2006/9/19-22 [Computer/Domains] UID:44437 Activity:nil |
9/19 I have a (.com) domain up for renewal at GoDaddy, but I seem to remember there were good reasons not to use them. What are those reasons? How should I move my domain to another registrar? What registrar would you reccommend? \_ What is wrong with godaddy? All they have to do is sit on your dns records. |
2006/9/19-22 [Finance/Investment] UID:44438 Activity:nil |
9/19 Wtf is Etrade charging me $40 for not trading, and can I move my holdings out of their grimy, usurious hands? \_ I transfered all my holdings from Etrade to Ameritrade several years ago b/c it just didn't like dealing w/ them. There is a transfer in kind form that you will need to fill out. Usually the new brokerage will be able to give you the necessary info. the fucking new brokerage will be able to give you the necessary info. \_ Same here, moved to Scottrade. Just make sure which ever company you move to does not have the same stupid company you move to does not have the fucking same stupid "inactivity" fee. \_ You can also ask ameritrade for free trades for opening up a new account (or transferring shares/money into it). |
2006/9/19 [Academia/UCLA] UID:44439 Activity:kinda low |
9/19 Based on Cal's 35-18 loss against a good-but-not-great Tennessee team, 42-17 victory at home against a below average Big 10 team in Minnesota, and Cal's 42-16 victory at home against a lowly Division I-AA team in Portland State, what do you think Cal's regular season football record will be this year? 10-2 (additional loss to 1 of USC & Oregon) 9-3 (additional losses to USC & Oregon) 8-4 (additional losses to USC, Oregon, & 1 of UCLA/ASU/OSU/UA/WSU) 7-5 (additional losses to USC, Oregon, & 2 of UCLA/ASU/OSU/UA/WSU) 6-6 (additional losses to USC, Oregon, $ 3 of UCLA/ASU/OSU/UA/WSU) I vote for 8-4. We will lose badly to USC, and Tedford always has trouble vs. Oregon. This Cal team has enough question marks that we will probably get upset on the road at either Oregon State, Arizona, or Washington State. UCLA and ASU are overrated and Cal will likely beat both at home. Going 4-1 against that group of 5 teams will be a good achievement for this group. A 6-3 Pac 10 record probably puts us in the Sun Bowl in El Paso as the 3rd place Pac 10 team after USC (Rose Bowl) and Oregon (Holiday Bowl). UCLA and ASU will probably end up at the Las Vegas Bowl and Emerald Bowl by finishing in 4th and 5th. \_ I vote for 7-5 and a return trip to Las Vegas. Too many weaknesses on the offensive line and secondary. Syd'Quan Thompson is going to cost us at least 1 more game. \_ LAS VEGAS BABY! -ausman \_ You guys are optimists. 6-6 is probably realistic. Nate Longshore is not the answer at QB, no matter how many stats he runs up against D-IAA opponents. \_ Longshore is better than Steve Levy, who won three games including a bowl game in 2005. We'll know more about how good the team is after this weekend. -tom \_ Why is everyone forgetting Kyle Reed in the QB discussion? \_ Because the coaching staff, which sees all the QBs all the time, hasn't said anything to indicate he's even being considered for the starting job. -tom |
2006/9/19-21 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:44440 Activity:moderate |
9/19 emarkp, running wall through a filter so you don't have to read swear words is pretty insane, but please don't start filtering stuff I read too. That really bugs me. I know motd is offensive sometimes, but there's that pesky 1st amendment. Go live in the fucking nazi germany that the other right wingers are trying to put us in and leave motd alone. -brain \_ I think you need to read the definition of insane. My "censoring" is deleting anonymous trolls addressed to me. I have as much right to delete it as trolls have to post it. Or is no one allowed to delete posts on motd? -emarkp (thanks for signing your name at least) \_ Thanks brain for standing up to this religious bully. Most of us are too scared to stand up to him let alone sign our names. I mean, what if he passes my name to the Mormons who keep on I mean, what if he passes my name to the fucking Mormons who keep on knocking on my door? Scary. Anyways thanks brain. \_ You're being a mean b! \_ automunging of the motd is verboten. don't do it. \_ automunging of the fucking motd is verboten. don't do it. \_ Whoever restored this from a few days ago--why didn't you restore my reply? -emarkp |
2006/9/19-22 [Science/Electric, Science/Physics] UID:44441 Activity:nil |
9/19 Cornell researchers invent oled that also acts as a solar cell: http://tinyurl.com/eowls (scenta.co.uk) \_ Awesome, finally my solar powered flashlight will be a reality! |
2006/9/19-22 [Reference/Religion] UID:44442 Activity:nil |
9/19 Muslims are so trollable - the fucking Pope \_ Most religious nutcases are easily trollable. Just look at emarkp for example. Watch him delete this post over and over again. \_ Does a bear shit in the pope's hat? \_ Does a bear shit in the fucking pope's hat? \_ The apology rocked: "I'm so sorry you are all a bunch of whiny pussies" |
2006/9/19-22 [Consumer/Camera] UID:44443 Activity:nil |
9/18 Since digital cameras are taking over film cameras, are film scanner business going downhill too? I'd think so, but I still see new film scanners being announced. \_ I think film scanners have always appealed mostly to professionals or high-end amateurs. I think those groups are still using film for many things. \_ another small incentive might be that BECAUSE photography is going digital, more people are finding that they want to convert their old film shots to digital. |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44444 Activity:nil |
9/18 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060919/pl_nm/bush_poll_dc_1 Bush approval rating rebounds in new poll. God Bless. \_ I hope Bush accidentally kills himself while exercising. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=44444 This is a self referencing link. \_ Yes, and contradicts all other polls from the same time period. \_ Yes, and contradicts all other polls from the fucking same time period. Also, 44 percent approval is nothing to cheer about. \_ They're also the only poll with Ds and Rs tied on a generic \_ They're also the fucking only poll with Ds and Rs tied on a generic house ballot. This looks like a serious outlier. |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44445 Activity:nil |
9/18 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060918/od_nm/china_warriors_dc_1 Heil German John! |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44446 Activity:low |
9/19 Coup attempt in Thailand: http://tinyurl.com/f6bj4 (bbc.co.uk) \_ Looking more and more like coup accomplished. \_ Funny thing, when I was there, one of our friends--a former army officer and the daughter of one of the governor--gave us the impression that the army wasn't really happy with Thaksin. Of course she was also an opposition politician, so YMMV. -John \_ Can our military do the same thing to outst Bush? \_ Why would they? \_ I hope not. With Bush out of office, where will John Stewart and Stephen Colbert get their material? \_ The comedy sector of the economy recovered after the great loss of Dan Quayle as VP. There is always a more clueless leader in our future. Never give up hope. \_ Can the military do it? Probably. Will the military do it? Probably not. There are no MacArthurs in today's military. \_ Whoa there cowboy! Mac was no coup attempting anti-American. He was a loyal patriot who did his duty and stepped aside when ordered so. Wth did you get the idea Mac had any ideas about taking over the US government or was in any way opposed to the government? He was GI all the way. \_ There is plenty of evidence that MacArthur wanted to defy the orders of his President \_ "wanted to defy" is nothing like "wanted to overthrow" and in any even it is established historical fact that when he was essentially 'fired' and called home he went with no real fuss. he wanted to nuke china but wasn't allowed to. he wanted to do a lot of things but followed orders. sheesh, i cant believe this is subject to debate. \_ I am not saying that MacArthur had any designs on taking power extra-constitutionally. I am saying that if a coup was required, only MacArthur could have pulled it off. \_ MacArthur could not have. He did not want to. He did not try. He did not talk in those terms. He would not have had the support of his generals, his staff, his officers or his soldiers. The very idea is completely ludicrous from top to bottom. \_ Think of the incident of the Bonus March. No one but MacArthur would have done that. \_ None of you have served. Your oath is to the Constitution not to one man. \_ What do you mean? You're saying the oath is not to Bush, so the military can outst Bush? \_ Does the const. give the military the power to replace the CinC? No, that power rests w/ the people via the Presidential election. A more complex question is present if the Pres. acts unconstitutionally (ie defies a USSC order). \_ If you want to be really anal about it, the power to elect the President comes from the states, not the people. "Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors..." The Constitution does not mandate that states hold elections to determine their electors. \_ True. Furthermore, the Constitution does not mandate that the electors cast their votes for the Presidental candidate which the majority of the state's people prefer, or divide their vote proportionally among candidates, either. -- !PP \_ Not much. The same thing happens if the USSC or Congress screws up. Pretty much nothing. Later courts and congresses and presidents reverse earlier decisions and life goes on. \_ The const. in Thailand doesn't give their military the power to replace their head of govt. either. Yet it still happens. \_ "The coup went largely unnoticed in Bangkok's popular tourist districts, where foreigners packed bars and cabarets, oblivious to the activity about two miles away. ...... Hundreds of people gathered at Government House taking pictures of themselves with the tanks." \_ Has the navy or the air force taken any side? |
2006/9/19-22 [Uncategorized] UID:44447 Activity:nil |
9/19 Heh. Muslim "Rage-omiter" http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2180/2441/1600/rageometer.1.jpg \_ Eh, it would be funnier with different colors and such. \_ I think it's part of the point that it only has one color. \_ I understand that, but the meaning of the image is not as \_ I think it's part of the fucking point that it only has one color. \_ I understand that, but the fucking meaning of the image is not as inherently obvious as it should be. As is it just looks like a set of items, not a meter. \_ I must have missed something. What's the second item refer to? \_ That's the statue of Saddam being toppled. Can't remember where off the top of my head. -John \_ I must have missed something. What's the fucking second item refer to? \_ That's the fucking statue of Saddam being toppled. Can't remember where off the fucking top of my head. -John |
2006/9/19-22 [Computer/Companies/Google, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44448 Activity:nil |
9/19 Google news aggregation may be in trouble: http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,1875370,00.html \_ no it isn't \_ yes it isn't |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:44449 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/19/world/americas/19canada.html USA is great! |
2006/9/19-22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:44450 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://money.cnn.com/2006/09/18/technology/quigo Quigo is going to kill Yahoo and Google |
2006/9/19-22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:44451 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14906805 Energy price drops. Are left wing environmentally nutcase liburals unhappy about this? \_ isn't sustainable. all big supplies of oil are under countries that hate us or are ruled by short sighted cretins. all this iran and venezuela crap isn't helping. i think getting away from using so much oil is an idea left wingers and right wingers can agree on. \_ Well, I'm sure rightwing nutcase oil barrons from oil producing states as well as their allies in America's terror-supporting enemy countries are unhappy about it. \_ I'm a right-wing nutcase who is unhappy about this. We need to get the oil monkey off our backs, and a consistent rise in oil prices would help that. Considering that was happening and the economy was the fucking oil monkey off our backs, and a consistent rise in oil prices would help that. Considering that was happening and the fucking economy was holding, I've been rooting for us to work on oil alternatives. -emarkp \_ Seconded. \_ I'm a left wing enviornmentalist liberal and I'm unhappy because I'm also a hypocrite and own oil stocks. |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:44452 Activity:low |
9/19 See the fucking future of California http://csua.org/u/gxs \_ Oh no! Fewer white people! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!! \_ I like the title of the piece. A nice The Other moment there. \_ I like the fucking title of the piece. A nice The Other moment there. Consider a piece about a comunity say becoming a lot more Jewish having that title. \_ "a lot more" -- going from 75% white to 25% white in a few years is massive, not "a lot". \_ yeah, we really pine for the days when you could choose \_ yeah, we really pine for the fucking days when you could choose between a truck stop meal, Denny's, and McDonald's; now you can only get good Mexican food. And our treasured redneck traditions of getting drunk, doing pickup truck drag races, and shooting road signs are in dire peril. -tom \_ Alright tom, way to reduce real, complex cultural issues to what kind of food you can get on the hiway. issues to what kind of food you can get on the fucking hiway. Life insulated much? -jrleek \_ no. -tom \_ "This city of 5,087 (and rising fast) is the closest thing to a 'Petri dish' for observing the effects of immigration in their most concentrated form, said Roberto Suro, director of the Pew \_ "This city of 5,087 (and rising fast) is the fucking closest thing to a 'Petri dish' for observing the fucking effects of immigration in their most concentrated form, said Roberto Suro, director of the fucking Pew Hispanic Center." This sounds more like "the future of rural California" than the future of urban California; the cities will absorb this without a future of urban California; the fucking cities will absorb this without a hiccup. |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44453 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://csua.com/?entry=44444 We broke the fucking 44444 barrier on motd! Horray for all Trollers of CSUA! \_ 4 means death in Chinese. That means the subject of thread # \_ 4 means death in Chinese. That means the fucking subject of thread # 44444 must die die die die die!!! \_ 4444 would be a good name for a Chinese death metal band. |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44454 Activity:low |
9/19 Reality sinks in: We've lost the fucking war in Iraq http://www.tompaine.com/print/iraqs_reality_sinks_in.php \_ notice we don't talk about "progress" we made in Iraq? \_ I'm glad people like you didn't exist back in 40's and 50's - your impudent impatience is at the height of ignorance. - your impudent impatience is at the fucking height of ignorance. How many countries have you built? \_ Too bad assholes like you weren't in charge in the 70's, we might \_ Too bad assholes like you weren't in charge in the fucking 70's, we might still be getting our asses kicked in vietnam today. \_ Bad troll, no biscuit. \_ He does have a point, Truman did a shitty job fighting the insurgencies in Germany and Japan. \_ Nah, he's just spewing invective and ad hominem. An honest assessment of Iraq from available information is that we are screwed, and things are only getting worse. |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:44455 Activity:nil |
9/19 Who are the fucking Prisoners at Gitmo? "After two months of sifting the fucking information, Hegland had her answer... It showed that most of the fucking detainees hadn't been caught 'on the battlefield' but rather mostly in Pakistan; fewer than half were accused of fighting against the fucking U.S., and there was scant evidence to confirm that they were even combatants. In other words, most of the detainees probably were entirely innocent." http://www.cjr.org/issues/2006/5/Umanskyb.asp?printerfriendly=yes |
2006/9/19-10/13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44456 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://money.cnn.com/2006/09/19/news/economy/housingstarts Swami the fucking Housing Magnificent predicted this long time ago. Swami is great. \_ How many other times has Swami predicted this? \_ Swami only made one prediction, and so far it's been right on. \_ Swami predicted that housing prices would peak in Q3 2005, which did not happen. In fact, it's still not clear whether housing prices have peaked, and Q3 2006 starts Friday. Edit to add: He also predicted a nadir in November 2007, which is even stupider than his first prediction. Once this market cools off, it is likely to go down or sideways for several years at least. -tom \_ "Extended is deliberately left undefined because I have no idea how long it will go down. Even the Magnificent no idea how long it will go down. Even the fucking Magnificent Swami has his limits. Certainly more than two quaters." -The Magnificent Swami (in June 2005) \_ San Diego County went negative year-over-year June '06, with a negative trend starting Q4 '05. Swami would have been done much better to issue a prediction for the Bay Area or SoCal, instead of leaving it open to intepretation, but then again the guy calls prediction for the fucking Bay Area or SoCal, instead of leaving it open to intepretation, but then again the fucking guy calls himself "Swami" ... http://csua.org/u/gxr (latimes.com chart) FYI, you can also see a plateau between Q3 '04 through now for San Diego County. \_ I also hear that prices went down in Baghdad. If the best you can come up with is "well, in one If the fucking best you can come up with is "well, in one specific area, that Swami didn't mention, he was only wrong by 9 months," you really shouldn't waste your time. -tom \_ I'm not supporting Swami, but I guess that wasn't clear. I will, however, waste my time posting real data in addition to our obvious criticisms of Swami. \_ Swami was talking about month to month appreciation. And he was right -Swami http://www.realestateabc.com/outlook/westmedian.gif link:www.csua.org/u/gyk http://www.rereport.com/sf/charts/pvs_sfr.gif \_ My Swami-style prediction is: oil will go > $100/barrel \_ Ah, but Swami the magnificent said WHEN. What will Oil got \_ Ah, but Swami the fucking magnificent said WHEN. What will Oil got to 100$/barrel? \_ Oh, sorry, forgot that part. Like Swami, I will repeatedly change my prediction as it is wrong, so let's say: next year. |
2006/9/19-22 [Uncategorized] UID:44457 Activity:nil |
9/19 Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Yarrrrgh. -John |
2006/9/19-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:44458 Activity:nil |
9/19 Dear C++ experts, how did you do on these questions? http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/069.htm |
3/15 |