2006/5/18-22 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:43088 Activity:nil |
5/18 dnm, a friend an occasional denizen of #csua has some hardware for sale. He wanted to make it available to local geeks before advertising on craigslist or eBay so I'm posting this for him. No prices listed, email dnm with an offer. -dans * At least 5 HP Vectra VL420 DT desktop boxes, all Pentium 4 1.6 GHz machines * a boat load of UATA 133 drives of various sizes, 60 GB up to 250 GB. * 2 two 13" CRT monitors, one NEC and one eMachines * 1 19" Iiyama Vision Master Pro 510, an ex-Napster monitor, seems to have one dead color gun, and a small ding in the glass, but is otherwise okay. * 1 Apple TiBook 667 MHz, 768 MB RAM, 30 GB HD in decent shape. Of the machines and disks, dnm has this to say: These were used as data storage machines with four drives a piece, so there's no CD-ROM drive in any of them, and the disks are "well used." Everything is sold as-is, though I know all the drives to be good. If you get a drive that's DOA, I'll take it back and refund your money. They may, however, die later. Nonetheless, I've been okay. I'm using one such box as my desktop and another is outfitted as a 1 TB (before formatting) NAS using FreeNAS. I can build this or other configurations if it's not much work, including FreeNAS, FreeBSD, or Ubuntu installs. Email dnm@pobox.com if you're interested: first come, first served. Pick up in San Francisco. Cash or PayPal preferred. No cables, keyboards, or mice at this time. Thanks! |
2006/5/18-22 [Health/Women] UID:43089 Activity:nil |
5/17 http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/parenting/04/26/hip.and.pregnant.ap It's hip to be pregnant! Yeah, come on people, start to make babies like rabbits! \_ The babies themselves aren't hip. You should get pregnant a lot but have late abortions! \_ Get 'em while they last! |
2006/5/18-22 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:43090 Activity:nil |
5/17 Can someone please point me to the web site that shows post-911, people had a lot of sex? A friend of mine who is a playboy said he never had so much sex with different women in his entire life the months following 911. I'd like to see a more scientific study. |
2006/5/18-22 [Recreation/Activities, Reference/Military] UID:43091 Activity:nil |
5/17 sameer joines the marines http://www.creativedestruction.com/blog |
2006/5/18-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:43092 Activity:nil |
5/17 Did you guys see the letter from Ahmadinejad? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article12984.htm \_ Translation issues aside, that is a frighteningly clear and reasonable letter. I say frightening because I still think of Ahmadi-Najad as a fundamentalist nutjob, but I wasn't aware he was so articulate. \_ He is/was a professor. Being a fundamentalist nutjob doesn't mean you aren't intelligent (although they do tend to be correlated). \_ "Reasonable" in the sense that, as above poster put it very well, nutjobs can still put up logically constructed arguments. Much of what he writes is true. However, it reminds me of a joke involving a bunch of people who visit East Germany in 1975, and after being told for hours what a great place it is, one of them asks the guide about the stasi, oppression, and a whole bunch of other horrid things. The guide snaps back, "Americans oppress their black people." -John \_ Here in Berkeley that's not a joke, it's an inspiring tale of a liberated East German "speaking truth to power." \_ I'm sure in Berkeley a lot of things would be considered "inspiring tales" by people who haven't the slightest clue what the fuck they're talking about. -John |
2006/5/18-22 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:43093 Activity:nil |
5/17 The RNC raised $35 million in the first quarter of the year and has almost $43 million in the bank. The Democratic National Committee, meanwhile, raised $18 million in the first quarter and has $10.5 million on hand. Sadly, DNC is going to be as smug as it was in 2000 and 2004 and probably screw up the campaigns again the way Gore and Kerry did. The DNC needs a strong leader like JFK, and a good campaign architect like Rove. \_ Kerry never got to the point. Dubya did. Bubba did. Bubba would have obliterated Dubya in a head-to-head. Hillary vs. McCain? My money's on Hillary. |
2006/5/18-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:43094 Activity:nil |
5/17 Freepers react to Murtha describing massacre of Iraqi civilians by U.S. marines after a fellow marine died http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1634085/posts \_ It's like reading National Geographic: fascinating, riveting, and utterly alien. |
2006/5/18-22 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:43095 Activity:nil |
5/18 I want to use version control for some code on my laptop even when I'm not connected to the network with the SVN repository. Is there a good way to run a local svn repository on the laptop and synch it with the main repository from time to time? ok tnx. \_ http://svk.elixus.org (haven't used it personally) but you might want to think about a revision control system that's designed for this from the get go, like "git" On the other hand, I find git quirky and confusing. YMMV. --dbushong |
2006/5/18-11/6 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:43096 Activity:nil |
11/04 Is it just me or Haggard looks like the grown up version of Steve Stifler in American Pie? http://www.gulfnews.com/world/U.S.A/10079630.html http://tinyurl.com/yxslwu (outsidethebeltway.com) \_ Go conservatives!!! \_ Go liberals!!! "the population of Black Jack according to Wikipedia is 71 percent African-American." |
2006/5/18-22 [Transportation/Car] UID:43097 Activity:nil |
5/18 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060518/od_nm/germany_deposit_dc Another wacky German |
2006/5/18-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:43098 Activity:nil |
5/18 I'm working with a developer who's used to C++/Java development environments that show you all the object relationships, inheritance, where functions are defined, where functions are used, etc. We have a huge, painful application written in object oriented PHP that he's trying to figure out. Do you guys know of and/or have you used any editors for PHP that have the kind of object oriented awareness like IntelliJ or Eclipse? He's really stuck in the high-level IDE way of working and I need him to figure this code out much quicker than his current pace. Thanks! \_ There are PHP IDEs out there but I couldn't make any reccomendations Some people are working on a PHP add-on for Eclipse, but it's not ready for use yet. Since you have a huge, painful OO PHP application, may I ask why you haven't moved to an IDE? I realize there's a bit of pride in saying VI is your IDE, but a real IDE can give big productivity gains even if you already know the project like the back of your hand. \_ You're preaching to the choir, trust me! The group I work for is very security-conscious and I'm not allowed to install any other software, like a PHP IDE. I've done most of my development using Java IDE's like IntelliJ, so I know how powerful and useful they are. The PHP application in question is something that was built long ago by a CS student, and is undocumented, other than a feature spec. I'm in charge of helping another group rewrite the application, from the spec, but using the existing PHP code as a secondary reference. Really we should only be using the spec and not the code, but it is what it is unfortunately. |
2006/5/18-22 [Uncategorized] UID:43099 Activity:nil |
5/18 To learn ruby, are any books other than the "pickaxe" recommended? \_ The new pickaxe book is very, very good. If you want something online and very, very quirky, try: http://poignantguide.net/ruby/chapter-1.html --dbushong \_ Do yourself a favor... don't. Ruby makes javascript look fast. \_ Do you understand there are many cases where prototyping speed and correctness are more important than execution speed. \_ Quirky and usless. \_ Hey, I never said useful. --dbushong \_ Hmmm... it's interesting that he makes a lot of attempts at simple explanations a metaphores, but if I wasn't a programmer already, I would have no idea what he's talking about. \_ That is filled with way too much useless verbiage trying to be clever and failing. |
2006/5/18-22 [Transportation/Car, Science/Electric] UID:43100 Activity:nil |
5/18 I need to get a stove and from what I can tell, induction is the way to go. Is there any reason not to get an induction stove? \_ This was on KAIS MOTD a while ago but I can't search anymore. \_ http://theinductionsite.com/proandcon.shtml \_ You like to cook? If so, gas is the way to go. \_ I second that. \_ Remember that stoves and ovens often come together and gas ovens have the disadvantage that they generate water vapor and to make it harder to crisp foods. \_ Once you get used to it, electric has some advantages: much lower simmers, for one. \_ Bah. \_ What's another? The one I see is that it is easier to clean. The glass-surface ones anyway. But the temperature changes are so sloow. I much prefer gas but now I'm stuck with elec. \_ For the same cost, a low-end electric burner seems to deliver BTUs faster to a flat-bottomed vessel than a gas burner. They are slow, but you learn to deal with it (take things off burner while cooling, leave extra time for initial warmup) \_ I don't care about cost. Yes you can deal with it but the bottom line is electric is less versatile and also less fun. \_ Usually not very fine control when simmering. It's very easy to burn sauces when cooking on electric and much less so on gas. With a high BTU gas burner, the heat is almost instant (for searing, for example). My experience with electric is that it's usually too hot or too cold because it takes time for the coils to settle to the correct temperature. \_ Agreed that it takes a while for the coils to settle but if you can wait for it, you get much finer control at low heat with electric than with gas. \_ No self respecting cook would use anything except a gas range, period. You lose all control with electric, and you are limited to flat bottom pots and pans. If you want a lower flame use a cast iron flame tamer. If you are worried about water vapor in the oven, they make combination stove ovens which have electric elements in the oven, and a gas range. Personally gas is better in my opinion for the oven as water vapor helps to improve oven spring when baking bread and helps to transport heat. I prefer convection ovens anyways. \_ Your points are valid, but you brand yourself an idiot by beginning with "no self respecting cook..." I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a hard time finding a chef who, even so woefully handicapped by cooking on electric, could could the pants off of you. \_ Your logic does not follow. \_ Are you the infamous "induction" guy? \- do you guys pushing electrics work for msft? |
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