2006/9/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:44342 Activity:nil |
9/10 Any review on ABC's 911 TV series? \_ Only part 1 has aired. \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/08/arts/television/08path.html |
2006/9/11-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44343 Activity:nil |
9/11 Don't forget about Poland. http://video.google.pl/videoplay?docid=-92478719595268418 |
2006/9/11-14 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:44344 Activity:low |
9/11 Anna Nicole Smith's 20-year-old son died in his bed, days after Anna gave birth to a daughter. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060911/ap_en_tv/anna_nicole_smith_son \_ who? \_ You're too young. \_ You're too young. -- OP \_ no, I just don't waste time on idiotic pop culture. \_ then why ask? \_ I was just thinking that you recognize a different generation of sex symbols. -- OP \_ "fat, blonde, and stupid is no way to go through life" \_ Yeah, she's about as appealing as Tammy Faye Bakker \_ Nah, I'd do ANS after only a month of sexual deprivation. It'd take a year for TFB to seem appealing. \_ I'd have to be dead for TFB \_ She looked great in To the Limit, Skyscraper, and Anna Nicole Smith: Exposed. \_ hundreds of million of dollar, death of her young son... talking about ups and downs in her life! \_ Not to mention post-partum (sp?) depression, damn that's horrible. |
2006/9/11-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44345 Activity:nil |
9/11 http://time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/09/the_rove_campai.html The "hail-mary" play that Dubya intends to spring this month and next: Those who insist on rights for terrorist killers are preventing justice from being served for 9/11 widows, and will lead to mushroom clouds over major American cities. \_ I'm glad we are so cynical now. Nationalist Socialist Party would be alive and well. \_ "If you need proof that this administration's first priority is not a humane and effective counter-terror strategy, but a brutal, exploitative path to retaining power at any price, you just got it." What we got was Andrew Sullivan going off on a conspiratorial rant based on, "I'm informed via troubled White House sources". What is the point of posting this? "I'm informed by deeply troubled and unnamed motd sources that ...". Just as good. \_ A cow would understand the difference. \_ I'm offended that your cow is offended. --offended |
2006/9/11-13 [Recreation/Food] UID:44346 Activity:low |
9/11 Willie Nelson fights horse slaughter http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2006-08-22-nelson-horses_x.htm?POE=LIFISVA "[Horses] are part of the American heritage. I don't think its right that we kill them and eat them." Cows are part of American heritage too,you have a problem with eating THEM WIllie? \_ Yeah, so is wheat you friggin hippie. Of course we should eat them. Eat any and all of them. That's what your teeth are designed for you would-be-instinct-if-it-were-not-for-your-flesh-tearing- incisors hippie. \_ I'm not sure which is more amusing, the fact that pp completely misunderstood op, or that he made an amusing word substitution in the middle of this trollrant \_ Cows are part of the "get eaten" part of American heritage. Whales, baby seals and kittens are not. And yes, I'd like fries with that. \_ http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic \_ http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2006/20060911.jpg \_ ____________ < Eat Horse! > ------------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || \_ what the fuck, horse is not even a native specie in Americas |
2006/9/11-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:44347 Activity:nil |
9/11 "Path to 9/11" tanks. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060911/ap_on_en_tv/aap_sept11_film 'The movie was beaten soundly in the ratings by the regular-season debut of NBC's "Sunday Night Football," matching Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts against younger brother Eli of the New York Giants.' \_ It's a shame we'll never know how it would have done before removing every reference to Lewinsky. \_ See the clips ABC removed because of Clinton's pressure: http://www.redstate.com/911clips (You don't have to read the commentary if you don't want to.) \_ I think this whole episode was just a threat by Clinton's jew handlers to keep Hillary and Bill in line. |
2006/9/11-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:44348 Activity:low |
9/11 Mail broken again? \_ Sure seems like it. Can someone please explain why there is so much problem with mail delivery. I mean it's been working fine for the last 10 years. What has changed that is causing it not to work? Is it every going to be fixed? \_ Is this only affecting incoming mail, or also outgoing mail? \_ Trn hasn't worked since the upgrade also, but I haven't complained yet. It works, but some message cause it to freeze up. This never happened before the OS update. \_ So, will soda eventually return back to normal after 5 \_ So, will soda eventually return back to normal after months of illness, or will this illness only get worse, leading to soda's eventual demise? \_ The invisible hand will fix it. \_ No, the invisible hand theory says people will be so pissed off at csua's service that people will switch to other services without external intervention. Let's say the problem is csua. People will get so fed up that most of them will, in time, switch to gmail or yahoo mail, and csua will eventually cease to exist since people will no longer care about it. The invisible hand doesn't "fix" an existing problem, it'll just makes the problem go away (csua). Free market's pretty efficient eh? \_ Send in more troops. Er... Beg current troops to stay. |
2006/9/11-14 [Uncategorized] UID:44349 Activity:nil |
9/11 http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Today-Lauer-Bush-torture.wmv http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Today-Lauer-Bush.mov Is it just me or is Dubya totally fucking nuts? No, it's not necessarily what he's saying, but his body language when talking with Matt Lauer. |
2006/9/11-14 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:44350 Activity:moderate |
9/11 This happened during WW2 on September 12th. It illusrated what kind of justice American unleash upon otherwise professional German Navy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laconia_incident \_ Cool! Chicom Troll is back, I was getting worried. -John \_ I remember watching something on the History Channel about some WWII German ships trying to attack a British ship which was rescuing German sailors from a German boat it had sunk earlier, forcing the British ship to stop the rescue operation, abandon the remaining Germans still in water, and fled the scene. These things are just facts of warfare. After the war was over, the British sailors and the rescued German sailors on that ship had regular reunions together in memory of the event. My impression from TV and movies are that the western militaries My impression from TV and movies is that the western militaries of both the Axis and the Allies were highly professiona. (The Japanese were probably not. Didn't know about the other Asian ones.) I was most touched by a scene in the last episode of the ones.) I was most touched by a scene in the last episode of Band of Brothers, which, after Germany surrendered, the German officer drew his career-long side arm and offered to the American officer drew his career-long sidearm and offered to the American officer as a sovenior, saying "it's better than letting it sit on some clark's desk collecting dust". In response the American offer got up from his chair-rocking lay-back posture to standing-up in full-alert, saying "you can keep you side arm, officer." Then they full-alert, saying "you can keep you sidearm, officer." Then they saluted. \_ The Japanese army was highly professional, but adhered to different "rules" of war, like Germans in Russia. In any case, there are several examples of alleged Allied war crimes (check wikipedia for a fun shitfight on the topic), many of which weren't prosecuted because they sort of went under in the general confusion, or it was felt the end justified the means. The Laconia incident, while real, is a hilarious example of ChiCom troll's ninja troll-fu, though, in the context of "ha ha you puny American, you think you so good, well you do xyz <dig up random unconnected irrelevant obscure badness>." -John \_ japanphile. you are not alone. \_ ...wtf? If I don't think someone's a monster, I'm a someonephile? Your logic is broke. |