2006/6/15-16 [Consumer/TV] UID:43396 Activity:nil |
6/15 in anime titles, what does 'OVA' mean? \_Original Video Animation...it's like straight to video. -scottyg \_ scottyg is correct. There is also an alternate form OAV. Generally they tend to be higher quality than TV, but lower than movies. The also tend to be mini-series. -jrleek http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OVA what does fan service mean? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_service |
2006/6/15-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43397 Activity:nil |
6/15 MOTD boob guy apprentice here, I got my account turned on again. Sorry I've been away. http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/6cd20bd009.gif \_ http://www.aminaked.com is all you need -scottyg \_ This woman is freakish. That's all i can say. \_ http://weakgame.com/media_10547_Sexy_Soccer.html \_ These are worse: link:tinyurl.com/mv94v |
2006/6/15-17 [Consumer/Camera, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:43398 Activity:nil |
6/15 Dear MOTD apprentice lawyers, I sent in a camera to be repaired under a third-party warranty. When I filled out the repair website, after indicating that I am in South America, it indicated that return shipping would cost $10 (the company's in the US.) Now I receive a mail telling me it will cost $72 to get my camera back, and that the $10 is only for US shipping addresses. Aside from the fact that this is b.s. (I could see $25-$30), does anyone have any advice on how to best get my camera back without forking over? It's more a matter of principle... -John \_ Where are you? My friend is going to Peru with her girlfriend and they are wondering how scary it is for two girls to be wandering Peru alone. \_ I think the state department has regular updates/releases about safety for Americans travelling abroad. I'll see if I can dig up a URL if I have the time. -mice \_ Some travel links: (US State Department Travel Warnings) http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html (Consular information about Peru -- the section on crime seems pretty detailed, while the Safety and Security section gives a good overview of the general political climate) http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_998.html (General List of Countries) http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1765.html I hope this helps! -mice \_ Chile. Most S. American tourist stuff is perfectly safe. A friend of mine took a budget bus tour into Bolivia, and had absolutely nil problems. I think if you stay out of most parts of Colombia/Venezuela and exercise caution in most urban areas (mainly Buenos Aires and Brazilian cities, according to friends) you should be fine. From what I hear, Peru is very safe. A good site for info about more exotic destinations (beyond "where not to go as an American") is the Lonely Planet BB at http://thorntree.com--I also assume your friends are not going to be running around in neon shorts and fanny packs talking in loud nasal American tourist voices. -John \_ I thought FARC and the shining path had their own Disneyland area in Peru \_ FARC, maybe in way Northern Peru, who knows, but SL were supposedly pretty well castrated by Fujimori and his goons. -John |
2006/6/15-17 [Uncategorized] UID:43399 Activity:nil |
6/15 Movie trivia question: In the 1968 Peter Sellers film "The Party", he arrives at the party in a cool 1930s-looking roadster. What type of car is that? -John \_ Oop, found it, Morgan 3-Wheeler. -John |
2006/6/15-17 [Science/Electric] UID:43400 Activity:nil |
6/14 I'm in S Cal and LA Dep of Water and Power charges me approximately $1.00 per 10KWH (KWH is 1000 watt hours). I don't watch TV at all, but my computer's on all the time. Suppose I do get a TV, and suppose I watch TV 4 hours a day and the TV is rated at 300W, how much does that contribute to the cost? -cheap ass \_ Look for a product called "Kill A Watt", it's about $29. It's really nice at telling you what's sucking up all the juices. My old VCR when powered off sucks 15 watts! To answer your question, your computer is probably consuming more power than your refrigerator and is likely the biggest electricity hog. Do you really need it to be on 24x7? \_ or if you do, think about getting a laptop instead. \_ I have a kill-a-watt, and have done extensive power surveys around my home -- highly recommended. A typical PC computer eats around 100W on continuously. I ran the math and it came out to about $20 a month at my Ream-you PG&E rates of about $.24/KWH. A TV's power consumption varies widely, depending on the picture (and the technology). My 32" CRT TV displaying white images burns like 40% more power than when displaying a black screen. The actual wattage rating it shows on the UL labels on the back has little to do with its real-life power consumption. Incidentally, flatscreen / LCD tv's and monitors save a ton of power, almost 50%. -ERic \_ I might note as well that your power supplier's cost might not be linear. PG&E rate, for example goes, up a lot depending on your total monthly consumption, and this varies with where you live. They give more consideration for folks in areas that "require" heavy use of air conditioning. So your actual cost may go up more than just based on the extra consumption, if it kicks you into a higher rate zone. -ERic \_ 300W * 4hr/day = 1.2kWh/day 1.2kWh/day * 30day/mo = 36kWh/mo 36kWh/mo * $0.10/kWh = $3.60/mo. |
2006/6/15-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:43401 Activity:nil 53%like:43493 |
6/15 Hey root, can you reenable finger motd@csua.berkeley.edu? \_ Also can you please re-enable kais motd's search and intellidiff? |
2006/6/15 [Uncategorized] UID:43402 Activity:nil |
6/15 Would appreciate assistance identifying this character: http://www.gotohogwarts.com/about/2.gif \_ looks like Zartan's face on top of the Green Arrow \_ Yes, that's it, thanks, spot on. \_ Nah, it's just Zartan. |
2006/6/15-19 [Health, Health/Men] UID:43403 Activity:nil |
6/15 Hi guys, my dad was recently billed $180 for outpatient services and $200 for the actual process of removing wax from one ear. After the Medicare deductible, he has to pay $160 (the govt is paying $380). Is this normal? Thanks. (FYI, I had the same process done for myself under my company health plan, and didn't pay crap.) \_ Sounds about right. Think about how many man hours went into getting his ear dewaxed. Reception/doctor/maybe a nurse. Cleaning up after he left, supplies, billing, paperwork whathaveyou. Stuff costs money. 160 dollars isn't that much these days. \_ what does ear dewaxing do for you? \_ basically when your ear's clogged up with wax it's really clogged up. fyi, i've since learned you can buy a $5 kit on the shelf at the drug store and save yourself the dr.'s visit.-op \_ Does the type of earwax (dry or wet) matter? \_ I don't know. Presumably if the $5 kit doesn't work, it's time to visit the doctor. \_ The doctor will shoot warm water in your ear and catch it in a bucket. Even if they threw the bucket away afterwards, the procedure shouldn't cost $380. But yes, that's "normal" in the U.S. -tom \_ Thanks, tom. A word of warning to do-it-your-selfers though: If you stick the syringe in your ear and squeeze, MAKE SURE to leave an opening for the water to pour out of. -op \_ The doctor is the expensive part, not the bucket. If you go see a doctor (and in this case, it sounds like he went to a hospital) for basic personal grooming, why would you expect it to be inexpensive? He's paying for the doctor's time and the hospital's facilities. Would you also expect it to be cheap to visit the emergency room and have a surgeon trim your toenails? \_ OK, how much do you think five minutes of time with a doctor should cost? You think $300 is reasonable? -tom \_ Most professionals set minimum billable amounts of their time (often one hour or one day). Are you saying that doctors should bill by the minute? If that was a minimum billable amount of one hour at $150, plus that much again for the hospital, then I'd say it sounds about right. Frankly, I wouldn't want it to be cheap to get my ears cleaned by a doctor at a hospital. I'd prefer that this be expensive to make it less likely that hospitals are clogged with stupid things like this when someone goes in with a real problem. \_ Fortunately, it's expensive to do anything at all at a hospital or doctor's office; up to five times as expensive in the U.S. as in other comparable nations. And the crowding problem is mitigated by the fact that millions of Americans don't have health insurance. If you think the U.S. health care system is good at anything other than providing Viagra, you're either nuts or trolling. -tom \_ I think the $7 kits are just 90% isopropyl alcohol or something like that so you if you have a syringe don't need to spend $7 when $0.99 will do. \_ Debrox, the most popular OTC treatment, is 6.5% carbamide peroxide with citric acid, glycerin, propylene glycol, and other lubricants. This is why you don't necessarily read the motd for medical advice and squirt the i-PrOH in your ear. |
2006/6/15-17 [Computer/HW] UID:43404 Activity:nil |
6/15 In YM, AIM, G Chat, and other programs... are they smart enough to do point-to-point, intranet to intranet communication when they are close (same subnet, domain, etc) to each other? Or do they all go to a centralized server? \_ It all goes to Mother Brain Chat Server Central. If you are concerned about this, either install your own local jabber server, or investigate Off The Record messaging (OTR). There are plugins for Gaim and probably other stuff too. \_ I'm a sysadmin and an engineer, and I've yet to find a Jabber server for *nix that I can figure out how to install _and_ get working with more than one client. What am I missing here? \_ I have this working in Debian: http://www.jivesoftware.org/wildfire I have seen it work with Psi and Gaim on unix and windows. - danh \_ yahoo seems to default to trying to connect locally on the same subnet -- or at least that's what I can make out of the strange connections to my co-workers |
2006/6/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43405 Activity:nil |
6/15 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1649811/posts Freepers not sure how to react as al-Qaeda in Iraq plan states number one goal is to get U.S. into a war with Iran \_ The enemy of my enemy is my friend's cousin's sister-in-law's uncle's high school sweetheart? \_ But...what does that make me? \_ But...what's that make us? |
2006/6/15-19 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:43406 Activity:nil |
6/15 Is Bernanke a Democrat or a Republican? How about his predecessors? \- He used to drive a Sienna minivan. Maybe you can do some kind of Bayes Rule thing based on the car->party statistics to come up with a guess. [for the record, he is a Republican, but not a party hack ... he was an academic most of his life. Considering his portfolio, his views on more technical questions are probably more meaningful than broad party affiliation. I am pretty sure the only guy who voted against his confirmation was a Republican senator who or why.]. GREENSPAN was a Randroid. Paul Volker [appointed who or why.]. GREENSPAN was a Randroid. Paul VOLKER [appointed by Carter, reconfirmed by Raygun] is an interesting question. The Fed, unlike some other administrative agencies, does seem to officially discourage its officers from partisan activities. See e.g. http://stlouisfed.org/publications/re/2000/c/pages/presidents-message.html --psb |
2006/6/15-19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43407 Activity:nil |
6/15 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060615/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_terror_blueprint This convinced me that the Iraq War was the right thing to do. \_ This might be an argument to convince someone that staying the course a little longer is the right thing to do, but what's your rationale for finding this a convincing w.r.t. starting the war? \_ USA also have blueprints to nuke entire USSR and China out off the face of the earth. Does it mean USSR/China is justified to invade USA in the name of self-defense? |
2006/6/15-16 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:43408 Activity:kinda low |
6/15 http://www.flickr.com/photos/pelzig/167844070 The Germans had nightvision in WW2. HEIL! \_ as did the US thanks to RCA/Zworkyin \_ as did the US thanks to RCA/Zworykin \_ Versions of the Vampir were also mounted on Panther tanks and halftracks. -John |
2006/6/15-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Display] UID:43409 Activity:nil |
6/15 A little old, but I'm sure you all want to know about ATI's new video card optimized for ASCII gaming. http://bbspot.com/News/2003/02/ati_ascii.html \_ I know it was satire, but you could do that with pixel shaders. |
2006/6/15-19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43410 Activity:nil |
6/15 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,199623,00.html The Iraq War is going in the right direction. \_ In other news, Fox is the mouthpiece for the administration. \_ I'm glad we have friends like these. I wish they existed back in WWII. I bet we'd have won that war faster with the press second-guessing everything. \_ In some ways it's similar. I seem to recall that "Nazi's have killed 6 million Jews" was not a big news story. Now we have: "insurgents" massacre civilians? Ho hum. Heroism by US troops? Nah. Accusations of US troop misconduct from anonymous unauthenticated source? Stop the presses! \_ if putting things into perspective. number of Russian casualties, number of Chinese caulties, number of casulties in Southeast Asia.. then, while 6 million is bad, but rest of 40+ million is pretty bad too \_ Live in the present, grasshopper. Painting a rosy picture of inanity and incompetence does no one any good. \_ This is not about the present or the past. It's about a systemic and pervasive hidden war against those who disagree with qualifications. Are you a soldier? Are you a historian? Can you cite precedence even? It's just arrogant presumption, not to mention, cynicism that clouds your judgement in this and all matters related to BushCo/OIF or even Dems vs Repubs. It does no good if all you do is second-guess, complain and offer no real solutions. Like they say put your money where your mouth is. I have not see any 'money' yet from anyone. \_ Here's a solution: don't fucking invade Iraq. There were several million people (including me) who took to the streets to make that point. It is disappointing that the administration went ahead with Operation Clusterfuck anyway, but it is not at all surprising that we're now in a protracted war with no real end in sight. -tom \_ It's not arrogant or cynical. The reality is that Bush is rash and incompetent. This and WWII have almost nothing in common. \_ What, aside from voting, protesting, and donating cash to political candidates that support your point of view can your typical dissenter do? What, in your mind, constitutes "putting your money etc" in this context? \_ I think he means "ok, now that we're there, how about some constructive ideas" which is legit, but something I see as a really incompetent, pathetic, juvenile and cowardly approach to foreign policy if this were really the thinking behind the Iraq war. I.e. "well, we're all in this together"--same as when your little brother floods the basement and you have to help clean up, or live with the mess. Except that in the real world, the little brother gets a knock upside the head. -John \_ OK, suggestion one is for the whole frickin' crew to admit they're completely unethical and incompetent and immediately resign. -tom \_ Well, good luck. Maybe they'll all have a sudden attack of conscience and responsibility, and monkeys will fly out of my ass. Great thing about a democracy is, if 51% of the people whose votes count don't want accountability... -John \_ in Fox News defense... I don't think Fox News is a mouth piece of the administration. I think it's just a pure MONEY generating machine which knows exactly what its audience *WANTS* to hear. And most American citizens prefer simplicity over complexity; prefer good news over bad news; prefer USA is a benevolant superpower that invades another country for the goodnes of man kind than a country which its own private business' interest trump everything else. |
2006/6/15-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43411 Activity:nil |
6/15 Victories in Iraq, Bush Approval Up http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,199668,00.html \_ In other news, Fox is the mouthpiece for the administration. |
2006/6/15-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:43412 Activity:nil |
6/15 Alright, wall.log rotations *should* be back and working right We'll find out at 4AM, when it rotates. Also, find a number of old wall tools reinstated in /csua/bin --michener \_ Okay, so date(1) on BSD is different than Linux. And my perms are better now. So hopefully this evening instead. |
3/15 |