2006/1/28 [Uncategorized] UID:41577 Activity:nil |
1/27 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11062650/site/newsweek MSNBC and Newsweek both write trash for uninformed liberal readers. |
2006/1/28-29 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41578 Activity:high |
1/27 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/29/science/earth/29climate.html "The top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to stop him from speaking out ... was particularly incensed that the directives ... had come through informal telephone conversations ... leaving no significant trails of documents. ... relayed the warning to Dr. Hansen that there would be 'dire consequences' if such statements continued ... 'The inference was that Hansen was disloyal.' ... many scientists who routinely took calls from reporters five years ago can now do so only if the interview is approved by administration officials in Washington, and then only if a public affairs officer is present or on the phone." "If America shows uncertainty or weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy." -GW Bush (Sep 2, 2004) \_ oooh spoooookeeeey.... "informal telephone conversations" .... ... "no signnificant trails of documents" .... "relayed the warning .... would be 'dire consequences'" .... "inference was that ... was disloyal" .... "and then only if a [agent representing the administration] is present" ....... So has the NYT sunk to new journalistic lows or was it always this bad? Wasn't there once a time when reporters actually went out and *investigated* allegations instead of writing single sourced propaganda like this? I guess doing actual fact checking is *work*. Maybe this is going on, maybe it isn't but we don't know from sensationalist junk like this. Might as well read the Daily Cal. Same quality and it's free. \_ What you are saying is completely false. \_ Uhm, yeah, you have totally convinced me with that well supported statement. If you have nothing to say, which you don't, say nothing. In the mean time, I'm going to go find a Daily Cal so I can read something well researched instead of the crap the NYT is spewing out. \_ Most of your "points" are complete hokum. \_ Most of your "points" are complete hokum. \_ If you actually had a point or something to say, you would have said so by now. You're still hovering around the "i no u r but wut am i?!" level. The Daily Cal quite most excellent even though it was last week's Tuesday edition. Very timely! I look forward to reading tomorrow's on Friday. \_ What you are saying is completely false. \_ Holy time travel, Batman. Here's a Wapo story from 1/2005 about it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19162-2005Jan18.html Does he like pop up once a year to talk about how he's been pressured not to talk? Any bets on his story on 1/2007? \_ Anyone who ranks lower would be hesitant to come out for fear of losing their livelihood. \_ Absolutely. Come January next year, I'm sure we'll once again hear about how he was pressured to keep silent. |
2006/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:41579 Activity:moderate |
1/27 Can anyone recommend a good open-source PDF creator for os x? Thanks. \_ File -> Print -> PDF -> Save as PDF? \_ Oops, sorry. I mean SERVER-SIDE PDF creator. I need to create PDF documents for users of our web site. -op \_ Create them from what? You can generate PDF directly in perl with perl-PDF. Or you can use htmlpdf to convert HTML to PDF. -tom \_ Create a CUPS printer with a PDF driver. On the Mac OS X machine go to <DEAD>localhost:631<DEAD> \_ If you don't have to produce too many documents, you could do this with AppleScript. The performance is ass, but fine if your not trying to pump out many documents a minute. \_ I won't (I only need approx 1 document/day). How do I use Applescript? I've never used it before. Thanks. -op |
2006/1/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:41580 Activity:nil |
1/27 Is there a public list of companies that are known to use Yahoo's SpamGuard software? Does Earthlink use it? |
2006/1/28-31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41581 Activity:kinda low |
1/28 "Actions Fail to Match Words in New Orleans -- Four months from the next hurricane season, the Bush administration's promise to rebuild the Gulf Coast remains largely unfulfilled." http://tinyurl.com/aro3r (Wash Post) \_ Unfortunately, the politics make it impossible to have a real discussion on whether it is a good idea to rebuild New Orleans. \_ Why can't Dubya just say, "We love blacks, but we're not sure about rebuilding below sea level. To show that I love blacks, I will ..." \_ Err... Politics? \_ What is there to rebuild? The place is still below sea level, the people who left have no reason to come back. I don't see a point in *paying* them to come back. NO will be smaller than it was. If there is a real reason for it to grow, it will. We don't pay people to move out to all those little towns in the midwest that have been dying for decades or build them free stuff. \_ We also didn't destroy those towns through blatant government incompetence. \_ Who summoned the hurricane? Is it always the government's fault when something bad happens? Do citizens have no responsibility for themselves? I don't want to live in a Mommy State. When Mommy takes care of your needs She also gets to tell you what to do. \_ Control Weather is a 7th Level spell, no? Maybe the government is responsible. \_ Some bald dude with sunglasses just explained to me a couple days ago how rogue elements of the former KGB and the Yakuza are controlling the weather using technology developed by Nikola Tesla which causes weather patterns to be square instead of round, and which caused Katrina. He said that the U.S. Government knows about it, but is powerless to stop it. \_ Whoa! You met Picard on one of his time travel episodes? Did you get any trinkets or his autograph? That's so cool! \_ Only Jerry Falwell has memorized the runes. Or is it Pat Robertson? One of those two can steer hurricanes, I mix them up. |
2006/1/28-31 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41582 Activity:moderate |
1/28 Ask a Republican! http://csua.org/u/etk (mac.com) \_ I don't get it. Who is this guy? (The Bio doesn't really clear it up) \_ wow, dense aren't you. He's a comic, and pretty damn funny \_ Yeah, I guess I am. So why does he have bits that specify specific years and make it look like he really was some sort of elected republican? \_ He's a comedian who impersonates a republican elected official answering questions in the manner of a stereotypical republican. It's satire. -!pp \_ hilarious. thx. \_ uh, if you say so. Colbert Report is the same basic idea but actually funny sometimes \_ when you get too far out there, the unfunny that agrees with your core beliefes becomes funny. humor is relative. relatives are humor. :-) |
2006/1/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41583 Activity:nil |
1/28 What's the debian package that has the man pages for the stdlib functions? \_ dpkg -l "*libstd*" | grep doc |
2006/1/28-31 [Uncategorized] UID:41584 Activity:nil |
1/28 Haha. James Frey is now the top for links for the google search "disgraced author" http://www.google.com/search?q=disgraced%20author |
2006/1/28-31 [Computer/Networking] UID:41585 Activity:low |
1/28 Just switched to Comcast from SBC and generally happy with it. But can someone please explain to me why they are constantly pumping ARP traffic through the network? It seems harmless, but I'm curious as I didn't see it with DSL. It's a little disconcerting to see constant traffic on your router, even if ARPs are harmless from a bandwidth perspective, and it makes the WAN send/receive light basically useless. Is there a cable modem I can get that won't forward these stupid things? From reading around the net, all I see are vague references to the fact that Comcast's network configuration is such that all of their customers on a particular link will see all customers ARP traffic. \_ Further searching turns up this from 8 Dec 2005: "I'm a relatively new comcast customer, and also a network engineer. I'm not sure how they have their routers configured, but I get upwards of 10-20 arp requests per second during the day, and from 6:00 to midnight I get so many that packets start getting dropped. I recieve the arps from at least 5 different source IPs that appear to be routers (they all have ips that end in .1, but on different /24 networks. This leads me to believe that they are using multiple virtual IPS on the same interface of a single router, or that they have something bridging data between parallel networks (which should not be happening). Regardless, I'm trying to get some resolution. I can't imagine what would create a requirement for this level of arp traffic; it has to be a misconfiguration somewhere." \_ Good luck trying to explain this problem to their technical support staff! -another comcast user \_ would you recommend SBC DSL or Comcast cable? Is DSL really that much cheaper? \_ My brother is getting 2 mbps down off his Dslextreme line for $20/month on a yearly subscription. I'm getting 2 mbps (yes, I know Comcast advertises more, but that's my roughly measured) from Comcast for $50/month on month-to-month (Comcast doesn't do annual). I'd switch to DSL in a heartbeat if it were available at my house. The only thing nice about my Comcast feed is the pseudo-static IP (infinite dhcp lease, keyed off my mac address and their equipment, and neither changes all that often). \_ For what it's worth, I'm getting 6 mbps downstream from Comcast pretty consistently. Oddly, using a Belkin router/ firewall in between the cable modem and my network cuts it to about 5 mbps. The Belkin's WAN activity light was how I originally found all the frickin' ARP traffic. Is it possible the overheard of blocking the ARPs is slowing the (admittedly very cheap) Belkin down? --ARP traffic guy \_ My segment get continuous arps but not *that* kind of traffic. I get 1 or 2 per second at most. Sometimes it fades off a bit to 1 every 3-5 seconds. How many are you getting? \_ It fluctuates, but I'm seeing roughly 5 to 10 a second. From what I've read, Comcast does configure it's customers into very large LANs, and that you'll tend to see more of the ARPs when some of the people on your LAN are infected with something like Code Red. \_ I'm over 20,000 feet from the nearest DSL POP so cable is my only choice. The pseudo-static IP changes about once every 15 months which isn't too horrible and the service itself has been quite reliable overall. It is pricey but when dialup is your only other choice.... \_ Ha! I'm only 13k feet from the nearest CO. Of course, according to SBC, I have steel pairs running to my house instead of copper, and DSL will never happen till they rip up the sidewalk to swap to copper. |
2006/1/28-31 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:41586 Activity:moderate |
1/28 My car needs a smog check, AGAIN! If I have a hybrid, will I have to go less often? \_ Why would you? \_ Possible incentive? \_ If a car needs to be smogged, it needs to be smogged every 2 years. My motorcycle, on the other hand, never needs to be smogged. Niether does my bicycle. \_ Hybrid's are a crock. Old (Insight, Prius, Civic) hybrids got their gains with aerodynamics, weight savings (in some cases) and low- resistance (i.e. less-safe) tires. Newer ones get it on engine tweaks (and don't gain that much). All of them win on paper because of an unrealistic EPA testing scenario. \_ Aren't gas-only cars also tested under the same unrealistic EPA testing scenario? \_ EPA numbers for cars are always a pseudo ideal that will never be met in the real world but they *tend* not to be too far off. My last car was rated 26 highway, I got about 20-23 depending on how bad traffic was, so that's pretty close. Traffic was bad enough to change jobs, so.... \_ Yes, but it benefits hybrids more because of the charge/discharge characteristics. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-epa11jan11,1,7644604.story \_ You'll have to go "less often" because new cars don't have to be smogged for the first few years. And anyway, you have three months to get it done -- I've always been able to do it with regular service anyway (before this year, when I became Test Only). |
2006/1/28-30 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:41587 Activity:nil |
1/28 http://zfacts.com/p/60.html |
3/15 |