strategy was a good idea or not is not really relevant to my point. -tom \_ Uh, sure... who was disputing these guys wrote an *open* letter in the 90s or claimed there was a conspiracy or whatever? Me and the other person ignored that and went on to other topics because there was no "there" there. It was an *open* letter. What was your point again? Slowly for me this time because I'm really really dumb. Thanks. \_ I agree, you're really dumb. -!tom \_ If there's a point, you or tom or anyone else are welcome to make it. As far as I can figure the point is "there was a public document and uhm...". That's about it. Personal attack is always a good substitute for substance. Keep it up, you'll go far. \_ Tom's point: Iraq was not about UBL. Your response: WDYHA? Yeah, you're a fricking debating genius. \_ No one but tom was talking about that. I'm not a debating genius but I can stay on board as a conversation shifts and moves on. tom seems to get that. Why don't you? \_ See below. \_ Tom said Iraq was not about UBL or AQ but about the PfaNAC. You then replied with a parody of conspiracy screeds, which appeared to imply that Tom was a conspiracy nut. Tom then elaborated on his point by suggesting that the PfaNAc was behind the invasion of Iraq. He then provided a URL to a letter from PfaNAC suggesting "that America should assert its strength to remake the world to our best interests, and that we should start by invading Iraq." You then said that the letter did not say anything of the sort, and then you \_ no sorry that was someone else. i never said the letter was anything but exactly what it looked like which was a bunch of powerless guys who wanted to invade iraq. i didn't write anything at anytime that disputed tom's take on their open letter. implied that Tom was a tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy nut. Tom then posted a portion of the PfaNAC's Statement of Principles that matches, closely, the policies of the current administration; this would seem to suggest that the PfaNAC, of which Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and other architects of the invasion of Iraq are active participants, dictated the policy that led to the invasion of Iraq. You then switched tacts and chose to turn the debate to whether the policy advocated was effective or not. When confronted \_ no i was talking with someone else at this point as previously mentioned. on this, you denied disputing the point to begin with. \_ because i didn't. there was no dispute. Now, I see you launching two ad hominem attacks against Tom and then denying a position you held half a page up. \_ no, i'm glad to see tom and i agreed on the basics and were done which is about where someone else stepped in with personal attacks on me. That would appear to be the substitute for substance you later mentioned. Per your own advice: "Keep it up, you'll go far." \_ thanks, i've done fine but the rest of your analysis is based on a confusion as to who was responding to what and who wrote what at various points. it was a pleasure chatting with you. have a nice day. \_ You do the same. In the meantime, would some eager young CSUA member like to write a command line tool for proper conversation threads on the motd? TIA. \_ Let's see: oral sex between two consenting adults or solicitation (and possible corruption) of a minor, which one's illegal? Hell, which one's even potentially illegal? \_ Adultery and oral copulation are still on the books in many states. Age of consent in DC is 16, isnt it? That makes the IMs legal, does it not? -devil's advocate \_ Is adultery and oral copulation illegal in DC? \_ absolutely no idea, but just saying.... -da \_ From what I understand, it would be legal, but for legislation that the guy himself backed specifically related to actions done over the Internet. The irony is piled high. \_ Right on. Which legislation was this? \_ The blah blah Child Protection and Welfare blah blah Act. I'm pretty sure he's in violation of his own law. \_ Does anyone know if he has any previous anti-gay quotes? It would seem like a southern republican should make some asinine statements while stumping against gay marriage... \_ No idea, but he sure did a lot of work for the Co$: http://www.fso.org/en_US/news-events/pg005.html \_ Clinton was impeached. I also think making unwelcome advances toward a minor is rather different than receiving oral sex from a (by all accounts) willing adult. \_ This doesn't have to be partisan. This guy's a scumbag. The GOP leadership screwed up by not investigating this earlier. And whoever leaked it saved it for an October surprise. I'm not seeing any good guys here. \_ Your post already defines the good guys: anyone who didn't send the IMs, cover up the incident, or save the reveal for an election season surprise. Right now, there seem to be plenty of people on both sides of the aisle who fit that definition, including Nancy Pelosi. \_ Nice censorship for deleting my response. Since we don't know who was involved, how can you claim that Pelosi wasn't one of them? \_ As for censorship, I'm using motdedit, so it wasn't me deleting your post. As for Pelosi, yeahbuhwhaaat? \_ Yeah no kidding. They're all politicians. Anyone who got themselves into Federal office and especially the repeat offenders is almost certainly a slime and a "bad guy" in more ways than their voters could stomach if they knew. \_ We don't know who saved and leaked the IMs. How can you claim Pelosi isn't involved when we simply don't know? |
2006/10/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:44621 Activity:nil |
10/2 Anybody run dual boot AND parallels virtualization on a macbook pro? I'm trying to figure out if it's possible for the dual boot and parallels to share one copy of windows XP. Or do I need to keep two separate copies of windows XP of disk for this to work. Thanks. \_ My understanding is that this is currently not possible: http://tinyurl.com/etyy2 (forum.parallels.com) It is supposed to be available in the next version of Parallels. \_ You must use a separate partition for dual boot and for Parallels |
2006/10/2-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:44622 Activity:nil |
10/2 For a normal adult, what is the maximum amount of canned tuna that is safe to eat on a regular basis to avoid problems with mercury? \_ IIRC it's about a can/week and you're pushing it. But really, mercury never leaves your system once you've got it so it builds up over time. The Mad Hatter was insane because he was a hatter and they used mercury in the dying process for hats in that era. Just something to think about when having your next tuna roll. \_ http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/mercury/tuna.asp \_ http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/food/fish-safety-704-fish-tuna-mercury/overview/index.htm \_ From consumer reports: http://csua.org/u/h3j |
2006/10/2-4 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:44623 Activity:nil |
10/1 Suppose the Iranians declared that it has launcheable nukes today and that it is willing to use it if any Western power interferes, what are some steps we can do to neutralize them? \_ "neutralize" them. Let me guess, you're a big white dick and you have the right to fuck whoever you please because you're a bad ass American and you are free to fuck whoever you want. \_ So, pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes \_ Announce that we're going to saturation nuke them in 3 days to remove the threat unless they disarm, and if the civilians don't take matters into their own hands to remove the antagonistic leadership, they assume complicity. Hope our missle defense works in case they retaliate. Follow through. \_ I wonder whether we'd have our first born-and-bred coup \_ Enter detente just as we did with Soviet Union. \_ Of course, they might just be pulling a Saddam trying to make everyone think they have nukes when they really don't, to try to goad an invasion--remember, the Iranian pres. actually believes he needs to start a massive conflagration in order for the Mahdi to return. |
2006/10/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:44624 Activity:moderate |
10/2 http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2006/9/20/141615.shtml Karl Rove says there will be an "October Surprise" to help GOP candidates. What do you think it is, and how effective do you think it will be? \_ Karl Rove is brilliant and understands that election is never about issues but instead, personal characters. Having that said, I will bet $50 that the October Surprise will most likely be reports of certain Democrats saying bad things about God, or going to prostitutes, having affairs with interns, or anything of that sort. The average American doesn't care about the number of deaths in Iraq or Iran having nukes. The average American cares more about Jacko molesting children and such. \_ This is absolutely true, but I would classify Rove as sociopathically brilliant, not generally brilliant. He's got the morals and ethics of a cockroach: survival/domination at any cost. \_ If he's a real sociopaths he'd know he's lying. But in reality he believes he has high morals and ethics. By supporting the R party he's getting rid of evil homosexual that's polluting America and such. So no, he's not a sociopath. He really believes in the righteous cause. \_ His stepfather, whom he considers his real father, is openly gay. Rove has never demonstrated an emotional reaction to any of the things that moral Republicans seem to object to. Also, sociopaths quite often describe themselves as highly moral or ethical people because they understand that other people seem to give them more if they do so. \_ I'm thinking "terrorist assassination attempt". For effect, Bush wrestles the guy to the ground shortly after his shirt is shredded by the guy's katana. Oh, did I mention the terrorist is also a ninja? Cuz he is. \_ A democratic rep will resign in disgrace after his emails and ims to a 16 year old male page are published, and the entire minority leadership who have been covering for him for years give up their leadership positions under massive pressure. Oh, wait... \_ Bombing Iran within five days of the election, combined with large-scale vote fraud. It'll work. \_ I predict that Karl Rove will admit that everything's his fault, that he was acting alone, and will then resign via a shotgun to the mouth. In mourning yet righteously angry at being deceived, Bush will sweep the GOP to victory by pulling out the troops. Oh, and NewsMax will feature a column by Rush on how nobody liked Rove anyway. \_ Bombing Iran within five days of the election, combined with large-scale vote fraud. It'll work. \_ Err...Watch the news much? \_ replace Condi with Baker as sec state? \_ They're going to use Fuax news to transmit Karl Rove's mind warping hypnotize beam to convince the entire country Mark Foley is really democrat. Foley is really democrat. It already worked to link Saddam Hussein to 9/11. |
2006/10/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:44625 Activity:nil |
10/2 Republicans: You guys are K-SCREWED! HAHA AHA HAH HAA PWNNN!!!!1one \_ but Karl Rove says there will be an "October Surprise" \_ Help Congressman Mark Foley PROTECT OUR CHILDREN: http://www.votervoice.net/groups/foley |
2006/10/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:44626 Activity:nil |
10/2 I'm not a big fan of Ah-nold. However, Angelides hasn't wowed me at all. Is this because the Governator's campaign is strong or because there's really just nothing there to Angelides? Please, give me some reason to want to vote for this guy other than "He's not Ah-nold." \_ Ah-nold is a Socialist, Angelides is a Communist. \_ Angelides has no chance, it is sad. \_ What's wrong with Arnold? My impression is he actually got a lot done, other than his occasional sexist/insensitive comments. \_ R == EVIL. Didn't you learn that on your first day of school at Cal? \_ consensus is that Ah-nold was screwing himself while under GOP guidance (this is when he took on the teachers/nurses/police/ fire), but Maria showed him what makes libural Kaleefornians happy \_ If we had governor elections every year, I think Ah-nold would be fine. I'm just not sure I want him as governor in a non-election year. \_ There is nothing wrong w/ Ah-nold. He is a moderate who can work w/ a diverse range of people to reach balanced results. \_ I voted for most of his special-election initiatives. I guess I would be an (R). I don't vote (R) nationally because of their bastarditude and idiotica but I respect the California (R)s. The (D)s here exhibit the worst stereotype liberal pandering behavior: "voting themselves largess out of the public treasury" and bowing to unions. As for Arnold, he may be goofy but he seems to have good interests at heart. He appears less likely to be corrupt. \_ You resepect california republicans? Are you saying you think Arnold would have won a republican primary in california? It seems to me that the only way you ended up with a republican governer who is a moderate as opposed to a "kill di messikans and gays" neandrathal is that Arnold got to avoid the california GOP primary. \_ Which Cali Rs are neanderthals? I haven't seen that kind of thing. But then I haven't paid that much attention. I am Ind. but I voted in the R primary after looking at both parties. There might be some "taking our jerbs" types but they seem marginal. types but they seem marginal. Actually that would as likely be a Dem/Union line. Not too many religious nut Rs here in Cali. \_ I thought that in the recall election debates, the two who made the most sense were Camejo and McClintock. Damn it. \_ I'm not a fan of his policies, which seem to be centrist around election time, but then wander further off in (imo) the wrong direction |
2006/10/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:44627 Activity:nil |
10/2 Dennis Hastert on the Mark Foley scandal: "No one could have anticipated a breach of the Levis" \_ LOL where's that from? \_ Dennis Hastert, can't you read? Um, actually someone's comment on dailykos. |
2006/10/2 [Uncategorized] UID:44628 Activity:nil |
10/2 Sigh. Censorship is so petty. |
2006/10/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44629 Activity:low |
10/2 http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Meet-the-Press-Condi-Iraq-war-9-11.wmv http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Meet-the-Press-Condi-Iraq-war-9-11.mov http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9684807 Re-post from last year: "But the fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al-Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al-Qaeda and perhaps after the Taliban and then our work would be done ... Or we could take a bolder approach, ... go after the root causes of the kind of terrorism that was produced there, and that meant a different kind of Middle East. And there is no one who could have imagined a different kind of Middle East with Saddam Hussein still in power." Condi Rice is a fucking moron. \_ Just because you disagree with her she's a moron? You're a egomaniac. \_ well, let's put it this way: in your honest opinion, is her position moronic or !moronic? \_ I don't think it's moronic. And if you disagree I'd like to see why. -pp \_ idea = non-moronic (I agree with you to this extent). status of the idea after being evaluated for feasibility = should have been dead. eventual plan & execution = teh suck. long-term damage to American interests and lives affected = odious. Saying, "It was a good idea!" after piss-poor planning and execution and going with a non-feasible idea to begin with = moronic. IMO. I can see why people might disagree. \_ I agree with that analysis more or less. I think the idea is still good, but the current implementation sucks. -pp \_ The war on terror, war on drugs, war on poverty. What these have in common is that the steps needed to "win" are either non-existant ,undesirable, or the cure is worse than the disease. War on drugs: If we started executing all drug users and dealers the problem would eventually go away. poverty: European welfare state would remove almost all poverty. terror: I don't see any realistic way of getting there, but Bush has certainly done a good job to try and "lose" this war. |
2006/10/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44630 Activity:nil 66%like:44631 |
10/2 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,217119,00.html "And when he asked me to be secretary of state, I said, 'I think maybe - maybe you need new people.'" -Sec State Rice, after Dubya's 2004 re-election, on her offer to leave the administration |
2006/10/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44631 Activity:nil 66%like:44630 |
10/2 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,217119,00.html "And when he asked me to be secretary of state, I said, 'I think maybe - maybe you need new people.'" -Sec State Rice, on her offer to leave the administration \_ I really, really find this hard to believe given the eagerness with which she accepted the SecState position. I think she'd always wanted to be SecState. \_ she was eager to accept the sec state position? |
2006/10/2-5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:44632 Activity:kinda low |
`10/1 So what exactly happened between that perverted 53-year old guy and the school girls in Colorado? Did he simply fondle their breasts? Were the girls fully undressed? Did they have oral sex? Did they have intercourse, and did they use lubricants or any other forms of protection? \_ Sorry, but what sort of twisted curiosity is impelling these questions? \_ trolling perchance? \_ How about you send a SASE to the local PD there in CO and ask them to send you the full report and your interest in it? "CA Man Questioned By FBI In CO Shooting Case". \_ One of the hostages, Lynna Long, told the Rocky Mountain News that she was groped above the waist but believes Emily "got it worse." Lynna said that she was afraid to look, "but you could hear Emily saying, `No. Please don't."' Lynna said all the girls had been told to stand facing a wall, and she could not see what Morrison was doing, but she knew the other girls were being molested because "you could hear the rustling of clothes and elastic being snapped and zippers being opened and closed." \_ Hm, isn't it kind of hard to rape when you're standing? \_ Ok thanks a lot. That is exactly what I didn't need to read right after lunch. Or any other time. \_ then he shot all 10 girls at close range, at least five of them in the head. Five are still alive - all but one are in critical condition. \_ There's no way he could have had cum more than one time in that short a time period, so I'm guessing he only had sex with one of them and just fingerbanged the others. \_ You must be the same guy who wanted the Girls Gone Wild date rape video. |
2006/10/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:44633 Activity:nil |
10/2 Bugzilla, Mantis, or SugarCRM? \_ Trac \_ AthenaRMS \_ Ooh, not the same thing, and $500 + $35 per seat isn't desirable. |
2006/10/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:44634 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 Michael Scheuer (former head of the bin Laden unit) calls Clinton a flat-out liar. http://newsbusters.org/node/8034 (transcript and video clip) Last week, he also criticized Clinton's interview with Wallace (which Harry Smith of CBS was a bit flustered about): http://newsbusters.org/node/7871 (transcript and video clip) \_ i guess scheuer's views of the truth were insufficient to be included in the 9/11 report. anyway, the report said Clinton had a "capture or kill" policy, and left it up to CIA (Tenet) to determine whether "capture" was feasible, and if not, the memo gave permission to kill. also note that the first opportunity to kill bin Ladin that Scheuer cites is one in which well over 200 innocent bystanders were estimated to have been killed, and that later intelligence appeared to show that bin Ladin left before the strike would have occurred. \_ The report was a political product. I'm sure there's a fair amount of truth in it but you'll never get the whole truth from a public report like that. Which is not to say that this guy is in any way honest or truthful. I know nothing about him. But being included or excluded from the 9/11 commission report is insufficient to question his credibility. --DA \_ Maybe he's been hanging out with Orson Scott Card, Mr. "When Clinton Attempted to Kill Bin Laden, it was Tryanny, but when Bush attempted it, it was awesome!!!!" \_ actually, he is in the report, as "Mike". Search for "wikipedia" in the first newsbusters link. |
2006/10/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:44635 Activity:nil |
10/2 What language is this (it was in a spam (I think) I received): "Andreia deixou um recado para voce" \_ Portuguese, says http://languid.cantbedone.org \_ Yes, this is Portuguese. \_ cool website. |
2006/10/2-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:44636 Activity:nil |
10/2 My brother who lives in the city wants to get DSL. What are some good yet inexpensive DSL providers in SF? Thanks. \_ http://Sonic.net or Cyberonic. \_ Cyberonic support has pretty much disappeared since they moved from worldcom dsl lines. I've had number of cases when I was down for several days at a time, and no personal contact can be made. I'm now a happy http://sonic.net customer. But if your brother's not a geek and don't need static IP, he can go with pretty much any SBC/AT&T reseller(and sonic's one of them.) \_ I agree re Cyberonic's customer support. It is almost non-existent. If your Cyberonic line works right the first time, then you will not have problems. If it doesn't work, then you are better off canceling the line and going w/ someone else b/c Cyberonic will not help you debug the problem. I was a long time Sonic customer and I really liked them. The ONLY reason I switched was b/c Sonic was not offering a 6Mbps line at an affordable price. I'm not sure if that has changed. If it has I would would probably switch back. |
2006/10/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:44637 Activity:nil |
10/2 I knew somehow the Scientologists were involved in this Foley business: http://forums.dailyrotten.com/920/00022854/_index.html#287052 |
2006/10/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:44638 Activity:nil |
10/2 Anyone play online poker for money? Which site provides safest/stable gameplay on OSX? \_ You've got a week or two before online gambling is made illegal in the US. Enjoy it. |
3/15 |