2006/1/18-20 [Health, Health/Men] UID:41412 Activity:low |
1/17 What are the pros/cons of doing a workout that doesn't include weights but rather pushups, situps, pullups, dips, etc. versus a weight-lifting workout regimen? I know I can't build as much muscle mass as I could with weights, but are there any benefits? Thanks. \_ What is your goal? \_ My goal is to maintain muscle mass and possibly gain some. I've been lifting weights for years, and I'm just getting bored with it. I've changed up my regimen a few times, but I'm just tired of lifting. I had some decent progress, but I think I'm just in the mood to change my workout drastically. Thanks for all the responses so far. -op \_ Check out http://www.crossfit.com Their approach uses high-intensity training with functional movements like squatting and pullups, and it's very effective for building muscle mass and cutting fat. \_ Depends on what you want, really. Sounds like you're describing weight-training but using your own body weight instead of dumbbells. Any weight exercises (whether your own or others) are beneficial to your muscle - your muscle reacts more to heavier weights of course (e.g. the tear from lifting 200 lbs vs. your body weight of 150 lbs would cause muscle to rebuild in stronger form). Physicians often recommend novices to start doing weights using their own body mass (situps, pushups, dips, etc) before attempting real weights. \_ less control ; more difficult to vary stress levels and/or precisely target different muscles. However it is definitely cheaper and more convenient from an equipment standpoint. You should be somewhat suspect of a regimen tthat someone is trying to 'sell' you if they're going to get some benefit (i.e. a sale) out of you. \_ there is a surprising variation of exercises you can do with just your own body mass. pushups for example: wide stance, narrow, using an exercise ball (either on your feet or on your hands). granted, doesn't have the potential of weights, but there's a lot to be done. \_ You want to increase muscle mass or cardio for your heart? \_ ... or burn fat? \_ ... or build endurance? \_ I have no advice, but I found these fascinating: http://www.geocities.com/rutgerseskrima/art_prison.html http://exn.ca/Stories/2003/06/20/54.asp |
2006/1/18-20 [Health, Health/Skin] UID:41413 Activity:low |
1/18 Pentagon plans to produce Mass Intestination weapon http://tinyurl.com/8qvrf - danh \_ "deploying the weapon merely invites other nations to follow suit." Having already considered that, the Pentagoy has already secretly deployed a Code-Three classfied space-age anti-ADS hidden personnel defense system to all military bases throughout out country. Next time when you visit a military base, don't say anything like "I can put these under my clothes" when you see the $2/roll of aluminum foils in the kitchens, or you'll be immediately $2/roll aluminum foils in the kitchens, or you'll be immediately arrested by the MP's and tossed into a torture chamber! \_ Is "pentagoy" a typo, or are you actually mocking the pentagon for their goyish ways? \_ Sorry. Typo. \_ I guess I don't get it. Is a pain gun worse than a lead pellet gun in some way? \_ Not to mention that it takes seconds to cause an effect. \_ Testing was conducted on heavily-screened "participants," unlikely to represent an actual crowd in terms of health, age, discipline (i.e., moving away rapidly rather than freezing in pain), grouping (i.e., individuals with room to move rather than tightly packed mobs), and bling (i.e., having removed all metal objects prior to testing as opposed to having genital piercing and other objects that might heat up uncomfortably under the ray). Also, consider use of "pain ray" for traceless torture. I'm not saying it's worse, I'm just saying it's more complex. |
2006/1/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:41414 Activity:nil |
1/18 "U.S. is No. 7 in FIFA rankings" http://sports.yahoo.com/sow/news?slug=ap-fifarankings&prov=ap&type=lgns US ranks higher than England, Italy and Germany. What a different world. \_ Given that England, Italy, and Germany all have to play each other and US's only real competition is Mexico, it's surprising this hasn't happened before. |
2006/1/18 [Health/Women] UID:41415 Activity:low |
1/18 Why is birth control called "birth control" instead of "pregnancy control". Condoms, pills, and so on are really controlling pregnancy, not birth. \_ They are called "contraceptives" where I come from. "birth control" is metonymic. \_ Because out here in the real world it is generally assumed that pregnancy leads to birth. This is a basic birds n bees thing. \_ no.. it leads to the guillotine of partial birth abortion \_ hi troll \_ fewer syllables |
2006/1/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:41416 Activity:kinda low |
1/17 The Iraq Invasion as Zork I transcript http://www.defectiveyeti.com/archives/001561.html \_ You went to the trouble to transcript that boring drivel? \_ transcribe \_ You have missed the humor and been eaten by a Grue. \_ It's not very humorous. -tom \_ It was worth a few chuckles. It wasn't the super brilliant "OMGROFLMAOWTFBBQ!!!!" that 90% of the ditto head "me too!" commenters made it out to be but it had humor value. You didn't think "IT IS NOT THAT KIND OF SEAL" was funny? \_ No. -tom \_ So what's out there that you do find funny? \_ Clearly not this. \_ Clearly. I want to know what he does find funny. \_ That was pretty funny, but it didn't need FILL SHOES. Probably lost some audience with that. \_ The truth hurts huh? \_ The weak trolls are out in force today. \_ nah, the FILL SHOES line was forced, albeit true |
2006/1/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:41417 Activity:nil |
1/17 I don't get it. Why hasn't the Smedly Butler plot gotten more attention, either at the time or now? http://www.claytoncramer.com/amcoup.html \_ Perhaps because it wasn't so much a plot by Smedly Butler as a plot defused by Smedly Butler? \_ Well, ok, but I mean, a bona-fide pseudo-fascist plot to assassinate the President and stage a military coup in America, and nobody even gets punished? Talk about swept under the rug. |
2006/1/18 [Uncategorized] UID:41418 Activity:low |
1/18 people can't read my email (using pine) has X-UNKNOWN characterset? \_ because? if it has? while under a blue moon? during the month of may? what? \_ Could you phrase that in the form of a complete sentence? |
2006/1/18-21 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:41419 Activity:low |
1/18 Anyone know of a good website that has explanations of song lyrics? Googling for individual songs is nigh impossible. The sort of thing you'd imagine would be on the bands' websites but often isn't. \_ Explanations? \_ Someone told me that this song was about trying to get into some girl's pants. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/e/extreme/52203.html \_ They are all about trying to get into some girl's pants, even the ones written by women, just the opposing viewpoint. Yes, this means "Happy Birthday" is about trying to get into some girl's pants. \_ For example, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" as sung by Marilyn Monroe. \_ ...and which girl's pants was Marilyn trying to get into? \_ She's trying to steal from inside Jacqueline's pants. \_ "People often ask me, 'what is that song about?' If I could say it in words other than what are in the song...I would have written a different song." --Elvis Costello \_ I've been wondering about the same thing. Some lyrics are too poetic for me to understand. (I'm a foreigner and I did poorly in English 1B at a community college.) For example, what is Barbra Streisand's "Send In The Clowns" really about? Very beautiful melody, but I can't understand the lyrics. http://www.digitaltimes.com/karaoke/singers/SendInTheClowns.html \_ http://www.songmeangings.net. \_ http://www.songmeanings.net. It's a Sondheim song from a musical, it doesn't have to make sense. -tom \_ Well, it makes sense in the context of the show. It's a couple that got together when they were younger, then were split for 10 or so years. She was pregnant but didn't tell him, and is on the road as an actress. He marries a 19 year old virgin who won't sleep with him. They meet again a year into his marriage, have a brief affair, but he ends it. This is when she has this song. They've both been fools. Ergo "don't bother, they're here." \_ Well, it could mean that. Or "send in the clowns" could be old show biz talk for throwing in the towel (as in things are so bad that salvage is impossible and you send in the clowns to distract the audience). \_ Or it could be... both. \_ Hmm, the more I read the lyrics the more it sounds like what you said. "Me here at last on the ground, you in mid-air..." "Sure of my lines, No one is there." "Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear. I thought that you'd want what I want." "Losing my timing this late in my career?" All these sound like "oops" moments when performing a play on stage. \_ I got redirected to http://lb3.netster.com \_ try http://www.songmeanings.net (not "meangings") \_ It was originally the theme song to EPS2, when EPS2 had its original title "Attack of the Clowns." |
2006/1/18-21 [Computer/SW/Apps, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:41420 Activity:low |
1/18 I need to gain 20-30lbs of weight and want to track my progress. I could do this in an Excel spreadsheet but I don't have it installed right now and would rather have some nifty web thingie - I googled and most of the stuff I found kind of sucked. Before I revert to Excel (if lazy) or write my own (if bored) does anyone have recommendations? \_ "need" to gain? why? \_ My BMI is 15.4 . If it wasn't from being sick and/or I was a girl, I'm sure that's eating disorder range :) -op \_ http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-gnuplot Look at figure 8. \_ Sigh, duh. I actually have used gnuplot a fair amount. This should be perfect for an unpolished barebones thing. Thanks! -op \_ If I wanted to gain 30 pounds, I'd get a spiked tail grafted on to my ass. This would help with both balance and self-defense, and seems like the best possible way to gain weight. It might also be possible to use your mouse or trackball with the tip of your tail, increasing productivity. \_ Dude, just roll your own. It's a really simple bit of Perl. \_ I'm not a big Perl hacker. It is pretty trivial but a nice one with login/security, and pretty pictures rather than text would take me at least a few hours to write, because I'm not particularly familiar with the web/graphics libraries - op \_ The less you do on the couch, the faster you can put on that weight. (or more seriously, vi does this just fine) \_ depends on what kind of weight. he could put on a lot of weight sitting on the couch or in front of the computer, he just needs to eat more. EAT MORE LARD! \_ I lost the weight because I was/am sick, and need to gain it back in a healthy way or it defeats the purpose. Thanks anyway! (defeating silly comments with reasonable responses) - op \_ So far as I know the only way to quickly gain weight is to gain fat. If you eat right and exercise a lot, you might take a couple of years to gain 30lbs of lean-ish body mass. Unless you have naturally high levels of testosterone and/or take steroids. Though there are some other drugs you could possibly take. \_ Luckily (?), I am actually on (safe) steriods for medication for a few months. I have seen a nutritionist... it's not too bad to put on a pound a week, it turns out (eat a lot and drink Ensure). More than that, maybe I'll get lucky - if I'm underweight, maybe my body wants to recover or something. -op \_ I know dawne wrote one a few years ago; I'll see if it's still lying around somewhere and easy to get working again. --dbushong \_ Found it: http://bushong.net/dawn/widgets/tracker The graphing's a little sluggish b/c GD's broken under mod_perl for me, but otherwise it seems to work. --dbushong \_ Oh, right, it doesn't handle weight _gain_. I'll work on it. \_ If you have a palm use EatWatch: http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/palm |
2006/1/18-20 [Recreation/House] UID:41421 Activity:nil |
1/18 Hello homeowners who have marble floors. I posted the following message a few weeks ago: http://csua.com/?entry=41190 I know the answer now. First of all water based cleaners don't work well. Use the floor finish stripper and scrub your marbles till it's clean. Assume the marble's flat and clean, coat it using any "urethane fortified" solution. Some solutions require proper mixture, read the instructions carefully. Let it dry 30 min, and open all the windows unless you want to get high. Repeat coating two more times. Viola! You now have shiny looking, sealed marbles. |
2006/1/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:41422 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
1/18 http://www.babybushtoys.com \_ Wow, that looks like an awful lot of work for jokes that are only "heh" level. |
2006/1/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41423 Activity:kinda low |
1/18 Zogby: 52% of Americans agree that Bush should be impeached: http://www.democrats.com/bush-impeachment-poll-2 \_ How does that jibe with the poll that said "americans don't care about presidential spying; they think it's making them safer" \_ urlP \_ #t \_ About as well as polls comparing "police should be able to arrest people" to "police should be able to arrest people without warrants or PC." \_ Amusing but not very interesting. Classic push polling. Yawn. \_ Please elaborate. \_ "If your spouse was cheating on you, would you be upset?" "96% of spouses said yes to this question." "Headline on motd: 96% of spouses are mad dog killers! Beware of married people!" \_ President Bush has said that he has wiretapped American citizens without the approval of a judge. You're barking up the wrong tree. \_ What happened was illegal and impeachable if you think Ohio was stolen in '04. As usual, cooler heads will prevail. I do admit a small shock that you honestly think his handlers would put him in front of a mic to say he had committed an impeachable offense if it was that simple and obvious. I'm not the one barking. I find the whole thing silly. His political enemies have been talking impeachment for years, they bring it up for each new 'scandal' hoping against hope this is the one that sticks. Anyway, if you think this is so horrible, what do you think of Echelon which is/was a much broader program that it is claimed scooped up data in mass quantities on everyone not specific people suspected of treasonous activities or terrorist ties? Shouldn't Echelon's creation and use have triggered the impeachment of the last few administrations? \_ was the use of ECHELON for domestic surveillance authorized by FISA? also, pp probably meant to say "President Bush has not denied that ..." \_ Complicated question. Echelon technically only monitors global non-USA communication and therefore does not require FISA authorization. However, there are unsubstantiated allegations that Echelon partner countries can monitor communications inside the US without FISA approval. This is technically correct, however there has been no proof that I know of this has ever happened. I imagine Echelon would also pick up communication between US nationals who are abroad, and I do not know if this would require FISA approval. I imagine in the deliberate instance, FISA approval is required. However, if US-to-US national communication abroad is captured as part of the general Echelon monitoring, I assume no prior FISA authorization would be obtained. \_ That is a truly amazing bit of intellectual dodging. So you're not ok with tapping the NSA tapping specific targets suspected of terrorism ties after 9/11, but you're ok with using Echelon or other systems to tap American citizens in bulk as long as the tapping is done by a foreign agency who then hands over the data to us (and we do the same so they can spy on their citizens)? Oh-tay! Let's hear it for putting one's party and political agenda ahead of common sense and civil rights. IMO, both are wrong, but Echelon is far worse and no one screamed about that. IIRC, the NYT was actually doing op-eds defending Echelon at the time. Sigh. \_ A lot of people have screamed about it. The crucial difference being that some abstract concept of listening stations, no matter how bad, does not ring the same alarm bells with Joe Schmo as "wiretaps". I've noticed a pretty strong rise in the number of people using PGP/SSL'ing web pages/whatever since the mid-1990s, that I wouldn't just ascribe to a general growth in security & privacy awareness--many whom I know do so out of principle, to "add entropy" in one colleague's words. Doesn't make much difference, but it's a start. And yes, it's wrong. -John \_ Who was screaming for impeachment? \_ Bushco was not wire tapping just people suspected of terrorism. They were wire tapping everyone. That is the crucial difference. \_ And this is different from Echelon how exactly? \_ Echelon spies on non-Americans, hence non-voters. \_ Opinion piece from John Schmidt, AAG 1994 to 1997. "President had legal authority to OK taps" http://csua.org/u/eoj indicated in more or less words that ..." \_ it's 52% think "Congress should consider" impeachment not "Bush should be impeached", but anyways ... The key marker here is IF they added the phrase, U.S. citizens "suspected of terrorist activity", which is what Dubya would say he did, and then you'd have a much different result. \_ According to phone company execs, the NSA was basically wiretapping everyone, not just suspected terrorists, and running a massive data mining operation on it. When Americans find out that it is *their* phone calls that have been tapped, they will be pissed. \_ Again: this is different from Echelon how? Americans already heard about Echelon and already assumed they were being tapped. Nothing is going to come from this or any of the previous 50 "obviously rises to impeachable levels of offense" scandals coming off the DNC fax machine. \_ We'll see. You seem to very sure of your reading of the public's attitude. After massive GOP losses in November, let's see what Congress does. When it becomes clear that the NSA was wiretapping the media, Congress, the judiciary and the Kerry campaign, it might cause an uproar. \_ I'm very sure of human nature. People are what they are. One thing the vast bulk of people never do is get overly upset about anything for more than one news cycle. People care about their food and gas bills, their rent, who is in the super bowl this year and how about that rain yesterday, it was someithng, huh? Elections are local. Incumbents almost never lose. Nothing massive is going to happen. Go have a beer and watch the superbowl with everyone else. \_ Gas bills are way up and the Abramoff scandal could have some real impact. These things are far more real than complexities concerning NSA spying. |
2006/1/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41424 Activity:moderate |
1/18 "I predict to you that this administration will go down in history as one of the worst that has ever governed our country." -Hillary Clinton (Jan 18, 2006) \_ I predict to you that Hillary Clinton will foolishly run for the president and fail, setting up for another four years of GOP incompetence that will go down in history as the worst platform that has ever controlled our country. \_ I predict that she will not even come in second in the primary. \_ President Hillary Clinton. Get used to saying it, because you will be saying it for eight long years. \_ Just because someone *really* wants power *really* badly doesn't mean we should give it to them. Quite the opposite. It'll be interesting if she does run and some how gets nominated for the (D) party. She has never gone through the journalist gauntlet. Never been in a public debate of any note. Never really had to do any of the things experienced politicians normally have to go through to get into the top levels of politics. No polish. The (R) would have to find a child raping axe murderer to lose to someone so poorly prepared for a brutal Presidential bid. I'm not sure why you'd want a President who didn't earn it but whatever. \_ As opposed to Dubya? What would "we" need to do, have millionaires give Hillary an oil company, a baseball team, and a magazine to run into the ground first? -tom \_ What "we" are you talking about? If the (D) party had put up a human being instead of a self righteous "I'm owed the Presidency" plank of wood, Bush would've been crushed. They put up the proverbial axe murdering child rapist and lost. Big deal. Kerry was even worse. He only happened through Dean's "Yeaaarrrggh!" fluke, and the idea that "Even though we think he's an idiot we think he's got the creds to beat W so let's nominate this guy we don't otherwise believe in". He was the only available candidate in 04 worse than Gore was in 00. Going back a bit we can see Dole was also only running because "it was his turn" just like Gore and he got crushed and rightly so. Bush I was busted on stage looking at his watch during a debate. Clearly not interested and out of touch. Crushed. Rightly so. Attacking a former candidate or President doesn't make Hillary a better candidate or more Presidential for the future. \_ I realize that this puts me in a small minority, but I genuinely liked and believed in Kerry. \_ I'm not saying he had zero real supporters just that the typical noise at the time (on the motd and other places) was "We don't like him but we think his war record can win enough middle ground people to beat W". Very cynical and not a very good way to choose a candidate. \_ If we ever managed to uncover all of the backroom bullshit corporate and private selling out that's going on? That might be true. Will history reveal all that? Probably not. \_ Why do you hate America? \_ Why do you think any of this is somehow a new thing? You think politics was clean and money free until January 2001 when it suddenly all magically changed? Status quo. \_ BUSHCO is worse than Nixon, Hover and Grant? WOW. \_ Nixon was embarassing. Hoover probably was swamped by inexorable market forces. Grant allowed all kinds of corruption and failed to win the Reconstruction, but those racist southern bastards were probably gonna do all that shit one way or another anyway. BUSHCO has mushroomed our national debt and deficit in addition to discarding our civil rights, making "USA" synonymous with "torture", alienated most of our allies.... It'll take two generations to undo the damage BUSHCO has caused. \_ Well this is an improvement. Weren't you saying last year it would take "many" generations? So things are better now. All we need to do now is stay the course. \_ Because clearly motd consists of only two people, so naturally.... now. All we need to do now is stay the course. \_ Same phrasing. Likely the same person. And certainly coming off the same DNC talking points memo either way. \_ I never weighed in on BUSHco before. I wrote the above. I read google news and don't watch much TV, that is how my opinions are formed. If I echo DNC, then maybe the liberal media conspiracy is true, OR maybe I came to my conclusion above independently. \_ Nixon was embarrassing? Do you even remember watergate? Nixon ran roughshod over the constitution to cover the asses of his campaign staffers, &c. He directed the intelligence services to cover up these crimes. In contrast, BUSHCO has been overtly working for the defense of the REPUBLIC. Even if this effort has enriched them pers- \_ Plame? Halliburton? Misleading us about WMD? \_ I'm not PP. With that in mind: Plame: stupid but not the first time someone in government outted an agent. \_ Not the last either for BushCO (see Khan) Halliburton: what about it? Misleading: this is so beaten to death. Every western government and spy agency in the world believed it at the time. Let the horse die. onally, the primary focus has been on the safety and security of Americans. Arguably they have used poor judgment in many situations, but their motivation is not overly criminal as Nixon's was. \_ Blameworthy as Nixon was and non-criminal as this administration is, BUSHCO has done more real harm to our international image (torture, lies about WMD) and to our long-term finances than Nixon did. I stand by what I say: Nixon was embarassing, BUSHCO has done massive harm. \_ I find it curious that people seem to think the US had some sort of golden image around the world pre-Bush. The US not only had a history of but an active and intentional policy throughout the Cold War of supporting thugs, dictators and drug dealers as long as they were OUR thugs. I don't see any change for the worse in terms of how the US deals with the rest of the world. At least we now give lip service and sometimes actually do something to push better ideals than we have in the past. \_ So says you. I suspect that when we really find out the extent of the NSA wiretapping, it will turn out to be much worse than anything Nixon did. Using the NSA to spy on your political opponents, things like that... And the Valerie Plame coverup is pretty criminal as well. Not like the Watergate coverup, but pretty bad. By most stds, the Grant admin was the epitome of poor mgmt. His VP had accepted bribes (let's see some proof that Cheney has been bribed), his brother-in law was taking bribes and giving him bad advice, the Treasury Dept. was taking bribes, the Sec. of War was taking bribes, &c. You are willing to write this all off as southern bastards acting normally, but you won't write off BUSHCO as southern bastards? Sounds like a double std to me. I noticed that you didn't include Hoover. Why? Perhaps the Depression and his failure to deal w/ that were maybe just a BIT worse than ANYTHING BUSHCO has done? BTW, I completely left out any reference to the Alien and Sedition acts, which were at least as bad as the Patriot Act. \_ Are people too young to remember living under Carter? \_ Much better to flush $2-$3 trillion down the toilet instead of spending it on switching on renewables. God will provide more spending it on switching to renewables. God will provide more magic oil! \_ Apparently, yes, you're too young to remember Carter. \_ Nope, I'm not. He may not have managed things well, but he was the last President to tell the truth on energy. \_ You win this week's Motd Blue Ribbon For Understatement! Carter "may not have managed things well, but...". How old were you when that loser gave the infamous "malaise speech"? How old during that little itty bitty "Hostage Crisis" thing? How badly were you hurt from double digit inflation? You may have been alive but you don't remember. \_ Get ready for more maliase, and this time the energy crisis is a permanent one. \_ Is this the Peak Oil thing again? So if Carter "told us the truth about energy" back in 76-80, what did Reagan x2, Bush I, Clinton x2 do about it differently that saves them from your scorn yet Bush II is deserving of it? Actually, since we're here, what did Carter do about it? \_ Carter put programs in place to start moving the nation away from oil dependency, which Reagan quickly abandoned. Fortunately for Reagan, the oil bonanza that followed saved our asses. That oil bonanza is rapidly fading ... Like I said, none of the Presidents after Carter dealt with the problem or admitted to it. I blame all them for the position we are in. However, Bush's wasteful spending is using money that could be used to get us out of the situation, that's all. Hence the flushing of money down the toilet. \_ Ok, I looked this up. Carter's plan was essentially: conserve/reduce usage, burn a lot of coal, insulate homes, create a strategic oil reserve, put solar on 2.5 million homes by 1985. Today: cars burn less gas, we tried to not burn coal until more recently when cleaner burning tech could be put in place, homes and all new construction are insulated, we have a strategic oil reserve. I have no idea how many homes have solar but people can get it if they want to. Which parts of the plan got ditched? I found several sources but it was all nicely summed up here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/carter/filmmore/ps_energy.html So, where were we? Oh yes, Peak Oil and Carter's energy policy. What about it? What did Carter do besides depress everyone and lead poorly? Check out some of the quotes in this classic: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/carter/filmmore/ps_crisis.html Jimmy, where are you now? We need you! Oh yeah, you're out there putting your stamp of approval on stolen elections in South America. \_ If the GOP hadn't gutted the Carter CAFE standards and written an exemption literally large enough to drive an SUV through, Americans would be using 1/2 the gasoline we do today. Gasoline is 1/2 of our total energy consumption so we would be using 25% less oil. This is most of our imported oil. We would be in much better shape if we hadn't catered to the oil and car interests. \_ I gave you a detailed summary of his energy plan and 2 URLs straight from Carter's speeches which you couldn't bother to post in the first place so I looked it up for you. Now you give more unreferenced noise and speculation. Put up for shut up. If you're going to defend a useless wanker like Carter, you need to prove your statements. I'm not doing any more of your research for you. [Actually, I lied. I looked up CAFE and it predated Carter] http://www.ita.doc.gov/td/auto/cafe.html So, Carter didn't even do CAFE. What did Carter do? \_ See above. He implemented stringent CAFE standards, just like I said. Do you really have this tough a problem with the English language? \_ Stringent is a relative term. Go find us the actual standard and we can then all decide how stringent they are. The concept sure as hell wasn't his and if his only claim to fame in 4 years in office was to pick highish CAFE numbers in 1978 after being in office ~2 years then we sure as hell didn't need him. Any random beaurocrat could've picked a number. \_ "When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know that I'm talking about." \_ It's spin unless you include the second half of that thought. \_ The second half? \ "It has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard." \_ Gosh! Imagine that! When you have a government system with 2 major parties, the party out of power can't get their agenda through! Shocking! Were you equally upset about the 50 years the Democrat party ran the show while Republicans got sidelined? Sheesh, read a civics book. Hillary said a stupid thing and barely got called on it. This time. All this idiocy will come back later though. Always does. \_ Of course, but the media is "enraged" about the plantation bit, not the whining that the Democrats can't get their agenda through. \_ President Hillary Rodham Clinton. Get used to saying it because we will be saying it for eight long years. \_ Good news for Republicans ... Osama bin Laden is saying new attacks are planned for the United States. Voters will be scared and vote in more right wingers promising to take away our liberty for security! \_ The rest of the Osama tape saying essentially, "we offer you a truce to rebuild Afghanistan and Iraq" which sure sounds like weakness and surrender. This is much more likely to be played as "See? We're winning, now we just need to stay the course and finish them off" than "OMG! We're going to get hit again eeeek!" But, yes, anytime Osama spews forth it is bad for the Democrat party. \_ He's always offering compromises that sound "reasonable". But of course if we meet offer #1 then immediately there will be offer #2 until offer #n which is "the whole world is a Muslim theocracy ruled by me" \_ Of course. I don't think it'll be portrayed like that by either party or anyone in the media, though. Dealing with someone like Osama just isn't an option. So the discussion will be on what it means that he said it. I'm surprised he's still alive, simply due to age, stress, and poor living conditions but that's another story. I don't think he's in a position to negotiate anything even if he was a reliable treaty partner and we actually wanted to talk with him. \_ It's "Democratic" party. Not "Democrat" party. \_ I have a term paper due in a few months. Will you spell check that for me, too? Thanks! \_ If you post it to MOTD, I'm sure we'd have a blast editing your term paper for you. \_ Holy crap! This could be really entertaining! Why not let the motd collectively write your paper? \_ Meh, I've generally found that MOTD has the collective creativity of a kumquat. We're quite creative provided we have something to start working on, though.... |
2006/1/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41425 Activity:nil |
1/18 Yahoo is rolling out SSL for everything! Seems a bit flaky and inconsistent right now, but maybe they are in the process of converting. \_ .... sorry but... so? \_ url? |
2006/1/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41426 Activity:nil |
1/18 Does anyone know of a good, easy-to-use online test/quiz generator? The only one I know of is Blackboard, which both costs and has too many features. I'm looking for something that makes it easy to create multiple choice question tests, grades it, and then submits the name of the student who just completed it. Thanks. \_ Sakai probably has something like that. http://www.sakaiproject.org -tom |
2006/1/18-21 [Recreation/Activities] UID:41427 Activity:nil |
1/18 German thief left a Hansel and Grentel trail and got caught: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060118/od_nm/germany_thief_dc |
2006/1/18-21 [Health/Men] UID:41428 Activity:nil |
1/18 Why Irish men are horniest: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060118/od_nm/science_ireland_dc |
2006/1/18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41429 Activity:nil |
1/18 A real Republican sticks to his guns. The following article proves that Michael Brown is a very bad Republican by admitting mistakes: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/fema_brown |
3/15 |