2006/4/5-6 [Recreation/Media] UID:42668 Activity:kinda low |
4/4 The new South Park episode (S9E2) is pretty cool. They portrayed Prius Hybrid fanatics and San Franciscan smug pretty well. The portrayal of SF's attitude of "We are progressives so we're smarter and better than everyone else" attitude is pretty funny. Good job, jolly good show. \_ Why do South Park San Franciscans like to smell their own fart? Is it to show that they're so eco-conscious that they'll take in their own pollutions (meaning San Franciscans are crazy and full of shit), or does it have other subtle meanings? \_ The lead-in for the joke was that they're so smug they think their own farts smell good. \_ But we ARE better than everyone else! That's all right, I can take the ribbing. \_ Every time someone mentions South Park, I consider buying a TV again, but every time I go past to the thrift store I just can't part with the ten bucks. \_ Every time someone mentions South Park, I consider buying a TV again, but every time I go past to the thrift store I just can't part with the ten bucks. \_ TVs are usually more than 10 bucks, and Comedy Channel is more than $10 bucks thanks to our monopolized cable television that bundles a lot of other crap you don't need. \_ Then you'd have to pay for cable ($40+) a month too. \_ Do what the rest of the world does, torrent the eps. \_ any pointers on how to find torret files? \_ http://mrtwig.net \_ Or purchase the episodes on iTunes. -dans \_ Minor correction, it's S10E2 |
2006/4/5-6 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Recreation/Dating] UID:42669 Activity:low |
4/4 You've seen images of gorgeous female school teachers raping little boys right? Now here's a female school teacher I wouldn't want to be raped by: http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/04/teacher.sex/index.html \_ What kind of images do you spend your time trolling the internet for? -dans \_ I look for PNGs of hot mature 19 year olds that I can share my resources with. \_ That's fucked up. Picking up 19 year olds on the internet? What do you do, troll LiveJournal and Myspace? -dans \_ Is that the same one where the teacher had sex with a 15 year old TWENTY SEVEN times within 1 week? (see http://www.smokinggun.com Maybe related to der furious? |
2006/4/5-6 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Airplane] UID:42670 Activity:moderate |
4/4 I am glad I don't live in the suburbs where thing like this happen: http://csua.org/u/ffh \_ The chance of this happening is /1000 than the chance of your kid doing acid or weed in the city. \_ You think there's not a similar or greater chance of your kid doing acid or weed in the burbs? \_ I'm glad you compare being murdered with doing acid and weed. It really helps bring out the crazy. \_ ooh yeah, kids in the suburbs never do weed \_ You missed Frontline last night; the odds of this happening are 1/1000th the chance of the same kid getting hooked on Meth in the 'burbs. \_ Bitter. Young. Poor. Single. Carless. Sardine. \_ Huh? Enthusiastic, young, well-off, 10 year relationship, 2 cars, big apartment. -John (not op) \_ Old, foreign, !op, DINK. \_ I'm not sure why people are making this a suburb vs. city debate, and basing it on spurious anecdotal arguments. If the posters above actually care about this, why doesn't someone find statistics on homicide and drug crimes in the city vs. suburbs, scaled per capita to account for population differences. -dans \_ Another reason this "debate" is silly is that no one is bothering to define what they mean by suburb or city. It's like the richest counties list that someone posted that showed that the richest counties are all in the West, where counties are the size of eastern states. But all that is beside the point. The point is that this is just another battle in the Great American Culture war, and that there are people on both sides on the motd who hate each other. This is just another excuse for us to snipe, and I appreciate it. I don't actually deal with the other side in the culture wars in my daily life, so the chance to tell someone like Dim to go fuck himself is a golden opportunity for me. who hate each other. This is just another excuse for us to snipe, and I appreciate it. I don't actually deal with the other side in the culture wars in my daily life, so the chance to tell someone like Dim to go fuck himself is a golden opportunity for me. \_ It's shocking that both sides are so out of touch with reality that someone needs to formally define the difference between a suburb and a city before a reasonable discussion can take place. Hmm, maybe this is something that can bring the two sides together! Either both sides are smart and utterly, totally disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, or both sides are absurdly petty naive and stupid! Awesome! -dans \_ You're ignoring my second point, which is that reasonable discussion is not the goal here. \_ You're ignoring my point that you're either a liar or a fool so I'm not interested in either of your points. -dans \_ Pft. What fun would actually *knowing* be? \_ Good point. I stand corrected. -dans |
2006/4/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:42671 Activity:low |
4/4 Ax, this ones for you (NWS): http://www.virob.com/virob/flash/57.html \_ These are for Ax too: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/6018/ali234c7nq.gif http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5803/ali23c3dk.gif http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/365/ali2c7tx.gif http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3075/alic9bf.gif \_ Thanks motd!! -ax \_ That's... disturbing. I was honestly wondering if my glasses were skewed. |
2006/4/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:42673 Activity:low |
4/4 Internet Argument-Losing Bingo http://www.shortpacked.com/d/20060405.html \_ Your link is ghey. \_ Not really, I thought it was funny. \_ Your link is ghey. \_ He's allowing you to fill in a space on your BINGO card! \_ Get a life. |
2006/4/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:42674 Activity:low |
4/4 BootCamp for x86 Macs: http://www.apple.com/macosx/bootcamp Now you can easily install XP on your x86 Mac. [ Why was this deleted? ] \_ Maybe it was deemed insufficiently political and of too much technical value for the Political Science Undergraduate Association motd. -dans \_ -4 hp for weak trolling \_ Nah, I have +4 armour against troll-slaying weapons. -dans \_ This is awesome! I'm really glad Apple is supporting this. |
2006/4/5-7 [Politics/Foreign] UID:42675 Activity:nil |
4/5 Run your own virtual country: http://nationstates.net \_ civ1,2,3,4 \_ Check it out, man. It's not comparable to civ. \_ Check it out, man. It's not really comparable to civ. \_ Ok I started this but it seems kind of pointless. I don't feel involved. I guess I'm supposed to come up with the most clever flag/name/motto and make cute forum posts. Oh well, at least it requires minimal effort. \_ This is, what, three years old? Also, it's amusing, but it grows old quick. Better effort would have resulted in online Diplomacy. |
2006/4/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:42676 Activity:nil |
4/5 Jon Kuroda, is this you? It looks like you. A very handsome you are. http://tinyurl.com/r9qug (http://www.gay.com \_ Cool, another doppleganger. Alas, as with the guy on the SF Gay Pride magazine cover some years back, I don't have that sort of build. Besides, my hair is much longer, I'm bit taller but skinnier, and I'm not 35. Oh, and while I do hail from OC, I don't live there. -Jon bit taller but weigh less, and I'm not 35. Oh, and while I do hail from OC, I don't live there. -Jon |
2006/4/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:42677 Activity:nil |
4/2 "...He promised that if elected, he would put illegal immigrants in a tent city on the border and use their labor to build the wall. Goldwater is a nephew of the late Sen. Barry Goldwater." "Minuteman leaders have said that all the group's members have been screened to weed out members of racist organizations." http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/04/01/minutemen.return.ap |
2006/4/5-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42678 Activity:nil |
4/5 http://www.zefhemel.com/archives/2004/08/16/why-java-sucks Just wondering if java-philes might agree with some of the sentiments listed (being a c++ person myself) \_ Java sucks for many reasons. C++ sucks for many more. \_ I think C++ will be around and useful long after Java has gone to the grave. I'm not saying C++ is great, by the way. \_ The author is right on some issues but given how very wrong he is on others I suspect he is right more on accident than he is on others I suspect he is right more by accident than anything else. Yes there is a large domain that encompasses J2EE development, and a senior engineer needs to know them. That's what being a senior engineer is all about. You think people get these kinds of salaries cause they look sexy in suspenders and grease stained tshirts? Yes there are lots of Java libaraies out there, the horror! |
2006/4/5-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42679 Activity:nil |
4/5 Has anyone lived through Japan's winter? Is insulation there as bad as what people say it is (walls have the R value equivanlent of wet papers)? \_ Outside of Hokkaido, the insulation is terrible. I often used to wake up in the morning to an apartment so cold I could see my breath-- and I lived in the south, where it was supposed to be warmer. \_ Yes. My girlfriend spent 3 months there (Feb-Apr) and was freezing most of the time. I was there in Mar/Apr (Tokyo and surroundings & Kyoto) and it was still pretty chilly, although not terribly so. -John \_ No. No one has lived through Japan's winter. \_ Those wily japanese folks must breed like rabbits... |
2006/4/5-6 [Finance/Investment] UID:42680 Activity:nil |
4/1 Got this email from Etrade saying that based on my Etrade banking activities I'm now qualified as a special trader and can trade stocks for a very low price. "To continue your exclusive status beyond next quarter, just maintain a $50,000 combined balance in linked E*TRADE Securities and E*TRADE Bank accounts or execute 30 or more stock or options trades by the end of the quarter." Thirty stocks? What? Fuck Etrade Bank and fuck Etrade stocks. \_ Special deals for rich people and day traders. What's the big deal? \_ And if you want to transfer the money out of your account (i.e., close it) E-Trade will happily charge you a $100 transfer fee. Buyer beware. \_ I dumped etrade for scottrade/(datek->ameritrade) a few years ago. etrade is more expensive and service is worse, and they often screw things up. \_ E*Trade is better than some other brokerages out there. E*Trade is not that bad. Also, the offer above says OR. |
2006/4/5-7 [Uncategorized] UID:42681 Activity:nil |
4/5 Baby got back -- anime version http://www.virob.com/virob/videos/653.html -John \_ That's awesome! Thanks for posting! -mice \_ Significantly NSFW depending on how isolated your screen is. |
2006/4/5 [Uncategorized] UID:42682 Activity:nil |
4/3 http://www.flickr.com/photos/thefartparty/83061980/in/photostream Yeah, girls hate nerds. |
2006/4/5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:42683 Activity:nil 70%like:42689 |
4/5 http://csua.org/u/fft (azdailysun.com) Son of Arizona Senate president (Republican) offered plea agreement that may net little jail time. Charged with assault and kidnapping of eighteen 11- to 14-year-old boys -- sodomizing each with broomsticks and flashlights at summer camp. "The 18 boys were chosen to attend the weeklong student government leadership skills camp in Prescott because they were among the state's top student leaders." \_ I for one welcome our new Republican pedophile overlords! \_ 'The letter said Bennett was an honor student and active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who plans to go on a mission in September. "A felony conviction for assault will make his desire to complete his mission impossible," they wrote.' Oh noes! This felony conviction for fucking up 11 to 14-year-old boys could get in the way of this young man's desires? For shame! \_ Well you know, boys will be boys. \_ Scumbag lawyers. I'm pretty sure that kid won't be gonig on a mission. Indeed, that kind of thing may lead to excommunication. And that's a good thing. -emarkp \_ Whoah, whoah whoah. Umm the story I read had no "sodomizing" involved, merely bumping the rear ends of fully CLOTHED victims, more the kind of stupid hazing shit young boys will do than anything else. Has the story changed? \_ I have read that every single Japanese schoolboy is obsessed with shoving his fingers up his male classmate's ass. I have seen video games about this. \_ Answering my own post: yes the story has changed ... this story is different from the version I read. |
2006/4/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:42684 Activity:kinda low |
4/5 http://news.findlaw.com/cnn/docs/chldprn/fladoyle32806cr2.html Dept of Homeland Security Deputy Press Secretary Brian J. Doyle charged with 23 felony counts involving Internet pr0n, Bill O'Reilly style telephone conversations with a detective posing as a 14-year-old girl. I knew I recognized his name from somewhere ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Air_Marshal_Service \_ Remember, the reason that we need to stop bitching about all this Civil Liberties crap is because the people who work to protect our nation's security are 100% trustworthy! Checks and balances are for blocking Congress' power, not executive power. Oh, and atheists.. remember, they're neither citizens or patriots. \_ People who don't believe in fairy tales cannot be fully trusted. \_ Maybe you missed the core concept here: he got caught and busted not protected and excused. You want checks and balances, you got them. This guy is now in jail. What more could you want? I know ebing knee-jerk is more fun, but really. \_ And you miss his core concept. He's saying we _actually do_ have to worry about our civil liberties and abuses thereof is that people like this are in the machine. His argument is not with you. His argument is with the president and his "Trust me" argument. That this guy was caught doesn't make the system any more trustworthy. Funny fact: Do you know he's the third DHS employee in the last three months arrested for sex-with-children charges? \_ Oh no, I understood his point perfectly. You again miss mine. People are people. Any system will always have fuck heads like that guy in it. That's why we have other people looking for people like that and when they're found they get tossed in prison and never get put in any position of trust ever again. What system could you possibly create that wouldn't require some level of trust of the people who run it and would magically pre-filter fuck heads out before they commit a crime? In this case there was no victim because he was caught and filtered before he found a *real* 14 year old girl (as far as we know). And now he's a dead man and rightly so. The system worked. I see no problem here. \_ I, and the previous poster, are not saying "we need to/ can make the system trustworthy." We are speaking to the President's claim that his actions (warrantless wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, et.al.) are implicitly trustworthy. As you say, the system worked to catch this guy. What we're talking about are the systems that have recently been constructed that don't have the necessary checks. \_ you missed the big one: label someone as "enemy combatent" and lock them in torture chamber somewhere in Egypt/Pakistan and doesn't allow Red Cross to examine them :p \_ That's right every system will have fuckups and criminals and power hungry bastards which is why when Bush starts talking about the "unitary executive" and being able to ignore any law Congress passed because he's on a never-ending quest to rid the world of terra, and ignore any court oversight too, people start to worry about "the system" no longer policiing itself worry about "the system" no longer policing itself properly. |
2006/4/5-7 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:42685 Activity:nil |
4/5 A few days ago someone asked for technical details for BART's fuckup. Here it is: http://www.bart.gov/news/press/news20060405.asp \_ well, they seem well-intentioned. I don't think anyone's about to boycott Bart because of the downtime anyway. \_ In one of those links posted I found it interesting to read that one of BART's design goals is that a technical incident that causes the shutdown of all trains for more than 5 seconds is supposed to occur with a mean frequency of no more than once in 20,000 service hours. I think if you count the recent screwups as a single incident, they probably meet that goal. Individual trains obviously fail more often though. |
2006/4/5-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:42686 Activity:nil |
4/5 Desperately looking for a new co-lo site that gives you cgi, php, and unlimited email forwarding (you provide your own domain name). Cheap and reliable. SSH/shell is a must. \_ I think you mean (possibly shared) virtual hosting, not colo. I know a number of people who are happy with Dreamhost and TextDrive. -dans |
2006/4/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:42687 Activity:nil |
4/5 Harry Reid, 12 years ago http://www.drudgereport.com/flash1hr.htm \_ what, no child molestation charges?? |
2006/4/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:42688 Activity:nil |
4/5 There's no discussion on Apple being able to run MS Windows?? \_ I'm honestly not sure if it's a good idea or not. Now when wonky incompatibilities come up, (Such as MS powerpoint conflicts between Mac and XP) Mac users may be expected to fix it themselves. Which leads to greater hassle, which leads to more windows use, etc. \_ Mac's being capable of running windows is one thing, M$ supporting this configuration is an entirelly different story. \_ I'm not sure how this relates to what I said. -pp \_ How does it work? A Mac with an Intel CPU is still not a PC. I'd think that the BIOS, bus architecture, etc. are still different from what's in the PC architecture. How does XP for x86 run on that? \_ Product is called "Boot Camp" if you want to search the web. \_ See below. I posted a link to the d/l site at http://apple.com this morning. Re How does this work: Apple uses EFI which is like bios w/ some of the nicer bits of OF thrown in. The Intel chip set that Apple is currently using is sufficiently similar to PC chipsets that it is possible to get XP running. Note that Bootcamp provides many of the necessary drivers to get XP running properly. Re Is this a good thing: HELL YES. I can finally play HL2, KOTOR2 and Pirates on my mac, which means that I can chuck my crappy PC. Dual booting isn't that nice, but I used to do it in the OS 9/OS X days to play games, so its not that bad. BTW, 1st BSOD on a iMac: http://images.dealcatcher.com/products/1stbluescreen.jpg |
2006/4/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42689 Activity:low 70%like:42683 |
4/4 The new South Park episode (S10E2) is pretty cool. They portrayed http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_3670346 (sltrib.com) Son of Arizona Senate president (Republican) accepts plea agreement that may net little jail time. Charged with assault and kidnapping of eighteen 11- to 14-year-old boys -- by forcibly inserting broomsticks, mop handles, a flashlight, and a cane into their clothed anal crevices (the victims were wearing underwear, swimtrunks, or pants at the time) at summer camp. "The 18 boys were chosen to attend the weeklong student government leadership skills camp in Prescott because they were among the state's top student leaders." \_ I for one welcome our new Republican pedophile overlords! \_ 'The letter said Bennett was an honor student and active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who plans to go on a mission in September. "A felony conviction for assault will make his desire to complete his mission impossible," they wrote.' Oh noes! This felony conviction for fucking up 11 to 14-year-old boys could get in the way of this young man's desires? For shame! \_ Well you know, boys will be boys. \_ Scumbag lawyers. I'm pretty sure that kid won't be gonig on a mission. Indeed, that kind of thing may lead to excommunication. And that's a good thing. -emarkp \_ I don't think the "lawyers" deserve the most blame. It is most likely the Dubya-appointed GOP Arizona district attorney doing a favor for the GOP Arizona Senate president. \_ when did the POTUS appoint the DA of Arizona? \_ I believe that may have been a supremely feeble attempt at humour. \_ and so he'll join the ranks of those dirty atheists! \_ Okay, specifically, I think it's the Dubya-appointed GOP Arizona district attorney doing a favor for the GOP Arizona Senate president http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/az/USAttorney.html I would also say the elected GOP Yavaipai County Attorney also deserves more blame than the "lawyers". and the elected GOP Yavaipai County Attorney http://www.co.yavapai.az.us/departments/Aty/AtyHome.asp http://csua.org/u/ffw (azcentral.com) [corrected] \_ Forgiveness: Good enough for Jesus, not good enough for LDS. \_ You don't seem to understand. Forgiveness entirely possible. But saying "oops, I'm sorry, can I go on a mission now" doesn't cut it. Note that Jesus didn't forgive the woman taken in adultery. -emarkp \_ Is excommunication revokable? \_ Yes. -emarkp \_ Whoah, whoah whoah. Umm the story I read had no "sodomizing" involved, merely bumping the rear ends of fully CLOTHED victims, more the kind of stupid hazing shit young boys will do than anything else. Has the story changed? \_ I have read that every single Japanese schoolboy is obsessed with shoving his fingers up his male classmate's ass. I have seen video games about this. \_ That's right. Jamming a lot of people in a little area make them gay. That's why you see more gay people in big cities than say, rural Tennessee or South Carolina. \_ So if the kids had had big butts, this wouldn't make them gay? I'm confused now. \_ That's called Kancho. \_ Answering my own post: yes the story has changed ... this story is different from the version I read. \_ Thanks, I have updated the post. -op |
2006/4/5 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:42690, category id '18005#8.0075' has no name! , ] UID:42690 Activity:nil 80%like:42692 |
4/5 Republicans support, and Democratic objects, bill to cap contributions to political groups. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060405/ap_on_go_co/campaign_spending |
2006/4/5 [Reference/Law/Court, Recreation/Dating] UID:42691 Activity:nil |
4/5 http://csua.org/u/ffx (azcentral.com, AP "sodomy" link replaced) |
2006/4/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:42692 Activity:kinda low 80%like:42690 |
4/5 Democrats object, and Republicans support, bill to cap contributions to political groups. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060405/ap_on_go_co/campaign_spending \_ It depends on the meaning of "political groups", I guess. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/527_group These are groups which advocate an issue (e.g., pro/anti gay marriage, pro/anti-choice) as opposed to a traditional candidate or political action committee which can advocate a candidate. The former had no per-individual cap on contributions; while the latter does. So you have Soros giving $23mill to a Democrat-run 527, and a Texas developer giving $8mill to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The bill now goes to the Senate. [Sorry I'm screwing up this explanation ...] After McCain-Feingold limits went into effect in 2003 which closed off unlimited contributions to political parties, 527s are the only thing left for unlimited contributions. So you have Soros giving $23mill to a Democrat-run 527, and a Texas developer giving $8mill to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The bill now goes to the Senate. \_ The parties reversing their roles? |
2006/4/5-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:42693 Activity:nil |
4/5 any online tutorials/exam question for Perl? thanks \_ {ajani,darin}@csua.berkeley.edu taught a perl decal class, try pinging them. -dans |
2006/4/5-7 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:42694 Activity:nil |
4/5 http://csua.org/u/fg1 (tboblogs.com) Dept. of Homeland Security, head of ICE Tampa office and head of ICE Operation Predator (protecting against sexual predators) pleads no contest to charges of exposure of sexual organs (to a 16-year-old girl who reported the incident) and disorderly conduct (masturbation in the mall food court for 10 minutes). http://news.tbo.com/news/metro/MGBKPR9ONJE.html "after Figueroa fled the scene, two more security officers approached him in the parking lot and asked why he was running. He said he was trying to find his car." (When it rains, it pours ...) \_ Republican pedophile trifecta complete! |
2006/4/5-7 [Recreation/Food] UID:42695 Activity:low |
4/5 Alumni BBQ Thursday, April 20th. 630 pm. Place TBD. I copied this from the CSUA web site. Please spread the word -dans \_ 6:30 on 4/20...there better be lots of food! \- that is hitler's bday. \_ Hey, at least it's not Nehru's. |
3/15 |