2006/4/27-5/2 [Uncategorized] UID:42846 Activity:nil |
4/27 Sexual innuendo in old comic book covers http://www.superdickery.com/seduction/1.html (SFW) \_ Amusing, thank you. -John \_ The rainbow Hulk is the best. |
2006/4/27-5/2 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:42847 Activity:nil |
4/27 http://www.explorerdestroyer.com Google pays you a buck for everyone that switches from IE to Firefox \_ I can't sign up Google AdSense account via the link. My Firefox browser blocks it! |
2006/4/27-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42848 Activity:nil |
4/27 Spanish Socialist party wants to give human rights to apes http://www.spainherald.com/3438.html It's a mad-house! A MAD-HOUSE!!! \_ more votes for ... well someone. \_ Smearing poo on the ballot is a obvious vote for the Socialist party! Voter intent! |
2006/4/27-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:42849 Activity:nil |
4/27 http://www.zefrank.com/theshow/archives/2006/04/041806.html First video blog that doesn't suck! -dans \_ That was actually funny. Thanks. --erikred |
2006/4/27-5/2 [Uncategorized] UID:42850 Activity:low |
4/27 Why can't I do "cowsay | cowsay | cowsay"? Is it broken? \_ You can, but it looks ugly. \_ not if you use -n \_ 4/27 ___________________________________________ < cow is being abused > / _______________________________________ \ | / ___________________________________ \ | | | < cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n > | | | | ----------------------------------- | | | | \ ^__^ | | | | \ (oo)\_______ | | | | (__)\ )\/\ | | | | ||----w | | | | \ || || / | | --------------------------------------- | | \ ^__^ | | \ (oo)\_______ | | (__)\ )\/\ | | ||----w | | \ || || / ------------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || |
2006/4/27-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42851 Activity:nil |
4/27 Nintendo announces offical name for Revolution. "Wii" http://www.rewiredmind.com/news/revolutiongetsanewname Cue the piss jokes. \_ \_ That's...uhm...bizarre. \_ http://cheston.com/pbf/archive.html |
2006/4/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:42852 Activity:nil 60%like:42857 |
4/27 psb you fucking asshole! Why did you delete my cowsay post? |
2006/4/27-29 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:42853 Activity:low |
4/27 This is a pretty hilarious (apparently genuine) rant by a sociology prof. Spot the hypocrisy! http://drmandrake.blog-city.com/i_hate_my_students.htm \_ Haha, I love that guy. \_ He took down the blog. Anyone have a mirror? Nevermind, Google cache FTW: http://tinyurl.com/pfg8z \_ he has many grammar errors. -tom \_ so? it's a blog. \_ He didn't have "many"... I saw a couple typos and yeah, it's a blog. \_ He had many. The worst was "low and behold." And if you're on a grammar rant, you'd better be accurate yourself. -tom \_ Well I think that may also be a typo or at any rate not strictly grammar. The guy is still a jackass though. \_ Tom's "he has many grammar errors" was satire. That said, grammar is "right use and rules of language". Mistaken phraseology can definitely fall under "bad grammar". \_ I don't think it can be considered a typo if it was intentional. \_ If you are typing quickly it's possible to make mistakes like that even if you are aware it is wrong. (since it sounds the same.) That said maybe it was intentional. I still wouldn't call that grammar. It's kind of like the toe/tow the line thing where people don't really know what it means. I guess a diction issue. \_ Toe/tow the line isn't a typo. I think it's closer to 'ignorance' or simply 'wrong'. If your point is that we can't be sure based on limited data -- then, sure. But folding ignorance and spelling errors under the general heading 'typo' in *this* context invites this sort of pointless semantic 'dialogue'. \_ He upbraids his students for confusing "than" and "then," which is a very similar error. -tom \_ He is not upbraiding them as he never voices that to them. He mocks them to other people. Tom, you have used the word incorrectly! You should be more careful on the MotD! \_ You're officially an imbecile. |
2006/4/27 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:42854 Activity:nil |
4/27 I just started using spamassassin recently. And procmail. Yeah I'm behind the times. Anyway, some spams are just random dictionary words. Is it even useful to try to sa_learn those? |
2006/4/27-11/12 [Uncategorized] UID:42855 Activity:nil |
4/27 Rootstaff decided that, things going decently well as they are, we are reinstating CGI in ~/public_html dirs... partly due to the increasing level of MOTD anger. |