2006/2/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41680 Activity:nil |
2/2 Democratic plot to embarrass honest and humble Dubya NASA appointee exposed: http://tinyurl.com/9wb8b (Wash Post) \_ WTF? How is FBI-led watchdog agency a democratic plot??? Please go back to Kansas and go tend to ur cows. |
2006/2/3-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:41682 Activity:nil |
2/3 Hello, I'm trying to create an HTML page that'll give you live "tail -f logfile.log" output. I can do it with regular HTML, but the problem is the user has to constantly scroll to the bottom. Is there a javascript or something that'll simply scroll to the bottom for you? Thanks. \_ Every time there's an update, just output the data to the page and end it with (replace 42 with number of new lines): <script>window.scrollByLines(42);</script> This might not work in IE, though. You could do something with plain window.scroll(x,y), but it will be more work. --dbushong \_ Any reason you don't put a "<a name="end">" at the end and then go to the page as "page#end"? \_ I don't think that would repeatedly move you to the end, which is what (s)he's trying to do. \_ I'm pretty sure you could jump to the anchor with an onload action in the body tag. -gm \_ You're missing the point, this is a continuously updating page that you keep occasionally adding new data to. An onload only fires once. A #fragment only fires once. \_ meta refresh? |
2006/2/3-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41683 Activity:nil |
2/3 Watch Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, also up for Best Docmentary. Out on DVD / Netflix a couple weeks ago. \- it is worth seeing just for the "are you on crack" scene. \_ Why do you hate America? \_ When did you stop beating your wife? \_ Haliburton! \- it is worth seeing just for the "are you on crack" scene. |
2006/2/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41684 Activity:moderate |
2/3 Rumsfeld self-Godwins. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060203/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/rumsfeld_chavez \_ Your abuse of the term "Godwin" isn't funny. \_ Not abuse at all. He compared Chavez to Hitler. Classic self Godwin. \_ You misunderstand Godwin. \_ Kids these days.... \_ <DEAD>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_Law<DEAD> \_ And from this point forward, there is no use debating with Rumsfeld about Chavez' legitimacy. Yeah, that's a Godwin. \_ And you clearly are still misunderstanding Godwin. \_ Since nothing in the wikipedia article would seem to contraindicate the application of Godwin to Rumsfeld's comparison, what the hell is your problem? Does Godwin only apply in your mind if Rummy had brought it up on Usenet? \_ I don't care who's the president of Venezuela, as long as they produce more Alicia Machados. \_ Where did these people learn how to write? "He has accused President Bush of backing efforts to overthrow his leftist government, and specifically has charged that the United States supported a short-lived coup in 2002, fomented a devastating strike in 2004 and expelled some American missionaries from Venezuela for alleged links to the CIA." Watch the subject shift. \_ Whew, and I thought you were going to slam them for something serious. A mere subject shift in modern journalism which in a paragraph that is otherwise mostly correct isn't all that bad. (Drat, tried to get a subject shift in there but I couldn't fit one in. I'll have to stick with a wide spread between subject and object). \_ wow, that's pretty bad. subject changed from Bush / U.S. doing it to Chavez doing it at "expelled". \_ wow, that's pretty bad, though I haven't seen one in a while. subject changed from Bush / U.S. doing it to Chavez doing it at "expelled". |
2006/2/3-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41685 Activity:nil |
2/3 Soda way unstable? It's definitely slow and hard to log into. \_ Me too. I think it's having network problems. |
2006/2/3-7 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:41686 Activity:moderate |
2/3 Quick poll, where did your ancestors come from? Mayflower? France? Iceland? Norway? Italy? Russia? I'm curious :) \_ I'm 1/3 Cherokee, so I'm told. \_ that's some strange reproduction there! \_ How so? If one side is 1/4 (3/12) and the other side is 1/12, then 3/12 + 1/12 = 4/12, or 1/3. On the other hand if he said 1/5, I'd be suspicious. \_ How can you be 1/12? \_ hold on, let me think about it and get back to you. \- if you go back enough generations you can get enough small terms so they approach 1/12th. say you go back 10 generations to where you have 1024 ancestors and say 85 of them are 100% cherokee and 940 are 100% french, then you are about 1/12 cherokee. \_ 15/16th Chinese, 1/16th Japanese. \_ 1/2 Danish, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Polish --erikred \_ 1/2 German, 3/8 English, 1/8 Scottish \_ was not aware that English!=Scottish. All the same to me. \_ 100% honkey. \_ 1/2 Scottish, 1/4 German, 1/4 English \_ Geeze, how do the rest of you know to that degree or are you just guessing? 1/? Russian, 1/? Ukranian, 1/? Polish, 1/?? German, 1/? ????. --vaguely eastern european \_ Relatives who have retired and discovered the joys of genealogy. \_ Just 'round off' once you don't know the genealogy any further back. \_ 50/50 German/Swedish \_ HEIL GERMAN JOHN!!! \_ Actually, 49% Swiss, 12.5% Scot, 12.5% Welsh, 12.5% Irish, 12.5% English, 1% French/Jewish. Close, though. -John \_ 3/8 German, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Dutch, 1/8 Cherokee (this is just an estimate, there is also some French and Swede) \_ India. \_ What tribe? /me ducks \_ 1/2 polish, 1/4 german, 1/8 irish, ..., 1/2^N mongolian horde \_ Mayflower \_ 1/2 Peru, 1/2 Nepal, but dont know which half is which. \_ Mayflower \_ 1/2 Cantonese, 1/2 Shanghainese |
2006/2/3-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:41687 Activity:nil |
2/3 Titanic-size shipwreck, casualty-wise: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060203/ap_on_re_mi_ea/egypt_ship_sinks \- hello you may wish to read: http://csua.org/u/evv somewhat interesting discussion of estonia sinking. |
2006/2/3-7 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:41688 Activity:nil |
2/3 US wage growth not keeping pace with inflation http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20060203/ts_csm/apocket \_ CEOs wages are, everyone else doesn't deserve it. Work harder, peons! |
2006/2/3-7 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:41689 Activity:nil |
2/3 OpenSSH 4.3 is out. Mostly bug fixes. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=secure-shell&m=113881090315376&w=2 |
2006/2/3-4 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:41690 Activity:nil |
2/3 dim, why is your vi process taking 100% CPU? \_ Dunno, but I killed it. |
2006/2/3-7 [Consumer/Audio] UID:41691 Activity:nil |
2/3 Any recommendations for a place to buy a 42" Panasonic TV either online or in Fresno? I'm looking for a place that will give the best price basically. \_ http://nextag.com, http://shopping.com \_ http://newegg.com |
2006/2/3-5 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:41692 Activity:moderate |
2/3 http://tinyurl.com/a2gsf (nytimes.com) IAEA ready to vote to send Iran to Security Council, but U.S. lone holdout on new Egypt-introduced / UK-modified language which says Middle East should eventually be WMD-free (meaning Iran may be able to complain about "why does Israel get to have nukes"). Western official: "This resolution is about Iran" European official: "It's five against one" Current text: "a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to the goal of a Middle East free of all WMDs, and their means of delivery." My prediction: The U.S. will cave, and perhaps throw some bullshit language in there that everyone knows won't mean anything other than being a face-saving gesture. \_ Maybe... maybe not. We've taken a hard line on Iran and I don't think we're going to trade away Israel's existence in exchange for sending Iran to the UNSC, a toothless organization which lacks will or even sufficient self interest to care. \_ The thing is, UK's language != "trade away Israel's existence". I predict the U.S. will realize that they're actually not giving much away using this language. Also, the Sec Council, as with all neutral and states which are traditionally opposed to the U.S., has its uses. George H.W. Bush understood this, and was able to forge a truly international coalition (including Arab states) to kick Saddam out of Kuwait in Gulf War I, while saving enormous amounts of U.S. dollars and preserving the lives of our soldiers. \_ Yeah but he was a pussy \_ I probably should not respond to such a blatant troll, but how does agreeing to a nuclear free Middle East equate to agreeing to trade away Israel's existence? \_ It isn't a troll. Let's see, tiny country of a few million surrounded by hostile enemies numbering in the hundreds of millions who have already launched several wars with the intent of wiping them off the face of the map and "driving them into the sea". Several/most of those countries are still officially in a state of war with Israel. You think something other than the threat of being nuked has kept them at bay? Either you're woefully ignorant or you're the one trolling here. \_ Well, there is the part where they keep losing... \_ Israel only needs to lose once and it's over forever. They barely made it the first time with heavy losses and again later they only won due to sheer incompetence on the part of the attackers. Tell me again how a nuke free Israel can survive when (not if) they get attacked again? Seriously, all of this is very public \_ there's this thing called the United States. knowledge. The details are historic facts of these wars are agreed upon by all sides and out sider observers. Blowing up kids in discos and pizza parlors is what the enemy does when a land invasion would result in getting nuked. It isn't due to the heart warming and cheery good nature of their Arab neighbors that they haven't been attacked since 73 which corresponds very closely with the time Israel is assumed to have acquired the nuke. I'm sure it's just a coinkydink.... \_ there's this thing called the United States. \_ So what? It is sheer insanity for one country to make its very existence dependant on the direct military action of another country thousands of miles away. At best the little country becomes a vassal/colony state, at worst they get crushed and genocided anyway while their Lords debate over sending American Boys(tm) to fight someone else's war. I can't believe I'm still bothering with this. Go read some very basic history of the world. I'm done being trolled. \_ Israel has traditionally been a vassal colony of more powerful nations throughout its history. In fact, the period referred to within the Bible when Israel was an independent nation lasted for a relatively short period of time (and obvious dissension caused the early state to rift in two, resulting in easy pickings for the neighboring mideast countries). Anyone with a basic knowledge of world history would've known that. \_ "We did a stupid thing thousands of years ago, so let's repeat it today!" What does all of what you're saying about history have anything to do with Israel today? I would take it as a lesson to *learn* from the past, not attempt to mirror the horrors of it. I don't see what point you're trying to make that regarding Israel today. You get an "A+" for Ancient History Of The Middle East if that makes you feel any better. An "F" for being on topic. |
2006/2/3 [Reference/Religion] UID:41693 Activity:high |
2/3 muslims are intollerant.. solution: threaten to nuke mecca.. maybe they'll stop \_ Sodans can't spell worth a shit. Solution: threaten to nuke motd. Maybe they'll stop. \_ Note that this would make the tolerant muslims somewhat lest tolerant. Or rather, they wouldn't (and shouldn't) tolerate that. |
2006/2/3-6 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41694 Activity:moderate 90%like:41720 |
2/3 Amazing view, simply amazing: http://www.forbes.com/feeds/2006/02/02/cx_sc_0203homeslide_7.html?thisSpeed=6000 \_ No backyard. \_ These are all like living in a hotel. I don't see the allure, except for perhaps the one in NYC where there are no real alternatives nearby. \_ yes you're absolutely right. Every single person on this planet prefers living in the suburb that's nice and big and quiet and have huge backyards. People who think otherwise are dim-wits, like the ones who live in the city. \_ I never said that. I said that it's like living in a hotel. The city is fine, but paying $15 million to live in a hotel isn't my cup of tea. Most of those cities (except NYC) have pretty nice housing available, so why live in a hotel except for the view? \_ some people prefer the view over other things. Somehow you seem to think that people like what you like. In case no one ever pointed this out to you, you seem pretty narrow minded and above all, dim-witted. \_ It's..."different". We have a penthouse in Santiago that looks over the city (no, not anywhere even near any of these places, but a nice duplex that we got a good price on during our stay here.) It's furnished and has maid service, but it's not like a hotel at all. I'm used to both houses in the countryside and city, as well as apartments, and it's just something you get used to. And frankly, if I had the kind of wealth that let me blow $15 million on a place that I really really liked, why not? -John \_ Anyone blowing lots of money on condos, apartments, and such either has no financial sense, or is just stupid. If I had so much money I'd invest in a nice single family home where I have a lot of space and freedom, where I have a nice garage to do garage/repair work, a nice yard with dogs (you can't have pets in the city), and a nice driveway where I can wash my car. When you live in the city, you have no privacy and you have no freedom. -pp and I maintain that the city life is for stupid people \_ I guess arguing with someone as open-minded as yourself is going to be rewarding, but then again, it's nice that you are so clear about your preference in housing choices. This sounds vaguely like the bitter people you see scoffing at the guy having a great time in his Ferrari (who doesn't realize they're there.) And by the way, we're getting a dog, my building has a nice clean car wash space, I have no neighbors peering over my fence, and a whole city's worth of space. But your choice, more for me. -John \_ Are houses (and penthouses) more affordable in Santiago? Are we talking about Chile or Dominican Republic Santiago, Panama Santiago, Minnesota Santiago USA, Spain Santiago Compost, Cuba Santiago, or Argentina Santiago del Estero? \_ Pedant! :) Yes, Chile, and they're vastly more affordable than in the US. -John \_ I used to work at a company that occupied the whole penthouse of the Great Western Building on Shattuck. Not much view, though. \_ Gee, that's what ... a short bldg in the middle of Berkeley? |
2006/2/3-7 [Reference/Religion] UID:41695 Activity:low |
2/3 Some nice messages of religious tolerance http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-13501917,00.html \_ So that God Hates Fags guy is representative of most Christians? Or maybe you prefer Jerry Falwell and the 700 Club? \_ "guy"? These are large demonstrations, all around europe and in the middle east. \_ Every day should be "offend a religious nutjob day." -John \_ Hear, hear. \_ It's not like you have to work hard to offend them. \_ Exactly. Maybe Hallmark can print up cards or something like that. -John \_ actually, it's the anti-religious people who are most easily offended. just say "gay is bad", "evolution is just a theory", or "I support school prayers" and they get all riled up. |
2006/2/3-7 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:41696 Activity:low |
2/3 Apple sued based on iPod volume: http://tinyurl.com/892c8 It's lawsuits like this that make our legal system look sue-happy. I find that portable music players in general aren't loud enough and occasionally have to use software to increase the volume on my mp3 files. Yet these type of suits force manufacturers to lower the volume. I like listening to my music loud, being totally engulfed in it. I know I'm putting my ears at risk, but that's my choice, just like it was for this plantiff. It's common sense. If I ride my bike down a steep hill in SF I could lose control in crash, should the bike manufacturer put a warning that gravity could impact my ability to control a bike on steep hills? NONSENSE! \_ Uhm, did you ever figure that maybe you need to turn it up so high because you have *already* damaged your hearing? \_ Yep, and that's ok, it should be my choice. You only live once, and if that means enjoying music at a nice loud volume, but having to ask people to speak up or repeat things, that's ok. Just because Oreos make me fat doesn't mean they should be sued because I choose to eat a row a day, imparing my health. that's ok. Just because Oreos make me fat doesn't mean Nabisco should be sued because I choose to eat a row a day, imparing my health. \_ All true but not really what I was getting at. But I guess if you're willing to spend half your life unable to hear in exchange for loud music today... shrug. I suspect your 50+ year old self will curse your 20-30 year old self when the time comes. Let us know how that goes. \_ "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself." \_ It would be interesting to see how much power it puts out of the headphone jack compared to an early 80's Walkman. I suspect it is about the same. \_ Read the article; it claims most players put out 100db, the iPod puts out 115db (except in Europe, where Apple was required to limit it to 100db). -tom \_ The 80's guy has a point, walkmans used to be louder, before the lawsuit against Sony in the 80's. That's why all their players now have AVLS, which lowers the volume down to a whisper. There's actually hacks for some Sony walkmans to unlock the true volume potential (http://tinyurl.com/b2ecw \_ My Sony CD Walkman from 10yrs ago has a switch to turn off AVLS. It has three settings: Off, AVLS 1 (less reduction), AVLS 2 (more reduction). \_ The earbud headphones are much more likely to damage your ears, especially the iPod ones because 1) The speaker is much closer to your ear canal and 2) It doesn't block out outside sound as well which means people crank it up higher to filter out the world. \_ This really is ridiculous. They have clear notices that cranking it up can hurt you. We don't speed limit cars to 5mph because any faster "could hurt or kill you". \_ Actually, we do put speed limiters on cars. \_ objection, argumentative. \_ This reminds me of the McDonald lawsuit which a lady ordered a cup of hot coffee, put it between her legs, drove off, spilled, burnt herself, and sued because the hot coffee was hot. I think McD should avoid future lawsuits by changin its menu offering: Customer: One hot coffee please. Cashier: Hot or cold? Customer: Hot coffer please. Cashier: The hot kind of hot coffee or the cold kind of hot coffee? Customer: ...... \_ Stella Liebeck: http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur78.htm During discovery, McDonalds produced documents showing more than 700 claims by people burned by its coffee between 1982 and 1992. McDonalds ... held its coffee at between 180 and 190 degrees ... Other establishments sell coffee at substantially lower temperatures. Liebeck, who also underwent debridement treatments, sought to settle her claim for $20,000, but McDonalds refused. McDonalds asserted that customers buy coffee on their way to work or home, intending to consume it there. However, the companys own research showed that customers intend to consume the coffee immediately while driving. For those preferring a biased source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/8/1/141345/4615 \_ Just because the other establishments mislabel their warm coffee as hot coffee, it doesn't mean McD should be required to follow this practice. \_ Now you're just trolling. If you don't know wth the case was about, do us all a favor. \_ If Liebeck thought the coffee was too hot, why was she drinking it while driving? She wanted to burn her throat and stomach? \_ Well, I'd assume that she didn't know it was 'too hot' until she'd already sustained severe burns. Your comment suggests that either you didn't read the lectlaw link, or that you missed some rather important details while skimming it. Perhaps you should, at least, reread the article. \_ Erm who gives a shit? PP is right, why was she drinking it while driving? A normal person will take a sip, realize it's too hot, and wait. -John \_ 1) she wasn't driving. 2) the vehicle wasn't in motion. 3) the coffee was 185F. Do your homework or STFU. Or don't. Whatever's funnier. *shrug* \_ Actually, reading you get annoyed is pretty funny. -John \_ Yeahyeah, bite me. Punk. :P \_ I have to agree. McD coffee has always been nukingly hot, and takes forever to cool down in its insulated container. annoying. \_ Apple Discontinues Sales To Stupid People: http://tinyurl.com/dg9q7 |
2006/2/3-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41697 Activity:nil |
2/3 Hasn't Rumsfeld proved himself to be incompetent? Or else a liar. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,18028837-38198,00.html Iraq costs > $440 bln White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey was pushed out of his job when he suggested in September 2002 that the Iraq war could cost as much as $265billion. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld put the figure at about $66 billion, but told Congress that no one could be sure. "It's not knowable what a war or conflict like that is going to cost. You don't know if it's going to last two days or two weeks or two months. It's certainly not going to last two years, but it's going to cost money," Mr Rumsfeld said six months before the invasion in March 2003. \_ A year or so ago Rumsfeld's competence was questioned and he \_ A year or so ago Rumsfield's competance was questioned and he responded saying "he's too old to care anymore, he's tried to quit the job a few times but Bush won't let him". I thought this was pretty funny but scary at the same time. \_ mebbe he was just thinking of "major combat operations" \_ hahah, hasn't time proven that Bush and company will say anything to get people to follow their lead. I mean, come on, why in the world would our US president ever lie? He's an outstanding president with outstanding morals..... \_ Well he has to be in order to bring honor and integrity back to the White House. |
3/15 |