3/19 Supporter of Bush and Iraq War: I would like to hear your opinion
on this one. Thanks http://csua.org/u/fam (ny times)
\_ Look, this is a war. I guess you never studied history about
how you never play fair. No one ever does. That's how you win.
You should get back to drinking your latte and your naive world
where everyone "can just get along" Life is not that way.
\_ If you think you know how to win this war, I suggest you let
the white house know right away. 'Cause in case you hadn't
noticed, they're not winning it. But don't let that stop you
from supporting the invasion of Iran. Dumb redneck fuck.
\_ It's also naive to think that the purpose of the invasion
was ever really about WMD, it's about fighting terrorist on
their lands, not in the streets of America.
\_ Too bad Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. -tom
\_ If Terrorism is a real concern, then, Bush, Co. will
use terrorism to justify for the War. Instead, Bush & Co.
knew terrorism won't sell in general public... except
few dumb ass such as you.
\_ Actually, they seem to be doing fine, liberal moron.
\_ Aren't you supposed to be in church all day today, asshole?
It's Sunday, after all.
\_ Why are you wasting do much of your mother earth's
resources to spew your drivel on this evil
military-funded computer network? Shouldn't you be
out protesting for better state-funded meantal
out protesting for better state-funded mental
hospitals for you and your moonbat friends?
\_ You're still here? Isn't it time for you to
molest your sister?
\_ This is *EXACTLY* how Japanese justifies slaughter of 20-30
million Chinese as well.
\_ You should really take your meds more
\_ You guys are hilarious! Thanks MOTD!
\_ I am actually curious how you come about the assessment
that "they seem to be doing fine." Do you have any evidence
to back up this position? Because you know that it is in
the extreme minority now. You do know that, right?
Without resorting to insults, please explain to me
how you have come to believe that the US is doing well
in Iraq.
\_ This about covers it: http://csua.org/u/faw (CBS)
Basically, people who are actually on the ground
and have a clue do not say the same things as the
journalists hiding in the green zone searching
through military dispatches for bad news. I was
being a little trollish when I said, "doing well",
but I think they are currently doing about as well
as can be expected.
\_ I really wouldn't call Ralph Peters unbiased in any
circumstance. He was in the Army for a while and
probably has more knowledge of military strategy
than a lot of reporters, but I think most of Iraq's
firefights are guerilla battles that the Army he
was in has a hard time finding. Also, just go read
some of his other columns, there are gems like
\_ uh, so why do you think Ralph Peters, New York Post
reporter, who is an ardent supporter of Bush and the
war in Iraq, "has a clue"? I think the answer is
in the question. -tom
\_ In this case, "about as well as can be expected"
seems to translate to "haven't been forced out in
helicopters a la Saigon."
\_ Thank you for the link. I am not sure a war supporter
should be bringing up colonialism but there he did.
Do you ever look at the Iraq Index, buy the Brookings
Institute? It is the closest thing to an unbiased
set of observable facts that I have run across. I
did notice that electricity production is up, which
is a good sign.
\_ why we tried people for war crime, then? I am talking about
those who uses gas chambers? are you admiting that we also
uses torture chambers and not that different from Saddam?
And in case you forgot, we STARTED the war.
\_ Don't forget about "get back to driving your Volvo" and other
\_ So in other words, any cost is worth it when we're talking about
saving <a measureable number of> American lives. Think about
that |