2006/8/11-14 [Reference/Military] UID:43966 Activity:nil |
8/11 Just an FYI. Those explosive gels in the gatorade bottles: it's not enough to take down a plane, but it would injure immediate neighbors. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=415365 Funny how a small-time media outlet gets the facts right, but two articles in the big papers don't seem to mention it. -Your Chem 1A TA \_ He's "doubtful" it can bring a plane down. \_ I doubt it as well. I came to the same conclusion independently. \_ What if the explosive was detonated under a seat that was positioned above the central fuel tank? \_ I heard Gatorade cause testicular cancer. -Lance Armstrong |
2006/8/11-14 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:43967 Activity:nil |
8/10 Let's beat this one to death: Why do airport security wait times skyrocket when the threat level is increased? I know there are tougher standards, but the number of people going through is the same. Now they inspect clear plastic bags instead of x-raying carryons, and pull people aside to argue with them(?). \_ not sure where this is coming from. i flew SFO-LAX-SFO for a day trip on Thursday and suprisingly the lines moved faster than ive seen them move in a while. i do trips to LAX often. -shac \_ The same reason that when there are only two roads to turn down and one of them is suddenly blocked off people have to stop their cars in the middle of the fucking road and think about it rather than turning down the one open road and figuring out their detour on the fly: because most people are fucking idiot sheep. \_ because "this is important" so they actually start paying some attention to their job. \_ You answered your own question. They attempt to be more thorough, so processing each person takes longer. \_ Because it takes time for us men of steel to protect the world from scum and villainy. -T.E.A.M. America World Police |
2006/8/11-14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43968 Activity:nil |
8/11 Iraqis are getting shot over naked goats and suggestive vegetables. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5622900 These people are broken. \_ Once their imams start arguing over whether characters in toddler tv shows are gay because they are carrying a purse, we'll know for sure. \_ But remember, these people aren't the true face of Islam! Islam is a religion of peace.. just like all the other ones! Remember, all major world religions agree: atheism is the enemy. \_ But their women are hot. Yah! -T.E.A.M. America World Police |
2006/8/11-14 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:43969 Activity:nil |
8/11 Double Agent's release date announced (Oct 19): http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/2771048463/m/6961091964/p/1 |
2006/8/11-14 [Uncategorized] UID:43970 Activity:nil |
8/11 Apple has very interesting ads overseas: http://ibloggedthis.com/2006/08/10/czech-apple-advertisement-picture \_ I just find that kind of gross. |
2006/8/11-14 [Uncategorized] UID:43971 Activity:nil |
8/11 To the ZZ Top and breast lovers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e_QbJ7l-YE -ax |
2006/8/11-14 [Uncategorized] UID:43972 Activity:nil |
8/11 WTF is wrong spamassassin. \_ What do you think is wrong with it? That's like sending an email to the help desk saying, "it's broken" and expecting real help. |
2006/8/11-14 [Recreation/Media] UID:43973 Activity:nil |
8/11 Star Trek Inspirational Posters: http://echosphere.net/star_trek_insp/star_trek_insp.html \_ You are so sad. -not a nerd \_ Pot, Kettle; Kettle, Pot. Look in the mirror. |
2006/8/11-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:43974 Activity:low |
8/11 How do you find out the max # of file descriptors for a process, thread, and entire system? \_ Dep on OS. Are the youth today assuming "linux is the standard"? That is kinda sad. \_ LINUX RUUULES! W1ND0ZE DR000LEZ! \_ while(true) { do(something that uses a fd) if (good rc) counter++; print } \_ while(true) { do(something that uses a fd) if (good rc) counter++; print } \- well AssOS is better than windows like perl is better than basica. but it's not actually good. i can understand using something "useful" instead of good [like using perl instead of lisp today] but it's non-good when you dont know what is good because you have no exposure to it ... "It's a light saber. The weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as random or clumsy as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age." \_ This post is unintelligible. \_ E_TOOSHORT \_ How about E_FUCKINGINCOHERENT \_ Worse than that... this person got into Cal. I wonder what their application essay looked like. \_ while(true) { do(something that uses a fd) if (good rc) counter++; print } \_ sysconf(3) maybe what you are looking for. I think the variable for max fds is _SC_OPEN_MAX. Also try unlimt -a (or -n). |
2006/8/11-14 [Recreation/Shopping] UID:43975 Activity:nil |
8/11 Do you always wash new clothes before wearing? \_ I do. My girlfriend does not. Not only might they be dirty, but I'd like to know how they fit after, say, shrinking. \_ Yes. \_ Same here. Fresh from store clothes itch, and I like the smell of my detergent anyway. Also when I make a mental note of any cleaning requirements (hot/cold, red dye, blah) \_ Underware, yes. \_ Yes. I recently wore a new shirt without washing it in hot weather for 2 days straight (had to crash somewhere) and ended up having an allergic reaction all over my back which thankfully went away after 1 week. \_ New clothes? Wash? I don't have any experiance with those things. \_ No. Washing destroys clothes. -average Berkeley resident \_ No. |
2006/8/11-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:43976 Activity:nil |
8/11 How do I open a unicode file containing English text in Emacs 21.3.1 such that I won't see tons of "^@" characters? Thanks. \_ The emacs portion of the Unicode-HOWTO may be useful: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/Unicode-HOWTO |
2006/8/11-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:43977 Activity:nil |
8/11 "Never has so much military and economic and diplomatic power been used so ineffectively, and if after all of this time, and all of this sacrifice, and all of this support, there is still no end in sight, then I say the time has come for the American people to turn to new leadership not tied to the mistakes and policies of the past." --Richard M. Nixon \_ He was referring to ...? \_ EAST TIMOR! \_ College graduates these days... \_ Negotiating with the dirty hippies in Berkeley. -Ronald Reagan |
2006/8/11-14 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43978 Activity:nil |
8/11 http://www.aish.com/movies/PhotoFraud.asp Pro-Israel organization wages propaganda war \_ The narrator's smug tone makes me want to go blow up Israel myself. \_ The narrator probably isn't even Israeli. Do you have any issue with the content, or only his tone? \_ gasp. one propaganda war to battle another. Where will it all end? \_ In my pants. Huh huh. -beavis |
2006/8/11-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:43979 Activity:low |
8/11 Bush staff tried to divert funds for explosive detection technology http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060811/ap_on_go_ot/terror_explosives_detection_4 \_ The timing is exquisite. \_ We don't need to protect our borders, airports and terminals because the Iraq war is making us all way too safe. \_ I loved the guy who was saying "if this British thing had happened a week earlier, Lieberman would have been picked" Because, you know, support for a resource-draining war == dedication to domestic security. \_ I'm sick of all this national press portraying this as simply a reffurendum on the war. I'm from Connecticut, I'm a Jew, a Yalie, and I lived in the same town as Liebermann. And you a reffurendum on the war. I'm from Connecticut, \_ Why'd you delete the part about your being a Jew? \_ someone edited my post, and i didn't want to get into an assanine flame war over it. \_ The part that was edited was about your being a Yalie aka Poofter. The part about being a Jew seems relelvant. and I lived in the same town as Liebermann. And you know what? Most of my friends from Ct, who range from moderate to liberal democrat, and include the occasional republican have disliked Lieberman for many many years. Why? Because he puts the needs of Connecticut's two most powerful industries ahead of those of the citizens of Ct or of the country. Given that these industries are constructing military hardware and the insurance business, this makes him particularly evil. In the 2004 primary debate, when asked about their healthcare plan, after all the other candidates spouted off some typical politician plan or another, Liebermann just looked into the camera and said that healthcare is not a problem, and he doesn't think the american people want to hear about it. Even Bush doesn't ever say shit like that. And when it comes to defense, it's clear his top priority is that everything be made in Connecticut, not that it actually be the best hardware the government can buy. This man does not deserve to represent Connecticut in the U.S. senate, and that's been true wwwaaaaayyyy before the Iraq war. \_ I like Jews, they are the best and the brightest of all races and they should rule the earth. -Jew Worshipper \_ It sounds like he was doing what he was supposed to do for his state. He brought in money and kept it coming. What is the better mythical place for all the defense money than where its been going for years into a mature defense industry in CT? Are they going to build subs in Arizona? \_ How about in Mississippi, like the pentagon wants, a couple miles from Trent Lott's house. \_ Huh huh. He said "bush." -beavis \_ Heh heh. He said "staff." -butthead \_ Ok how about it? How much pre existing industry is there to support that? And for the record I don't care any more about a sub base near Lott's house than I do about windmills ruining Ted Kennedy's view in Mass. They're both assholes so don't go there. |
2006/8/11-14 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:43980 Activity:nil |
8/11 When I try to cut and paste from Firefox to Termminal.app on my mac, I have problems with " and some other special characters. Any advice on how to fix the cut and paste problem? \_ what's the problem? (Terminal.app sucks, probably). -tom |
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