2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43896 Activity:nil |
8/3 I'm trying to add virtual forwarding, by adding a file called /etc/mail/virtusertable that forwards from user "test@mydomain.com" to "joeblow". I also added the line "FEATURE(`virtusertable')dnl" in sendmail.mc. Lastly, I did a make, then restarted sendmail. However it is not working. How do I diagnose the problem? \_ I have a similar setup. From my config I also have a VIRTUSER_DOMAIN entry directly after the FEATURE(`virtusertable') entry: FEATURE(`virtusertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable.db')dnl VIRTUSER_DOMAIN(`foo.com http://bar.com')dnl \_ Yes I have the exact same thing. After running echo '3,0 test@mydomain.com' | sendmail -bt I'm expecting it to return joeblow but instead it is returning "test". My biggest problem is I don't know where to look for error messages for proper diagnosis. \_ Check your mailspool. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Recreation/Pets, Recreation/Media] UID:43897 Activity:nil |
8/3 Whoo dog! Oklahoma family entertainment! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5854686068870249151 \_ That's almost as good as http://www.retard.com -proud American \_ Redneck alert! |
2006/8/4-6 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:43898 Activity:nil |
8/3 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14171691 Conservative Christian who once promoted oil exploration changes his mind. \_ "...reached 115 Fahrenheit in some regions of the East Coast. The 76-year-old Robertson told viewers that was .the most convincing evidence I.ve seen on global warming in a long time." Ugh. What a fucking moron. Science is stupid! Untrained empirical observations trump all! \_ Repent, you dirty sinner. -proud American |
2006/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:43899 Activity:nil 90%like:43901 |
8/3 How much oil money are they giving to politicians? http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/SPECIALS/2006/fueling.america/interactive/chart.oil.politics/total_contributions.gif |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43900 Activity:nil |
8/3 BoxA: "apt-cache search <mybin>" shows me the binary I need BoxB: "apt-cache search <mybin>" doesn't show the binary. I copied BoxA:/etc/apt/sources.list to BoxB, did a "apt-get update" on BoxB, and tried "apt-cache search <mybin>" on BoxB. However, it still doesn't show the binary I need. What did I do wrong? -newbie, sorry to bug you guys \_ Does "dselect update" fix it? \_ No :( -op \_ Do A and B and same release version? (/etc/debian-release or something like it) \_ BoxA: testing/unstable BoxB: 3.1 \_ there it is right there. You're running two different release versions. 3.1 is under stable line. If you look at the sources.list file, it actually indicates which release the source is for. If you really want the package through apt-get, you have to either add a third party soure (backports.org for example) or upgrade B to testing/unstable. \_ This is so nerdy that I have no response. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Politics/Domestic] UID:43901 Activity:nil 90%like:43899 |
8/3 How much oil money are they giving to politicians? link:csua.org/u/gm1 (i.a.cnn.net) \_ $69.69 -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:43902 Activity:nil |
8/4 "Culture war" in America may be overblown http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060803/pl_nm/life_poll_dc \_ The Culture Club sucks. They are sooooooooooooooooooooo early '80s. Get out flock out of here with the crappy music. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43903 Activity:low |
8/4 In sendmail on Linux, how do I write a rule which will quietly discard e-mail sent to nonexistent users? Default behavior is to bounce the mail back, but in the case of SPAM the From: address doesn't exist. I'd rather just toss such mail. \_ This may bring other problems with it, but you may wish to consider greylisting. It simply replies to each mail with a 405 (try again later). On the second try, the mail's delivered; most spam doesn't hack this. On the other hand, it could fail to deliver mail from misconfigured mailers. -John \_ Sendmail can tell reject mail during the SMTP session for non- existent users prior to accepting the message (therefore, you don't generate a bounce -- the sender does [should]). If this isn't feasible (this is a mail relay, etc.), try something that does sender-address verification. (spamilter, mimedefang, etc.) or bring over a list of "valid" users (timed sync, or ldap lookups) \_ Do chmod 666. -proud American \_ milter-ahead from <DEAD>snertsoft.com/milter.info<DEAD> -Jon |
2006/8/4-6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:43904 Activity:nil |
8/4 "Nasrallah, in a dramatic televised statement, declared that Hezbollah's missile attacks on Israel are calibrated in response to Israeli air attacks on Lebanon. ... if Israeli airstrikes cease, so will the rocket launchings such as those that killed eight more Israeli civilians Thursday. [however] would not accept a cease-fire as long as Israeli forces remain on Lebanese territory" http://csua.org/u/gm6 (Wash Post) \_ So basically it comes down to: Hezbollah wants a truce that they're free to break once the Israelis are out by saying "nope, there's still a soldier... over there!" <rocket> Also, they want it before the rest of Lebanon says "uh, we're ok w/ the Hezbollah disarming clause if it keeps this from happening again" Israel wants to smack down Hezbollah's supply chain until they either acquiese or run out of support. \_ nah, it's about winning international and local credibility. he's saying "we were provoked!" \_ Bitches ain't sh*t but tricks and hos. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43905 Activity:nil |
8/4 "With yellow Hezbollah banners above their heads and American and Israeli flags beneath their feet, at least a 100,000 Iraqis marched in Baghdad after Friday prayers in support of the Shiite militia in Lebanon. ... protesters burned effigies of President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair in a demonstration rife with symbolism and anger." http://csua.org/u/gm5 (latimes.com) \_ OK, we get our riled up undocumented immigrants, and send them in for a counter-protest. Let the brown people fight it out! \_ I'd pay to watch Miss Puerto Rico fight. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:43906 Activity:nil |
8/4 http://csua.org/u/gm4 (news.yahoo.com) 'Gillerman warned against a threat by Nasrallah to launch rockets on Israel's commercial center, Tel Aviv. "We are ready for it, and I am sure that he (Nasrallah), as well as his sponsors, realize the consequences of doing something as unimaginable and crazy as that," the Israeli ambassador told CNN.' So, like, what consequences? Israel will bomb Lebanon... some more? What possible reason can Hezbollah have to NOT launch this sucker if they've got it? \_ PR. Timing. \_ Puerto Rico is beautiful this time of year. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:43907 Activity:nil |
8/4 What happens if you boot a computer with no RAM installed? Will it POST? Can you get into the BIOS config? Or does it just beep at you? \_ I think you get a blank screen and the infamous 3 beeps. \_ Depends alot on your PC BIOS, but most just simply refuse to POST. \_ Absolutely. No way. Sometimes. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:43908 Activity:nil |
8/4 Has anyone used Working Assets cell phone service? is it good? \_ they are a sprint reseller. co-worker has it, likes the customer service, and web payment options, and of course there is the donation thing to progressive cause of your choice. Paper correspondence comes on all 100% recycled paper. Just under $50 for 450 minute plan after all the taxes/etc. One downside, she gets a lot of mail (snail, I think) from other progressive causes, but I think that one can opt out of that. \_ No. Yes. -proud American \_ how much for mass amounts of text messages? |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:43909 Activity:nil |
8/4 http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1084137 "There is about a 1% chance that we'll actually ship these on the 7th. (The E6600/E6700's I mean). None of the distributors have them yet. It's a mess. I'm working my best still to get these darn things, but my word, Intel and the distributors just can't get this sorted out. ... From Tankguy's Ben" However, you can still get E6300 now, if you don't mind the 25% mark-up ... it only ends up being $229 on http://mwave.com ... down from a 35% mark-up from two days ago. \_ Sucks. But Fry's is supposeadly getting them on Monday 8/7. We shall see. \_ BTW, http://outpost.com shows OEM E6300 as "In Stock", shipping 8/7, for $20 less than http://mwave.com. All other types are not listed or Pre-Order. \_ I like Fry's. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43910 Activity:nil |
8/4 After trying to get sendmail's virtusertable to work for several hours, I've given up and decided to use exim4 instead. I've followed the following URL for exim4's equivalent of virtusertable, but now wondering how I can specify "error: User Known" and email nullification inside my new /etc/exim/virtusertable? http://www.exim.org/pipermail/exim-users/Week-of-Mon-20030127/049071.html Please help, thanks. -noob \_ I don't know. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:43911 Activity:nil |
8/4 I just installed spamassassin using "apt-get install spamassassin" on my local machine, and spamd is launched. In my .procmailrc, if I run /usr/bin/spamassassin, is it smart enough to connect to spamd when it is running, and stand-alone when spamd is not running? \_ man-ing around, I'm going to guess that it's not smart enough. after all, that's what spamc is for. You may have to invoke some spamd detection trickery, and do either spamc or the full spamassassin. --michener \_ Yes. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Uncategorized] UID:43912 Activity:nil |
8/4 Does anyone know if it's possible to turn a used Sprint phone into a pre-pay phone? \_ Maybe. -proud American \_ http://gofusionmobile.com |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:43913 Activity:nil |
8/4 Is there a standard unix tool for splitting input into multiple lines based on some pattern? thx (I can do a Perl one liner or learn sed; just wondering if there's something else.) \- that's a rather general statement of the problem. so grep might work, it might not. an example might be helpful. \_ No. -proud American \_ well I was just thinking of "this is a long line..." > "this\nis\na\nlong\nline\n..." i.e. sed 's/ /\n/g' and vice versa although looking at that I guess this is a job for sed... |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43914 Activity:nil |
8/4 are exim-virtuser-person and sendmail-virtuser-person the same? |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43915 Activity:nil |
8/4 Dear sendmail virtusertable gurus, please help. Let's say my domain name is <DEAD>csua1.com<DEAD> and I'd like it to handle mail for <DEAD>csua2.com<DEAD> as well. The virtusertable (which I ran "makemap hash" on to generate virtusertable.db) contains the followings: a@csua1.com joe b@csua2.com joe When I send mail to a@csua1.com, it is correctly sent to joe. However when I send mail to b@csua2.com, it complains that b@csua1.com (instead of b@csua2.com) doesn't exist. Somehow, when it can't find an email for <DEAD>csua2.com<DEAD>, it resolves the host name back to <DEAD>csua1.com<DEAD>. Why is this happening? \_ is <DEAD>csua2.com<DEAD> a proper MX record or a CNAME? \_ % host -t mx <DEAD>csua2.com<DEAD> http://ns1.otherdomain.com <DEAD>csua2.com<DEAD> MX 10 <DEAD>mail.csua2.com<DEAD> |
3/15 |