Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2006:June:23 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2006/6/23-24 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:43475 Activity:nil
6/22    Whats up with all the defunct sshd processes on soda?
        Have we been hacked again?
        \_ I don't think so, but let me check your account.  What was your
           username again?
           \_ ok so then whats with the 1655 syslogds running?
2006/6/23-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:43476 Activity:nil
        War on Terror is working
        Wire tapping is a good thing
        Bush is great
        News like these will keep coming till November
        Republicans will hold control
        Democrats will whine as usual
        \_ So you think news like this is orchestrated and part of some long
           ranging plot of the geoplutocratic Cabal?
           \_ Of course not. It's being orchestrated by Karl Rove and the GOP.
              No Cabal is necessary.
              \_ I hope you see the humor in your reply.  It certainly made
                 me laugh.
                 \_ Certainly. It's the irony that makes me weep myself to
                    sleep at night.
2006/6/23-28 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Recreation/Humor, Consumer/TV] UID:43477 Activity:nil
        Looking for a similar video like this that was shown on America's
        Funniest Video. The fall on AFV was much more catastrophic and
        more dramatic. Thank for any help.
        \_ Just like that dumbass snowboarder in the Olympics.
2006/6/23-24 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:43478 Activity:nil
        Why I hate bikers (they're aggressive and they dent my car)
2006/6/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:43479 Activity:nil
        Did the Federal or State government pay for this ad?
        \_ Sure, but not your government, unless you live in the UK.
2006/6/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:43480 Activity:nil
        Watch where you're going buddy! Damn bikers.
2006/6/23-28 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:43481 Activity:nil
6/23    apache back on and PHP seems to be working once more (so the main page
        works too). Security modules have been added, so if they interfere with
        things, mail root. Hopefully they won't though. Thanks for your patience
        and understanding --michener
2006/6/23 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43482 Activity:nil 80%like:43483 80%like:43487
6/23    Soda rooted by sendmail bug.  Will be going down at 5pm.
2006/6/23 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43483 Activity:kinda low 80%like:43482 80%like:43487
6/23    Soda rooted by sendmail bug.  Will be going down at 3pm.
        \_ Resetting accounts again?
        \_ Good thing I stopped using my address as my main
           non-work e-mail address!
        \_ Let's try FreeBSD again!
        \_ Let's try Windows!
        \_ Er, why is this in motd.public?
           \_ soda is run by liburals, always aiding and comforting Terrorists
           \_ Maybe 'cause it's a lie?
        \_ So, why is it still up?
           \_ It used to say 5pm.
           \_ The crackers have changed the root passwd!  Root is powerless!
              \_ I can assure you this has not happened. --michener
        \_ I know of no such issue and have not heard from the rest of root
           about it. If this is not a lie, will whoever wrote this email root?
2006/6/23-28 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43484 Activity:nil
6/23    So the US is out, but at least they scored one goal. Did ppl find
        the first 60 minutes of the Japan/Brazil game dull or interesting?
        I'm not a soccer otaku or anything, but I thought it was really
        entertaining until the 3rd Brazilian goal.
        What are the "games to watch" this weekend?
        \_ Both the Saturday games should be good.
           \- go to el farolito in the mission for the ARG-MEX game ...
              ask for wheat beer and keep asking people if they remember
              when USA beat MEX.
        \_ The first goal by Japan was surprising and interesting, but then
           the game devolved into Brazil beating Japan down, and that's just
           not entertaining no matter who you are.
                \_ Unless you're Brazil or a Brazil fan! 4-1 baby!
2006/6/23-28 [Reference/Religion] UID:43485 Activity:nil
6/23    This is beyond odd.  YARN (yet another religious nutjob.)  -John
        \_ Which part is "beyond odd" exactly? It seems pretty standard to me.
           \_ I guess you have pretty low expectations of people :-)  -John
2006/6/23-28 [Health/Women, Recreation/Media] UID:43486 Activity:nil
        Fox News movie critic reviews Superman Returns:  Clark Kent is not very
        expressive (okay, he is supposed to be a shy geek), Lois Lane bland,
        "sass-less", and inarticulate, Lex Luthor is just Kevin Spacey echoing
        Gene Hackman - first hour rocked (a re-telling of Superman 1+2), rest
        dragged on at points.
2006/6/23-28 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:43487 Activity:nil 80%like:43482 80%like:43483
6/23    Soda rooted by sendmail bug.  Will be going down at 8pm.
        \_ Resetting accounts again?
        \_ Good thing I stopped using my address as my main
           non-work e-mail address!
        \_ Let's try FreeBSD again!
        \_ Let's try Windows!
        \_ Er, why is this in motd.public?
           \_ soda is run by liburals, always aiding and comforting Terrorists
           \_ Maybe 'cause it's a lie?
        \_ So, why is it still up?
           \_ It used to say 5pm.
           \_ The crackers have changed the root passwd!  Root is powerless!
              \_ I can assure you this has not happened. --michener
                 \_ They probably exploited something to put in a trojan su.
                    Did you test this by suing?  Now they probably have the
                    old root password!
              \_ Someone should go to the server room and destroy soda with
                 an sledgehammer before the crackers unleash the skynet on us.
        \_ I know of no such issue and have not heard from the rest of root
           about it. If this is not a lie, will whoever wrote this email root?
           \_ Did the cracker post this to freak everybody out?
           \_ The only non-anonymous evidence I see is on wall log, where
              Paolo posted a snippet showing brg and sly speculating on
              whether soda had been hacked
              \_ which had nothing to do with sendmail at all.
        \_ Lying about a rooting is l4m3.
           \_ My account has been hacked!  Last login from China!
2006/6/23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43488 Activity:nil
6/23    Khobar Towers
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2006:June:23 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>