2006/8/15-17 [Recreation/Media] UID:44004 Activity:nil |
8/14 So I'm watching South Park now, the old episode, Super Hero Best Friends. They showed an image of Mohammad, with flames coming out of his hands. What's up? I thought they don't show images of Mohammad anymore. \_ Not when they build up to it, apparently. \_ They didn't show the image of Mohammed in the Family Guy episode just to show how cowardly people can get. Plus, manatees. \_ He's cute. -average Muslim girl \_ That's why the Cylons hate us. |
2006/8/15 [Politics/Domestic] UID:44005 Activity:nil |
8/15 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14348539 Really bad news for jblack, Conservatives, and Republicans |
2006/8/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:44006 Activity:nil |
8/14 Is there any racial issue within the Hispanic group? E.g. do the Hispanic blacks and Hispanic whites consider themselves different, just like the English-speaking blacks and whites? \_ Yes. Lighter people always look down upon the darker, lower class people. -albino \_ There are many places where "Indios" are not allowed. They will tell you "It's not racism", but it is. \_ http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=indio,+ca \_ Ever notice that everyone on Mexican TV is white? \_ I don't watch Mexican TV, sorry. \_ I'm on the Mexican radio... \_ Yes, there are. Not just skin color either. \_ Read Octavio Paz's collection of essays, Labyrinth of Solitude. Much good information here concerning Mexico's struggle with its own history as a former colony and the legacy of race. \_ I don't know of any large group of people that doesn't teach or encourage ethnic superiority. Just look at China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malasia, Singapore. For example certain types of Taiwanese people are taught or hinted to be superior over other types of Taiwanese. Certainly, the division is even sharper amongst the different Chinese ethnicities in the pacific. Heck, even left liberals think they're superior over the country music beer drinking gun toting right wing neocon nuts, and vise versa. I think it is just a nature of human beings to discriminate and hate one another. \_ That's why the Cylons hate us. \_ I don't watch Mexican TV, sorry. \_ I'm on the Mexican radio... \_ We must resolve to better understand our Cyclons brothers so we can have a mutually beneficial discussion of our differences and through our diversity of opinion thereby grow stronger for it. Call back the fighters and power down the cannons so they understand we're not a threat so we can have peaceful dialog. We must have done something to them for them to hate us so. I feel so guilty about my ancestor's cruelty to the oppressed Cylon peoples! We must make amends! |
2006/8/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44007 Activity:nil |
8/15 Open source project adds "no military use" clause to licence http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/08/14/1438204 Actual licence addition even dumber than title suggests. \_ We are fighting them in CyberSpace so we don't need to fight them ITRW. \_ I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. It's cute. It's naive. \_ Cute and naive. Like a typical Berkeley undergraduate female trying fellatio for the first time. -average Berkeley male \_ "Both developers do agree about one aspect of their license clause. It is based on the first of science fiction writer Isaac Asimov's Three Law of Robotics, which states, "A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm." That, they say, is a good thing, "because the guy was right," Tegel says, "and he showed the paradox that almost any technological development has to solve, whether it is software or an atom bomb. We must discuss now what ethical problems we may raise in the future." Unfortunately, they totally miss the point of Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. If they had actually read the stories, they'd know his point was that 3 simple laws are insufficient to determine the 'right' thing to do in a complex world. |
2006/8/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:44008 Activity:nil |
8/14 In XML scripts in Ant, I can use the value of a variable by doing "${foo}". How do I use the value of an environment variable? Thx. \_ http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/property.html under Examples, search for environment \_ <property environment="ENV" /> <includepath path="${ENV.JAVA_HOME}/include/" /> \_ Thanks!!! I'm new to Ant and I have to guess my way through some existing script. --- OP |
2006/8/15-17 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid, Science/Battery] UID:44009 Activity:nil |
8/15 How ofter are you suppose to change your car battery? \_ Lead-acid batteries last about 5 years if well cared for. That means, it is never discharged more than 50% capacity, and is kept reasonably cool. Depending on where you park (hot sunny spot?), how often you leave lights on, etc., the outcome will be different. Just test it if you want to be sure. Otherwise, carry a jump cable and wait until you get stuck somewhere. And don't forget to recycle. \_ My battery's rated 60 months although I have to honestly say that I've never reached 60 months in the past 4 battery changes I've done in my life. I usually run them down, which is usually after 3-4 years, call AAA when I need a jumpstart, and get a new one. \_ When it dies. -average American male |
2006/8/15-17 [Computer/Theory] UID:44010 Activity:nil |
8/15 Dubya's speaking skills: 10 years ago and now ... If he was a racehorse I think he would have been put out of his misery a long time ago ... http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/video1019.htm \_ A mexican friend of mine claims that Fox's command of Spanish is even worse than Bush's command of English. My friend speaks good enough English, in my opinion, to be able to fairly compare the two(his English is much better than Bush's). Can any Spanish speakers confirm or deny his claim? \_ Maybe it's the overhyping of the video captions, but I just don't see it as that big a deal. \_ Yeah, since when were communication skills and command of the English language a relevant part of the job of being President of the United States? \_ yeah, I caught that was/were eror right after checking \_ yeah, I caught that was/were eror right after checkingu \_ yeah, I caught that was/were error right after checking in the motd \_ Um, not a big deal? That he could speak in complete and COMPOUND sentences and 10 years later can barely utter two words without tripping up? \_ Uh, so? 10 years ago I knew how to do Calculus. Now I don't. Also, running the state of Texas is a much simpler job than running the entire US. \_ If doing Calculus was vital to doing your job, then it would be bad if you no longer knew how to do it. Are you arguing that public speaking is not an important skill to have when you are President of the United States? \_ Yeah, no shit. He has less public speaking ability than the average PTA member. \_ Uh, so? 10 years ago I knew how to do Calculus. Now I don't. Also, running the state of Texas is a much simpler job than running the entire US. \_ The 10-year-old clip looks like he's reading off a teleprompter. -tom \_ I don't think he's reading off a teleprompter. He's looking away from the camera probably because he's addressing the moder- ator. If he were reading off a teleprompter he'd be looking directly at the camera. \_ So what. I've heard worse. Since when was proper syntax and grammar a requirement for holding office? -Arnold Schwarzeneggar \_ Because the Governator needs to be Recalled. |
2006/8/15-17 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:44011 Activity:nil |
8/15 Other than Nokia 8801 (a bit pricey at $650) are there any other cell phone *currently* on the market with a steel shell? My old Motorola is steel and I don't want to replace it with plastic crap. I need a GSM phone. Thanks! \_ No. -luddite |
2006/8/15-17 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:44012 Activity:nil |
8/15 Republican Party loving Dell is recalling Dell laptop batteries: See if your battery is affected: link:www.dellbatteryprogram.com \_ ob testing kchang's auto-classifier \_ Test passed. My pigeons are working hard: http://csua.com/?entry=faq1 -kchang \_ I have IBM, so ha! Buy American! -average American male |
2006/8/15-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44013 Activity:nil |
8/15 If anyone is interested in working at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, now or in the future, contact me. I would also recommend LLNL's internsip program. I can help with that too. -jrleek \_ Maybe if you explain why working at LLNL is a cool place to work at people would start inquiring more. For example, what are some of the reason why people should ditch private sectors that offer lots of opportunities and flexibilities and offer lucrative stock options, near 6 digit salaries, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and convenient places for positions at LLNL, far from civilization in the middle of nowhere? Secondly, there are many talented Asians who simply refuse to work at any US government agency these days given its history, recent fuck-ups in the news, and perceived hostility towards minories (which are agreed upon in Asian communities). What has the US government done recently to improve its poor perception in these minority communities? Why should minorities quit their nice jobs in the vally to go to LLNL? \_ I hate Bush, right wing nuts, skinheads, Republicans, and the US government. -Minority male \_ Hi troll. \_ I'm not him but a job at LLNL should be pretty secure and you get a nice pension. You could also find cheaper housing in the Livermore area probably. I don't work for the gov't but working on research projects in a secure job can't be all bad. \_ Hi troll. \_ Livermore is far from civilization? Wha? \_ LLNL pay seems pretty comparable to other tech companies. Most CS Phds here make over 100,000. I make 80,000, with a BS and 2 years experience. -jrleek \_ I hate Bush, right wing nuts, skinheads, Republicans, and the US government. -Minority male \_ Nice. What is the ethnicity make-up, and what is it doing to promote the image that the US government does NOT hate Chinese and other minorities? \_ Ethnicity isn't an issue in hiring. Being able to get a security clearance is. Your skin color does not have any effect on your ability to get clearance. \_ Thanks, you said that more clearly than I was apparently capable of. -jrleek \_ Sorry, I wasn't quite finished with that post, I got interuppted. I admit, the lab is pretty white. I generally ascribe this to the "must be a citizen" requirement, and related fallout, but I'm not really sure. I know and work with a number of asians (mostly Chinese), but I can't really say much about image issues in asian communities. I guess I could ask them. -jrleek \_ Yes, I believe that is exactly the target demographic. That, and anti-war socialists who don't mind working for the military-industrial complex. \_ So, San Jose is kind of my personal version of Hell, so I consider that reason enough to not get a job there. Livermore, is short on big city ammenities, like good restraunts. -jrleek \_ As for why you might like working here, it's a very stable job, with a good pension. If you think scientific computing on massively parallel super-computers is cool (I do), you might like it here. If not, probably not. I have a lot of time flexibility, I can come and go when I please, and work at home at will. This really depends on your project though. Oh, and no one EVER asks me to work more than 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's a good job for someone with a family. (like me) -jrleek \_ No commies, huh? And you're posting here? Out of curiousity, do you have like a finger-prick test for communism? test for communism? <This post is in response to what was posted on jobs@csua, not the motd.> \_ Sheesh, humor circuits disengaged, huh? The Communist line was tounge-in-cheek, but obviously LLNL doesn't hire people who advocate the violent overthrow of the US governement. -jrleek \_ Livermore is far from civilization? Wha? \_ But will you hire libertarians who sit on their ass all day at their government job preaching small government and low taxes on the motd? \_ Yes, I believe that is exactly the target demographic. That, and anti-war socialists who don't mind working for the military-industrial complex. \_ Ethnicity isn't an issue in hiring. Being able to get a security clearance is. Your skin color does not have any effect on your ability to get clearance. \_ If you ever worked for government and saw the waste involved you'd quickly turn into a small government libertarian if you were intellectually honest about it. The government doesn't need more money. They need a lot less waste. \_ Thanks, you said that more clearly than I was apparently capable of. -jrleek \_ What's funny is that I've been working for the federal government now for 8 months, and I've actually done just that. I told them I'm quitting by the end of 2006. Yes, they need less waste, and in my opinion, my life as a government employee counts as waste. I don't agree with the drooling worship of giant corporations practiced by most libertarians, particularly since most of those corporations are in bed with big government anyway. But as far as government waste goes, i'm right with them now. I've gotten in fights with the secretaries about the fact that they pay about ten times what I need for food when I travel, and their arguement was that it would cost more to fight the system and try to get a "special" low per diem than to just take the money, and that I should just go eat at the most expensive place I can find. So I've decided to keep track of my travel expenses, and give the difference between what I spend and what I get to government fraud and waste watchdog organizations. \_ I found the per diem only slightly higher than I needed on travel. If I ate McDonald's and nothing else maybe it'd be 10x but I care more than that what I put in my body. The real waste is elsewhere. \_ I would apply for the job, but my grades suck. -average American male \_ I find the per diem isn't really enough and neither is the hotel. I usually end up paying out of pocket on travel to avoid staying at a dump, and that's with the (very good) government rates at hotels. If you like Motel 6 and Subway for dinner then I guess it's too much. \_ 120$/day just for food, in Paris, when the hotel provides good free breakfast and the host institution provides lunch? A factor of ten was an excageration, but if you really need more than 20 dollars to get something better than Subway for dinner in Paris, than you're an idiot. Perhaps I have higher per diems than you. |
2006/8/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:44014 Activity:low |
8/15 See, you had nothing to worry about. The outcome of the Israel-Lebanon conflict was entirely predictable. That is, all powerbrokers were unanimous in not wanting to draw Syria/Iran into it, risking a regional war, although there was plenty of propagandizing / throwing mud in people's faces along with the dead civilians: 7/13 Regardless of who's right or wrong (good luck on that), predictions on the outcome of the Israelis hitting Lebanon? -John [\_ ...] \_ There are three objectives: (1) Occupy a Israel-dictated buffer zone (again), (2) Indicate that future kidnappings will be met with a disproportione use of force (you'll hurt more than me), and (3) Getting the soldiers back. \_ The most likely outcome is a temporary ceasefire, with Israel holdingonto a buffer zone in south Lebanon and airstrikes whenever Hezbollah fires another rocket into Israel while the press writes "wasn't there supposed to be a ceasefire?" \_ No. I don't think anyone predicted that Israel's government would chicken out and leave themselves looking like weak and inept idiots. Now Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and every other psychotic crackpot with weapons in the Middle East is talking tough and spoiling for another round. The weakness and dithering on the part of Olmert's government only guaranteed that there will be another war, it will be sooner than later and it will make this Lebanon thing look like the minor skirmish it was. That's my prediction. And oh yeah, *when* Iran gets nukes they will hit Israel who will respond by destroying as much of the Middle East as possible from Iran to Libya. \_ you sure that Iran will nuke Israel *when* it gets nukes? the moment Israel is nuked is the moment other govts lose their favorite scapegoat. I also think the U.S. will finish any job that Israel does not as far as nuking the aggressor. that Israel does not as far as taking out the nuclear capability of the aggressor, whatever it takes. \_ Scapegoat? They want Israel destroyed much more than they want a scapegoat. Whoever manages that will be the hero of the muslim world for all time up there with Saladin and maybe even Mohammad himself. I make no predictions about what the US will do if nukes go off in the ME. \_ The Iranian leadership wants Israel destroyed much more than it wants a scapegoat? I disagree with that. Random terrorist group and their supporters want that? Okay. Who controls future nukes? The former. I predict Iranian nukes, if Iran ever gets them, will be used as a "if you fuck with us, we'll really fuck you over" deterrent, and securing of those nukes will be at or better than Pakistan. \_ So you hear all the crap the Iranians are spewing from the highest levels of their government about destroying Israel and think they're bluffing? Iran doesn't need nukes to hold Israel off. Israel isn't doing anything to the Iranians. Iran is not at risk from Israeli attack. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion but time will tell. \_ When you have mutually assured destruction, what other conclusion can you come to? \_ You have a religious regime that doesn't care if they die. They welcome it. They preach it. You do not have mutually assued destruction's cold war era effect going on with Iran. Without MAD the only conclusion you can come to is they mean what they say when they say they're going to destroy Israel. They don't mean at the next Olympics. They mean they're going to destroy Israel. Why don't you believe what they say? Why would they say what they've said on a regular basis if they didn't mean it? *When* Iran gets nukes Israel will be nuked. Whatever is left of the military is going to nuke everything in the entire Middle East without regard for the niceties of "oh gosh it was an unknown terrorist with a bomb on a truck, we'll do an ivnestigation and get back to you on it". \_ I will grant you that the theocracy in Iran wants and continues to advocate the destruction of Israel. However, they also want the continuation of their precious Iranian way of life. The mullahs, imams, and ayatollahs know they have a very sweet thing going now in their locked down theocracy, and they have no intention of messing it up. Their first goal is the preservation of their own rule, followed by the destruction of Israel and restoration of Palestinian rule; it is due to their fear of unilateral destruction that they continue to move through proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Sadr) rather than act directly (i.e., deployment of the Iranian army). When Iran gets nukes, expect a period of retrenchment followed by a resurgence in their support of their proxies. Oh, and a hell of a lot more rhetoric. \_ Really it all comes down to just how crazy do you think the Iranians really are. I look at how they run their internal affairs as well as foreign and they're either insane or incompetent to an insane degree. Either way I think we can agree that a nuclear armed Iran is just about the worst thing possible for the world as a whole, not just the region even if it doesn't come down to a nuclear fire storm. \_ Right. I think it comes down to whether you think they're suicidal-crazy or just crazy-crazy. Cf. Kim Jong Il: crazy, but also very much attached to his life and the preservation thereof. \_ doubt it'll be Iran, but rather some other nameless terrorist group that 'got them from somewhere' that remains unnamed, to leave israel with nobody specific to retaliate against. of the aggressor, whatever it takes. \_ for that matter, nameless terrorist group might as well get the nuke from pakistan / n korea / russia 7/13 Regardless of who's right or wrong (good luck on that), predictions on the outcome of the Israelis hitting Lebanon? -John [\_ ...] \_ There are three objectives: (1) Occupy a Israel-dictated buffer zone (again), (2) Indicate that future kidnappings will be met with a disproportione use of force (you'll hurt more than me), and (3) Getting the soldiers back. \_ The most likely outcome is a temporary ceasefire, with Israel holding onto a buffer zone in south Lebanon and airstrikes whenever holdingonto a buffer zone in south Lebanon and airstrikes whenever Hezbollah fires another rocket into Israel while the press writes "wasn't there supposed to be a ceasefire?" \_ Why do you think Israel invaded Lebanon? It's to show that they are not above taking revenge on governments supporting 'nameless terrorist groups'. I think Israel would use it as a chance to nuke every fucking enemy they ever had, involved or not. \_ I don't think there will be an 'Israel' left post-nuke so much as a few subs with MERVS and whatever nukes survive buried out in the sand where the soliders have orders to fire if Telaviv is ever blown up. But my call is that every arab capitol plus Mecca, Medina, and the key oil fields and refinery/shipping cities are all dust. \_ It's a really small step from that to the end of human civilization as we currently understand it. All of the scenarios for "limited" nuclear war are pretty dicey. Can you imagine what would happen to the world if a nuclear war leveled the middle east? You thought gas was expensive before... Or are you just looking forward to being Mad Max? \_ Yes, I can imagine all that. I didn't say I'm looking forward to any of it. I don't base my predictions on what I'd like to happen. I base them on what I believe will happen given my understanding of the situation and the people involved. What is the point of making a bogus prediction based on what I'd like to happen? That isn't a prediction, it is just sticking one's head in the ground. I don't have to like it to believe it. |
2006/8/15-17 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:44015 Activity:kinda low |
8/15 So I just had an interesting discussion with my one and only Republican acquaintance regarding my new Prius. He is perplexed as to why I bought an overpriced, under-horsepowered Prius when I could have afford a Lexus GS300 which is quieter, has a much smoother ride, a much better stereo system, and a LOT more horsepower. Besides, it's not like I couldn't afford gasoline. I explained to him that it's like planting a tree, I'm reducing oil dependency by 40% relative to my old vehicle which is good for everyone in the long term. He rolled off his eyes and said "You bought the car because you really care about the environment? Yeah whatever." I hope most Republicans are as insensitive and stupid as this person, because that is just plain sad. \_ With longer ranged missiles for the next round of unprovoked strikes into Israel. \_ In a sense he's correct. The tragedy of the commons and the desire for the majority to maximize consumption means that if enough Priuses are bought to actually lower oil prices, more Hummers/SUVs will be bought to offset the advantages. Even if the United States consumes less other nations will just consume more, thanks to the desire by almost every nation to maximize resource consumption because of the reigning economic paradigm of eternal maximum growth. To summarize, we're going to burn up every drop of oil, lump of coal, cord of wood, etc., until the Earth is a hellish wasteland incapable of supporting life. If I'm lucky I won't live to see that. \_ We are, but we need to be ready for the day that oil isn't feasable. Technology has recently gotten to the point where other energy sources are cost effective (if just barely). Early adopters exist. Prius users are just that for hybrid tech. \_ Technology is part of the problem, more technology means more energy & resource problems. \_ Sex is part of the problem, more sex means more people problems. But masturbation ... the best! \_ Well hybrids aren't "other energy sources" they just improve fuel efficiency. For many years now you could buy small cars that were a lot more fuel efficient than the average. And there are other things like direct injection and diesels that can help (but we have high sulfur fuels here in the US which makes some of these techs hard to use). Basically I don't see the big deal with hybrids. They don't really solve a problem. If they are cost-effective wrt to fuel costs then fine, but I wouldn't pretend that buying one is saving the planet. \_ Then what "other engrgy sources" would solve the problem? \_ Nukular \_ Actually we might be close to "peak Uranium" as well prices have been rising quickly in the last few years, and breeders and thorium reactors are not yet commercially viable. \_ No they're just not politically viable; too easy to make weapons grade fissionables with them. \_ and oh puhleeze, uranium is so common they're using it instead of lead in military ammunition. \_ wikipedia: depleted uranium -- that's what they use in 'military ammunition' they use in 'military ammunition', ie, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depleted_uranium \_ Why do you hate Jimmy Carter? \_ Technology is part of the problem, more technology means more energy & resource problems. \_ Sex is part of the problem, more sex means more people problems. But masturbation ... the best! \_ Nukular energy will run out also. \_ Not in the lifetime of anyone who cares. \_ Well yeah not fossil fuels. Nukes, wind, tides, solar, geothermal, blah blah... better mpg is a start. But the Prius is also designed for efficiency besides being a hybrid and sacrifices some practicality. Also hybrids they say cost more energy to produce. So maybe a conventional tech economy car would be better. But then you couldn't flaunt your eco hipness. Do you also wear those colored charity bracelets? \_ VW Lupo already gets 78 MPG without any fancy hybrid tech but it's a subcompact death trap. \_ Are all subcompacts == death traps in your book or the Lupo in particular? They also have a Polo TDI that seems to get 52 mpg with decent torque. \_ URL for hybrids costing more energy to produce please? Thx. \_ Well, they cost "more" to produce in general, \_ They cost "more" to produce in general, due to batteries, computer controls, and the electric motor + components. The electric motor has large permanent magnets: how are they magnetized? I don't have a URL breaking down official production resources but I doubt that actually exists, I guess Toyota would have to publish it or maybe a component supplier. There may be extra disposal costs at EOL but I don't know if that's significant. Also, for driving highway distances in a hybrid you also lose most of the regenerative braking benefit and rely on the gas engine all the time. At which point you are just carrying around a dead weight electric drive. I dunno. I'm not know if that's significant. I'm not against hybrids but I hate the tax and carpool lane incentive bullshit. \_ ob alien invasion claiming stewardship of earth from humans is more interesting \_ The tragedy of the commons doesn't mean that the situation is intractable; it just means that cooperation is needed to effectively use the resource (in this case, the entire planet). -tom \_ True but good luck on that one. The ob alien invasion above is more likely to happen. \_ Exactly and that kind of cooperation doesn't seem very likely in the current climate. \_ Republican SUV drivers are working their damndest to change the climate as fast as they can. \_ If the U.S. signs on to Kyoto and starts to put its might into global issues instead of throwing it into things like Operation Clusterfuck, world cooperation will happen. In fact, it's already happening, except that the U.S. wants to pretend that we're still an \_ but Democrat SUV drivers are wholesome goodness. \ any gas-powered car drivers are contributing to the problem, but the 'efficient' car owners are just trying to delay the inevitable. Embrace your doom and prepare to move on. Anything else is living in denial. \_ True but good luck on that one. The ob alien invasion above is more likely to happen. \_ If the U.S. signs on to Kyoto and starts to put its might into global issues instead of throwing it into things like Operation Clusterfuck, world cooperation will happen. In fact, it's already happening, except that the U.S. wants to pretend that we're still an \_ Are all subcompacts == death traps in your book or the Lupo in particular? They also have a Polo TDI that seems to get 52 mpg with decent torque. \_ The $1-$2 trillion we're flushing down the toilet in Iraq could have really helped restructure the energy grid to start using distributed small scale renewable energy generation on a national basis. Oh well I guess we'll spend it on starting a civil war in the country and then getting the fuck out once it gets too messy. \_ I thought we were there for the oil. \_ Where's that $1 - $2 trillion number come from? What is your source of renewable small scale energy? Do I get a tax payer provided solar system for my home and a Prius? island. -tom \_ Uh, Kyoto leaves China & India free to do what they want. Even if the rest of what you say is true about the US some how managing to convince/coerce/bully/buy- off the rest of the world without them all cheating, Kyoto isn't the treaty that would help reduce energy consumption world wide. I'm not sure what you refer to when you say "In fact, it's already happening". Which "it" is happening? \_ Global cooperation on environmental problems. Kyoto is a first step; if the U.S. signed on, pressure on China and India would be immense, but with the U.S. out, there's no leverage. -tom \_ They did sign on. They don't have to do anything of any note. What leverage? \_ No point in US signing on to Kyoto in its current form until it actually covers everyone. The only solution to the tragedy of the commons is for *everyone* to cooperate, with no exceptions. \_ They did sign on. They don't have to do anything of any note. What leverage? \_ food hoarding @ Berkeley co-ops == tragedy of the commons \_ There's no reason to hoard food at the co-ops. There was always tons of money for food. If your house doesn't have enough food then can your food manager and elect someone who will buy more food. It's amazing how much more food a co-op house can have when the food manager is told to buy more. And no, you won't break the budget. \_ i'm talking about hoarding of favorite foods, not food in general / people starving by living in USCA co-ops ... but it sounds like your house was better ... \_ Republican SUV drivers are working their damndest to change the climate as fast as they can. \_ Exactly. I didn't want to hoard the crap. I only hoarded the good stuff, of which there was never enough. \_ Nonsense. I bought food for my house for a semester and managed the budgets for another. There was tons of cash on a per person basis to buy all the goodies everyone could possibly stuff down their throats and feed their grubby friends too. Without blowing the budget. Hoarding is caused by an artificially low amount of goodies which causes the food buyer to buy less goodies which, etc, etc. I did the opposite and there was plenty to go around. I don't know if hoarding stopped but there was no reason to hoard. Stupid food buyers who didn't understand the most basic things about human nature pissed me off. \_ what is this mythical co-op at Cal with unlimited goodies? \_ All of them actually. The budgets are done on a per person basis. The size of the house means almost nothing in terms of how much goodies per person are available. It isn't mythical. It is/was your food buyer's incompetence and stupidity. I was there, I bought, I did budgets, I saw all the numbers every week for several semesters. \_ Seconded--a lot of the inefficiency when I was there came from people not having much experience in buying. At CZ, we regularly had several pots of tofu that went uneaten, and crates of tomatoes going bad that were great slingshot ammo. Same went for other budgets--I was the first Davis maintenance guy who didn't snort his budget up his nose, and had to pretty much replace the entire tool stock, catch up on years of neglect, and still had money left over. -John \_ I'm wondering if it's a factor of the time. I was in the co-ops 93-97. How about you? \_ Consider the argument "yeah I can afford the $$ for gas but I'd rather spend it on nice dinners. Plus I get hot eco-bunny chicks." -John \_ Hot eco bunny chicks? \_ I'm ad-libbing. Work with me here. Anyway, he wouldn't know that there's nouch thing. -John \_ I was there 93-96 and I hardly think it'd have improved. -John \_ Something I've been wondering about it, it's well known that you won't recoup the cost of the Prius over some other compact car in gas over 10 years. How much of that extra cost refelects the cost of the extra resources that went into the Prius? How accurately does the cost reflect the cost of the resources, and therefore the amount of oil used to get the resources? \_ Consider the argument "yeah I can afford the $$ for gas but I'd rather spend it on nice dinners. Plus I get hot eco-bunny chicks." -John \_ Hot eco bunny chicks? \_ I'm ad-libbing. Work with me here. Anyway, he wouldn't know that there's nouch thing. -John know that there's no such thing. -John \_ d00d, the prius is $15K cheaper than a gs300. the prius is also underpriced for its technology - it's only "overpriced" compared to (non-hybrid) corollas/camry's \_ just to comment on your first sentence, Consumer Reports found that TCO of an '06 Prius after 5 years could be lower than the non-hybrid equivalent *if* you counted the federal tax credit. not making any comment about rest of your post. \_ Well duh, we all knew already that all republicans are evil and stupid and selfish and what are you doing talking to one anyway? \_ You can't count a tax credit. That just means other people are paying for your car. If everyone bought one and got a tax credit then everyone would be paying full value through their taxes instead of their car dealer. \_ true, but not everyone buys one ... hardly that \_ "You can't count highway subsidy. That just means other people (e.g. taking BART) are paying for the highways you drive on (e.g. I-880, I-580)." \_ Yes, public transit is not subsidized at all. \_ Car owners are paying for the highways. The number of adults who don't own a car and therefore are tax victims is trivial. This is exactly the same as if \_ Call me trivial, but it only takes one of me to tell you to go fuck yourself. \_ *laugh* Ok. You're trivial. Thank you for adding your well informed and pithy commentary. Have a nice day! all everyone got the Prius tax credit: we'd all just pay the rest of the burden via taxes instead of the dealership. *Someone* is paying for the Prius, the fact that it isn't the Prius owner doesn't mean the car is cheaper. There's no free lunch in life. \_ Car owners != people who commute by driving solo every day. I own two cars but I commute by Transbay buses and my wife by BART. \_ Fine, whatever, I'll amend, "The number of adults who don't drive a car and therefore are tax victims is trivial". Now your turn, tell me you own two cars but never drive them. If you drive them you are getting money off your purchase price through tax subsidies to the highway system. It doesn't have to be a work commute. Any driving at all is subsidized. \_ You mean "the number of spoiled white suburban adults like me who don't drive a car is trivial." Guess what: not everyone is a spoiled white suburbanite. -tom \_ 0.8 cars per capita. I am guessing most are not owned by spoiled white suburbanites and that even underprivileged, black, urbanites own cars at roughly the same rate. \_ You're right--you're just guessing. On the facts, you're wrong. -tom \_ Call me trivial, but it only takes one of me to tell you to go fuck yourself. \_ *laugh* Ok. You're trivial. Thank you for adding your well informed and pithy commentary. Have a nice day! \_ url for who owns how many cars? \_ The facts like 0.8 cars per capita? That's a fact. If black urbanites instead own 0.5 cars per capita do you feel vindicated? How you ever been to the ghetto? Did you notice a shortage of cars compared to anywhere else? The cars are just older. \_ d00d, the prius is $15K cheaper than a gs300. the prius is also underpriced for its technology - it's only "overpriced" compared to (non-hybrid) corollas/camry's \_ Well duh, we all knew already that all republicans are evil and stupid and selfish and what are you doing talking to one anyway? \_ I hope all tree-huggers buy into this superstition that their own shit don't stink. As if using a hybrid really helps - the batteries for one are merely pollution re-distribution. It'll be a nice awakening when fifty years down the line, when every stupid so-called pro-enviromental law pops the worlds economies and still nature is none the better. Keep smokin' that shit. \_ Yes, I think you are a minority. Most people respond to economic incentives (e.g. some would probably rather plant a tree and then continue driving SUV because they can). In Europe, midsized cars like Accord, Passat, and 3-series are sold with 1.6 and 2.0L engines, or diesels. Why? Gas tax, engine size tax, etc. People are responding to the incentives. I don't think car-induced pollution will significantly decrease unless the government steps in to create such incentives to make people drive smaller cars with smaller engine displacements, and not to mention do something about the SUVs most of which seem to be used a urban grocery-getters. \_ ob alien invasion claiming stewardship of earth from humans is more interesting \_ In Hong Kong, auto license fee is based on engine displacement, not the value of the car. So someone owning a Ferrari with a small engine pays less than someone driving a big SUV. (Not that big SUVs are popular there.) \_ The economics of buying a larger vehicle would have to be pushed so far as to make them available only to the super rich to keep all those sub urban shoppers out of them. IMO they're already too expensive to buy and maintain yet people keep shelling out for them. Even at 70-100k you still see plenty of hummers on the road which sure as hell can't be worth it. \_ I ain't no Republican, but I would never buy a stupid, overpriced Prius. I'll take my Hummer and BMW anyday. -average American male \_ You're right--you're just guessing. On the facts, you're wrong. -tom |
2006/8/15-17 [Uncategorized] UID:44016 Activity:nil |
8/15 "America is safer than it has been, yet it is not yet safe." --GWB, 08/15/06 \_ Reading that hurts my brain. \_ http://media.echoditto.com/SOTU.mov \_ I disagree. I am safe in my bigass Hummer. -average American male \_ sigh... with friends like these.... |
2006/8/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:44017 Activity:nil |
8/15 Iran to offer through Hezbollah an unlimited budget for reconstruction of houses and businesses destroyed during Israeli assault. ^_ and missiles \_ With longer ranged missiles for the next round of unprovoked strikes into Israel. \_ Reading that hurts my brain. \_ Unprovoked? You mean the capture of 2 soldiers and killing 6 more by Hezbollah, then the Israeli fighters bombing targets all over Lebanon, then the rockets lobbed by Hezbollah at Israeli cities? \_ Damn you are a moron \_ damn, you are a moron \_ No, you are just an idiot. -moron \_ Please to be rereading and comprehending the implied subject of the previous fragment. \_ Please to be thinking critically \_ sigh... with friends like these.... \_ Support our troops. -average American male |
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