2006/5/25 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:43184 Activity:nil |
5/25 The Davinci Code review: -waaaay too long -ending is lame, should have ended it 15 min earlier -bashing on Opus Dei is not cool -tried to put in too much stuff from the book into 2 hours like 95% of the audiences don't even know what the Fibonnaci function is. +girl was cute. very very cute. they should have slept together \- see ALANE review in NYker |
2006/5/25-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43185 Activity:nil |
5/25 You must all see Baghdad ER. Playing repeatedly on HBO, and if you don't have it, google for "baghdad er torrent", and it's the first link. Speeds are very fast. This is the most relevant documentary I've seen in a while. \_ Does it have a liberal bias and/or contain liberal lies, or does it have a narrowminded Neoconservative Republican-like slant? \_ it tells it like it is. this was Army sponsored. I understand the military guys like it, but the civilian leadership at the Pentagon may not. \_ How about saying why we "must" see it ... why it is good, what it is about ... rather than just how to download it. \_ http://csua.org/u/fzf (Wash Post) Saluting Valor on the Medical Front Lines "To read political motives into Baghdad ER, a poignant and powerful documentary about military medical personnel working in Iraq, would be to insult and diminish not only the film but also its subjects." \_ Okay, for all you people that are unconvinced, it has powered surgical saws with limbs and flesh coming off people in pretty graphic detail. With the added bonus that this stuff is happening in Iraq right now, every day. |
2006/5/25-28 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:43186 Activity:nil |
5/25 Creedish Occupied Government! Amish World Conspiracy! http://www1.autistici.org/loa/snd/survivor/official/uncreed -John \_ This is a lot of work into something that isn't so funny. |
2006/5/25-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Recreation/Media] UID:43187 Activity:nil |
5/25 The Davinci Code review: -waaaay too long -ending is lame, should have ended it 15 min earlier -bashing on Opus Dei is not cool \_ Erm, how much do you know about Opus Dei? They're a pretty bashable bunch. -John \_ Bear in mind that OD in the movie was presented in two lights: overzealous bishop and henchman, and sympathetic cop. This was actually the way most of the movie was: for every bad example of a group there was an equal good example. The movie was remarkably value neutral on OD, conspiracy nuts, historical evidence of the Grail conspiracy, etc. Hell, even the albino was creepy for very personal reasons. -tried to put in too much stuff from the book into 2 hours like 95% of the audiences don't even know what the Fibonnaci function is. +girl was cute. very very cute. they should have slept together \- see ALANE review in NYker \_ For those too lazy to use google (or not tall enough to understand psb-speak), that's http://csua.org/u/fzz \_ http://csua.org/u/fzz for those too lazy to use google (or too short to understand psb-speak). (or not tall enough to understand psb-speak). |
2006/5/25-28 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:43188 Activity:kinda low |
5/25 Ken Lay convicted on all 6 counts (conspiracy to commit wire/securities fraud, wire+securities fraud). Jeffrey Skilling convicted on 19 of 28 counts (conspiracy to commit wire/securities fraud, securities fraud, making false statements, 1 out of 10 counts of insider trading). Judge separately finds Lay guilty on all 4 counts of bank fraud. \_ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12973712 Conviction of Enron's founder marks another dark moment in the Bush era. The jurors took a chain saw to the moral claims of the Texas-based corporate culture that had helped fuel the rise to power of President George W. Bush. \- you know just the the prosecution did in the enron case, it is better to stick to your strong claims when making a case than dilluting it with iffy claims. invading a country on false pretenses, shooting the us reputation in the foot by torturing people, dispensing with separation of powers, and putting us on the road to plutocracy is enough to hang on BUSHCO. \_ obviously, Kenneth Lay is a bad CEO. A good and effective CEO would have bribed the judge and jury and kept its shareholders happy. That's the job of a CEO. Even Al Capone would have done better than Kenneth Lay. \_ Maybe the judge gave erroneous instructions to the jury, and the case will be thrown out two years later \- some commentators seem to think the jury is really solid, and by example use the fact that they acquitted SKILLING on many counts, suggesting they were carefully assessing the evidence in teh cases they voted to convict, rather than having some kind of shutgun approach. \- commentators feel the jury in this case was pretty careful. the use the fact that SKILLING was acquitted on quite a few counts to suggest they were deliberate in their findings rather than doing things in a shotgun manner. \_ it doesn't matter how competent the jury was if they were given erroneous instructions from the judge. the supreme court will agree unanimously to throw out the case if it happened in the same way as: \_ it doesn't matter how competent the jury was if the judge, uh, innocently gave the jury the wrong instructions http://csua.org/u/fzu (Wash Post) \- sure it could happen but if ever you believe the but there are reasons to believe the jury this time was "better than average" rather than worse than average. i dont know if the appeals based on judge's instructions look more like "per se" or "rule of reason" type violations [do you have to hit some fuckup threashold or is it purely technical] but there is one view from HPITT, the former SEC chief: fuckup threashold or is it purely technical]. here is one view from HPITT, the former SEC chief: http://csua.org/u/fzx ok tnx. ok tnx. i think the real outrage in a sense is it seems clear those two illegal CEOs will go to a cushy prison rather than weekly beatings/ sodomy/hepatitis/hiv+ prison. ok tnx. \_ For many centuries, greedy big oppressive imperialistic penises who have absolute control of the institutions they inherited, altered the lives of many that they touched for worse. Case in point, American Natives, Blacks, Indians, Asians, Iraqis, Arabs, etc, all for what? The bottom line-- PROFIT. They raised profits without regard to humanity, by bringing drugs (opium, alcohol), diseases (blankets with smallpox), prejudice (Manifest Destiny), greed, humiliation to non-whites, and other evils of humanity. They implemented regime change to pillage resources like oil, they broke up tribes and families for cotton labor, they forced people to follow their religions, they rewrote text books that glorified the white race, so on and so forth. It's about time these white oppressive imperialists pay for what they and their ancestors have done for centuries. In short, I'm very very happy with the outcome of the trial. I hope it is one of the many trials to come. Down with all evil white hypocrits like GWB. Equality and justice for all!!! \_ white, jblack is, but small penis, he has. what say you? \_ You know, this sounds like an insane rant... except, it's, well, true. \_ There is no need to apologize for our actions. The only thing true is that this is written by an angry minority. \_ All this and still the best, sanest, society created. \_ History is written by the victors, and you seem to \_ History is written by the victors (written by the victors dipping their large white penises in ink), and you seem to know your history well. \_ Yep, study history so you can be the victors. Otherwise, you're dead (or maybe a slave). \_ Thanks. I'm trying my best. I've been educating people on why we should oppress evil white men and the movement is growing strong. Wish me luck! -pp \_ Are you that naive? Do you like what you have? I mean think about it. There are so many resources in the world. You knew it was dog-eat-dog growing up. And you complain and complain and complain? What has all that leftist crap brought to the world? Nothing. What has all this greed and evil brought? Sure some profit more than others. But geez! \_ somebody has a tiny little penis. \_ Agreed. It is a God given right and our destiny to get land, lumber, and petroleum. If little people happen to get in the way, it is our duty to use our God given powers to re-educate them. \_ perfect is the enemy of best. \_ Next stop: pound me in the ass prison \_ Like hell. They go to min. security pound-me-in-the-chessboard "prison" \_ Cool. When is their public hanging? \_ "As I told him, we've just begun to fight" -Skilling's lawyer |
2006/5/25-28 [Uncategorized] UID:43189 Activity:nil |
5/25 I admit my fetish because I can't hide it anymore. I like skinny legged women and Audrey Tautou in The Davinci Code totally turns me on. What do you think? \_ Depends. Is it immoral to have a crush on Jesus Christ's descendant? \_ Kate Moss? \_ The op is asking what you think about Audrey Tautou \_ You call that a fetish? \_ Her legs are gross. I like shapely legs, not twigs. |
2006/5/25-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW] UID:43190 Activity:nil |
5/25 http://www.google.com/search?q=davinci+code Click on the sponsored DaVince and Jesus link to the right. Approximately how much money is the church paying Google to display the advertisement there? \_ "the church"? That's Campus Crusade for Christ. \_ http://csua.org/u/fzh (Google FAQ on Adwords.) |
2006/5/25-28 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:43191 Activity:nil |
5/25 http://greenhybrid.com Awesome site with DB & actual numbers from consumers. \_ Does the Civic hybrid really do that well? i thought it got more like 38 mpg to the Prius's 48 mpg \_ Yeah, it's a pretty big difference. Consumer Reports said 37 vs. GreenHybrid got 47 on the 2nd gen Civic. Consumer Reports got 26 for the 1st gen, vs. 48 on GreenHybrid! \_ keywords: miles per gallon MPG prius civic hybrid |
2006/5/25-28 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:43192 Activity:nil |
5/25 Honda now realizes the horsepower hybrid strategy is a bust, and they're cutting production of the Accord hybrid. "It's about fuel economy, stupid," says Honda senior vice president John Mendel http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12958916/site/newsweek/page/2 See, Honda fucked up and it doesn't take a PhD MBA to figure that out. Dumb asses. -disillusioned Honda defector \_ It might work if it's a luxury car, like the Lexus sedan hybrid But Honda != Lexus, and hence Accord hybrid goes away, like you said \_ Disillusioned how? Did you buy an Accord Hybrid expecting economy!? They made no secret that it was a hybrid for performance reasons... \_ I'd be more likely to buy a high performance hybrid. Like the above poster says, though, people like me are probably looking higher end than Accord. Maybe they should put the engine in an Acura. However, too high end and the consumer doesn't care what the economy is. I wouldn't buy a hybrid Porsche 911, for instance. |
2006/5/25-28 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:43193 Activity:nil |
5/25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdBYZGM6Tjg&search=amerika Can someone please translate this? Thanks. \_ This is not a love song. Whether you like it or not, you must dance with the Whitehouse. You drink cola cola, wear wonderbras, go to Disneyland, and fight wars. Damnit, we are all living in Amerika. And BTW the scene at the end implies "Damnit if it weren't for the fucking Amerikans we Germans would have been on the moon first." The messages are subtle but powerful, similar to Triumph of the Will. \_ "We're all living in Amerika..." \_ http://german.about.com/library/blmus_rammst04e.htm |
2006/5/25 [Uncategorized] UID:43194 Activity:nil |
5/25 I have a GNUmakefile with the command: "cid + dictionary.c" in it. I don't seem to have cid installed, does anyone know what it is? It doesn't seem to be easily googleable. |
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