2006/5/3-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:42906 Activity:nil |
5/2 Running into a weird php problem. When I do the following I get both "1" and "2": print "1"; require_once('./print_something.php'); print "2"; However, when I replace require_once with require (because I want to print something multiple times), I never get "2", ever. The control flow is never returned to me. Why is that? \_ Syntax error or call to exit() or die() in print_something.php? (OK, not syntax error if it makes it through the first time....) \_ At that point in the file had print_something.php been already required? It looks like print_somthing.php can't handle being loaded twice. It isn't idempotent. |
2006/5/3 [Uncategorized] UID:42907 Activity:nil 80%like:42917 |
5/2 Finally found that jerk that never flushes. http://csua.org/u/fp5 |
2006/5/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:42908 Activity:nil 63%like:42912 |
5/3 Dan Silverstein Inquiry: You arent related to BSTEIN are you? ok tnx. http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2005/06/a_missing_piece.html |
2006/5/3-11 [Science/Space, Computer/SW/Editors/IDE] UID:42909 Activity:nil |
5/3 Where on the web can I find the video of the total solar eclipse of March 29 taken from the International Space Station that was shown on TV back then? I tried to google for it unsuccessfully. \_ Does this help: http://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse \_ Are you sure there's video? Here's the photos: \_ Can you confirm this video ever existed? The closest I could find are two still images: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/multimedia/ISS_eclipse_03292006.html \_ Found it: -marked http://www.nasa.gov/eclipse \_ Wait a sec, from the photos one can deduce from the position of the station, earth, moon, and sun, that the eclipse wasn't viewable from the station. \_ The station didn't experience the eclipse, in the sense that they were not in the moon's shadow. But they could see the moon's shadow on the earth from their vantage point in space. A friend told me he saw a video taken of this from the ISS on the news, but maybe he was confused. Maybe it was just an animation or something. -op |
2006/5/3-4 [Politics/Foreign, Finance/Investment] UID:42910 Activity:nil |
5/3 Government getting in the way of free trade, *again* http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060503/wr_nm/telecoms_ftc_dc_1 |
2006/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:42911 Activity:nil |
5/3 Hmm.. got a message today dated 4/26.. Anyone else? \_ I got more spam. Lots of spam. |
2006/5/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:42912 Activity:nil 63%like:42908 |
5/3 Dan Silverstein Inquiry: You arent related to BSTEIN are you? http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2005/06/a_missing_piece.html BSTEIN is the son of HSTEIN. "I did not know that". ok tnx. \_ No. My Aunt (Mother's sister) married a gentleman with the last name Stein so her kids (my cousins) have that surname, but they have no relationship to Ben Stein or Herbert Stein. What led you to inquire? You might as well ask if I'm related to Craig Silverstein of Google or Shel Silverstein, and the answer to both of those is no. The name Stein, as well as combinations like Goldstein, Silverstein, etc., usually imply German and Stein is usually pronounced 'stine'. I pronounce it 'steen,' and am of Russian descent on both sides, but family lore says my great-grandfather saw Silverstein on a cigar box, and used it in lieu of his actual surname, which he felt sounded too polish, when he immigrated. -dans \_ "My name is Fronkensteen" \_ "Do you also say Froaderick"? \_ What color hair do your parent's have? \_ What kind of grammatical errors do your parents make? -dans |
2006/5/3-6 [Academia/GradSchool, Recreation/Humor] UID:42913 Activity:nil |
5/3 http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=47 Funny only if you're a PhD student. \_ Comic author speaking on campus today. |
2006/5/3-7 [Uncategorized] UID:42914 Activity:nil |
5/3 I visited San Pedro de Atacama with some friends last week, and it had some of the most mind-blowing night sky views I've ever seen (in addition to being an all-around pretty amazing area.) If anyone is into this sort of thing, I highly recommend checking it out; if you're there, you should give these guys a peek: http://www.spaceobs.com/en -- their "tour" was great. -John \_ No money to travel :( |
2006/5/3-4 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:42915 Activity:nil |
5/2 Zacarias Moussaoui verdict in 20 minutes (it's now 1:10PM, it'll be out at 1:30PM). What is your prediction? Death or life in prison? \_ Life. He didn't actually participate, and his role was minimal. Death if the jurors are stupid / weak-willed. I wouldn't be surprised if they vote for death just so they won't be outed as the juror who voted for life for a 9/11 terrorist. \_ 1:40PM LIFE!!! You're good. Let's play this game again. juror who voted for life for a 9/11 terrorist. I might do the same. \_ Thanks, but I also thought the jury wouldn't convict Scott Peterson. \_ The guy belongs in an asylum, but of course, we don't put people with deeply held, illogical religious convictions in asylums. We praise them as "people of faith". them as "people of faith" (or, if we don't agree with the beliefs, just call them "evil"). \_ It's okay to have faith and spiritual beliefs. Really. \_ Sure it is, as long as they don't cause you to make dangerous decisions because of an illogical spiritual conviction, like "I can fly" or "God wants me to lead this country to war" or "I will get 40 virgins in Heaven for this" \_ But those are just as valid as any other non-fact-based belief. Those beliefs are ok unless they aren't... well maybe they're just not ok. |
2006/5/3-5 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:42916 Activity:nil |
5/2 My local bike shops sell overpriced accessories. I'd like to buy a cheap bicycle bag or two, where is a good place for that? Thanks. \_ Online. Visit your local bike shops to get an idea of what you want, then look for it online. \_ If you are figuring out what you want to buy by going to a local store and browsing that store is providing a service. Maybe you should not be a twit and compensate them for that. \_ What, leave them a tip? Comparison shopping is the backbone of the Free Market, son. \_ just remember that if you keep doing this, they wont' be there the next time you need to comparisonshop local |
2006/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:42917 Activity:nil 80%like:42907 66%like:42920 |
5/2 Finally found that jrleek that never flushes. http://csua.org/u/fp5 |
2006/5/3-5 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Security] UID:42918 Activity:nil |
5/3 In the light of what happened recently, should I stop using soda for any important communications and get a gmail account instead? \_ FYI, I am making my ISP account (Comcast) my main e-mail point. My problem with gmail is that the From: address is automagically replaced with your @gmail.com address, whereas I can make it whatever I want with Comcast as long as I authenticate. I do realize Comcast is the source of most zombie spam. This is after having used soda as my main mail account since '92. Props to all the undergrads who have kept soda up, anyway. \_ Comcast is a bad idea. Comcast is a spam target and also means you are tied to that ISP. Better to convert to gmail. \_ because, you know, gmail isn't a spam target. -tom \_ No, but it does have good spam filtering built-in. Still, what is a good reason for using comcast over gmail? I'd rather use soda. Or <DEAD>cal.berkeley.edu<DEAD>. \_ I don't use comcast, but web interfaces to email suck, and gmail still doesn't offer IMAP, right? -tom \_ Well, gmail is faster than any other webmail I've used, and the searching/labeling/filtering system is pretty good. Gmail is the only webmail I've used that I could put up with daily... although I still only use it for certain things. Maybe eventually they will have IMAP. I saw some kind of beta 3rd party attempts at providing IMAP gmail access. Shrug. \_ "web interfaces to email suck" ?? what are you talking about? gmail is easy to use, has key- board shortcuts and is accessible from anywhere without worrying about ssh'ing or crap like that \_ One drawback of web mail is that if you don't access it within X time, your account can go byebye. Although gmail's 9 months is I think much longer than any other free webmail. \_ Let me be more explicit; non-web GUI mail clients have better interfaces than web-based mail clients. It can be useful to have access to a web-based client, but the web interface is signficantly less effective for day-to-day activity. -tom \_ gmail supports POP/SMTP, so you can use other email clients like outlook and mac mail client. \_ but not with multiple mailboxes, so what's the point? -tom \_ Most people stopped using soda for important communications a long time ago. \_ Yes, it's pretty obvious that gmail will be more reliable for things like that. I use both. \_ I echo the op's concerns and am switching to my primary e-mail to my ISP as well (SBC). If you lived in a neighborhood for 10 years, loved it, then all of a sudden couldn't get access to your house for 2 weeks because their was a break-in, while the local police was processing your paperwork, I would move. Again, not enough praise can be given to those volunteering their time and effort to maintaining this environment. It's a testament that it's has as much uptime as it does. But as your primary account, it would be awful to go through that again. I think free e-mail services are risky because they can start charging at anytime or start going downhill (ie. Hotmail). If you are happy with your ISP and plan to use them for awhile, why not go with them, at least you have greater control of the risks. \_ I'm still using soda for most things just because, it's really nice to be able to hand someone an email address you can be fairly sure will still be there in 5 years. \_ Why not just register your own domain ($2 to $30/year), and point it at a cheap virtualhosting/email provider ($10 to $50/month)? -dans \_ because there are free, or already-paid-for alternatives. |
2006/5/3-7 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:42919 Activity:nil |
5/3 How do I capture the BoxMart jibjab video to MPG or AVI? \_ It's a Flash file. Why not save it as Flash and use a Flash player? It'll be smaller and won't degrade the quality. Otherwise you'll either need to find a Flash => AVI converter (so far I'm unaware of any good free ones, though I'm sure Macromedia's Flash authoring package does it) or get a screen scraping program. --jameslin \_ Firefox VideoDownloader should do it. It even points you to where you can get an, apparently Windows only, player for FLV files. -dans \_ That'll download it, but it won't convert it. It's not clear exactly what the op wants though. \_ Looks like FFMPEG will convert FLV to foo \_ But it's not an FLV. It's just a normal SWF Flash animation, isn't it? |
2006/5/3 [Uncategorized] UID:42920 Activity:nil 66%like:42917 |
5/2 Finally found that jrleek that never flushes. |
2006/5/3-5 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:42921 Activity:nil |
5/3 Can anyone recommend an e-mail service that provides POP3/IMAP and SMTP with encrypted authentication, From: address to whatever you want it, isn't zombie-land, has minimal service interruptions, and won't go away? Doesn't need to be free. Really imporant to have minimal service interruptions. \_ Gmail! \_ From: address always defaults to @gmail.com. \_ I believe you can change this in Settings->Accounts. There is no IMAP though. \_ Cool, I just tested it. Works through SMTP auth port 465 too. Thanks. -op \_ Not if you're using SMTP, afaik. |
2006/5/3-5 [Uncategorized] UID:42922 Activity:nil |
5/3 So how do you guys like googlable wall? \_ URL? |
2006/5/3-5 [Uncategorized] UID:42923 Activity:nil |
5/3 So, is cgi-bin gonna be enabled any time soon? |
2006/5/3 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42924 Activity:nil |
5/3 What GWB has to say about today's trial: "Our cause is right, and the outcome is certain: Justice will be served. Evil will not have the final say. This great Nation will prevail." -GWB |
2006/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:42925 Activity:nil 72%like:42883 |
5/1 BSP: May 12, Mars Bar 798 Brannan @ 7th St. http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/9396/piggiebankflyersm3iz.jpg Eat bacon, drink vodka, be merry. Yes there will be girls there. \_ If there are girls their then I want to DO them! |
3/15 |