2006/5/30-31 [Health/Men, Recreation/Media] UID:43218 Activity:nil |
5/29 So I just sat thru 2 hours of Napoleon Dynamite and I was like, what the f*??? What's so special about this movie? Sheesh. \_ I got through about 35 minutes. I'm not sure how you made it the whole way. Stoned? Drunk? Tied to the couch with metal appliance used to force your eyes open? \_ Finally! My gf and I went and saw it in the theatre and were quite let down also. -scottyg \_ I saw it in the theatre. Initially, I thought it sucked too. Now I'm more mediocre on it -- hardly worth a buy or even a rent, but maybe worth watching on cable if it's your only option. It can be amusing at points, some points more than the first time I saw it, but mostly, not. --michener \_ you motd people are probably too smart for ND. Me and my low IQ friends loved it. My brother was literally falling out of his seat laughing, tears coming from the pain of holding his side. Uncle Rico is one of the greatest movie characters ever. \_ I didn't "get" ND when I first saw it. With repeated viewings I like it more and more. I agree that Uncle Rico is great! \_ I felt this way about Robin Hood: Men in Tights For some reason the more times I saw it, the funnier it got. --dbushong \_ http://www3.state.id.us/oasis/2005/HCR029.html "Girls only like guys who have great skills." --great googler \_ At first I didn't get it, but after reading it more thoroughly, I'm going to vote this as the funniest shit I've ever seen on motd. Thanks great Googler! \_ my gf and I loved it, saw it several months ago via netflix |
2006/5/30 [Uncategorized] UID:43219 Activity:nil |
5/29 The Da Vinci Code review: 1) Directed by Ron Howard. One of the worst directors in Hollywood today: unimaginative, ham-handed, and self-important. 2) Poor casting. Neither Tom Hanks nor Audrey Tautou fit their parts, nor do they have strong personalities to make the parts their own. 3) The book was lame. I give it an optimistic D+ \_ I'd agree except Ron Howard did Arrested Development, which in my opinion, is brilliant. -scottyg \_ If the book was lame, why did you even bother seeing the movie? |
2006/5/30-6/2 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:43220 Activity:nil |
5/29 My fitness trainer/nutritionist says I should try to eat all organic food from now on. He claims my American wife is huge because of lack of exercise (which we're addressing right now), and also because of all the excess growth hormones we take in from milk, cows, and chicken. He claims that Europeans are thinner because they exercise more (no dispute in that) and also they eat more organic food and meat from happy animals that exercise more and are injected with less hormones and antibiotics. He claims that unlike US meat, European meat aren't subject to carbon dioxidation and red dyes to make them look more appealing. He also claims that European cows are are injected with less antibiotics and hormones, so while they look smaller and thus less profitable to sell and more expensive to buy than the US cows, they're much healthier to eat. How much of what he says is real and/or bullshit? Are Americans really eating much more growth hormones, antibiotics, and other residual chemicals than the Europeans? Do extra hormones really make you unhealthy? \_ Um "organic" does not necessarily mean "better". Your guy is full of shit. The average European plate is smaller, food is more expensive, and public transportation is generally better (I didn't see that many fat people in New York.) Pesticides and additives and what not don't have much to do with your fitness, as poster below correctly says. Avoid corn starch, white flour, processed sugar, etc. etc. etc., whole books have been written on how to eat well. A good rule I saw was that a portion of protein should be about the size of a deck of cards. -John \_ He's right from a nutrition point of view. I'm not sure it matters from a trainer point of view. That is, it's not good for you to eat hormone-laced beef but by doing so, although you may be less healthy, you'll probably not weigh any more/less than a person who eats 100% organic beef (all else equal). \_ What is true is that Europe has been moving more and more towards not allowing really bad ways of factory farming animals, while in the USA the government keeps relaxing the rules unless some disaster happens (like mad cow). We use 8 times as many anti- biotics for livestock as people in this country. \_ Yes, but our cow is bigger and more profitable. Case in point, look at the government endorsed Monsanto Corporation and how their products increased farmers' yields and saved farm families from going bankrupt. Case in point, most of our milk today is produced using rBGH, a synthetic hormone that has helped countless American girls blosom into full bodied women; European women on the other hand look unhealthily anorexic because they lack rBGH intake in their dairy products. Hormones + antibiotics=good profit + beautiful women. I guess you regulation-loving communists will never understand it. \- i think that is horseshit. many europeans eat smaller portion sizes [why a friend of mine immediately began gaining weight after moving back from london/amsterdam/paris back to SF. as an illustration compare an "italian pizza" with a usa pizza]. why are you approaching this in generic terms? are you interested in discussing nutrition and diet \- Your brain has been classified as: small. ok thx. \_ Re: portion size in US vs Europe etc: http://csua.org/u/g15 or do you have a fitness goal. assuming the latter, dont worry about "the europeans" and just figure out what you should do exercise/dietwise to get there. i would start by tracking your food to see where your calorie/fat/protein \_ proper dieting with strict calorie intake and moderate exercise are good. Lack of unnecessary growth hormones, fat, and anti-biotics would be even better. rBGH, a growth hormone banned for health reasons in every industrialized country, is still used heavily in the U.S. Monsanto's own data revealed that feeding IGF-1 (from to rBGH) to adult rats for only two weeks significantly increased body and liver weights, and bone length. More critically, increased IGF-1 blood levels have been incriminated as a major cause of cancer. IGF-1 induces uncontrolled growth of normal human breast cells in tissue culture, and has been incriminated in their transformation to cancer cells. http://www.organicconsumers.org/rBGH/milkismilk20405.cfm is coming from and in what quantity. for example, at some point i discovered i was ingesting maybe 1/3 of my calories from sugary-liquids [fruit juice, orange juice, coke etc]. maybe you should ask your trainer/nutritionist what he/she thinks about fruitcake. |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:43221 Activity:nil |
5/30 Bush: World record perch catcher, liar, or really, really not the kind of guy you want to go fishing with? http://americablog.blogspot.com/2006/05/bush-tells-german-paper-he-caught.html \_ Obviously, you don't realize that Bush cured blindness and other things. People in certain parts of the country worship him like the next Messiah. http://www.buzzflash.com/mailbag/2002/11/14_Bush_Messiah.jpg \_ Or option 4, something translated incorrectly from the original report in German. \_ Very plausible. The words for "bass" and "perch" are close in German. \_ queuing German John to confirm this. \_ dumme scheishe, German John isn't a real German and his German is probably not even that good. \_ Erm, I have no clue, I prefer tuna. -John |
2006/5/30 [Uncategorized] UID:43222 Activity:low |
5/30 SF City Hall evacuated due to "several suspicious packages": http://kpix.com \_ A good friend of mine works at city hall and tells me that bomb scares (and evacuations) are pretty frequent, average maybe once every month or two. Her department takes them with a grain of salt since one time the fire department forgot to evacuate them. -dans \_ Dude, that's just sad. \_ "Forgot". -John \_ Nah, they're the press clippings department. There is no political reason to forget them. Now, if they were the Department of Emergency services, that's a different story entirely. -dans |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:43223 Activity:nil |
5/30 For the second time in 24 hours a total stranger has contacted me on Yahoo IM. This never happened before. The first was some "ASL?" guy who is broken english seemed to say he got my IM handle in a chatroom. The second said "what are you doing on my buddy list?". Can anyone think of an explanation besides "someone as going in chatrooms giving out your IM handle". \_ Elizabot, scammers trolling for personal details claiming you're on "their" buddy list, something like that? -John \_ There are 409 scammers operating on Yahoo IM now. I have strung a few of them along just for the hell of it. -ausman |
2006/5/30-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Reference/History/WW2] UID:43224 Activity:nil |
5/30 Super Mario -- Communist Propaganda? http://www.allempires.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12015 -John \_ Funniest shit I've ever seen on motd. Thanks so much John. |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:43225 Activity:nil |
5/30 How is it known which Supreme Court justice casts the tie-breaking vote (if there is one)? Do they cast their vote sequentially? (e.g. why is Alito assumed to have cast the tie-breaking vote in this whistleblower lawsuit?) \- without going into it more deeply, the ct doesnt exactly vote, they issue opinions and if one gets more than 5 people to sign on, that has the force of law. given that people can "join in part and dissent in part" and more than 2 opinions can be written, this can be complicated to figure out. for example in the uc davis Bakke aff action case, 6 opinions were written. there is an initial this can be complicated to figure out. for example in the UC DAVIS BAKKE aff action case, 6 opinions were written. there is an initial vote and based on that the writing of opinions is assigned, but this is sort of a fluid notion. this is sort of a fluid stage. \_ OK, so given that, how can the tie-breaking vote be determined? -op \- it depends on what the person using the term means. if you point me to the article i can see if i can figure it out. but it's probably not really a precise term w.r.t. this decision. when there is a "real tie" [like say only 8 justices are deciding a case due to reculsals or absencens] the lower ct is affirmed. it could mean "X voted last" or "we knew which way everone else was going to go but were not sure about alito" or "both opinion writers were offering changes to get alito on board" etc. usually a tie breaker is somebody who doesnt vote unless there is a tie as an outcome. in this case there was not "final state" od a tie, i assume. |
2006/5/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:43226 Activity:nil 80%like:43211 |
5/28 http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/11718.html Carter and Clinton the worst administration ever! \_ Well one guy started an illegal, unwinnable war, but... but... BLOWJOBS! \_ Yeah, we left Kosovo long ago. Such a cheery speech, National Malaise. \_ With full NATO involvement and cooperation. \_ And a humanitarian goal that was actually achieved. \_ By this you mean entrenching Iran and other Islamicists in Albania's government and Montenegro? Humanitarian indeed. \_ had a bad day at the golf range, jblack? \_ I was thinking more along the lines of stopping ethnic cleansing. \_ Wow, Carter and Clinton on one ticket? I'd vote for that! --erikred \_ Wow, Carter and Clinton on one ticket? I'd vote for that! Also, I can understand IP addresses for freerepublic, but http://www.theconservativevoice.com Have some pride, child. --erikred [Posted because someone originally posted an IP address instead of the FQDN. Don't steal words from my mouth.] |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Health/Women] UID:43227 Activity:low |
5/30 Baby born in China with 3 arms http://www.local6.com/news/9290536/detail.html (pic included) \_ something something arms race with China. \_ That's awesome--you could make a living as a pickpocket. -John \- ^pickpocket^gigolo \_ That is kind of an interesting ethical question. Assuming the two left arms are somewhat functional and not hazardous to his health, chopping one off is a little strange. What if someone evolved some extra functionality and doctors always chopped it off? What if having three arms was actually useful? Modern culture is based on the use of tools. And three arms might theoretically allow this guy to be a genius musician or artisan. By chopping it off when he's a baby they are robbing him of a body part without his consent. Maybe not in this case but it's interesting in principle. \_ How is this a hard ethical question? You do what is best for the kid medically. And that is a science question, not a philosophical one. A case where you have siamese twins and you have to make a decision that affects each differently has more of an ethical flavor. \_ I said "assuming [they are] not hazardous to his health". That makes it a philosophical question. That, plus the fact that many doctors really don't know what the fuck and basically make varyingly-educated guesses. It sounds like in this particular case both arms are impaired, but only one is in the "right place", so they will probably chop the lower one off and hope the other one develops. But even if they both worked fine I bet they'd do it for cosmetic reasons. \_ Um, "circumcision". OK, a foreskin is not nearly as cool as a third arm, but still. I'd love to have a third arm. Or a hand coming out of my forehead, so I can hold a cigarette while doing other stuff, or keep my sunglasses real cool-like sort of halfway up. -John \_ But would they be Peril Sensitive? \_ Ah, wonderful. A hack troll to keep the memory of his hack writer hero alive. *sigh* \_ It's a joke. Get over it. \_ Oh, I've been over that hack for quite awhile now. \_ Uh ok. The movie sucked but there's no reason to be this bitter. The guy is dead and never hurt anyone while alive. \_ I'm actually quite entertained at the moment. \_ I'm happy that you're happy. \_ Yeah, and circumcision is up for debate also. Just because it's in some people's culture doesn't mean it's ok. I do not want people chopping off my body parts. Foreskins aren't mutant anomalies and neither are they a credible health problem. It's also meaningless from a religious point of view since the baby has no clue about the matter. (There's also the problem of inflicting pain on babies...) \_ I wasn't referring to circumcision as "something that's done anyway, so it should be a precedent". I think whacking bits off anyone without their aware consent, unless said bits are life-threatening, is dumb. -John |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Reference/Military] UID:43228 Activity:nil |
5/30 Teacher uses carbine in physics experiments http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/05/25/BAGO0J1C5O18.DTL \_ I love how the man is condemned because of his insensitivity to the horrors of Columbine. You'd think the safety concerns would be a little more topical.... *sheesh* \_ Especially since he's been doing this since well before Columbine. |
2006/5/30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:43229 Activity:nil |
5/30 So when do we see http://cnn.com and foxnews.cm headlining the Treasury Secretary pick? It's already leading on washpost/nytimes/latimes.com. I guess Dubya doesn't want there to be news of the current Treasury guy resigning - in the face of the stock market taking a dump on news of falling consumer confidence and rising oil prices. Also, the new guy is as well-heeled as can be, Goldman-Sachs CEO? Optimistically, he will be competent as hell, but his nomination can very well piss off all the have-nots. |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Uncategorized] UID:43230 Activity:nil |
5/30 In a 5-4 decision (Kennedy being swing vote), justices decide that government employees are not protected by the Constitution when pointing out wrongdoing and suffer punishment because of it. State laws, if they exist, still apply. |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Health/Disease/General] UID:43231 Activity:nil |
5/30 http://www.organicconsumers.org/rBGH/milkismilk20405.cfm This is from a link below. Now I understand why American women have bigger breasts than say, European women: "Eli Lilly, in its application for registration of rBGH, admitted that IGF-1 blood levels of injected cows are increased up to ten-fold. IGF-1 is resistant to pasteurization and digestion, and is readily absorbed from the small intestine... IGF-1 induces uncontrolled growth of normal human breast cells in tissue culture..." God bless hormones in our milk that make our women beautiful! On a more serious note, I'm wondering where I can buy milk milk without Monsanto's rBGH hormones? I'm a guy and I don't need bigger breasts. They're already pretty big for a guy. \_ Whole Foods definitely seels rGBH free milk. Probably Trader Joe's \_ Whole Foods definitely sells rGBH free milk. Probably Trader Joe's too. \_ TJ's has for a while (w/ the disclaimer that there's no way to actually test for it) Apparently Safeway's default cheap-o milk says it's rBST free now!? --dbushong \_ Almost all milk you buy in a store is rBST free. But there are a lot of milk products in most people's diet. Ever eat prepared foods? Or cheepish cheese? \_ Sexist! \_ Cowist! \_ ______ < hey! > ------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || |
2006/5/30 [Uncategorized] UID:43232 Activity:nil |
5/30 [rant self-deleted] |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:43233 Activity:nil |
5/30 Looking for a UNIX equivalent of "file <file>" in PHP. I'd like PHP to determine what type of file it is looking at without having to call system or exec("file $file"...). Please help... \_ Try the Fileinfo PECL extension: http://pecl.php.net/package/Fileinfo |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Transportation/Bicycle, Health/Men] UID:43234 Activity:nil |
5/30 http://www.swedish.org/16720.cfm Bikers beware. You may never get your penis up if you don't get the right seat. \_ ...said the guys trying to sell you new products |
2006/5/30-6/3 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:43235 Activity:nil |
5/30 http://eed.llnl.gov/flow/02flow.php Excellent info on US Energy Flow Trends. 22.4 out of 27.9 energy from petroleum for transportion is lost energy, which is expected given the inefficiency of modern internal combustion engine. However, 27.8 out of 40.3 electric power sector is electrical system energy losses, which is quite surprising to me. Is the current electric grid system as good as it can be, or is there room for improvement? \_ Do "electrical system energy losses" include losses at the point of generation? If you're burning coal in a power plant you only get a certain percentage of the energy ... \_ It's been a while since I read anything on this but IIRC, when they talk about the electric grid losses they mean the losses that occur during transmission from point of origin at the plant to your wall socket (or at least your local hook up out on the street). I have no idea how they calculate losses at the power plants themselves. \_ Transmission line losses are not that bad. Something like 2% for every 1000 miles of high voltage wire? \_ no idea. maybe someone with a browser will come along and help us out. ;-) "Transmission and distribution losses in the USA were estimated at 7.2% in 1995 [1], and in the UK at 7.4% in 1998" |
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