Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2006:September:25 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2006/9/25-27 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:44517 Activity:nil
9/25    Does anyone know if there's a way for to use different
        connection profiles for various accounts?  I have 2 imaps accounts
        which I need to connect to via an ssh tunnel at a client's; so
        normally it'd be "" but I would like to switch
        quickly to "localhost:10993" without going through the "edit
        account" rigmarole...thanks for any help.  -John
        \_ Why not just create two separate accounts and activate the
           one that you need.
           \_ Fair point, I didn't think of that, thanks.  -John
2006/9/25-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44518 Activity:high
9/25    World is safer?  not according to CIA and 15 other spy agencies
        in USA... you know, those agencies are known for their liberal bias
           \_ which leaves out other 15 spy agencies who is obviously
              have "liberal bias." (NY Times)
        \_ More danger = more funding
        \_ Repeat of "Liberal CIA undermining..." post below
           \_ which leaves out other 15 spy agencies who is obviously
              have "liberal bias."
        \_ Would the world be safer if the US had taken some other course of
           action and what action would that be and how can we know?
                 \_ couple things.  1. it's not cool for those opium/heroine
                    to be exported.  Neighboring countries tend to get a bit
                    testy when opium production is up.  2.  opium production
                    is a good reverse indicator of how much central government
                    is in control.  high opium production implies that
                    Afganistan central government is not controlling its
                    population.  3.  opium money can be used in varity of ways,
                    don't get suprised when some of the extreme islamic
                    activities are funded by opium.
           \_ err... finish up the job in Afganistan instead of take on
              another country size of California.  You do know that opium
              production in Afganistan is at all time high and exceeding
              the average world demand, right?
              \_ What does opium have to do with anything?
                 \_ couple things.  1. it's not cool for those opium/heroine
                    to be exported.  Neighboring countries tend to get a bit
                    testy when opium production is up.  2.  opium production
                    is a good reverse indicator of how much central government
                       \_ so we should continue our course of action...
                          1 or 2 US soldiers, ~100 Iraqi death a day?
                    is in control.  high opium production implies that
                    Afganistan central government is not controlling its
                    population.  3.  opium money can be used in varity of ways,
                    don't get suprised when some of the extreme islamic
                    activities are funded by opium.
              \_ You still can't know that a different course of action would
                 have resulted in a superior outcome today.  And no I didn't
                 know but if they're over producting then they're desperate
                 for cash to pay their soldiers and likely to collapse and fall
                             \_ casulty rate from Iraq is actually very
                                high.  casualty typically defined as
                                death + wonded / total force.   You obviously,
                                conveniently, switch between "casualty" and
                                "death" as if they are the same.  You are
                                welcome to compare the casulty rate of this
                                Iraq war versus WW2, Vietnam, and Korean War.
                                It is not as low as you think.
                                while you are at it, i suggest you divide the
                                40k+ car accident death divided by number of
                                total car drivers, and compare.
                 in line with the UN supported government.  What was your
                 interpretation of over production?
                 \_ I think it's 100% safe to say that if we didn't invade
                    Iraq, Iraq wouldn't have become a giant clusterfuck.  -tom
                    \_ sorry but your ultra left wing rant is getting old
                       \_ so we should continue our course of action...
                          1 or 2 US soldiers, ~100 Iraqi death a day?
                    \_ True.  It'd be the same old clusterfuck it was before.
                       \_ Indeed.  A contained one that our allies were willing
                          to help us with.
                       \_ It wouldn't be OUR clusterfuck.  It'd be Saddam's.
                       \_ The same old clusterfuck minus 2500+ dead and 10,000+
                          severely wounded US soldiers.
                          \_ 40K+ people die in car accidents every year. I
                             don't wish to be insensitive, but I think the
                             casualty figures need to be put into perspective.
                             \_ casulty rate from Iraq is actually very
                                high.  casualty typically defined as
                                death + wonded / total force.   You obviously,
                                conveniently, switch between "casualty" and
                                "death" as if they are the same.  You are
                                welcome to compare the casulty rate of this
                                Iraq war versus WW2, Vietnam, and Korean War.
                                It is not as low as you think.
                                while you are at it, i suggest you divide the
                                40k+ car accident death divided by number of
                                total car drivers, and compare.
                             \_ You disingenuous motherfucker.  Setting aside
                                the obvious scale disparities, there is no
                                moral comparison between a car accident and
                                dying in active duty.  Fuck you.
                                \_ I'm not sure which one you are saying is
                                   morally superior. Both sets took risks.
                                   The soldiers when they signed up and
                                   the rest of us when we get behind the
                                   wheel every day. I'm guessing you have
                                   no family in the military like I do.
                                   \_ Did I say anything about superiority?
                                      I said comparison.  Your apples vs.
                                      my oranges.  And yes, I have family
                                      in the military.  Again, fuck you.
                                      \_ I am just saying that you need to
                                         look at that 2500 number relative
                                         to something else and not as an
                                         absolute. I bet that many people
                                         have been murdered in LA since 9/11.
                                         \_ When you drive a car, the choice
                                            is your own whether or not to take
                                            the risk.  To a bit lesser extent
                                            where you live is also your own
                                            choice.  A servicemember is obliged
                                            to follow the order given.  As
                                            members of a democracy, our
                                            responsibility to those lives is
                                            higher.  Your perspective is
                                            skewed.  Fuck you.
                                            \_ Soldiers had a choice whether
                                               to accept risk or not when they
                                               signed up. Also, most soldiers
                                               actually support being in Iraq,
                                               despite the risks.
                                               \_ Thoroughly beside the point.
                                                  The nation decides when they
                                                  are deployed, not the soldier.
                                                  Thus, the nation bears the
                                                  responsibility for their
                                                  deaths.  Most soldiers also
                                                  think that they're in Iraq
                                                  because of 9/11.  You think
                                                  they came up with that idea
                                                  on their own?
                                        \_ The problem with your point of view
                                           is that the 40K+ dead people from
                                           car accidents can be balanced by
                                           the positive rewards drivers get
                                           from the driving.  In fact, if it
                                           wasn't worth it/necessary people
                                           would not be driving, but clearly
                                           it is.  These dead soldiers,
                                           however are not worth it since all
                                           the positive rewards from the Iraq
                                           war turned out to be bogus:
                                           Increases rather than decreases
                                           terrorism, There was no imminent
                                           threat, no WMDs, making Iran more
                                           powerful, etc.  WW2 killed many more
                                           soldiers but it was worth it to
                                           defeat the Axis.
                                           \_ There are a lot of positive
                                              rewards to being a soldier.
                                              Without them, no one would enlist
                                              \_ But whether or not being a
                                                 soldier is rewarding or not
                                                 is not the point, the point
                                                 is whether or not losing
                                                 all these soldiers was worth
                                                 \_ What number of soldiers
                                                    killed makes it worth it?
                                                    2? 200? You tell me.
                                                    \_ Zero, since we're not
                                                       getting any benefit from
                                                       the war.
                                                       \_ See, I thought this
                                                          was the case. So
                                                          it is not really
                                                          relevant what
                                                          the number is
                                                          from your point
                                                          of view. If we
                                                          could overthrow
                                                          Saddam and establish
                                                          a democratic Iraq
                                                          at the loss of
                                                          2 soldiers you'd
                                                          still have an issue.
                                                          \_ No, if the war
                                                             meant getting rid
                                                             of a REAL threat,
                                                             disarming a danger
                                                             ous dictator, and
                                                             all the things
                                                             BushCo claimed
                                                             before the invas
                                                             ion AND not a
                                                             gigantic cluster
                                                             fuck civil war --
                                                             in addition to
                                                             being a recruiting
                                                             poster for global
                                                             Jihad, then yes
                                                             I would concede
                                                             it would be worth
                                                             it, just like it
                                                             would have been
                                                             worth it to take
                                                             out bin Laden
                                                             & associates if
                                                             that would have
                                                             prevented 9/11.
                                                             The problem is
                                                             that the whole
                                                             Iraq war is based
                                                             on BS and is
                                                             being horribly
                                                             managed, making
                                                             us less, not more
                            \_ Forgot to mention the multiple hundred Billion
                               dollar price tag.
                               \_ Yes, but people don't mention that as
                                  often as they mention the bodycount - as
                                  if the bodycount being zero would make it
                                  all fine.
                               \_ Also forgot all the dead Iraqis and the
                                  damage to our nation's reputation etc.
                               \_ Final cost will be $1-2T. We could have
                                  saved far more then 3,000 lives per YEAR
                                  if we invested that kind of money in our
                                  transportation infrastructure. The Iraq
                                  War is going to go down in history as the
                                  biggest mistake the US ever made.
                \_ Yes the world would have been safer if we had taken
                   almost any alternative course of action, rather than
                   invading Iraq. We can know this by the simple application
                   of common sense. It would have made more sense to send
                   a monkey to Mars than invade Iraq.
2006/9/25-27 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:44519 Activity:nil
        People like Justin P Black believe in hollow earth.
        \_ Isn't that where trolls like you live?
        \_ You're just not catching on.  Why don't you drop it?
2006/9/25-27 [Science] UID:44520 Activity:nil
9/25    Wartime gatchphrase generator:
        \_ Viewing source on that's more fun than actually using it.
2006/9/25-27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:44521 Activity:nil
9/25    Adobe Lightroom beta4 is out:
        \_ played with it last night. enuf improvements over beta3 that
           its worth taking a look at (at least the PC version). changes
           to the UI and it looks like some performance too. -shac
2006/9/25-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:44522 Activity:nil
9/25    Huntington Beach trademarks "Surf City USA" and sues Santa Cruz
        merchants: (
        \_ just FYI, the Huntington Beach pier which most surfers surf is
           also the location of the desposing pipe for treated waste water.
           Granted that those treated waste sewage is colorless and oderless,
           it's makes me laugh everytime I think about it.
           \_ You are breathing my fart gas right now.
        \_ Why can't Santa Cruz just accept that "Surf City USA" does not
           refer to them? Dean (of Jan & Dean, who wrote the song "Surf
           City" along with Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys) lives in HB and
           said he was thinking of HB when he wrote the song years ago. Santa
           Cruz has fine surf. It's just not "Surf City USA".
           \_ Interesting, there are two cities named "Surf City," one in
              NC and one in NJ.
              \_ And...?
2006/9/25-27 [Transportation/Car] UID:44523 Activity:low
9/25    Do people who drive on I-280 in the morning frequently get pelted
        by falling crap from those gravel trucks? I think it's quite
        annoying how many pitmarks and windshield cracks I have gotten
        over the years from those things.
        \_ Not on I-280, but yes. I have had three different cars sustain
           windshield damage from crap falling off of trucks. They should
           be held liable for that.
           \_ Get the plate, call CHP, file suit in small claims.  There are
              only 2 things allowed to fall from a truck: feathers and water.
              Anything else is a DMV offense.
              \_ And feathers are only allowed if you're carrying live fowl.
              \_ Problem is, often the truck isn't around anymore. Only
                 the darn gravel is and it is being kicked up by other cars.
              \_ Are you serious?  URL please?
                    first line.  seriously, did no one take drivers' ed?
                        \_ I actually did not know what those flaps were
                           behind the wheels of big rigs- !ppp
2006/9/25-27 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:44524 Activity:low
9/25    I asked this last night but some oaf deleted it:
        Does anyone know of a keyboard (either avilable new or easy to find
        used) which has a double-height enter key?
        \_ May I ask why you want the enter key to be twice as high?
           \_ 2-row enter keys are easier to find and more satisfying to hit
        \_ (from memory, sorry if thats wrong) will build you
           a custom keyboard.
        \_ Do you want it to be twice as high but not twice as wide?  If
           so, try a French-Canadian keyboard.  I have one.  The enter
           key is really annoying.
2006/9/25-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44525 Activity:nil
9/25    'Jihad' car commercial upsets U.S. Muslims
        \_ Jihad was a super-fun card in magic: the gathering
2006/9/25-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44526 Activity:nil
9/25    "This is the price correction we've been expecting - with sales
        stabilizing, we should go back to positive price growth early next
        year" -NAR Chief Economist, (
2006/9/25-27 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:44527 Activity:kinda low
9/25    Starting tomorrow, you can now bring terrorist liquids and gels (<= 3oz
        each) in a single, 1-quart-size zip-lock bag, to be deposited in X-ray
        bin along with your terrorist notebook.  Doublegoodplus. (
        \_ Brought to you by Johnson, a Family Company -- Ziploc, the ONLY
           way to be sure.
        \_ What if I just bring a match and order a lot of liquor and
           light them up during the flight?
            \_ Can you light alcohol lower than, say, 20% alcohol?  Can
               you get stronger alcohol than that on a plane?
               \_ "100 proof" was originally defined as a solution of water
                  and alcohol that, when poured on a pinch of gunpower, would
                  still be flammable.  Turns out to be 57% alcohol.  -tom
        \_ This is so freaking stupid.  Can they even demonstrate how bringing
           liquids on a plane is actually a threat, or is this just more "make
           the public feel safer because we don't let grandmothers on with
           their knitting needles" bullshit?
           \_ I thought knitting needles were allowed again..
              \_ Just drawing parallels with the silly not-really-secure
                 reactionary measures post-9/11
           \_ According to this:
              Making explosives like this would require "equipment", 12-36
              hours and produce "vile fumes", not would be impossible to
              hours and produce "vile fumes" --- impossible to
              whip up in a little while in an airplane lavatory.
        \_ What if you're carrying more than 3oz of urine in your bladder?
           \_ Hey, there's a terrorism idea.  Take bleach on airplane.
              Combine with urine in bathroom.  Instant chlorine gas!
                \_ Or breed terrorists with liquid explosive blood and built
                   in detonators.
                   \_ Dude, this should totally be the next Vin Diesel movie.
                        \_ That was a cool Philip K. Dick short story, about
                           a person who is replaced with a perfect android
                           copy fitted with a very powerful bomb.  The
                           android has been programmed not to know he is an
                           android, and the bomb is triggered to go off when
                           the android utters a sentence that shows he has
                           realized he's not the original person and has a
                           bomb inside of him.
                           \_ Impostor, starring Gary Sinise
        \_ Just eat lots of beans right before boarding, and launch an in-fight
           H2S gas attack to poison everyone on board.  No banned substance
           \_ Myth: Busted!
2006/9/25-27 [Uncategorized] UID:44528 Activity:nil
9/25    Global temperature highest in millennia
        \_ This Richard Branson guy is pretty scary looking:
           \_ That's *Sir* Richard Branson, to you.
              \_ Yessir!
                 \_ Private! On a scale of one to ten, how difficult is general
                    Ten, SIR!!!
                    \_ That should be "Sir Ten Sir!!!"
2006/9/25-27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:44529 Activity:low
9/25    Urgent help. I have a MacBook Pro and compared to the predecessor
        G4 it is a total piece of shit and I regret getting it. At any
        rate, I upgraded from itunes 6 to itunes 7, and now itunes 7
        crashes every 5 minutes. I deleted it and tried to install itunes 6
        again, but now the itunes 6 GUI keeps saying "Custom Install
        on Mac HD, Package Name iTunes-- Skip". I can't make it install
        at all. What's going on?                -really frustrated
        \_ I played with a MacBook Pro laptop for 2 weeks and it seemed nice
           compared to my old G4-based Powerbook laptop. What problems
           have you had?
           \_ Gayness.
              \_ That's a feature, not a bug.
                 \_ It's *Fabulous*!
                    \- apple -> lemon
                       FYI: i think most of the problems i had on my old
                       g4 powerbook titanium were due to some software
                       install not being atomic. i have an MBP too and
                       it seems pretty stable. if anything, i had trouble
                       with the old machine not waking up sometimes. the main
                       win of the MPB is the better wifi reception.
        \_ Your machine should still be under warranty. Take it back.
2006/9/25-27 [Transportation/Car, Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:44530 Activity:nil
9/25    Property for sale on eBay, great view, bit of a commute:
2006/9/25-27 [Recreation/Sports] UID:44531 Activity:kinda low
9/25    How much will the Cal football team beat Oregon State by this Saturday?
        A.      0 - 5 points
        B.      6 - 10 points
        C.      11 - 19 points
        D.      20 or more points
        Based on the 3 consecutive demolitions of PSU, Minnesota, and ASU, I say
        the answer is D.  OSU got killed by Boise State.  We are better than
        Boise State.
        \_ Agreed.  D is my final answer, Regis.
        \_ Except that all 3 of those games were at home.  We are unproven on
           the road.  The game will be closer than you think.  I say that the
           correct answer is B.
        \_ C -USC fan
           \_ Why is there an 'SC fan on motd? --'SC student, Cal fan.
              \_ USC has been the dominant team in college football for the past
                 several years.  Because of that, and their tradition and
              \_ USC has been the dominant team in college football for the
                 past several years.  Because of that, and their tradition and
                 history of winning, USC football has fans everywhere.  This
                 motd is not immune from the pull.
              \_ Voting on behalf of my friend, a former 'SC student
                 --pp, cal student, completely apathetic re: fooball
        \_ C -Cal fan.
        \_ Cal will lose, like they have to OSU 3 out of the last 4 years.
2006/9/25-27 [Uncategorized] UID:44532 Activity:nil 66%like:44538
9/25   Can anyone recommend a good testing tool for flash applications?
       Prefer open source but whatever, having trouble finding much of anything
       via google.
        \_ if you prefer open-source, you wouldn't choose Flash at first place.
2006/9/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:44533 Activity:nil
9/25    sign your name jblack or else I will sign all conservative trolls
        for you.                                -liberal nut case
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2006:September:25 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>