2006/3/9 [Uncategorized] UID:42151 Activity:low |
3/8 Poll. I use soda mostly for: confession: . information: entertainment: .. outlet for frustration: motd: . trolling the ghost of paolo from 5 years ago: . fantasizing about tom's hard sweaty forged in a storm of sweaty iron unicycle sessions up mountains down valleys and up Spruce abs: .. mail: . Conducting silly polls: . Calling tom on his bs: . \_ hello dans! |
2006/3/9-11 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Media] UID:42153 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
3/9 So I've now seen two wonderful movies with disappointing endings in one week: Corpse Bride and Howl's Moving Castle. How can they put so much work into having such beautiful movies, then so obviously blow the endings? Bah, I say! \_ you got sucked into watching it and paid the same amount of money had the ending been better. So, u=teh suxor. \_ Eh, they were still worth the ~ $1.07 I pay per movie on the 2-at-a-time Netflix plan. What frustrates me is that they were so good...until the endings. \_ just like War of the Worlds? \_ Yeah, I gave that one some slack for being based on a book, though I guess Howl's was too. \- "I saw the best movies of my generation destroyed by bittorrent ... destroyed by piracy ..." \_ Huh? (I get the song reference, but not why) \_ Clearly you don't get the reference. \_ I hate the beats, but you make me sad. google for "ginsberg" and "howl" \_ Hah, never knew that. I never thought to see where the TMBG lyrics came from. \_ The MOTD makes the baby Cassady cry. \_ This is not related to this song, is it? http://www.lyricsdepot.com/they-might-be-giants/i-should-be-allowed-to-think.html http://www.lyricsdepot.com/they-might-be-giants/i-should-be-allowed-to-think.html \_ How would you have like Corpse Bride to end? I thought it was a normal, predictable ending. \_ Exactly! It didn't fit the movie at all! |
2006/3/9 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:42154 Activity:nil |
3/9 The latest SAT scoring debacle is yet another proof that ETS is run like Enron; slow, inefficient, and full of crooks who are free to do whatever they wish because they are not accountable for anything. \_ Huh? Url? \_ I assume OP means: http://www.cnn.com/2006/EDUCATION/03/07/sat.scores.ap/index.html \_ If so, I don't get what OP's talking about; the article indicates that the error was restricted to one sitting, not a systemic problem. |
2006/3/9 [Politics/Domestic] UID:42155 Activity:nil |
3/9 U.S. military to transfer detainees from Abu Ghraib to new facility within three month, so that they can continue torturing in secrecy. News at 11 on CBS liberal biased news. \_ The really sad thing is that there are valid needs for security and secrecy in some military operations, including some involving prisoners, but the current "regime" we've got has lost ALL credibility for handling anything without intensive oversight. |
2006/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:42156 Activity:nil |
3/9 OpenBSD 3.9 available for preorder: http://www.openbsd.org/39.html \_ When they changed binary formats and the only real upgrade path was "back up your data, install to a fresh disk and reinstall", I gave up, went to FreeBSD, figured out how to get 'pf' running on FreeBSD (it wasn't as well supported on FBSD then) and moved on. OBSD has that whole super security thing going on and CARP and whatnot but for a box doing anything more than just firewalling I'm a lot happier with FBSD. I'd still use OBSD for a pure firewall, though in most circumstances. \_ FreeBSD did a binary format change at some point too. Have you noticed how much of /csua/bin/ doesn't run now with exec format errors? \_ I think you can compile into the kernel binary compat of older versions but i might now know what i am talking about. \_ You can compile in binary compat as far back as 2.x--each version has had some form of binary change, although between most major version changes, it didn't affect most binaries as I recall. The only one where I had to do a ton of recompiling was 4.x to 5.x -John \_ Between what versions? I didn't use FBSD until 5.x. Anyway, what I was getting at is that OBSD was too limited in other ways and that if I had to start from scratch anyway I was going to use the more feature rich system that was 'secure enough' for my needs. \_ I completely agree. I pretty much only use OpenBSD for firewall/routing. For everything else I use either FreeBSD or OSX. It would be really k3wl if OSX started using pf for its firewall. |
2006/3/9-11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:42157 Activity:nil |
3/9 World largest Bio-diesel plant to open in Indiana: http://www.in.gov/serv/presscal?PF=gov2&Clist=1_3_4_6_11_16_61&Elist=85999 \_ If a significant portion of the cars out there were bio-diesel we would be up to our armpits in soot. That stuff is filthy. \_ buckminsterfullerene! yay |
2006/3/9 [Uncategorized] UID:42158 Activity:nil 61%like:42162 |
3/9 OMG, TOM VS. DANS GUN DUEL!!!!!!!!!!11!! |
2006/3/9-11 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:42159 Activity:nil |
3/9 Holy SHIT. This makes google Earth look like some kind of cheap hack: http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov Prepare to waste time after you download this. \_ Have they updated it? I tried it about a year ago, then when Google Earth came out I was impressed by how much better Google Earth worked (and how much faster). You can't zoom _quite_ as far in, but meh. --dbushong \_ It depends on where you are. I guess I was excited because the zoom is quite a bit better on the nasa one for a particular area I care about, and because the USGS maps are integrated. \_ Agreed. Clunky interface on the nasa one. |
2006/3/9 [Recreation/Food] UID:42160 Activity:nil |
3/9 US urged to abandon force-feeding at Guantanamo http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060310/ts_nm/guantanamo_dc So, ok, isn't suicide illegal in the US? If you announce that you're going to kill yourself by starving yourself to death, can't the authorities force you to eat? Why the hell do prisoners get more rights than I have? \_ How does an individual have a "5-month hunger strike"? \_ Do you understand what "force-feeding" is? \_ The lengthiest period spent without solid food was 382 days when Angus Barbieri lived on tea, coffee, soda water and vitamins in Maryfield Hospital, Dundee in the mid Sixties. He lost more than 20 stone. The human body is pretty fucking amazing. \_ Jesus... 20 stone is 280 pounds. That better have been one fat fuck. \_ Most, if not all, infants can survive a year without solid food. :-) \_ I didn't even know dubya was a feeder. |
2006/3/9-14 [Uncategorized] UID:42161 Activity:nil |
3/13 What's a good birthday gift for a 19 year old girl? \_ woman \_ says who? \_ US law \_ *laugh* \_ So very, very many possible responses to that. Let's keep it clean and say "Amazon Gift Certificate" \_ What's with the RESTRAINT shown for this motd topic? Frankly I'm not impressed. \_ Jeez. We're not pedophiles. Wait a few days and re-post the question with the girl being 19 and see what happens. \_ Gift certificate. Tailor to taste. \_ Hot beef injection. \_ Instant transformation of a 19-yr-old girl to a 19-yr-old woman, making the argument above moot. \_ US law! |
2006/3/9 [Uncategorized] UID:42162 Activity:high 61%like:42158 |
3/9 No really. Tom and dans, it's either time to GUN DUEL, or shut the hell up. \_ let them vent. It's not like they're actually going to DO anything anyways. Just lots of extra characters on motd, nothing more. All talk, no action. No harm. No worry. Let them vent. \_ Actually, CSUA should sponsor like a charity event where Tom and Dans battle it out in a ring. We could make them wear those stupid Sumo Wrestler suits, film it, and send it to America's Funniest Home Videos. We could title it "geek v. geek" or something. It will consist no doubt of a lot of hand slapping. \_ mlee vs. psb, boring John vs. ilyas, INTERESTING! \_ Wow I'm flattered. -John tom vs. dans, boring. \_ Like I said before, it would be dishonorable to engage in combat with an individual like Tom who has such a tenuous grip on reality. -dans \_ Yeah you keep saying that, irrespective of the fact that tom's version of events is both credible and coherent, and yours really isn't. \_ Tom, when you read all the criticism and mockery, some of it justified some of it not, do tears well up in your eyes and do you cry a little? Does interfere with your sleeping at night? |
2006/3/9-13 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Sleeping] UID:42163 Activity:low |
3/9 Larry Ellison to drop from the top 10 billionaire list. Hahahaha. That sucker deserves to go to hell. Fuck you Debacle. \_ Yeah, I'm sure he losses sleep over it. BTW, how many billions do you have? Oh, zero? \_ Yes he's losing sleep over it. I used to work at Debacle and my boss knew the VPs who knew Larry. Unlike Andy Grove and HP founders, Larry is an asshole who doesn't care about anyone else except himself, and everyone at the company knows that. All that talk with "Oracle's world's 2nd largest software company" is just bullshit and annoying to hear every single day. Back during the dot-com days Larry tried numerous spin-offs on nicely packaged but horribly designed software in an attempt to diversify his 1 trick pony, and ultimately to generate more revenues not for the company, but for himself. During media interviews Larry even admitted that his goal was not to create AIDS foundations or help with famines and such. His goal in life was to become a samurai and to beat Bill Gates so that he could become the world's richest man. In my < decade of working there I NEVER saw him working, once, and neither did my bosses. He loved yachting, flying planes, or just fucking Japanese whores. Larry losing sleep over not being on the top 10 billionaire list? You bet he is. \_ http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/12/20/DD160291.DTL \_ http://tinyurl.com/m4gl9 (sfgate.com) \- You may also wish to see: http://csua.org/u/f7w |
2006/3/9-11 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:42164 Activity:kinda low |
3/9 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060309/od_nm/stone_sex_dc Sharon Stone to be naked in the next movie. When she was younger in Basic Instinct (1992), that was cool, but now, I don't know... It's almost like watching your aunt naked or something. \_ hot! \_ MILF! \_ http://alienlovespredator.com/index.php?id=162 \_ She just turned 48. That's still young enough to look good if she's taken care of herself, which she seems to have done. \_ I don't understand you people. At 48 you will all be pasty formless blobs of flesh from sitting down all day and licking your monitor while encoding podcasts of Slashdot. You would praise Allah daily if a woman as hot as Sharon Stone smirked at you. Are you manlier than Phil Bronstein? Do you wrestle alligators? \_ Sure, she's a babe. She's still 48 and that's much older than most of us. \_ I wouldn't kick her out for eating prunes in bed. -John \_ Hey, wikipedia says she has an IQ of 150+ and grew up a bookworm and introvert, going to college at 16 - perfect mate for the soda virgin geeks. \_ Big fucking deal. Most people reading this started college at 17. \_ exactly, cause you are soda virgin geeks. |
2006/3/9-13 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:42165 Activity:nil |
3/9 http://www.csua.com/?entry=36278 Read bullet #2 on Iraq. Pretty lame considering our failure in Iraq now |
2006/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:42166 Activity:nil |
3/9 So, I'm curious, who exactly is EVIL LORD MULLALLY? \_ The sysadm of CS cluster. Not sure why he's evil though. He's a very nice guy when you get to know him. \_ In fact he is in the CSUA's good graces right now for being very helpful in getting us some temp-accounts for our SQL workshop. *leaves his sacrificial offering of fruit and ramen at the feet of the all-powerful sysadmin* -mrauser |
2006/3/9-11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:42167 Activity:nil |
3/9 Poll on Iran. We will: attack iran: talk tough: .... send tom and dans to mediate the conflict: .. \_ Dude, are you trying to start a civil war? -dans |
2006/3/9-11 [Recreation/Media] UID:42168 Activity:nil |
3/9 Welcome to Dongmakgol: http://imdb.com/title/tt0475783 Aside from the main characters being idiots in the end, an excellent movie. Magical, almost have the feeling of a Hiyazaki movie sans the cute monsters. Must for Korean movie buffs. |
2006/3/9-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:42169 Activity:moderate |
3/9 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/forbes_billionaires Number of Billionaires to a record 793. Who says Bushconomy sucks? \_ I think that includes foreigners, who sure benefitted from our spending and more spending. \_ I say it sucks and I'll explain to you. Bush uses my tax dollars to go fund his illegitimate war and go and take all the spoils for himself. Plus I will almost certainly be paying higher taxes to offset his record deficit that he's created. So tell me how I benefit from this again???? Bush better be planning to pay back the "loan" that he's taken out from the American people, cuz I sure as hell don't want to be paying extra taxes cuz of the stupid debt he's racked up at our expense. \_ Just like when we had Reagan as a President, we owe him a debt we can never repay ... \_ You must be on crack if you believe Reagen was responsible for the economic boom of the 90's. If you can explain how Reagen administration was more responsible than, say, the rise of the Internet for the 90's boom, I'll give you a Nobel prize. \_ Who commercialized the Internet? \_ In a way the defeat of Soviet Communism and the resulting demilitarization supported the boom of the 90s. Reagan embraced and executed an active policy to defeat, instead of contain, the USSR. This policy, combined w/ economic conditions in the USSR, largely worked. Specifically WRT supply side economics, I agree that it is not clear that this economic policy resulted in the boom of the 90s. \_ complete BS. Soviet would of fell apart on its own weight regardless. \_ It is very hard to say that the USSR was in such bad shape in the 80s that it would have died w/o Zero Option, &c. I am not saying Reagan single handedly killed TEH COMMIE, just that his policies were a contributing factor. \_ It isn't so important that they collapsed, per se, but what they became after. Had they been crushed by anything other than the US their odds of becoming a more democratic nation would have been zero, simply replacing one dictatorship with another. There were a few attempted non-democratic coups that went no where. Some historical what-if for you: Had the Nazi's survived WWII and into the 90's, would the Soviets have still collapsed? Likely so. Would it have turned into a more western nation? You decide. \_ 1) Is that inflation injusted and yes 2) "Bushconomy" is VERY good for rich people, I don't think anyone will disagree with that. The disagreement is over whether good for billionaires == good for everyone else. \_ You're not getting it. If you argue with a wealthy conservative, he/she will say that if everyone else's income didn't increase it is because they didn't work as hard [as the wealthy folks]. In the conservative world, YOU are self-reliant and you, and no one else, can make yourself wealthy. The rich conservatives' argument is that if you tax the rich more, then you'll fall under socialism (which Ronald Reagan declares as EVIL!!!) and \_ Socialism *is* evil. no one will have incentives to work hard anymore. So, fuck \_ See "Collapse of Soviet Union under own weight" above. social programs, cut taxes, and faggots need to go to hell. That is the platform of the American conservatives. \_ You've clearly never talked to a conservative, rich or otherwise. Would you like to hear what the "extremist ultra liberal" platform is? You know it wouldn't be difficult to paint your beliefs into a tidy little strawman and then knock it down, so why do you do that to other people? \_ There is something to be said that a grim socialist completely state controlled economy is the bane to economic growth, witness eastern bloc countries before the fall of the soviet union. current conservatives in power though appear to want to take everything to the \_ There are no conservatives in power at the moment. There are pro-business Republicans. If the Dems had put up something better than that mindless Republican-lite playboy they would have won in 2004. Stop running stupid candidates so we can have better candidates from both parties running. If you run Hillary in 2008 she'll lose and we'll get another 4-8 years of pro-Business Republicans again. complete logical extreme with no oversight on business by government in even the most egregious examples. \_ http://www.nowartax.org can help you out with your tax problems |
2006/3/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:42170 Activity:low |
3/7 Look tom and dans. Both of you have points and supporting facts. But most of us aren't concerned at who's right/wrong. So how about shaking hands with your enemy for now, and even if the other side is still unforgiven, at least fake a truce. That way you can attack when the time is right and we'll have our peace on motd. Thanks \_ hey I wanted to see where it goes. don't delete it til tomorrow. Why do you need peace on motd? How boring. \_ There's a famous novel I read in HS to which I forgot the title but basically it described a guy truck driver driving on the highway, saw a turtle on the road, and swerved in order to crush it. Then a gal driver saw the turtle, swerved in order to avoid it. So, I guess you're the driver and you're trying to cause harm in order to get pleasure from it, or something \- turtle novels: blade runner is the standard but you probably mean grapes of wrath. you know it just occurred to me, it is not unlikely i read GoW before you were born. did you read a certain novel involving a tree and a prep school and conflict and hate, too? |
3/15 |