2006/2/22-27 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:41947 Activity:moderate |
2/22 What's the difference between Cabernet, Merlot, Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Semillon? \_ Basic answer is that they are all varietals of the same species of grape: vitis vinifera. Wines are sometimes made from other species as well, for instance vitis aestivalis (Norton grape), but are generally not well-regarded. Vitis vinifera has its origins in Europe and was brought to the New World because most New World grapes make bad wine. \- er do you know they are the mostly the names of grapes varieties or are you asking more than that. usa: wine named after main grape. france: wine named after place it comes from. the usa system is a lot more friendly. if you want a user friendly book for just basic basics [i.e. to prepare you to order non-french wines] you get look at say the DUMMY WINE BOOK. to start out you can learn what is red and what is white and the rough mapping from grape -> french region [e.g. cab -> bordeaux, syrah -> rhone, pinot noir -> burgandy etc]. cab: expensive. merlot: some ok. zin: ass, pinot noir: good, pinot gris: good. chardonnay: \_ I'm quite fond of the Ravenswood Zinfandel, though there does seem to be a mediocre vintage every few years. It's fairly cheap to, usually $6-$10 at Trader Joe's, maybe $8-$15 at Safeway or Andronico's. Also, I'd highly recommend visiting the North Berkeley wine shop. They always do well by me. -dans cheap are ass, same with chablis go with sancerre or PG instead if not $$$. i would not invest more than 30 min learning about wine. beyond the basics all you need to know is a good wine store [kermit lynch in berkeley]. if you have a more specific question, why dont you ask it, like "what is a good $15 red that is easy to find?". to find?" [safeway, rodney strong]. \_ One thing to consider is that different regions handle different types of wines better than others. I'd recommend learning a little bit about what grape types usually have what qualities, but only as a general guideline, and what sort of provenance is more suited for what types. Mr. Winerjee is right about just bothering with the basics; don't let anyone tell you "rules", just try things out. The best is if people can point out various good and bad aspects of certain wine types (such as how to look for complexity, and why and when things like color and age matter), but I usually steer clear of anyone who claims to be an expert. With time you'll start appreciating differences and qualities more. One last thing--within a certain price band (varies by country) there's usually some correlation between quality and price, but once again, only as a very rough & approximate guide. Always try new stuff and don't be afraid to ask, even if a crappy sommelier does b.s. you at some point--you'll spot this with time. Always remember, it's just a drink, you have to like it. -John \- Here is the 30 second list of grapes -> taste mapping: *cab: usually fair amount of tannin unless expensive strives for full body and complex taste. the king of red wines. \_ Tannin has more to do with age. Some of the best are extremely tannic, but the tannins mellow with age. *merlot: fruitier and lighters than cab *pinot noir: less ambitious than cab but less tannin so more likely to be good for cheep \_ More likely than *what* to be good for cheap? Cab, maybe. Any other wine, probably not. \_ Most likely to be non-repugnant for cheap. Least likely to be good for cheap. \_ Pinot is less likely to be good for cheap. *syrah/shiraz: i have nothing to say \_ Popular Rhone varietal along with grenache and mourvedre. Makes outstanding wine. geweurtz,*riesling: sweet sancerre/*pinot gris: watery ... i dont mean that in a bad way. esp since i like spicy food *zin: spicy. i dont like zins. doesnt go well with the food i like. yes i have had some good zins. \_ This is the typical wine for Italian food. \- I prefer THE POWER OF BAROLO but that is beyond the price of this thread. The good ones are better alone or with cheese than with food. \_ Also goes well with grilled meats and BBQ. There are a lot of bad ones out there though.. *chardonnay: good ones are crispy and dryish but cheep ones i think are not to my taste. i'd rather drink the even cheeper pinot gris. the king of white wines. I would try a $12-$20 bottle of each of the 7 *ed wines and that should give you a representative sense of each. I wouldnt worry about the varieties until you decide how serious you want to get about wine (time and money). n.b. i would rather drink fruit juice than wine but i feel obligated to order when i go to restaurants with my friends. and i suppose it's good to be able to bring something reasonable to a dinner party. BTW, i think most wines can be described with this vocabulary: full/med/no body, yes/no tanin, sweet or not sweet, high/med/low fruity, spicy aka is it a zin, dry or wet. most of the people using words like nutty, buttery, raspberry, guava, choclate, leather etc have their head -> ass. you should learn about cheej not wine. \_ I had a Toad Hollow pinot the other day. I couldn't place the nose, but my roommate did. Rotten Oranges. It's not all bullshit. \_ If you're feeling cheap, Trader Joe's has $3-$7 bottles of most of the above types. When you're ready to try quality, visit Vino in Rockridge or on Piedmont and plan to spend $12 to $20 for decent examples. --erikred \- i've had decent table wine in france for $4-5 but here i think bottles in that range just taste sort of generic (or bad). \_ Generally speaking, you're playing with fire in the $4-$5 a bottle range of wine, but you do get lucky from time to time. Nonetheless, what you just said flys completely in the face of conventional wisdom and actual events. French table wine is shit. It's so bad that the French prefer cheap Californian wine to it. This happened on such a large scale that the French government had to impose massive import duties on cheap California wine so French table winemakers wouldn't go out of business. -dans \_ Were you ever really into comic books? Did you ever have three hour debates about the merits of various minor characters in the X-men universe? Wine "people" are like that, only they're adults and frequently drunk. \_ But you know what's funny? Every discussion on the motd having to do with wine ends up as a flame war about wine dorks, and yet if someone had instead posted a highly technical question about an X-man, it would be seriously debated for three screens with no one pointing out how dorky it is. \_ You forgot one other distingiushing characteristic. As comic dorks age, they realize that a better use of their comic collection is to keep it in good condition and sell it, ending up with a net profit. Wine dorks on the other hand, drink up their stupid and expensive hobby. Which is of course the point. \_ Lots of wine people collect more wine than they drink. However, drinking it is a lot more fun than selling comics. Collecting comics will, for instance, probably not get you laid. Collecting wine probably will. \_ I dispute that. And I will further state that people who will fuck you because of your comics collection are far better lays than people who will fuck you because of your wine collection. -dans \_ Not 'because' of the collection, but because you shared it. I wouldn't touch any chick that was into comics, BTW. Yuck. \_ The notion that one might have a collection of *anything* he/she was really into and not share it with an SO is just bizarre. And your idea that `chicks' who are into comics are yucky is silly and juvenile. I'm going to make an equally ridiculous logical leap and guess that you won't touch women who have tatoos or dyed hair or who perform what, to you, must seem like bizarre deviant sex acts such as oral and anal sex. I hope you enjoy your boring, missionary sex, with your boring, missionary chix. -dans \_ I think you miss the entire point, which is that you tend to have a lot more fun with women after you've shared 2 bottles of wine with them than after you read Sandman #1 together - in general. BTW, tattoos are nasty on women. You are right that I don't touch that. More for you, I guess. \_ Wow. So getting drunk and having sex can be fun. I'll be damned. You can do that with a bottle of Old Grandad as well. \_ Not if the woman has any class or taste you can't. \_ Well, I would probably hate the women you spend time with just as much as you would hate those I spend time with. Yes, it's a class thing. I just think people like you are shit, and obviously it's mutual. So fuck you. \_ You need some anger management classes. I don't hate you at all. \_ Don't be stupid. Breaking this down into wine/comics is a useless generalization. I suspect dans' point is more along the lines of "conservative snob != fun". But naturally women that read comics never ever drink. \_ I went to an Exploratorium presentation on The Science of Wine. It was funny to watch all of these very nicely attired and sophisticated people degenerate into lushes. \_ "Wine people" are as bad as restaurant groupies. The word you are looking for is "pretentious". And for once, amazingly, I agree with psb about "head->ass". I'd even go so far as to say that "x goes well with y" is no more than a general guide; if you're ever in a restaurant where the sommelier looks at you funny for ordering, say, red with fish (or for any reason), leave. -John \- good sommaliers have come up with some neat pairings and recommendations. but that's true of more than just wine and food ... like pears go well with some cheejes, chocolate and orange is a a classic combination, chocolate and thyme is not. i can both think over cooking a good steak is a waste and you have poor taste or order such well done, yet support your right "have it your way". \_ The short chain organic molecules in wine do combine over time to create the esters and phenols that create the distrinctive smells of different foods. It is not just your imagination if you smell leather or chocolate in a wine, especially a well aged one, the exact same chemicals that help give something its distinctive odor might be in your wine. Don't assume that everyone has their head -> ass time to create the esters, phenols and aldehydes that create time to create the esters, phenols & aldehydes that create the smells of different foods. It is not just your time to create the esters, phenols and aldehydes that create the smells of different foods. It is not just your imagination if you smell leather or chocolate in a wine, especially a well aged one, the exact same chemicals that help give something its distinctive odor might be in your wine. Don't assume that someone has their head -> ass just because you cannot smell them. -ausman \_ Dogs have much larger sections of their brains devoted to smell than humans. It would be amusing to train a dog to distinguish all these subtle wine distinctions. \_ Dogs have much larger sections of their brains devoted to smell than humans. It would be amusing to train a dog to distinguish all these subtle wine distinctions. to smell than humans. It would be amusing to train a dog to distinguish all these subtle wine distinctions. I think it would not be too hard to modify the drug dog training for this purpose. \_ Everyone recognizes different smells in wine, you are absolutely correct. The "head->ass" part comes from my subjective observation that people who pontificate about how marvelous wine xyz is because it smells like the orgasmic fart of the black-striped Angolan bog fungus or whatever tend to be pompous morons. "Wine people". -John \- jim ausman: there is a difference between "ok i can see why you say this has a hint of raspberry" after tasting something and taking two of those head->ass adjective vectors and using them as a basis to pick a wine. i'm saying those little cards in stores that talk about how one wine has a hint of nutmeg and chocolate and cherry and other has a soupcon of lemon zest crossed with clover honey is not useful. more useful would be a 10 word vocabular that actually mean something. maybe a good analogy is to crayola. i understand you need to go beyond RGB and "blue green" to describe some colors. and you do get a sense of what color is meant by peach or salmon or olive green ... but do you have any fucking clue what color "raw umber" is? ok tnx. (raw umber is the color of "dirt"). \_ There is no "raw umber" crayon; it was "burnt umber," and it's been discontinued. I agree that the cards in wine stores aren't useful to someone who isn't a wine snob, but certain wine snobs can quite accurately determine a specific wine in blind taste tests, so there's clearly something there. -tom \- are you such an authority on crayons you you didnt even bother to google this? BTW, wine snobbery is about attitude, not resolving power. \_ tom -> smacked |
2006/2/22-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:41948 Activity:moderate |
2/22 How do you like to prepare your steak? I'll start: \_ marinate it in cheap cabernet for a whole week. tender and tasty. Yummmm \_ Seasoned with Crazy Salt, paprika, garlic powder, grilled, then liberally doused with butter and lemon. Scrumptious. \_ Coarse Sea Salt, Coarse Black Pepper, oil the grill, grill to medium rare. Keep it simple. \_ I just had an awesome filet done in balsamic vinegar. Yum. -John \_ how long do you guys marinate it for? I had this awsome steak that melted in the mouth one time. The waitress said they age their steak in wine barrels for a few months. I wonder what kind of marinate they used. \_ Perhaps you misheard or she misspoke. If you 'aged' steak in a marinade for months you would have only putrid sludge. I'm thinking she might have meant 'dry aged' meat. Getting back to your original question: Depends on size. Steaks typically 12-36 hours. Larger roasts, 24-72 hrs. \_ I have seen the results of marinating the head of a moose in a 55 gallon drum of water for months, and it was indeed putrid sludge. |
2006/2/22-27 [Recreation/House] UID:41949 Activity:low |
2/22 Hello, I have a tatami problem. I bought 2 tatami mats from Marukai and I really liked them. I liked them so much that I decided to buy a third one to cover up a 6'x9' area. The first two I bought came in a box together and are soft and comfy to step on. They're also heavier to lift. The third one however, didn't come with a box and is really light weight, and feels kind of hard and not as comfy to step on. I should have bought them in pairs. No return/exchange policy. Is this tatami inconsistency normal? \_ If you didn't get any answer in 24 hours, why do you expect to get answer now? \_ Because I'm hoping a Japanese csua'er would know something about it. It seems like no one knows/cares these days. \_ Quick note: If you actually have time to worry about this kind of bullshit then you probably have too much time on your hands. I realize the Japanese fall into this category (the Japanese are weird people who obssess over everything, which is why their cars are generally more reliable), but I think this is taking it a bit too far. \_ Get over yourself, already; honestly, how much time does it really take to think about this stuff? 2 short discussions about home decoration don't amount to all that much time, guy. \_ what is tatami? \_ Each mat is 3'x6' and you can lay them out any way you want, the constraint is you don't want 4 corners to touch each other since that is inauspicious. The following is an example, you can build up any size you want with the above constraint, recursively: 2 tatami 3 tatami 4.5 tatami +---+ +-+---+ +-+---+ +---+ | +---+ | +-+-+ +---+ +-+---+ +-+-+ | +---+-+ 6'x6' 6'x9' 9'x9' \_ Japanese for "rug", basically a soft mat. I don't even know why someone would post this, it's a non-issue. \_ More like Japanese for "floor." It's a soft mat that covers parts of the floor you wouldn't want to wear your shoes on: http://www.garden-gifts.com/images/tatamiroom.JPG In a Japanese home, tatami rooms are traditionally where you'd sleep. They usually come in 3'x6' rectangles. \_ Do you mean 1X2 meters, or are these American made, or do the Japanese use feet? I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious to know if there's a non-SI unit being used in Japan. The distiction is non-trivial if you're laying out a big floor. \_ Tatami mats predate SI. Traditionally they were 0.5 ken by 1 ken; the exact length of a "ken" varied by time and place, though, so tatami sizes varied too. Several slightly different sizes are still in use. One common size is 0.91m x 1.82m, which happens to be almost exactly 3' x 6'. \_ I am in awe of your knowledge of Japanese metrological history. \_ eh, ok. So why don't they just use carpets? \_ 1) Tradition, 2) tatami mats are easier to integrate with the floor so that they don't move, and 3) tatami mats are usually much easier to clean than carpet. |
2006/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Recreation/Music] UID:41950 Activity:nil |
2/22 Does anyone know the name of this piece of orchestral music? It starts with something like this: Key: C-maj, 3/4 (probably) C--- --BC DCBA | C-CA C--- BAED | G---- I heard it while watching the Olympics mixed ice dancing on Sunday around 2-3pm. The team was wearing purple and they got a perfect 6.0. Thanks. \_ From your transcription, it could be Ravel's Bolero, but that's not in 3/4. --scotsman \_ Actually, it is in 3, like most bolero's. \_ Sorry, I'm smoking the crack. Too much Puccini on the brain. You're right. --scotsman \- ravel's bolero is a good guess. it is in 3/4 and C-maj. you could pick out the key but had never heard Bolero? that's funky. do any of you know the ADRIAN HO/Bolero episode in 238 Evans Hall [old CSUA office]? \- i do not watch the olympics but if in 3/4 time may be one of the "standard" competition watlzes for ice skating. some of them appear to be here: http://skatersworld.org/DeskTopDefault.aspx?MediaTitle=blues.mp3&tabid=256 i dont remember well enough to "name that tune" by "sight reading" the motd. oh it looks like the REVENSBURGER is the STANDARD at TORINO. i think that is really crappy piece. my competitive ice skating associate has ceased associating with me otherwise i could ask i suppose. ok tnx. |
2006/2/22-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:41951 Activity:nil |
2/21 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060220/od_nm/germany_drugs_dc Description of the URL is self explanitory (Germany Drugs). |
2006/2/22-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:41952 Activity:high |
2/21 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060222/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush Bush to support renewable energy. He's not such a bad guy afterall -environmentalist \_ are you dumb or what? he uses this small gesture to disguise the fact that he is pushing for 1. nuclear power 2. provide all sort of tax break / environmental regulation waivers to coal/oil industry. \_ why don't you just admit that you hate Republicans you hippie king \_ i just don't hate people who can careless about environment and then blaming China and India for everything. \_ nukular power is good -environmentalist \_ where are you going dump the waste? we will soon running out of Indian Reservations to dump them :p \_ dump it into the ocean \_ better dumped somewhere and contained than pumped into the atmosphere like our other current energy sources. \_ it can not be contained. that is the problem. those concrete canister last about 50-60 years before it start to leak... and the half life of those materials is... 10,000 years? There are ways to cut down emissions. But it requires CONSERVATION... If you are not willing to change your lavish life style, then, you are not an environmentalist. \_ You understand what halflife means right? Not the video game. Something with a long half life is going to emit very little radiation. If the half life is long enough, the radiation emitted is so low it will be less than the background radiation we're born into and live in from the natural environment. I'm not afraid of something with a 10,000 year halflife. It's the short stuff that will poison and kill you. You need to understand what you're talking about before going off about what is safe and not. Feel free to dump the 10,000 year stuff in my back yard. \_ Bury it on the moon! Space:1999 10 years late! \_ What's wrong with pushing for nuclear power? Nuclear power is better than most of the other alternatives; its main problem is Cold War-era paranoia. \_ waste. There is no safe way to dump the waste and right now it's being stored right at the Nuclear Power Plants everywhere. When people talk about nuclear energy being "cheaper," I often wonder if they taken account of the Yaka Mountain facilities and the cost of transporting waste to that location. \_ What is this Yaka of which you speak? ;-) Anyway, the planet is a big place. There are lots of safe places, they're just hard/expensive to get to. \_ due to long half-life, almost nowhere is safe except earth's core. \_ Due to long half life, almost anywhere is safe. But since we know it isn't safe it therefore must have a short halflife. Anything unsafe has a short half life by definition. The earth's core... indeed! \_ 1. If people weren't so paranoid about weaponization, we could use breeder reactors which would be much less wasteful. 2. Other conventional sources of power have waste too. \- i think the problem assessing nuclear power costs is the widely differing views on how small the probability of "something really bad" happening is ... since the govt rather than private insurance will kick in if something goes drastically wrong. you may be able to detemine say coal fired power plan will cost $x in enviro damange and health costs and increased mortality at emission level y which costs $z. but in the case of nuclear power there are some reasonably bounded costs for say security and waste disposal but part of the cost is the expectation value of p(really_bad_event) * cost(RBE) ... and i suspect there isnt a lot of agreement of p(RPE), especially if it is isnt a lot of agreement of p(RBE), especially if it is affect by human motivation and not just accident probability. OK TNX. \_ Uranium supplies are not infinite. Breeder/Thorium reactors are pipe dreams and no commercial versions exist. Reprocessing fuel means lots of plutonium floating around. Also the fallout (pun intended) from one going boom is really really bad, unlike coal fired plants which have a very bad, but fixed and relatively well known environmental impact. |
2006/2/22-23 [Politics/Domestic] UID:41953 Activity:moderate |
2/21 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060222/ap_on_bi_ge/economy Leading economic indicators rise. Bushenomics works. Time for liberal critics to shut the fuck up. \_ Still no wage growth. Woops! \_ WTF. decifit spending always gives a short term economic boom. Further, baby boomers are at their salary/wage peak right now (right before they start to retires)... of course things are somewhat rosy right now... \_ why don't you just admit that you hate Republicans you hippie king \_ Okay, I hate Republicans. That doesn't change the fact that Chimp King is running the country into the ground. \_ "I hate <opposing party members>. That doesn't change the fact that <childish name for opposing party leader> is running the country into the ground." \_ Speak truth. If it is true, it doesn't matter whom I hate. \_ Of course it does. Why must the obvious be spelled out? It always ruins the joke: you believe the country is being run into the ground *because* you hate the opposing party. If your party was doing the *exact* same things you'd find a way to rationalise and defend it. Sheesh. \_ I am not the previous poster, but I am an independent and I think the GOP is running the country into the ground economically. A negative nationwide savings rate is the quickest and surest way to impoverishment. \_ I agree that a negative savings rate is bad. Which GOP policy made that happen and what policy change do you propose to change that? \- if the "country is run into the ground" but you can go to private hospitals, send your children to private schools and private universities and get private insurance in case of hurricanes and hire private security, and you get all your books and DVS at AMAZONG or netflicks and subscribe to your own magazines, you care a lot less about the deterioriating infrastructure. also richer people are better able to hedge against dollar falling. although i have fairly little symphathy for either yuppies making good money who are spending beyond their means or people with more modest incomes who do as well ... but i do kind of wonder what will happen when the shit hits the fan [after the gop dupes them into supporting repeal of the "death tax" or under funded school voucher programs]. and DVS at AMAZONG or netflicks and subscribe to your own magazines, you care a lot less about the deterioriating infra- structure. also richer people are better able to hedge against dollar falling. although i have fairly little symphathy for either yuppies making good money who are spending beyond their means or people with more modest incomes who do as well ... but i do kind of wonder what will happen when the shit hits the fan [after the gop dupes them into supporting repeal of the "death tax" or under funded school voucher programs ]. i think maybe the gop will institute "slavery-light". \_ ok that was uhm, long, but what exactly was the GOP policy that is causing people to not save and what policy would you suggest to encourage savings? \_ They already did. See bankruptcy "reform" \- oh, i was more thinking of this plan to admit aliens with strings attached. like "you can stay in this country as long as you are doing a shitty job for sub-mkt wages and non-legal working conditions". |
2006/2/22-27 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:41954 Activity:nil |
2/22 Can someone give me a link to a ISO of opensolaris that I can burn and boot on my PC? thanks \_ Opensolaris distributions are still pretty much for developers only. If you want Solaris for your PC, download Solaris 10/x86 from Sun ISO(s) from Sun. \_ The closest thing to an official ISO for openSolaris is sxcr. You have to register w/ sun to d/l it: link:tinyurl.com/nswzr (javashoplm.sun.com) One of my friends on the openSolaris team suggested that you try nexenta instead |
2006/2/22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:41955 Activity:nil |
2/22 I know a 20 year old girl who is a deeply committed Christian and has 30I cup breasts. She rarely meets anyone bigger than her (ratio-wise). How can she justify premarital sex with her boyfriend while simultaneously staying faithful to Lord Jesus Christ? |
2006/2/22-27 [Uncategorized] UID:41956 Activity:nil |
2/22 Holy shit, Hollywood heist in real life: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-2053858,00.html Weird that a single employee can be the point of failure. \_ you mean they recently watched Firewall w/Harrison Ford, right did anyone actually see that? \_ More like Bandits, with Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0219965 |
2006/2/22-27 [Computer/Theory] UID:41957 Activity:nil |
2/22 Quantum computer works best switched off -http://csua.org/u/f25 |
2006/2/22-23 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:41958 Activity:nil 93%like:41970 |
2/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20060222/hl_hsn/momsgeneticsmighthelpproducegaysons More evidence that genetics and God create gay people. |
2006/2/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41959 Activity:moderate |
2/22 Can anyone tell me why Bush wants to outsource the ports to a company from another country? What's the reason behind it? What is the advantage for doing so? \_ sounds more to me like that the ports are already outsourced by foreign counteries. This was a case of one foreign company selling out to a company HQ'd in a country that had a few folks unhappy \- i dont think this is really a hands on personal decision. it was a cmte decison by Committee on Foreign Investment in the US. i suppose it is possible BUSH let them know what he wanted, but i dunno if that has really been established. this is controversial because the country is arab, not foreign. foreign companies were already involved running other parts of the ports/martine infrastructure. \_ His threatened veto of any bar to it belies the "not hands on" \- well that's after the fact. that can be construed as backing the cmte rather than desiring a particular outcome. perhaps a legitmate case of defending executive privilage. \_ Yes, it's after the fact. But that, combined with them bypassing the required 45 day investigation period suggests a concerted effort that would depend on an executive branch "understanding". Yes, this is conjecture, but it runs along their standard MO. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/22/politics/22port.html \_ UAE only supplied two 9/11 hijackers, so they only get ports. Saudi Arabia sent 15 hijackers, so they get Abrams tanks, F-15s, and quality time with Dubya. http://csua.org/u/f22 (whitehouse.gov) \_ Their banks also provided money to the hijackers and stopped any investigation to follow the money trail through UAE. There are a lot of conservatives like me upset about this. \_ Ok, Mr. Responsible Conservative Guy, so which GOP candidate are you planning on backing for '08? Just curious. \_ Anybody but Bush! \_ Do you mean Jeb? \_ I don't see any '08 candidates of any party worth looking at twice. -Mr. RCG \_ Reasonable, informed, people should always vote, and shold always care. Even if you're a "lesser evil" voter, shouldn't you care that they get someone who can beat the other party? Of if you really hate them, you should pick a Dem to support. Reasonable, non-partisan people ignoring party primaries is how you end up with assholes like George Bush being a major party candidate. I will forever regret not registering as a Republican in 2000 so that I could vote against that bastard twice. \_ I'm sure that would have made a difference. Anyway, I think you're missing the above person's point which is this is early 06 and the election isn't until late '08. We don't even know who is running so how could anyone have an intelligent opinion? \_ If Colin Powell could be convinced to run, I would vote for him. My 2d choice would be McCain. I voted for him in the 2000 primary. If the GOP runs some neocon nutcase and the Democrats run someone reasonable like Lieberman or Clark, I'd probably vote Democrat for the first time in my life. -gopvoter \_ You don't want someone more moderate and not in the pocket of the insurance industry like Senator Clinton? \_ I'm pretty much center of the road, so I could bring myself to vote for a moderate democrat, esp. considering that a moderate democrat prob. would not have expanded the fed gov as much as BUSHCO has. Re Sen. Clinton: I don't think I can vote for her b/c I think her whole moderate stance is a just a PR stunt and that she would go left if elected. I am also just too closed minded to think that a woman could lead troops into battle a la President Wash- ington [except perhaps Princess Leia :-)]. I know that no modern President has had to or could effect- ively do this (except maybe Ike), but it is still a factor in my voting. -gopvoter \_ Here's a thought experiment: Imagine that they both are leading identical countries, with identical armies so that the only difference is leadership, and imagine a war with Thatcher leading one side and George W. Bush leading the other. I'm not saying Clinton could be a good commander in chief, but it would be hard to be worse at that particular job than the lazy, lying ex-cheerleader AWOL know-nothing who presently has the job. \_ As much as I love Maggie, the guys on the Brit destroyer the Argentinians sunk might disagree with you. \_ I understand on a rational level that some women can perform the duties of CiC better that most of the men who have held that position. That isn't the problem for me. I still have this vision of the President as a man who, if necessary, can walk on to the battle field and defend this nation w/ his life. I just can't bring my self to see this as the proper sort of thing for a woman. \_ Looks like you'd better start pushing for a Jesse Ventura presidential bid. \_ I prefer Ahnuld, but The Body would be okay w/ me. \_ "When two tribes go to war..." \- and BUSH and CHENEY fit your vision of a CiC who can walk on to the battle field [sic] and defend this nation with his life? wow, you have quite an imagination. --motd vet for truth \_ Bush2 does not fit my vision of a proper president (I voted for McCain in the 2000 primary and would have liked the Democrats to have nominated Clark in 2004). Furthermore, I said that fitness as the CiC was one factor in my voting. Between two male candi- dates, this factor is not dispositive. It only really affects my decision to vote for a woman for the presidency. I'd rather abstain than vote for a woman candidate b/c I can't get over the feeling that women are not fit to be the CiC. \_ Aren't these guys heavy Carlyle Group investors? \_ I thought they aren't actually running the ports just leasing some terminals ... \- hola fyi ucb dept political science prof steve weber will be talking about this on the radio at 9pm on thr. \_ Polls don't matter, I read it on the motd. |
2006/2/22-27 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:41960 Activity:nil |
2/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/germany_manure_dc URL self explanitory. Heil Shit Eating German John!!! \_ What kind of wine pairs well with pig manure? \_ shit eating? what the fuck is your problem? seriously? |
2006/2/22-27 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:41961 Activity:nil |
2/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060222/bs_nm/autos_honda_hybrid_dc Honda to sell more low cost hybrids. Uh oh Toyota, you are fucked this time, for sure! \_ "The newspaper said the Fit hybrid would have fuel economy comparable to that of the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius, which the auto makers advertise in Japan as getting around 35-36 km to a liter (82-84 miles per gallon)." That's a bit of a jump from the US numbers (which are already inflated). Is that all just emissions differences? comparable to that of the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius, which the auto makers advertise in Japan as getting around 35-36 km to a liter (82-84 miles per gallon)." That's a bit of a jump from the US numbers (which are already inflated). Is that all just emissions differences? \_ Maybe the jdm version are lighter b/c they don't have air bags, electrical seats, windows, &c.? \_ Phear my reduced size electric motor paired with 1-Liter gas engine! |
2006/2/22-27 [Health/Disease/General] UID:41962 Activity:nil |
2/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060222/hl_nm/alzheimers_decline_dc Education delays Alzheimers. Better stay in school! In other news, Ronald Reagan's rapid progression of Alzheimer was most likely caused by his lack of education. \_ Yeah, but too much education wastes your life away so you don't want to remember it anyway. -bitter phd \_ Stop trying to troll ilya, he's not around anymore. \_ Who is ilya and is he like a typical Republican-- hard core, stubborn, self-righteous, and worships Reagan? \_ Do a search on "ilyas" in kais motd. I think you'll agree that the word "typical" doesn't belong in any sentence that has that guy's name in it. \_ No, he's hard core, stubborn, and self-righteous, but it stems from a violent, albeit somewhat understandable since he grew up in Communist Russia, suspicion and loathing for all forms of government social programs. \_ Yawn. "Who are you and are you like the typical <opposition party member>-- hard core, stubborn, self-righteous, and worships <recent President and member of opposition party>?" Thank you for playing the "Young Motd Troll Game". D-. |
2006/2/22-24 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:41963 Activity:nil |
2/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/brf_toilet_paper_death Man killed over toilet paper. Are these men Republicans? \_ Sounds to me like they're gay, so I doubt it. \_ Cuz there are no gay Republicans. Unh uh... nothing to see here, Mr. Mehlman. \_ He needed TP for his bunghole. \_ This just confirms a bit of wisdom I alreadly know from painful experience: Never, ever, under any circumstances, go to Florida. Fucked up shit happens there with startling regularity. -dans |
2006/2/22-24 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41964 Activity:nil |
2/22 Is there somewhere I can search to find out property developments (size, residential/commercial, estimated construction time, etc)? The huge plot of land across my condo used to have Kinkos, Marie Calendar, etc. Within a month, they all moved somewhere else and the whole place is vacated. I'm wondering what they're planning to do, and for how long. Thanks. \_ Try your local city hall. Likely in the basement, mind the stairs. \_ Look through the planning division website of your city. Some city have site with enough information so you don't have to actually go to city hall. |
2006/2/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:41965 Activity:nil |
2/22 Iraqi civil war, here we come? :( http://csua.org/u/f21 (juancole.com) \_ Sadly, Mr. Cole is quite well-informed and knowledgeable about this situation. I say "sadly" because I would prefer to think that will not come to pass. but I know that he's right. |
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