2006/3/22-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Reference/RealEstate] UID:42371 Activity:moderate |
3/21 http://www.davidappleyard.com/japan/jp10.htm "The winter I spent in Seoul was the most comfortable winter of my life," reports an English friend. "With life in Korea, as in Japan, lived mainly on the floor, the ondol was very cozy, even when it was minus 20 degrees outside." jrleek, is this true? \_ The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. \_ Why wouldn't it be? Even in the US, radiant floor heating is generally considered the most comfortable. \_ Traditional ondol has one spot that's *really* hot(too uncomfortable for my taste) and it gradually cools as further from the heat source it gets. Traditionally, the elders got the hotspot. The bad thing is that most homes with ondol are heated by a charcoal like thing, and if there's any crack in the pipe that runs under the floor, people can die from carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning was actually quite common in the 70s and 80s. \_ You can buy carbon monoxide detectors for about $20. In fact, everyone with a gas heater should consider buying some. \_ When were you last in Korea that most homes with ondol were heated by charcoal? That's extremely rare these days, even in the countryside. -jrleek \_ Sure, heated floors are pretty great. I think Koreans tend to turn it up too high, but that's personal taste. It's pretty efficent too. In modern times it's usually done by piping hot water through the floor from the hot water heater. This is done in states too, but isn't as common. It has the This is done in the US too, but isn't as common. It has the disadvantage of being really expensive to fix, and only lasting about 30 years. This is ok in Korea as they tear everything down within 30 years anyhow. -jrleek \_ On a moderately-related note, this is also done for driveways and walkways in cold places. Several Tahoe-area ski resorts have heated pavement in one place or another. I always wonder what the energy and maintenence costs for something like this are. \_ I suspect the answer is "cheaper than getting them cleared with a snowplow, snowblower, or shovel frequently enough to keep them useable." \_ here is a crazy idea: - implement "wet installation" for the pipes, burry them in a relatively large concrete slap. - route those pipe to Solar panels, using Sun to heat the water - use concrete floor's heat capacity to store the heat this way, one can have a relatively warm house in the evenings without flip the heater on, no? \_ i'll ondol YOUR floor \_ eww. Well at least let me put down some newspaper first. |
2006/3/22-25 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:42372 Activity:nil |
3/22 http://www.park.nl/park_cms/public/index.php?thisarticle=118 Listen to Beethoven's 9th symphony stretched over 24 hours. \_ i'll stretch YOUR symphony |
2006/3/22-25 [Recreation/Dating] UID:42375 Activity:moderate |
3/21 Chicks are cuter in Red States http://tinyurl.com/ealpu \_ you call that cute? \_ She's not exactly a butter face, but her face is not her strong suit. She has some other desirable qualities. \_ I dunno, looks like a lot of butter there. the rest of her isn't any better. \_ Butter face has nothing to do with butter, although you are perfectly correct regardless. -John \_ I concur. For some random "cute chick" post, that is pretty bad. All she has going for her are breasts, and they aren't really special in any way except by being big. \_ Well, I think we've established that "big" is all that motd boob guy really cares about. --motd boob guy #1 fan \_ Regardless of the picture above, which isn't cute at all, one of the best times I ever had with a girl was with a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Republican real estate bimbo from Houston. Craaaaazy in the sack, and she voted for Bush. She also smelled much nicer than your typical Mission District chick. --liberal Bay Area guy \_ Are the guy who was on about how a blonde Texas Bushie was the best anal you've ever had? \_ Friends don't let friends visit Houston. \_ Ah, the sweet smell of hypocrisy. \_ Her pussy smelled like roses, not hypocrisy. \_ What did you have to do to get her in the sack? \_ Nothing fancy. Some people are open minded enough to appreciate people that don't hold the same views as themselves. \_ What's your point? That hot sex is not reserved for people at one end of the political spectrum? That blonde Republican bimbos do it better? If it's the former, I'd say duh. If it's the latter, I'd say take Rhetoric 1A and see if you'd still say that. -dans \_ She's an example of what some mag (Esquire I think) once referred to when describing how the ideals of the American Century, which stood for a certain kind of elegance, including in the beauty ideal of women, were replaced by what they called "oven stuffers." This is an oven stuffer. And she'll weigh 350 pounds within two years of graduating. -John \_ Probably, but why concentrate on the future? I mean, Marilyn Monroe was probably also an 'oven stuffer'. \_ Err, no. Take another look at the Monroe Playboy spread. \_ Please define 'oven stuffer'. \_ "The New American Beauty: The Oven Stuffer" by Tom Junod, Esquire Dec. 2004. Essentially, broad-faced, well-fed girls that may be cute-ish, but not very sleek or elegant. I.e. mo' cushion fo' de pushin'. I think it's a much better word than "zaftig". -John \_ i'll red state YOUR chicks \_ I find this repetition very much like Malden number 5 |
2006/3/22-23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:42376 Activity:moderate |
3/21 This was fucking irritating: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/03/22/MNGREHS8KD4.DTL \_ Gosh, that's too bad. Here in Texas we don't have that problem. \_ What, no fake bomb threats in Texas? \_ No meaningful public transportation. \_ The buses in the downtown Austin area didn't seem that bad to me when I was there. \_ Yes, but in Texas you can be arrested for being drunk in a bar. \_ Things like this make me understand why Singapore allows caning. \_ i'll irritate YOUR fucking |
2006/3/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Religion] UID:42377 Activity:moderate |
3/21 I think it's hilarious the "Human Rights Commission" in Aghanistan wants to kill a muslim who converted to Christianity. Even more funny is that because he converted to Christianity he must be insane and therefore that is his only hope for not facing a death sentence. \_ The state-sponsored "Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission," in a country where the constitution is based on Sharia. \_ Mission: Accomplished \_ Freedom Is On The March \_ i'll commission YOUR human rights |
2006/3/22-23 [Recreation/House] UID:42378 Activity:high |
3/22 John, did you ever cut your tatamis? Got a picture of your J-style tea room? _,. ___. . ____ ,._ --=:_ *: ======((|_L]_ \\ c:____]((=- :* _:=- - - - - `' (__(____) \\ / // ___ `' ,._ \\___. / // _/_/_]=== :* _:=-- ,. ___. _((|_L]_ _/ //_.(_(_)(_).. `' --=: *: ======((|_L]_ _/(__(\_ _)\_ \_ i'll tatami YOUR tea room \_ I'm not tatami guy--I never got around to buying any. It's sort of an ongoing intention (didn't I ask a question about them somewhere in 2002?!?) -John _,. ___. . ____ ,._ --=:_ *: ======((|_L]_ \\ c:____]((=- :* _:=- - - - - `' (__(____) \\ / // ___ `' ,._ \\___. / // _/_/_]=== :* _:=-- ,. ___. _((|_L]_ _/ //_.(_(_)(_).. `' --=: *: ======((|_L]_ _/(__(\_ _)\_ /____\_\ `.... `' (__(____) \_ I see the tanks. What are the other objects on the far left and right? One looks like an artillery piece. The other looks futuristic. \_ Release all 'Zig. -John |
2006/3/22-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:42379 Activity:nil |
3/22 To make a long story short... I have NO idea why one of the tables got corrupted (mysql said "This is marked as 'crash', please repair this table"). I've run REPAIR TABLE <tables> and now Berkeley MOTD is working again. Thanks for the quick notification. FYI I've run Berkeley MOTD for a while and this is the first time something like this has happened. If you know why and how to fix it please email me. Thanks guys -kchang \_ Just curious, why do you bother or care? \_ someone important asked me to do it. \_ i'll repair YOUR table \_ Are you using MyISAM (default) or InnoDB tables? MyISAM tables can and do corrupt if you hit mysql hard enough. In theory, InnoDB tables should be immune from this. Obviously switching to a different RDBMS is not a decision to take lightly, but, as a worst case scenario, consider switching to postgres, which is definitely more robust than mysql. -dans |
2006/3/22-25 [Uncategorized] UID:42380 Activity:low |
3/22 ~danh/local/bin/naim if you need a command line AOL AIM client \_ ...that logs your every word and stalks your female buddies. \_ just looking out for you... in case you're a terrorist. :) \_ just looking out for you... in case your a terrorist. :) \_ you mean guy buddies? thought danh was gay \_ i'll command YOUR line |
2006/3/22-25 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:42381 Activity:low |
3/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060322/ap_on_bi_ge/fuel_economy Bush works hard to improve fuel economy. Here's a better idea for you out-of-touch politicians. Instead of building endless unplanned suburbs, how about encouraging developers to build sustainable and more efficient cities that require less driving? It'll drastically cut down on fuel consumption and other energy costs. \_ Americans value freedom. \_ the only reason why you have this "freedom" is because government is paying for the road. \_ So you equate sitting in a metal box for many hours a week with freedom. You, sir, are a fucking moron. \_ You aren't forced to drive everywhere. Change your career and life style so you don't have to. Every decision and life style choice has plusses and minuses. Pick the set that makes you happiest. \_ I haven chosen. I don't own a car, and I live in one of the very very few places in the U.S. where that doesn't ruin \_ where is that, out of curiosity? \_ Boulder, co. Buses: amazing, bike trails:amazing \_ indeed a cool place... love the scones from the bakery downtown... best I ever had. \_ Which bakery? I'm new here, and I like scones. \_ I don't remember the name, but it was on Pearl street, west of the walk-only portion, on the north side of the street. Should be pretty easay to find. The famous tea house (in the rough vicinity) was also pretty cool. \_ looked it up, I think it was Spruce Confections (767 Pearl St) \_ Thanks! I'll check it out tonight or tomorrow. my life. I intend to vote with my feet on this issue and never live in a shithole like L.A., Houston, or Phoenix. My point is that a life that includes sitting in a metal box for several hours by yourself and not getting paid for it involves less *freedom* than one where you're not. I'm pretty sure I value freedom a lot more than the average SUV driving McHouse dweller on just about every possible axis on which freedom can be defined. \_ Can all of the service workers the city requires afford to live in this efficient and eco-friendly city of yours? \_ In the city I just left? Yes. In the city I'm in now, rents are still way lower than the sprawling Bay Area. I don't think your sprawl is the product of the free market anyway--it's just another form of socialism: corporate socialism. You're probably from LA like most of the rightwing assholes on the motd, so it's difficult for you to understand that people don't have to live that way, but there are plenty of livable non-car cities with over a million people, with a quarter million people, with 80,000 poeple, 25,000 people, and less than a thousand. It's not some crazy utopia--it's your world that's a crazy dystopia, and you're just too brainwashed to see it. \_ Hear hear! These car drivin suburbanites refuse to admit how much urbanites subsidize their wasteful and selfish lifestyle. I for one am sick and tired of paying high taxes and other increased costs (like higher utility costs) just so they can live in their McMansions. \_ Well, then we agree. I have no problem with these morons going out in the desert and building sprawl if they want to pay for it and actually live up to their free market rhetoric. But, as with most people who carp the loudest about the "free market", the suburbanites are really statists. The exception is when their pollution infriges on my right to breathe without getting asthma at a young age, which I consider to be a basic right. \_ Our great Lord Bush disagrees with you. He recommends you drive an SUV and live in a nice mansion in Texas. \_ http://csua.org/u/fbg is funny The only CA city ranked for walking is... Fremont Aaaaanyway. \_ I didn't have a car for most of my years in Berkeley and it wasn't a big deal. Fremont? \_ Which motd rightwingers are from LA? None of the ones I know are. \_ i'll up YOUR mileage |
2006/3/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:42382 Activity:moderate |
3/22 Say given the ridiculous hypothetical situation where you're the advisor of the President of the United States. Say the president would do one thing, and just one thing you suggest. What would you suggest? Allocate money for alternative fuel research? Pull out of Iraq War? Abortion rights? Better interstate mass transportation? \_ Resign. \_ Suicide? \_ yes! I vote for this. via drinking himself to death \_ Serve the public good. \_ Work to eliminate the deficit/debt, no matter how much it hurts. \_ Convert to Islam. \_ Yeah, wow. Think of how much his policies would change! Wait.. hmm. \_ Unite America, with the first task being having transparency into the Iraq decision, which starts with clearly admitting error and an investigation into how cherry-picking the intelligence led him to that decision. \_ Allocate $1.17 billion to myself for my consulting fee. \_ I'd legalize everything I believe in. Legalized marijuana, gay marriage, and abortion rights. \_ About the marijuana thing. Would you also legalize other drugs? Heroin or cocaine? How about oxycontin etc.? Would marijuana be regulated and if so how? How about prescription drugs in general; should people have the right to get them if they choose, without a prescription? Why or why not? \_ All legal, with the only regulation being honest and clear labels with accurate statement of contents. Selling LSD cut with rat poison or speed, and with no labels denoting how it was cut would be illegal. \_ Marijuana, peyote, mescaline, LSD, Ecstasy, and other hallucinogenics to be regulated the same as alcohol and tobacco; heroin, cocaine, and meth to remain illegal; oxy and other potentially habit-forming prescription drugs to remain under prescription. --erikred, !pp \_ why? \_ Why which? \_ Send ilyas back to Russia. \_ Nuke Switzerland. \_ Give jblack a Medal of Freedom. \_ Deport williamc to canada for being such a whiner. \_ Let amckee be the new POTUS. \_ Send John to live in a monastery to cure him of his expensive tastes. \_ HAHA this is the BEST entry of all. You win the contest. \_ I'll go if they have nice sheets and breakfast until 11. -John \_ i'll hypothetical YOUR situation \_ Call liberals what they are - the same people who you want out of your bedroom, but you trust controlling your guns. |
2006/3/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42383 Activity:high |
3/22 George W. Bush \_ Katrina \_ Disaster \_ Enron \_ Iraq War \_ deficit \_ Lied \_ People Died \_ Clinton! \_ Monica! \_ Ken! \_ Hitler \_ Godwin \_ Quirk's exception \_ i'll george YOUR bush |
2006/3/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:42384 Activity:moderate |
3/22 i'll verb YOUR noun \_ I'll YOUR your YOUR. |
2006/3/22-25 [Reference/BayArea] UID:42385 Activity:nil |
3/22 What's a good place to buy tire chains in or near Berkeley? \_ any auto store \_ Update: I called about 6 places. Only Berkeley Firestone and Autozone in Oakland have them for $50 and $60 respectively. |
2006/3/22-25 [Uncategorized] UID:42386 Activity:nil |
3/22 difference between white box and grey box and black box? \_ shades of grey \_ i'll black YOUR box \_ The opacity of the box. \_ Ethnicity and age of the chick it belongs to. \_ What ethnicity would "grey" refer to? I guess maybe it's a senior citizen's box. \_ black box: you do not have knowledge of how something works. \_ The input and output are well specified but the implementation is abstracted away (you don't care how it's implemented). white box: you have knowledge of what is inside. \_ Which is stupid nomenclature: the term "black box" is meant to mean that you can't see inside it. The opposite should really be "clear box" testing (I've sometimes heard it called "glass box" testing), but I guess someone just figured that the opposite of black is white, so the opposite of black box testing must be white box testing. Ok, I'm done. |
12/23 |