2006/3/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:42119 Activity:high |
3/6 Government monitors spending patterns as a flag for possible terrorist activities: http://csua.org/u/f5u \_ A friend of mine sent money overseas to his family in Asia. It was only $10,000USD but it's a lot in that part of the country. A day later he got a call from the FBI asking what the money's for. I thought the US gov only cared about money coming in (to fund fundamentalists) but I guess they care about everything. \_ Where in Asia? My wife sent back $40k (inheritance) from Japan, but I don't think that's that unusual for Japan <> USA. \_ YMMV. My wife and I have received >> $10k from Hong Kong \_ YMMV. My wife and I have received >> $10m from Hong Kong with nary a peep from Govco. \_ YMMV. My wife and I have repatriated >> $10m from Hong Kong with nary a peep from Govco. --cpatten \_ $10m? WTF are you doing posting on soda's motd? \_ Dear motd re-editor, case sensitivity matters. \_ I think "where in asia?" is a valid question in this case. \_ I write one $1k check per month from my B of A checking account to my dad's B of A checking account, and he regularly withdraws the money in Hong Kong. We've been doing it for over seven years, and neither of us have ever heard from the FBI. \_ oooh HK, I bet the US government's really afraid of angry yellow Cantonese Muslims trying to do something little yellow Cantonese Muslims trying to do something bad to us good Christians. \- I endorse the OLD MANDARIN MUSLIM CHINESE RESTAURANT \_ now you are making me hungry. sour cabbage mutton soup clay pot and thick fat breads. yummy! \- you may enjoy ball hot pot then: http://csua.org/u/f60 |
2006/3/7-8 [Computer/HW, Computer/Domains] UID:42120 Activity:low |
3/6 I would like to get a virtual phone number to use for forwarding calls to different locations at different times. I don't want a toll-free number, because I don't want to be charged when people call me. Any suggestions for companies that offer this? \_ how about a SkypeIn number? Combine with SkypeOut, you can forward the phone call anywere in the world. \_ If you're feeling adventurous you can set up an Asterix box (there are Asterix images for WRAP and Soekris if you want an "appliance") and register an international number. I forget where to do this, but there are a number of organizations that will let you have a number, for free and for charge. Or Vonage does something similar if you want commercial + SIP, although I'm informed quality is crap (never tried it.) If you're interested in setting up your own SIP gateway, several colleagues of mine have done so and are calling everywhere pretty much for free; I'd be glad to put you in touch with them. Don't know about toll-free, though. -John |
2006/3/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:42121 Activity:nil |
3/7 RIP Dana Reeve. http://news.yahoo.com/photo/060307/482/f10612f3551c4de4af52a9463af9ef4e She's pointing at Chris and me at the same time! Hot! |
2006/3/7-9 [Reference/Military] UID:42122 Activity:kinda low |
3/7 Saw Lord of War last night and thought that while the subject matter is disturbing (and the movie was a bit preachy about it), the acting, the writing, and the direction really carried it off. And yes, I was the guy who disliked Weather Man. --erikred \_ it's disturbing because it has a bit of truth in it? \_ Truth? What truth? The movie had more errors and generalizations than a Michael Moore film. Legal arms shipments by the perm. members of the security does not equal what the five composited gun runners Yuri was based did. \_ shrug. i'm getting here: http://csua.org/u/f5v (script-o-rama.com) "While private gunrunners continue to thrive, the world's biggest arms suppliers are the U.S., UK, Russia, France and China." I assume that means dollar amounts, not number of firearms. I assume things like F-16's, Mirages, missiles, tanks, destroyers, air defense systems, etc. tip the scale in favor of the countries over the independents. In terms of number of firearms, shrug, I bet the "used" AK-47, RPG, etc. market is a bigger or comparable share to brand-spanking new + refurb rifles sold by the 5 govts. Generalizations, yes. Errors, please point out a serious one: I want to learn. \_ it was gr8, just like I wrote on motd -someone else \_ I was disappointed. I expected a darkly humorous, edgier, more Nicholas Cage film. In the end it almost played more like a documentary to me. --dbushong \_ Gold plated guns! What more do you want? \_ I enjoyed the film, but I couldn't take it seriously. Also, I felt like Cage wasn't convincing... I always see him acting roughly the same, and he's too recognizable. I would have preferred an unknown |
2006/3/7-9 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:42123 Activity:nil |
3/7 Say I use http://mpix.com to print out my digital pictures. Say I have a really large picture, 3000x2000 and I print only a 4" print instead of poster size. How many DPIs will mpix's printer print? I'm trying to gauge the quality of their prints vs. my 600dpi printer before I decide to get anything from http://mpix.com. ok thx \_ yeah, it's much better to ask an unanswerable question on the MOTD rather than spend 29 cents to see for yourself. \_ We don't know what printer http://mpix.com uses. Costco uses Noritsu QSS-3111-1. Anyway, DPI is not the only factor to quality. \_ Why don't you contact them?. Ask "what PPI will you print". It should print at whatever size the PPI * number of pixels ends up being. I don't know anything about mpix but it's common sense. \_ For what it's worth, an amateur photographer I know (used to work on iPhoto) uses mpix and speaks highly of them. |
2006/3/7-9 [Computer/Rants, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:42124 Activity:kinda low |
3/7 Demographics in China. http://www.slate.com/id/2137680 \_ hehe. so India and China might face the same sort of problems we have here - competing with immigrants for jobs. \_ Sorry, when did you last have to compete with an immigrant for a job? \_ I have applied a few times at KODAK/OFOTO in EMERYVILLE. as required by law, they advertise now and then on Craigslist and make a half hearted effort to interview people. My internal sources say they keep subcontracting all the work through inefficient, but very cheap Indian programmers, I think through Wipro, and they haven't hired an actual American citizen in recent memory. So: yes, I feel like I am competing with huge amounts of imaginary immigrants even though its just outsourcing. \_ It's pretty common. Anyway, I have it from people who have worked there that it's a mess at Ofoto anyway. \_ I see your point, but don't be so callous. I grew up in the central valley where many Americans have been left behind. In some cases it's their fault, in other cases it's because the educational system is pathetic and because they grew up in really, really crappy dysfunctional families. And they compete for jobs with immigrants, legal and illegal. \_ I certainly don't mean to sound callous, but competing for jobs with legal immigrants sounds like a natural process and wholly in keeping with the American Dream. However, if you're suggesting we need to pump more public funding into education and enforcing fair labor practices, I'm right there with you. Just don't blame it on the immigrants. \_ I'm sure immigrants have helped engineering job salaries to shrink somewhat. I'm sure the dotcom bust has also contributed to that more. \_ I'm sure immigrants have helped cause some tech salary deterioration, if just a little. Depends \_ I'm sure immigrants are responsible for some tech wage deterioration, if just a little. Depends on how far up the corporate ladder you stand. \_ AGrove and POmidyar probably skews the scale way up. \_ H1B? Outsourcing? \_ Well, H1B, green card, or naturalized if we're talking legal immigration; outsourcing wouldn't qualify as outsourcing unless you lost your job to Little Kabul. |
2006/3/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:42125 Activity:nil |
3/7 Heh, funny [sic] interpretation of Bush's recent South Asia trip http://www.filibustercartoons.com http://www.filibustercartoons.com/comics/20060306.gif (direct) |
2006/3/7-9 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:42126 Activity:low |
3/7 Dear balsalmic vinegar beef marinating guy. What kind of vinegar do you use? White? And what brand is good? Thanks. \_ I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess... balsamic. \_ The message above is obviously written by someone ignorant. There are many types. White distilled vinegar, rasbery balsamic vinegar, red \_ [80 col. please] wine balsamic vinegar (most common), olive vinegar, rice vinegar, so on so forth. \_ In fairness to the OP, there is such a thing as white balsamic vinegar. But you ought to use the regular dark kind. Quality it not *too* important, so just get something halfway decent. -- different balsamic marinating guy \_ Racist! \_ Balsamic vinegar of color, then. \_ Stop giving me black medicine! ... I mean ... black vinegar. |
2006/3/7-9 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance] UID:42127 Activity:nil 61%like:42133 |
3/7 Ok, long term interest rates finally went up. We know housing is in trouble, but what will that do to the overall economy? Will that help control inflation, or is inflation now determined by factors overseas? \_ Recent inflation was 9% annual and the Fed is printing money like crazy. It has also stopped publishing the M3 number, I wonder why? \_ What's the M3 number? -dans, finance weenie \_ M1, M2, M3, L are different measures of the money supply at different levels of liquidity. You may wish to google for M3 :-) --psb |
2006/3/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:42128 Activity:low |
3/7 http://wonkette.com/politics/wonkette/our-boys-need-gossip-158687.php Interesting URL blocking for U.S. military forces based in Iraq. \_ Other articles point out that the blocking list is BS, the author just lined up a bunch of conservative sites that weren't blocked and liberal sites that were blocked. There were plenty of liberal sites that were not blocked and conservative sites that were blocked as well. \_ other articles like ...? do everyone a favor and post the URLs to http://wonkette.com too. \_ other articles like ...? \_ Sounds like they need better filtering technology. There's this company in Mountain View that gives its employees free food that can help them out. Seriously though, our soldiers should be spending more of their time NOT GETTING KILLED than reading stupid ass blogs. I am a big fan of COLBY BUZZELL. \_ In a country where pr0n is illegal, believe me, the troops NEED an uncensored Internet connection. |
2006/3/7-9 [Recreation/Dating] UID:42129 Activity:low |
3/7 Do you have a habit of buying things you don't need or use? What did you buy last? \_ We bought a timeshare in SAN FRANCISCO because according to the sales guy it was suppose to be easy to transfer to other places like Hawaii (but we found out later you need to book at least 1 year in advance). We ended up selling the timeshare. I didn't even want it in the first place. My gf has this tendency to want to buy everything she sees and accumulates a lot of junk. Ditto with my mother and my sister and pretty much all the women I know. They think the garage is a place to store shit they'll never need to use. Women like to buy junk, LOTS of junk and it just never stops. All women are the same. -pissed off guy \_ My wife frets over buying a new pair of shoes. Your family & gf just suck. \_ Hey stop insulting my people. We (Chinese) are better consumers than you America hating green-peace hippies that mostly live in Northern California. Just look at the way people in Beijing and Hong Kong spend lavishly on frivolous Western goods. Consumerism drives the economy, thus we are being good citizens. \_ Hey stop insulting my people. We (Chinese) are better consumers than you America hating green-peace hippies that mostly live in Northern California. Just look at the way people in Beijing and Hong Kong spend lavishly on frivolous Western goods. Consumerism drives the economy, thus we are being good citizens. \_ Sorry, but your chicom troll impersonation is a failure. Your grammar is far too consistent -- though I will admit you nailed the tone and general irrationality. Overall, I give you a 6.31/10. \_ My in-laws like to buy food while my wife likes to buy junk food. My fridge is constantly full. If I can close the freezer door without pushing, "let's go shop for food because the freezer is 'empty'". My stockpile of junk food is actually growing, because my wife buy more than she eats. \_ My wife is an even bigger cheap-skate than I am, which is saying something. She does make fun of most American women for being spendthrifts though. \_ Travel in poor area/country to cure yourself of that. \_ Really honestly think about how much use you will get out of something before you buy it. If it's an improvement on something you already have, think about how much actual use the new features will be. (Like a faster computer) In some cases it helps to have a common "real-life" denomonation you can use to think about it abstractly, such as: "How many hours of work did it take to make $price?" or "How many candy bars is this?" If you get in the habit of thinking carefully, you can break the spending habit. \_ I rented a Jaguar and drove it through some really poor parts of the Ozarks. I'm not really sure why that would 'cure' anyone of anything. \_ Nope. One tool I use is to stick stuff on my online wishlist rather than impulse buying it. It satisfies that immediate urge to "do something about getting it" If in a few months I still want it (and no one's bought it for me) then I'll get it, maybe. |
2006/3/7-9 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:42130 Activity:high |
3/7 http://csua.org/u/f5w (telegraph.co.uk) "The man who for two years led Iran's nuclear negotiations has laid out in unprecedented detail how the regime took advantage of talks with Britain, France and Germany to forge ahead with its secret atomic programme." \_ All options are on the table and we will be greeted as liberators. Oh, the country is oil rich so they can pay for their own reconstruction, the American taxpayer is off the hook again! \_ We are sort of greeted as liberators. Most of the fighting is fuckhead Sunnis who can't handle only getting 20 percent of the political power since they are only 20 percent of the population, vs the dominant Shiite population who are viewed as infidels by the Saudis, Al-Queda, and that Zaqardi Jordanian fellow. I think the only solution is to wall the entire area in and let them kill each other over which of Mohammeds cronies should have led Islam 2000 years ago. What a bunch of retards. \- it's a little tough to take you as a serious commentator when you write about islam 2000yrs ago. --that indian fellow \_ to use a forest fire term, we need a "controlled burn" \_ Think of it as evolution in action. Of cource, CSUAers not breeding is also evolution in action. \_ So it will cost only 500 billion dollars in 3 years, just like Iraq. Hehehehe. \_ It makes sense. We can combine Iraq, Iran and the Kurds into one giant OhFuckIstan. \_ Why the Kurds? They're doing pretty OK on their own. It's a Sunni/Shiite thing. Haven't the Kurds had it bad enough already? \_ that is because they are pratically independent from Iraq right now. I can totally see couple years down the road USA will invade Kurd-controlled territory along with Turkish troops. \_ I can't wait to see US invade Iran. It would be a lot of run to watch. Too bad it won't happen, cause with Iraq, US is already like a girl with jeans and panties bundled around the ankle, butt naked and hobbled. fun to watch. Too bad it won't happen, cause with Iraq, US is already like a sissy with jeans and panties bundled around the ankles, butt naked and hobbled. \_ And you made this determination of American military capacity based on your vast wealth of military knowledge and deep understanding of history, logistics and military psychology? I don't think there will be an invasion, but not because the US military couldn't flatten the Iranians. \_ I think it has more to do with American forces being stretched really thin, continuous inability to suppress resistance in Iraq, and Iran being several times larger in size and population (several times larger than the entire population of Iraq, not the Sunnis population of Iraq). Also, an invasion would likely turn the Shiites in Iraq against US. Then there is the difficulty for the US military to recruit new soldiers, soldiers complaining about length of stays in Iraq, a weak US economy with huge budget and trade deficits, lack of international support, etc., etc. Iran also doesn't have internal religious and ethnic divisions like in Iraq, and hasn't been under a decade of sanctions. Note: pop of Iraq 26 million. pop of Sunnis in Iraq ~5 million. pop of Iran 68 million. \_ Also don't forget, the Iranians have this fun tendency, all the wanting to hold hands and listen to rock & roll aside, to strap on bomb vests and send hordes of fanatical 8 year olds to do things like clear mine fields and gnaw off invaders' feet while they sleep when you attack their country. So unless you're really when you attack their country, so unless you're really really sure of what you're doing, don't have any, oh I dunno, "other current engagements that may be requiring some of your attention and military resources", and have a whole buttload of allies in the area who're actually willing and able to send in their own brute squads (or even publicly prepared to say that they support what you're doing), not to mention not having any several big, mean countries that are sort of counting on Iranian gas and oil and money for nuclear reactor bits expressing "doubts" about what you're up to, I don't really know if it's such a fantastic idea to go invade them. -John \_ When your trigger happy President is also a fanatic, it's not such a crazy idea to attack others fanatically. \_ Nobody's attacking anyone fanatically, just dishonestly and incompetently. If we can't even run a war/occupation/counterinsurgency right, then given all the above crap, I think starting another war is knid of silly. -John another war is kind of silly. -John \_ John, you just won the longest sentence of the year award. |
2006/3/7-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42131 Activity:nil |
3/7 Good renters of yesterday bought homes with 0% down interest only mortgages, leaving renters today "cream of the crap" http://news.yahoo.com/s/fool/20060303/bs_fool_fool/114141034906 \_ Believe me, the current crop of landlords is nothing to brag about. |
2006/3/7-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42132 Activity:high |
3/7 Isn't it squishable to use something like fold to modify motd? \_ maybe. who is doing it? \_ Yes, but no one cares anymore. \_ No. It's theoretically squishable to have something automatically modifying the MOTD every three minutes via fold or some other method, but ever since paolo did it, it seems anything goes. -tom \- What if you are an obsessive compulsary guy like me who checks the motd every 5 minutes _manually_ and do repeated things to motd _manually_? How do you distinguish between changes done via a script that keeps calling fold or just someone like me? Is it squishable because of one's ultimate intent to motd regardless of actual changes, or is it squishable only when the actual changes are made repeatedly, regardless of method? \_ The only cases I know of where someone was squished for modifying the MOTD were when it was being done automatically. Being an idiot is not the same as being a hoser. -tom Being an idiot is not the same as being a hoser. For example I am an idiot and marco was a hoser. -tom \_ The horse is dead tom. Please stop beating it. -dans PS, I'm a little dubious of your standing to bitch about CSUA policy since you've done so since before I got to Berkeley in '97, and continued to do so until I finished in '04, and, to my knowledge, you never once showed up at a politburo meeting. I'm under the impression that you work on the Berkeley campus so it's not like you have distance as an excuse. \_ I've been to general meetings during that time frame. I think the current undergraduates really should be in charge of setting policy and direction for the CSUA, but I also think that it's inappropriate and inexcusable for a CSUA officer to intentionally and deceptively screw up a public CSUA resource. -tom \_ Fair enough. Even so, I can say your knowledge of the so-called paolo motd squishing incident is incomplete. There are facts you don't have that were discussed by the then current undergraduate members of the politburo in closed session, and a policy decision was made based on those facts. Thus, in this case, your hard line stance on the issue is in conflict with your statement that undergrads should set policy and direction. Seriously though, it's been for years. Don't you think it's time to move on? -dans \_ Don't you think the politburo should have responded to the person who brought the complaint? I never heard a single word. And I can't imagine what facts there could be which would mitigate the situation enough that the CSUA President would not have to at least admit wrongdoing and apologize--unless you believed paolo's total BS about how his process really was pine and it was checking mail every three minutes. Closed politburo session for disciplining a politburo member is also total BS. -tom \_ It would mitigate the situation if the President's apparently anti-social act that stomped on your playground actually benefited the greater good of the CSUA. If the University was pressuring the CS department to shut off the CSUA's net taps *permanently* in response to complaints that the motd was in gross violations of campus hate speech/fighting words statutes, then nuking the motd would benefit this greater good. I phrase this as a hypothetical because I can't disclose specifics on the record without betraying the confidence of the politburo members at that time. Refer to question #18 in link:csua.org/u/f69 for more info re: campus hate speech regs (sorry, it's a PDF). And, also hypothetically, perhaps the politburo didn't respond to the person who raised the complaint because they felt that the individual's language and attitude was abusive and demanding, and they felt disinclined to interact with such an individual? If said individual raised his/her complaint in person at a politburo meeting with the same language and attitude, I suspect the politburo would have told him to `Fuck off' in so many words. As is, they let sleeping dogs lie. You can state that ``Closed politburo session for disciplining a politburo member is also total BS,'' but that's your opinion. The undergraduates on the politburo made a policy decision regarding how they wanted to handle the matter. If you truly believe that current undergraduates should set policy and direction, you don't get to pick and choose which policy decisions they do and don't make. -dans \_ chmod 644 /etc/motd.public is how I would solve that problem. No need to run a script to wipe motd. -mrauser \_ oh that's a load of crap and you know it. paolo was deleting the MOTD because people were taking out his postings of kinneydrivel. If he were doing it for the greater good of the CSUA, why did he name his process "pine" and lie about what it did? We're not talking about the MOTD nazi'ing after 9/11, we're talking about while (1) sleep 180 ; cp /dev/null /etc/motd.public And I do think the undergraduates should be allowed to set policy; do you think that if I put the above in a script, called it "pine", and ran it myself, that that would be OK and within CSUA policy? What a crock. -tom \_ I agree that Paolo's implementation left much to be desired, but that's neither here nor there. And yes, if nuking the motd kept us from getting our net tap shut off, while it wouldn't be OK, I'd sincerely hope that it would be forgiven. At this point the dispute is who's facts are correct. Yours run counter to my recollection, but I doubt I'm going to convince you my memory is better than yours or vice versa. But that still begs the question, why are you beating a horse that's been dead for four years? -dans \_ The facts that paolo *claimed at the time* were that he was "running tests using screen to have it run pine in the background and auto-reattach itself to my soda-shell whenever i got new mail" (his words). Apparently, when it became obvious that this was 100% bullshit, he told the politburo that he was on a SOOPER SEKRIT MISSION to SAVE THE CSUA from the EVIL LORD MULLALLY. And apparently he succeeded in his mission, despite only deleting the MOTD for about three hours on one occasion and never running his script again (at least not automatically). What an effective leader he was! I bring it up because I am still dumbfounded, not only that he did it in the first place, but that his credulous cronies let him get away with it. Maybe you believed his bullshit--that would just make you a stooge and a tool. Paolo, on the other hand, was a scumbag. -tom \_ Excuse me? Have you ever sat down and had a beer with me? Or Paolo? Paolo is a good guy and a good friend who's there when he's needed. I can attest to this as will many others. Back when he was on politburo, he worked his ass for the CSUA. So did I. You, on the other hand are a faceless bitter dour naysayer alumni who sees fit to bitch and moan about `those kids these days,' but, in my seven years kicking around Berkeley, I never once saw you lift a finger for this organization. You seem to believe that \_ Excuse me? Have you ever sat down and had a beer with Paolo? Or me? I know he busted his ass for the CSUA when he was on politburo. So did I. You on the other hand seem to be a bitter dour naysayer alumnus who loves to bitch about ``those damned kids these days,'' but, in the seven years I was active in the CSUA, I never once saw you lift a finger for this organization. Basically, you're a parasite. You seem to think the motd is your personal playground, You think Paolo pissed on it once four years ago, and, like a child or a fanatic, you latch onto this tiny perceived slight, blow it way out of proportion, and refuse to move on or let go. Somehow, in the haze of your ongoing childish tantrum, you concluded that people you barely or never interacted with are, in your words, scumbags, stooges, and tools. My first impulse is to revert to your level and call you a wanker, but, on further reflection, I'm simply speechless. -dans and you believe Paolo pissed on it. Like a child or a fanatic, your response to this tiny perceived slight is to blow it completely out of proportion: You hold a grudge over the matter that's lasted four years (and counting). On the basis of incomplete information about a single event, you just labeled a bunch of people you've barely or never interacted with as stooges, tools, and scumbags. I'm tempted to drop to your level and call you a wanker, but, frankly, I'm just speechless. -dans \_ Way to change the subject! First of all, I am quite confident that I have both done more work for the CSUA and donated more money to the CSUA than either of you. Second, how much work any of us have done for the CSUA is completely irrelevant to whether paolo's actions were inappropriate. And it's not just that he munged the MOTD; it's that he threatened me with lawsuits and police action when I reported it. That's appropriate behavior for an officer of an organization? -tom \_ I'm not changing the subject. You called me a tool and a stooge. I can live with that. But you also slapped that label (and scumbag) on several of my friends, something I am considerably less inclined to tolerate. This is the first time you've brought up threats of lawsuits and police action. I know in your world you want us all to bow down and lick your asshole when you champion your righteous views, but a) you refuse to allow for the fact that you may be wrong and b) we live in a civil society where the police and the courts exist to adjudicate disputes between parties. You have a right to raise complaints. But if you harrass people to make your complaints heard, or your complaints are slanderous or libelous, then the wronged parties have a right to seek legal recourse. If Paolo legitimately felt you wronged him, then it is reasonable and appropriate for him to seek remedy from the police or the courts. -dans \_ except he was 100% full of shit, which is why he apparently came up with a totally new story in the SOOPER SEKRIT POLITBURO MEETING where, surprise, his friends decided not to do anything to him. -tom \_ I am ready to fight you Tom. Are you a coward? -dans \_ GUN DUEL!! \_ I did not write this. -dans \_ So you are scared to fight tom too? It is too bad for the CSUA you both lack physical courage. \_ Look tom, if it was such an important issue, and you believe so strongly in your conviction that Paolo is a liar and a `scumbag,' you could have escalated your complaint to the ASUC, the CS department, or the University level. You chose not to do that. Instead, you vent on the motd with cheap shots and low blows at the parties involved four years after the fact. This is just sour grapes over the fact that the politburo decided that you were wrong, and your complaint lacked merit. Apparently you don't like to be reminded that you're not omnipotent, and sometimes this leads to incorrect conclusions. -dans \_ I didn't vent on the MOTD. I reported it to the politburo, courteously and with details. The \_ And then proceeded to vent about it on the motd for the next four years (and counting!) when the politburo decided, based on findings of fact that your complaint was without merit. -dans politburo ignored me except for paolo's reply where he lied about what he was doing, claimed he was placing a restraining order against me, and blamed me for making soda "not a place for undergraduates." (Ignoring, of course, the fact that he was the one trashing the resource). The act itself was not that big a deal, and it would have been a disservice to the CSUA to try to bring it to a higher authority. However, paolo is still a scumbag and you're still a tool. -tom \_ I am thankful I don't see the world through your eyes. -dans \_ The bottom line here is paolo was your friend and anything he did was fine. \_ No. I choose my friends because they behave like honorable human beings I can respect. I can't be friends with someone I don't respect. If he did something genuinely reprehensible, he wouldn't be my friend anymore. -dans \_ It wasn't "reprehensible"; I mean, he didn't murder anyone or steal etc. What he did do was break a CSUA policy that others have been disciplined for, and lied about it. I mean, you \_ To my knowledge, he did not lie about it. Tom accuses him of lying about it, but, as this thread shows, Tom lives in a reality distortion field so I am disinclined to believe Tom's accusation. Honor and honesty are very important to me, and while I don't view them purely in black and white, I would end a friendship over them -dans \_ So, do you believe the following? 1. I have been and was running tests using screen to have it run pine in the background and auto-reattach itself to my soda-shell whenever i got new mail (think of it as biff++). I have been running these test for several days now. I have been checking my screen sessions on soda and the programs I've been running are not only nice'd, but go to sleep awaiting a timer call. I'm using soda because some of my mail goes to soda. ... For this i am contacting the OSC and the Berkeley PD about restraining orders placed against Mr. Holub. The first two paragraphs don't jibe at all with what you claim happened at the SOOPER SEKRIT politburo meeting. And I seriously doubt he ever contact OSC or contacted OSC or the Berkeley PD. -tom --------------------------------------------------/ \_ Did Paolo cc anyone, e.g. the politburo on that mail? That is, if Paolo sent the out of context email excerpt you posted, and the statements therein are untrue, did he lie to you, or did he lie to both you *and* the politburo? I'm willing to believe he sent the email you are excerpting, I don't think your reality distortion field is so warped that you would fabricate old emails. Did it ever occur to you that his purpose was to get you off his back? If he lied to you, then it was bad form and a poor way to accomplish that end. But, apparently, it succeeded. You might feel you deserve an apology. That said, however, you make a pattern of being rude, belligerent, and nasty in your electronic communications, as evinced by your behavior on the motd. Oddly enough, this is something you and I share. The difference is that when someone responds to my nastiness by ignoring me or telling me to fuck off in so many words, I accept the consequences. You, on the other hand, demand an apology, and declare a lifelong (four years, and counting!) vendetta against the party in question. -dans \_ That was his response to my mail to root. He cc:ed root, twohey, ajani, galen, and chialea. He made similar claims on \_ Let's apply Occam's razor here. Which of the following is more plausible: a) Paolo is privately a degenerate scumbag, but his public face is that of a brilliant social engineer who counts the following people in his thrall of tools and stooges: - twohey, ajani, galen, and chialea - all root staff members - all politburo members - everyone reading wall during the time period in question b) You really weren't privy to all the details, and thus your self-righteous black and white assessment is wrong. -dans <<<<<<< /home/sgi/dcs/tms \_ This is great. If paolo sent it just to me, he was just trying to get me to go away, but if he sent it to lots of people, he must have been telling the truth. How's this for a possibility: the politburo was a bunch of paolo's friends, who didn't want to do the right thing (turn off his account and remove him as President), so they decided in "closed session" (so no one else ever knew what happened) to let it slide. Sounds pretty ontologically parsimonious to me. -tom \_ tom, do you need a hug? Maybe a nice puppy or a kitty cat for your apartment? -dans \_ How can you count 'everyone reading wall...'? \_ As tom has made abundantly clear, if you're not with tom, your against tom. Since those reading wall did not rush to tom's defense and aide, they must be part of Paolo's vast scumbag conspiracy of tools and stooges. -dans Also, another possibility is that those 'tools and stooges' in actuality chose to just let it slide, for whatever reason, since that's the easiest thing to do, and they probably had no idea what really happened and don't care much either way about the incident. ======= \_ You are a black bugger. -tom >>>>>>> /etc/motd.public \_ Sounds plausible to me. It also explains why, unlike tom, they're not still bitching about it after the fact. -dans wall. The issue has *nothing to do* with my online personality; \_ Do you have an different online personality because you are worried about getting beaten up in real life? \_ He does run away when someone makes physical threats on the motd. \_ you know, psb, a twerp like you really should stay away from talking about physical conflict. -tom it has to to with paolo trying to come up with a plausible story to dupe the credulous. He failed the first time, so apparently he came up with a totally different story, completely inconsistent with his first one, to tell at the politburo meeting. (By the way, the MOTD that day was http://www.csua.com/2001/07/11; nothing remotely resembling hate speech). -tom know, whatever, but there it is. Your politburo chose to ignore that. That thing had nothing to do with hate speech (that was the 9/11 motd shutdown). I don't think that this incident would be enough to break a friendship over. But it is quite plain that there was dishonesty there; can't you at least admit that it was a wrong thing to do especially for an officer? Anyway I don't really care and nobody else really does either but it remains an item of precedent that tom was perfectly justified in pointing out at the top of this thread. All the rest of this thread is your indignant lashing back. Anyway I don't have anything against y'all I just think it's funny. \_ "hard line stance"? Seriously.. You (by which I mean the last 5 years or so of politburo) only use terms like this because of an inflated sense of importance. I think it's time politburo stops whining about outdated criticism. \_ Um, dude, I'm making an argument. I use language appropriate for the discussion. Sense of importance has nothing to do with it. I think it's time that bitter dour naysayer alumni stop whining about four year old slights. -dans \_ For posterity, what were those facts? -!tom \_ The hypothetical I describe is pretty damn close. I can't disclose specifics without violating others' trust. Yes, it's lame, but it's also how it fell out. -dans \_ trust him, he's only wiretapping bad guys. -tom \_ I agree it's fucked. But I also gave my word. Look tom, I've been way more active in this organization in the last seven years than you have. Is there a reason your word should carry more weight than mine? -dans \_ That makes absolutely no sense. Do you actually believe that? \_ If someone asks for my opinion on a matter in confidence, I give it, in confidence. I don't put a statue of limitations on that. I value my word. -dans \_ I was referring to the hate speech theory of why noble paolo was auto-wiping the motd. \_ Berkeley has pretty strong fighting words/hate speech policies, and they were *really* on the warpath in the weeks following 9/11. -dans \_ yes, nice theory, only problem is, this was two months before 9/11. Oh, and when confronted with the evidence, paolo didn't say anything about hate speech, and there wasn't any hate speech in the MOTD that day. Unless you count kinneydrivel. -tom \_ Tom was scared after some geeks threated to physically assault him. \_ That's moderately amusing, but my point is a serious one. -dans \_ Us old farts do this for a while, then we transcend Politburo meetings for a higher plane of consciousness. You too will realize this when you graduate to old fartness, young padawan. -John \_ John, you live in Europe. I can understand if you don't make it to a single politburo meeting in seven years. Me, I don't want to transcend to a plane where I bitch about things, but make no genuine effort to alter objective reality. -dans \_ Earth to dans. Earth to dans. You already do that. \_ As if you have any standing to judge. Please keep believing that. Social, political, and economic systems share at least one thing with computers: they're easier to hack without someone looking over your shoulder. -dans \_ We're alumni. We don't have to go to meetings anymore. We've earned the right to bitch from the sidelines no matter where you are. Hey, it's the undergrads' organization, we have no business showing up :-) -John |
2006/3/7-9 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:42133 Activity:low 61%like:42127 |
3/7 Ok, long term illiteracy rates finally went up. We know the education system in America is fucked thus helping the Republican party, but what will that do to the overall economy? Will the proliferation of Walmart and conservatism help control inflation, or is inflation now determined by factors overseas? \_ I love a good backhanded troll. Ok, so if a bad education system helps Republicans then why have the Democrats been systematically destroying it for decades? \_ What?!? So I agree that op is a trolling moron, but your post just shows an utter disconnect from reality. tjb? Is that you? Can you MC for us? -dans \_ YHBT. \_ Less reliance on illegal immigrants for cheap domestic help! Finally a way to get your laundry done by someone you can (sort of) understand _and_ who won't get you in trouble if found out! And the great thing is, now that life expectancy's going down, all these trolls won't be around long enough for us to have to take care of them when they start babbling and drooling. -John |
2006/3/7-9 [Recreation/Media] UID:42135 Activity:high |
3/7 What are some of the popular movies you've always hated but didn't dare to express it in public because you didn't want to be ridiculed? \_ Totoro. It was such a torture watching something so silly and stupid. It's almost like watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. What the hell is the point of the story? I mean, what is the message or the moral values that it is teaching our kids? It's worse than Pokeman, which IMHO, is also pointless and stupid. The creator of Totoro was probably on meth and weed at the same time. And I have no idea why everyone wants to go to JTown to buy little pillow/beanbags that you attach cheap plastic eyes on, printed with Japanese tags and the word "Totoro" on it, for $89.99 for a 12" model and $259.99 for a 24" model. There, my confession is out. Go ahead and ridicule me because I'm stupid and "I just don't get it" \_ Not a ridicule, but I do have a couple of questions. Are you asian or white? If asian, how old are you and where did you grow up? If you tell us that, I can understand why you hated Totoro so much and just didn't get it. -totoro fan \_ Uhm, as a long time fan of anime, I think I can confidently say that racial ethnicity as a measure of "how much or why you like Totoro" is a crock of shit. I know people of all demographics that like it, and hate it. \_ What does it matter if you're asian or white, taweisan? \_ I pity you. Lord of the Rings Trilogy was weak. Peter Jackson is a mediocre director at best, and badly needs an editor. BTW, what's with the ungame questions? -dans a mediocre director at best, and badly needs an editor. -dans \_ Blah. Jackson's a great director, and Heavenly Creatures proved that. LOTR cemented his rep not because the movies were well- directed, but because he directed the three simultaneously in a plethora of locations. The logistics were mind-blowing. Also see his low-budget offerings for further examples of his technical mastery. --erikred \_ HE CHANGED FARAMIR!!!!!!1!1!1 THE MOVIE IS A FRAUD!!!1!!! \_ I can't stand LOTR. I hated Empire Strikes Back. I cannot forgive Lucas for freezing Han. I also didn't like major parts of TWOK. -stmg \_ I haven't even posted to this thread, but somehow I feel that I am being made fun of. \_ Flaming Flying Denethor! What makes you think that?!? \_ I'll check out Heavenly Creatures. Depends on the production, but it's usually the producer's responsibility to handle logistics. Usually the director's role is very focused on what's happening on-set (or on-location) right *now*. -dans \_ Not so for LOTR. Jackson took advantage of realtime vid-conferencing and other such to review work as it was done by the ADs. The extras on the Extended Edition DVDs cover a lot of this. It was an amazing piece of film- making. --erikred \_ It's pretty common to view the dailies. I think there's a disconnect here. Dan is talking about the logistics of production, which the producers do handle. You are talking about directing (artistic direction) three movies at once. Both are feats, but Jackson was really only responsible for the artistic direction. Yes, Jackson had a lot of autonomy from New Line. I know this because I went to a lecture given by one of the producers (and Sean Astin). There was some sense of "We've given Jackson $xxx million and we haven't heard anything in a while. What's going on over there? Get on a plane and find out." But that's from the standpoint of the executive producers at New Line. The line producers were handling all of the logistics for Jackson (at his behest). Also, I have to say the the editors probably contributed a hell of a lot, turning all of that footage into three movies which made sense. --dim \_ Pax. I certainly didn't mean to belittle the contributions of the editors or the producers. That said, I say he's a great director because he was able to ring-lead the entire enterprise. \_ I can't stand LOTR. The books were terrible, the movies were worse. I hated Empire Strikes Back. I cannot forgive Lucas for freezing Han. I also didn't like major parts of TWOK. IRL I keep these opinions to myself b/c I don't want to be accosted by over-zealous LOTR and SW cosplayers. Not that they would hurt me, BUT being seen w/ such people might reduce my street cred as a hard core star trek fan. -stmg \_ Do you write http://www.the-editing-room.com ? \_ I love your unswerving lack of nerve in failing to stand up for what you love in a non-anonymous forum like IRL. --erikred \_ Hey, the topic asked for people who had no nerve to post and be counted. If I had a backbone, I'd be wearing my Vulcan ears to class. -stmg \_ You do know that Lucas didn't direct the Empire Strikes Back, don't you? -dans \_ Lucas has writing credit for the story. \_ But Leigh Brackett scripted it. She's awesome. \_ The freezing of Hans seems like a story element rather than a screenplay element. \_ Yeah, actually I just wanted to get it a Leigh Brackett plug, 'cause she's awesome. \_ Yeah, so what? If Lucas had said "I read your crappy script and I hate the part where you freeze Han. Let's freeze that stupid long haired looser dweeb Luke instead." Do you think they would have said no? Of course not. I cannot forgive Lucas for failing to do the right thing. -stmg \_ I couldn't stand Gladiator. Terribly predictable movie. \_ I think Gladiator sucks too. The screenplay is also a direct copy of an older 60ish movie, which I saw on TV. It's like wow, isn't this movie exactly the same as Gladiator? Did they acknowledge the older movie (forgot it's name)? \_ Spartacus. \_ I'm Spartacus! \_ *I* am Spartacus! \_ No! *I'm* Spartacus! \_ No it's not Spartacus, which I've seen. I found out the name of the movie - The Fall of the Roman Empire: http://www.allwatchers.com/Topics/Info_4046.asp Read the storyline above and you can see Gladiator is a shameless ripoff of the above movie. \_ I liked it because I'm a sucker for that kind of historical recreation. The sets and costumes are really entertaining, and the fighting is ok (but the opening battle had too much cutting). I also enjoyed Kingdom of Heaven a lot, for basically similar reasons. Actually I enjoyed KoH more. I guess I'm a heretic for thinking Braveheart was overdone though. It's overly long. I guess I still liked it too though. They are all a bit predictable especially if it's based on historical events. I also saw Troy and thought it mostly sucked, but still enjoyed the sheer spectacle of it and the subject matter. I'll have to check out Alexander sometime. \_ I am also a sucker for historical recreations, but I didn't like Gladiator. I think the reason is because the plot is too naive and the characters flat and without depth. I liked Braveheart. I even liked Troy. For Troy, I liked the unique take on Achilles and Briseis. I also didn't mind the Agamemnon all bad, Hector all good portrayals. I watched Troy on TV only recently because the reviews were bad. Could've found a more intimidating looking actor for Hector, but Bana did ok otherwise. Haven't watched Kingdom of Heaven. \_ E.T. I just don't get it. \_ It's simple. Kids are kind in heart and sees good in people \_ It's simple. Kids are kind in heart and see good in people (and in this case ET) regardless of their looks. Adults on the other hand are mostly motivated by fear and greedy thus want to quarantine and open up ET "for the good of mankind." I guess *kindness* and *tolerance* were the messages. So, are you a conservative or something? -liberal troll want to quarantine and disect ET "for the good of mankind." I guess *kindness* and *tolerance* were the messages. \_ Well, the message I got when I was 8 was that DIRT BIKES KICK ASS. \_ Wow, now I'm quite sad that I never got that message. I still am not an E.T. fan, but I figure I should have been able to analyze it. Damn. \_ I'm with you. I don't think there was that much to get. Glowing finger, ugly little alien, flying bicycle. Shrug. \_ I think this depends on whether or not you were into BMXing. |
2006/3/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:42136 Activity:nil |
3/7 I have a write socket and a read socket. I would like to hook them up so such that the read socket flows straight to the write socket without me having to do the copy in user space. Is this possible? \_ This may or may not be relevant to your overall problem but yo can look into "remote DMA" or "RDMA". |
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