3/11 GE may have figured out a cheaper way of making H2:
\_ I'm amazed the manufacturing of the aparatus has that much
effect on the cost to generate the hydrogen.
\_ Umm.. how much energy does 1kg of H have vs 1 gal of gasoline?
I would suspect the gasoline has much more.
\_ Answered my own question, H has a LOT more, like 5x.
http://tinyurl.com/qpmp6 (uaf.edu)
\_ Weird, I googled for this and most of the info I got
suggested that 1kg H2 has about the same energy
content as gasoline:
1kg H2 energy content: 120-140kJ
1gallon gas energy content: 130kJ
1kg H2 energy content: 120-140MJ
1gallon gas energy content: 130MJ
\_ These should be MJ, not kJ.
(for both substances)
\_ Sorry, I ment to change
from k to M. Thanks for
catching this.
http://tinyurl.com/dtymn (phy.syr.edu)
\_ guys, both links are very clear: H2 has ~ 3x or higher
energy content vs. gasoline by weight, but in terms of
volume, it has issues
\_ this is why i don't believe in hydrogen economy. We
needs just bite the bullet and save gas bits by bits.
\_ Yeah, see, there's thingy some people call 'technology'.
By applying this, this, 'technology', people are often
able to solve problems in surprising ways....
\_ there is a thing call knowledge, which separate
fantacy from reality. If you want to get hydrogen
competitively TODAY, you can only obtain it from
natural gas, coal, or other form of fussel fuel.
Rest of these things are as interesting as human
cloning: vast potential, but far far away down the
\_ great sustainable plan you got there.
\_ Funny, this is the reason H looks good to me. If
they can really produce it for $3 a kilo, it will
eventually be cheaper than gas. I'm curious about
the cost breakdown though. What electricity cost
are they assuming, etc?
\_ If you assume the above numbers, corrected to MJ
instead of kJ, and convert to kWH, then divide into
three dollars, you get 8.3 cents per kWH.
\_ Why would you compare energy/mass to energy/weight? How is
that meaningful?
\_ The density of gas is ~ 0.73 g/ml, so gas has an energy
density of ~ 47 MJ/kg, which is about 3x smaller than H2.
\_ You can pour 1kg of gasoline into a bucket, and use it. You can't
do that with a 1kg of Hydrogen, which is the whole issue with
hydrogen. |