2006/7/13 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43653 Activity:nil |
7/12 First minute is one of the funnier Daily Show bits in a while http://movies.crooksandliars.com/TDS-North-Korea.wmv http://movies.crooksandliars.com/TDS-North-Korea.mov |
2006/7/13-18 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:43654 Activity:nil |
7/13 Regardless of who's right or wrong (good luck on that), predictions on the outcome of the Israelis hitting Lebanon? -John \_ I think it will depend upon what Syria wants to do. There is a part of me want Israel go after Syria. Adding ecnomic sanction against Iran to the mix... let the hell break loose in that region. \_ I dunno, but this doesn't sound good: http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/07/13/mideast 'Earlier, Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told Israel's Channel 10, "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."' \_ It is clear that Iran is the provacoteur here and has been planning this for some time. \_ Israel has been very very stupid lately. They need to learn that having a strong, functional government in Lebanon is actually better for Israel as a nation. Instead, Israel is doing everything they can to weaken Lebanon's government, embolden those fractions who is already out of control as first place. Again. Lebanon is not a big deal, just like having massive famine in Gaza Strip is not a big deal neither. The trick is how much can Hezbollah in Lebanon drag Syria and Iran into this. And right now, US policy is not encouraging neither nations to co-operate with them. By the way, such attack on Lebanon are the reason why Arab nations want to get nuclear weapons :p \_ I know what you mean, but from Israel's perspective the part of Lebanon they invaded was completely under terrorist control, not the Lebanese government. \_ the war has escalated way beyond those ex-occupation zones. \_ yer both right. the war is extending way beyond contested lands, but Israel is primarily assaulting Hezbollah areas. \_ What does Israel hope to accomplish by attacking Lebanon? I am guessing they want to hurt Lebanon's economy, but I don't see that these tactics are going to help return the soldiers or force Lebanon to take a stand against Hezbollah. Does Israel intend to occupy Lebanon? That's really the only way that these attacks might change anything, but I doubt Israel will go so far. \_ There are three objectives: (1) Occupy a Israel-dictated buffer zone (again), (2) Indicate that future kidnappings will be met with a disproportione use of force (you'll hurt more than me), and \_ Terrorists only do kidnappings if there IS a disproportionate response ... The only way they can keep their movements going, by constantly radicalizing their populace and making moderation untenable. \_ I'd be inclined to say that there's TONS of evidence that would seem to contradict this claim. \_ And yet there was the leader of Hezbollah on TV right after some of the early attacks calling on all the world's Muslims to join him and attack Israel, when is the last time you saw him on TV? (3) Getting the soldiers back. \_ The most likely outcome is a temporary ceasefire, with Israel holding onto a buffer zone in south Lebanon and airstrikes whenever Hezbollah fires another rocket into Israel while the press writes "wasn't there supposed to be a ceasefire?" |
2006/7/13-18 [Uncategorized] UID:43655 Activity:nil |
7/13 Really great mindmap I was sent, for anyone who does systems analysis and pen testing: -John http://www.vulnerabilityassessment.co.uk/Penetration%20Test.h |
2006/7/13 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:43656 Activity:kinda low |
7/13 I have about 80 .pdf graphics files, that are a mix of vector graphics and bitmaps, and I want to convert them all to bitmap of a specified resolution, while preserving the physical size of the original image. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this fast and efficiently? I have access to the full Adobe suite if that makes any difference. thanks. \_ Are they all one page? \_ Each file is much less than a page in size, and they're all seperate files. \_ Should be able to use ghostscript. Post a file if you want an example. \_ Ok, thanks. I've been messing with Ghostscript, but I can't figure out how to get it to both be 600 dpi and to preserve the physical size. If I were smarter, I probably would have specified all the sizes in the Latex code so that I wouldn't care, but that would be a lot of work at this point (180 page document). Here is an example file: /csua/tmp/lafe/5point5huge.pdf Any pointers very much appreciated. |
2006/7/13 [Computer/HW/IO, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:43657 Activity:nil |
7/13 help. using gnome suddenly my mouse stops working. I think it might be related to vmware. I'm able to switch over to a linux virtual terminal ... I killed the vmware processes ... but still no mouse. the mouse works in the virtual terminal. anything I can do besides restarting or restarting gnome? there is work in progress i'd rather not lose. thanks. |
2006/7/13-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:43658 Activity:nil |
7/13 Painful .pdf conversion question deleted by op. I've decided to just be a man and edit the LaTex code the way I should have done in the first place. Thanks to those who attempted to help. |
2006/7/13-18 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:43659 Activity:nil |
7/13 http://csua.org/u/gf9 (globeandmail.com) U.S. casts lone dissenting Security Council vote on resolution which criticized disproportionate use of force by Israel, called for the release of an abducted soldier, and urged both sides to take steps toward restarting the peace process. The vote was 10-1, with UK abstaining and the other three permt Sec Council members voting for. \_ Wow. WWIII imminent. |
2006/7/13-18 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:43660 Activity:nil |
7/13 http://www.usatoday.com/news/pdf/plame_lawsuit.pdf Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson sue Libby, Rove, Cheney, + John Doe's for retaliatory action under color of federal law for the exercise of free speech |
2006/7/13-18 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:43661 Activity:nil |
7/13 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5175276.stm Yes, we're winning the war on terror like we are with the War on Drugs! |
2006/7/13-18 [Recreation/Sports] UID:43662 Activity:nil |
7/13 My feeling about the World Cup (you can select more than one): -just another sport: .. -it is what I live for: -stupid like football or baseball: .. -like the Roman colliseum, it is just another distraction away from real problems like the current administration: .. -none of the above: .. \_ Now that it's over, I get to go back to saying, "Eh, who cares" for two more years. Then I'll get sort of excited as the eliminations come up, and then I'll paint myself the colors of whichever country is not one of the big ones but stands a rat's chance of winning. Speaking of which, any ideas on how to remove this Ghanese flag I have tattooed on my back? --erikred |
2006/7/13-18 [Uncategorized] UID:43663 Activity:nil |
7/13 Whoa, I got an e-mail! The header even says it was scanned by ClamAV. However, the two e-mails I sent myself 10 minutes ago haven't arrived. \_ root still hasn't fixed the problems with ClamAV |
2006/7/13-18 [Reference/Tax] UID:43664 Activity:nil |
7/13 So I have a silly question regarding 401K pre-tax vs. after-tax. Suppose the tax rate now is x, and that in 20 years it'll be increased to say, 1.2*x pay for our failing Busheconomy and our expensive Iraq War. If I have 401K pre-tax then in 20 years I'd have to pay 0.2x more tax than now right? Would it make sense to do 401K after-tax instead if you strongly believe that the tax will increase in the future? \_ There is no way to do after-tax with a 401k, but you can do a Roth IRA. The other question is what your tax bracket/income might be then, even if each bracket pays higher taxes. \_ http://www.smartmoney.com/retirement/401k/index.cfm?story=which401k050609 Be sure to check out Roth 401K (hybrid of RothIRA and 401K): "...For one, no one can predict with certainty what tax rates will be in the future, though the general consensus is that they're likely to rise to help the government offset growing budget deficits and pay for Social Security and Medicare. That's one reason why people in the top tax brackets have indicated their preference for the Roth 401(k)" \_ The Trush Translation: "No one can predict the tax rate in the future, but one thing many people agree is that we're in a big shit thanks to the failing experimental Busheconomy and the experimental BushIraqWar and the experimental BushCare and experimental BushSecurity plans. Every single one of the experiments failed, all of which we'll all have to pay for dearly in the future. So that's why people who are smart have indicated their preference for the Roth 401K." \_ If your employer offers this. Mine doesn't. Does yours? \_ Nope. I even asked HR to provide it. -ausman \__ So I have a bunch of money in a roll-over IRA. Can I convert this to a roll-over Roth IRA and pay the taxes now? \_ You need to check out your own situation, but this is possible in many situations. |
2006/7/13-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics] UID:43665 Activity:nil |
7/13 Do you believe that in this world, there is good or evil? good: . evil: .. stupid: ... \_ first, please define good and evil. \_ ob dubya == good, suiciders == evil \_ but from some points of view, dubya = evil, suiciders = good \_ What does that mean? Can't there be both? \_ No. There is only good or evil. Come on, most of the Americans learned this shit in grade school. Let me give you a few examples. -Jesus Christ good, athiesm evil. -America good, Al Qaeda evil -Freedom good, North Korea and Iraq Evil. -Family value good, gay marriage evil. -Capitalism good, socialism evil. -Pro-life good, abortion evil. -George Bush good, Sadam Hussein evil. -SUV good (freedom), conservation evil (letting terrorists win) -Border patrol good, immigrants evil. Everyone seems to get it these days. But if you need to relearn this shit, please report to your nearest Homeland Security Agency \_ To be sort of fair, there are plenty of morons who flip several of those bits but keep the same binary view. The actual state of the bits is not what makes them morons. \_ This is really really cool and well-stated. Thanks. -John \- you do if you've been indoctrinated into certain belief systems. Christians and Muslims tend to be ethnocentrist, whereas overly educated academics tend to be relativists. In another word religious phreaks are opinionated and academics are wishy-washy, and you should not pay attention to either one. \_ No, good an evil are subjective. \_ To a degree. -John |
2006/7/13-18 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:43666 Activity:nil |
7/13 Record California power demand possible soon - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/gfd Power off your machines and monitors when you leave work. \_ This looks pretty normal: http://www.caiso.com/outlook/outlook.html \_ The shape may be normal, but not the magnitude. From the article: "Friday demand is forecast about 46,300 megawatts around 4 p.m. PDT, which would break the record of 45,431 set last July 20, the Cal ISO said." |
2006/7/13-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:43667 Activity:nil |
7/13 How do you get milliseconds in C? I want to do something like: t1=sec; long_operation_that_needs_to_be_benchmarked(); t2=sec; printf("This operation took %f seconds", (t2-t1)); \_ You could try using clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SEC. \_ gettimeofday() \_ I think some OS'es have a gethrtime() call. \_ http://www.quepublishing.com/articles/article.asp?p=23618&seqNum=8&rl=1 struct timeval tv; // Obtain the time of day, and convert it to a tm struct. gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); // then access tv.tv_sec (in second) and tv.tv_usec (in // ***microsecond***). Yes it's missing millisecond, which // is kind of brain-dead. \_ cuz there's a great efficient type in C to from 0 to 100. |
2006/7/13 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:43668 Activity:nil |
7/13 In Excel, is it possible to average every 24th column in a particular row. I googled this and found http://www.exceltip.com/st/Calculating_the_Average_Value_in_Every_Nth_Column,_Excluding_Zeros%09/862.html though I can't get it to work. In my spreadsheet, I have =AVERAGE(IF((MOD(COLUMN(C156:CP156)-CELL("col",C156),24)=0),C156:CP156)) It makes sense, but won't work. It seems to do the if logic only on the first column, and then just average the entire range, rather than the 1st, 25th, 49th columns, etc. |
3/15 |