2006/8/3-6 [Uncategorized] UID:43884 Activity:nil |
8/2 Anyone used http://www.rimuhosting.com I'm looking for a good VPS provider. Alternatively I'm looking at http://www.ipowerweb.com http://www.fourbucks.net http://www.123ehost.com http://www.domaingurus.com http://www.neureal.com <DEAD>www.nearlyfreespeech.net<DEAD> http://laughingsquid.net, http://www.pair.com http://www.hostway.com http://www.1and1.com http://meer.net, http://www.redacorn.org/web-hosting.html and http://www.linode.com Which ones are good? \_ You may want to check out <DEAD>www.blowuhosting.com<DEAD> too. \_ Huh huh heh heh. He said "rim." -proud American \_ I checked that site out. I didn't find what I was looking for. But I bet you did. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:43885 Activity:nil |
8/2 So much for freedom fries http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060802/od_afp/afplifestyleusiraq_060802203314 \_ Mel Gibson thought freedom was worth fighting for in the movie Braveheart. -proud American \_ I think the GOP has now officially jumped the shark. \_ Maybe they should rename it "Crow". \_ Good movie. Brandon Lee rocks. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:43886 Activity:nil |
8/3 so, a while back, this collage pic of ashcroft was posted to motd: http://www.pmbrowser.info/hublog/images/gashcroft.jpg There was a similar one of Bush, only done with pictures of the faces of soldiers who had died fighting his wars. anyone remember the URL for that one? \_ http://photomatt.net/2004/04/07/mosaic \_ NSFW \_ He's cute. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43887 Activity:nil |
8/3 Similar to the post below, I'm planning to set up a machine outside of the firewall and I'm considering FC3/4 or RH9, and maybe others too. Since it's outside of the firewall, security is a concern. In addition, manageability is a huge issue for me as I'm not intimately familiar with RPM package resolutions. What do you guys suggest? \_ Whatever you do, I'd recommend at least looking at selinux. For management, strip it down as much as you can, jail or at least chroot any services you can, packet filter, tripwire, etc. etc. etc. and allow ipsec to the box from behind the firewall for updates. Nothing exotic there. -John \_ Don't run RH9. It's obsolete. I'd run RH4. \_ red hat enterprise linux 4? \_ No, RedHat versions are like AD&D 2nd edition armor classes. \_ banded or splint mail? \_ Agreed. I don't think Redhat even maintain version 9 anymore. If you can't afford RHEL, try CentOS. They come with SELinux stuff built-in as well. But if you're not familiar with RPM distros, why not pick something you are familiar with? \_ I totally disagree. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:43888 Activity:nil |
8/2 Panoramic photos of California sprawl http://leblog.exuberance.com/2006/07/suburban_sprawl.html \_ Urban sprawl is a good thing. It allows more Americans to achieve their American dream. Urban sprawl makes Bush's promise to give a home to every American a reality. \_ Urban sprawl makes home ownership _harder_ because of the wasted land. It makes large-yard ownership easier. \_ Dude, post links of Angie Everhart sprawling, not the urban sprawl of California. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Uncategorized] UID:43889 Activity:nil |
8/3 Any suggestions on restaurants with really good lobster? I'm thinking of Scoma's in Sausalito. --jwm \_ I hear Red Lobster is pretty good. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43890 Activity:low |
8/3 GM did NOT dismantle LA's mass transit. There is no conspiracy. The mass transit system failed because of the following reasons: -streetcar systems deterioration -subsidy of competing systems -competition with automobile -suburbanization Free-market forces (e.g. the "invisible hand" forces) dictate what people want, and people simply prefer automobiles over the mass transit system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy \_ You forgot "because people who live in LA have shit for brains." How come the Invisible Hand doesn't kill the working mass transit in nyc, Boston, SF, Seattle, Denver, or DC? Because people who live in these places do not have shit for brains. Also, the Invisble Hand would have killed the piece of shit GM calls a company years ago without gov't subsidies. live in these places do not have shit for brains. \_ LA is huge \_ Not any larger than the area serviced by MTA-funded transit around New York. It's cultural. Fuck LA. \_ If by not any larger you mean 3 times the size, then yeah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Los_Angeles_Area http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area \_ LA is a lot less dense than, say, NYC. What the heck are you talking about re: Seattle and Denver? They don't have good mass transit. DC, SF, and NYC do. You might include Chicago or Boston, but I'd say LA is on par with those. \_ You've obviously never lived in the greater Denver area. \_ The rail line goes from Denver to Littleton and back. I worked in Littleton on a contract. My hotel was in downtown Denver. I drove and so did almost all of the people at that company who took the same route, because even if you got to the Littleton station you were stuck there. I hardly call one rail line an example for all the US to follow. Does it go out to the airport now? \_ I checked and it's three rail lines now, none of which go to the airport. Combined, they are a whopping 16 miles of track. I don't know *why* LA can't duplicate that awesome masterpiece of modern transportation engineering. \_ Cars and roads are the cause, sprawl the symptom. \_ Cars, roads and sprawl are all symptoms. The disease is in the mind. \_ It's the Jews' fault. Just as Mel Gibson. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:43891 Activity:nil |
8/3 GM did not Kill The Electric Vehicle: http://www.gm.com/company/onlygm/fastlane_Blog_2.html \_ That tagline should be more like "GM Denies Killing the Electric Vehicle". They blame the market, which I find unlikely. \_ The Jews did it. -Mel Gibson |
2006/8/3-6 [Health] UID:43892 Activity:kinda low |
8/3 Doing bench press, which bar grip most stresses the pecs: wide or close? \_ wide. close works the triceps more. think about straight pushups vs. diamonds. \_ yeah ok... some dumb girl who worked at 24h tried to tell me the the opposite. \_ Related question: Is there a standard for how much the bars weigh? -John \_ ED!!!!!!!! \_ I think 45lbs is pretty standard. \_ Yah, I think that's right: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_bar -mice \_ Kewl, thanks. OK here's another question: after years of neglect (occasional sports, eating & drinking too much, etc.) I'm trying to get into shape again. Given 4x workouts per week (3-4 weight exercises per workout, 5x10 reps per weight, and pushing myself to the limit, plus approx. 45-60min cardio each time, what's a reasonable expectation for getting into really hot-shit look-good-in-almost-anything shape? I started at about 6'1", ca. 200lbs and little muscle about a month ago and have a pretty good, balanced weight regimen...anyone? -John \_ I say this every time it comes up on the motd, and get shouted down every time, but I'm going to say it again. I believe that the most important aspect of any workout plan based on health goals is whether you are likely to stick with it for many years. I also believe that with very very few exceptions, normal people tend to find weight lifting and running in circles to be very boring. By this arguement, how many "reps" one does it not the point. The point is whether your mind will still be engadged in that crap 20 years from now. For the Governator, that's true with weightlifting, but that's just not normal. I say look at the sports where you're participating with people from teenagers thru guys in their 70's, and go for that. I don't workout to look buff as a 30 year old, I work out with the intent to still be in decent, healthy shape, enjoying my sport when I'm 75. \_ so... what's your sport? \_ Judo. I've met several judo practitioners in their 70's. Sure, they mostly just shuffle around the mat teaching the younger generation, but they're still in damn good shape for their age. Also, I like having a coach in a sport who has 50 years' experience in the sport. \_ Ok. Well, you know I agree with you about cardio being extremely boring. I have a hard time getting myself to stay even 5 minutes on a cardio machine. So I try to do other stuff for that but I don't mind a bit of weightlifting. 1 hour 3x a week does a lot and I find it feels pretty good. I catch some TV while I'm at it. Most sports including Judo seem mostly to help aerobic fitness. \_ Find a gym with good TVs, a magazine collection, and a row of stairmasters in front of whatever machine it is you use. Entertainment galore! :-) -John \_ You may not enjoy it; I've been doing it on and off for the past 10 years, with varying intensity. It's like shooting; it helps me focus and relax. To each his own. As far as "crap" and "not normal" go, nobody is forcing you. -John \_ If you actually enjoy weighlifting, than you are in compliance with my worldview and I have no further comments. I apologize for the use of the word "crap" in this context. \_ It really depends. As a very general suggestion, low weights, high reps if you're looking to build tone and/or endurance. High weights, low reps if you're looking to build strength/bulk. I wouldn't do more than 3 sets for a given exercise unless your focus is to build endurance. Ideally, you should be at a weight where you r2d2 on the last or second to last rep of the last set. If you still have juice after the set: 1) you're doing the exercises in the wrong order, 2) you're using a weight which is too low, 3) your form is bad or 4) you're going too fast. You can see appreciable results even on flyweights if you slow yourself down to a 5 or 7 count. You almost definitely want to do your cardio *after* you lift, or you're going to burn off the nutrients to really work the muscles. Be sure to check with someone in the know what the proper form for an exercise is, or you'll likely end up wasting time, energy, and possibly risking injury (I learned that lesson the hard way). Also have someone you trust check in on your form once in awhile to help keep yourself honest (again, bad form == waste of time). Lastly, diet >>>>> lifting. You'll get far, far better results if you exercise even mild discipline over what you eat -- I suck at that. Ultimately, if your diet isn't good, you're going to waste alot of time making up the difference. Bandwidth++ -- feel free to email if you want to chat more. -mice \_ But isn't "tone" basically low fat + some muscles for definition? Endurance, well, obviously it's easier to lift 100 of a light weight than a heavy weight. So building muscle capacity should help endurance. I guess what I'm saying is I'm kind of dubious on the value of high reps for anything. At some point I guess you might want to avoid bulking up, but starting from nothing, I think you'd still have to build a base for a while. That's my current theory anyway. \_ 1) Tone != Bulk, 2) Endurance != Strength. \_ this is contentless. \_ *sigh* Yeah, I know -- I disagree with you pretty strongly, actually, but I've already spent too much time playing motd today. Feel free to email me and tell me how dumb I am, and I'll argue with you as time allows. =) \_ Dunno but I think 5x10 reps is too much. 3x8 is better (with heavy weight). You have that cardio to burn fat. You want to lift more weight to build muscle, not do 50 reps of some small weight. Also it will take less time and help you keep it up. And/or do more exercises. Anyway that's just some advice I've read but it makes sense to me. I used to do 5x10 and it seemed like more work for less results. \- if your goal is to "look good" in the sense of 6pack etc, i think it is harder to get down your 6pack etc, i think it is harder to reduce your fat level so the 6pack is visible than just being in good shape, i.e. having the 6pack hidden by bacon. building muscle not too hard ... eat protein and lift. \_ OK Thanks; I was taught the 5x10 thing by a friend in college who was pretty ripped--his point was to always find the maximum weight where you could do 2x10, then maybe 1x9, 1x8, 1x7 or so. I'll try that, though. \_ I like to grip it slow and tight. -proud American \_ I would say that you will notice a difference in 4 weeks and probably feel pretty good about taking your shirt off in six months. Even if you can't lose the fat, your muscle mass ratio will go up, so you will just look much better. One of the great things about weight lifting is that you can see results quickly. Ax knows much more about this, but one of the great things about weight lifting is the fact that is shows results quickly. One of the touch things about weight lifting is that at some point you plateau and start showing very little or no gains. At that point you might want to talk to a personal trainer or something. That usually doesn't happen in your first year though. -ausman |
2006/8/3-6 [Transportation/Car] UID:43893 Activity:nil |
8/3 Searching "ev1" on Google shows up a GM sponsored link saying that it is not responsible for the demise of electric vehicles. When I tried to place an ad on Google using AdWords, it costs me up to $5.00. In another word GM is willing to pay up to $5.00 for the keyword search "ev1". They sure have a lot of money for advertisements. \_ Searching for "evil" gives me: Try eBay Looking for eBay? Find exactly what you want today. http://www.eBay.com \_ When I search "evil", I get some photos of Starr Jones in a bikini. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43894 Activity:nil |
8/3 "The prospect of a low intensity civil war and a de facto division of Iraq is probably more likely at this stage than a successful and substantial transition to a stable democracy ... the next six months are crucial" -Outgoing UK ambassador to Iraq in last official private memo Here's an exercise: Google for "the next six months are crucial" iraq \_ I don't get it. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Recreation/Food] UID:43895 Activity:nil |
8/3 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060803/od_nm/coffee_odd_dc What happened to all the advertisements and company funded research that say coffee is good for you? \_ It IS good for you, you tool. Look at me. I drink 6 cups of coffee in the morning each day, usually down a up or two in the afternoon, and I have an 8-inch penis. -proud American |
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