Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2006:May:07 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2006/5/7-9 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:42962 Activity:nil
5/7     Posting new articles from trn should work now.  Sorry it was
        broken before.  --mconst
        \_ It seems to work, thanks a lot! -jrleek
           \_ Or not.  I got this error, and nothing ever posted.
              inews: warning: What server?
              inews: article will be spooled
2006/5/7 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:42963 Activity:nil
5/7     Cyclist: We are the cyclists.  The intermediate stage between
        humans and pure energy.  I see you are driving a "car".  We have
        dispensed with such primitive modes of transport.  All we require
        are our bicycles, our shiny helmets, our burex shorts, and the tarmac
        surface paid for by billions of dollars from your road taxes.  But
        now we must go, for altho the lights are still red, mere rules do not
        apply to us.
        \_ dont bitch if you get runned over.. since u dont obey the law
2006/5/7-10 [Uncategorized] UID:42964 Activity:nil
5/7     Anyone following the EE bonds and I bonds?  Why did the rate drop
        from about 6% to 2% on the newly issued I bonds?
        \_ Aren't I Bonds a fixed rate + CPI? How could they be 2%, since
           inflation is higher than that???
           \_ yes. the 2% is the fixed rate on *newly issued* bonds.
              \_ The old rate was 6% + CPI??? Wow, I should have gotten
                 me some of those. They had a higher rate of return and
                 less risk than T-Bills. Somehow, I think you have that
                 value wrong.
           \_ the current base rate is 1.4%, inflation payout is 1%
              a total of 2.4% for the next 6 month period. inflation
              payout for the previous 6-month period was > 5%
              \_ Inflation is 1%??? These bastards are lying. Again.
2006/5/7-9 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:42965 Activity:nil
5/7     Anyone have any experience with IBM/Lenovo mail-in Thinkpad warranty
        service?  How long should I expect it to take to get my machine back?
        \_ they will send you a box, you send the box in, repair time, get
           the box back -- the box took a few days to arrive, it went back
           via standard shipping, repair time was maybe a week, the laptop
           came back overnight'd I think.  I got the note of a delivery
           attempt before I got an email notification that it was on its
           \_ I got the box and was wondering how long I will be laptop-less.
2006/5/7-10 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:42966 Activity:nil
5/7     Conroe CPUs will kick ass. -- recently bought INTC
        \_ but all the performance tests have been where Intel controlled both
           the Conroe and the AMD box, right?  Previously Intel would mail an
           actual CPU to a reviewer site and they could play with it as much as
           they wanted, but as far as I know this hasn't happened.
2006/5/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42967 Activity:nil

        By Doug McIntyre -
        Host, McIntyre in the Morning
        Talk Radio 790 KABC

        There's nothing harder in public life than admitting
        you're wrong. By the way, admitting you're wrong can be even tougher
        in private life. If you don't believe me, just ask Bill Clinton or
        Charlie Sheen. But when you go out on the limb in public, it's out
        there where everyone can see it, or in my case, hear it.

        So, I'm saying today, I was wrong to have voted for George W. Bush.
        In historic terms, I believe George W. Bush is the worst two-term
        President in the history of the country. Worse than Grant. I also
        believe a case can be made that he's the worst President, period.

        If the Right Wing talk radio blowhards have turned against him,
        is impeachment really that far feched a possibility?
        \_ You obviously have been paying attention politics only as far
           as Clinton. The constituents of talk show hosts (left or right)
           are not the same as the members of Congress. Things move slower.
2006/5/7-10 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42968 Activity:nil
5/7     NIA Deputy Director General Michael Hayden: No probable cause mentioned
        in the 4th Amendment. Easily refuted.
        \_ Probable cause applies to warrants.
           You can search without a warrant, as long as it's reasonable, like
           when a police officer pats you down for weapons if he or she has a
           reasonable suspicion you might endanger them, orwhen  Dubya says so.
           reasonable suspicion you might endanger them, or when Dubya says so.
           \_ ...also called probable cause.
              \_ do your homework: (
              \_ do your homework
                 "Where a reasonably prudent officer is warranted in the
                 circumstances of a given case in believing that his safety or
                 that of others is endangered, he may make a reasonable search
                 for weapons of the person believed by him to be armed and
                 dangerous [392 U.S. 1, 3] regardless of whether he has
                 probable cause to arrest that individual for crime or the
                 absolute certainty that the individual is armed.
                 (a) Though the police must whenever practicable secure a
                 warrant to make a search and seizure, that procedure cannot
                 be followed where swift action based upon on-the-spot
                 observations of the officer on the beat is required. ..."
                 This scheme is justified in part upon the notion that a
                 'stop' and a 'frisk' amount to a mere 'minor inconvenience
                 and petty indignity,' which can properly be imposed upon
                 the [392 U.S. 1, 11] citizen in the interest of effective law
                 enforcement on the basis of a police officer's suspicion."
                 Can't blame you for not knowing, though, since it took a
                 Supreme Court challenge to resolve this ... in '68.
                 \_ "5. Where a reasonably prudent officer is warranted in the
                    circumstances of a given case in believing that his safety
                    or that of others is endangered, he may make a reasonable
                    search for weapons of the person believed by him to be
                    armed and dangerous [392 U.S. 1, 3] regardless of whether
                    he has probable cause to arrest that individual for crime
                    or the absolute certainty that the individual is armed."
                    Please to be pointing out where this applies to wiretaps.
                    \_ "when Dubya says so"
                       so, do you acknowledge you were wrong about "also called
                       probable cause"?
                       \_ Am more inclined to quibble endlessly with you about
                          whether said "probable cause" in this case is the
                          suspicious behavior of suspects, but suspect that
                          we're of more similar than dissimilar mind.
                          \_ eh, I've been kind of doing a Colbert thing, so
                             you're right about that part.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2006:May:07 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>