2006/1/15-17 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:41378 Activity:moderate |
1/15 I've got a mac G4 laptop and a dell box that I want to play kernel hacker with, but I don't want to keep a bulky monitor around. Is it possible to get a terminal connection from the dell box to the laptop? The dell has USB, serial, PS/2, and VGA (no firewire). Any suggestions appreciate, thanks. \_ VNC over ethernet. \_ ssh? \_ I'm talking about getting a console before the networking stack is initialized. \_ if you can get a hold of one, <DEAD>realweasel.com<DEAD> \_ uh, ssh? \_ thanks, good tip. I'd still need a usb<->serial converter and probably some sort of OSX terminal app. Any ideas? \_ a $20 2-port KVM? \_ The laptop screen doesn't take video in. \_ The realweasel, while nice is wholly unnecessary. Turn on serial ttys on the Dell, get a USB to serial adapter from Keyspan for your Mac, and use zterm or tip for a terminal application. Either of: http://www.keyspan.com/products/usb/USA19W http://www.keyspan.com/products/usb/USA28x Should work. I have a USA28x, and use it all the time with my PowerBook. -dans |
2006/1/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:41379 Activity:nil |
1/15 Sorry, totally off topic from anything political or bike related: I want to run a small message board+mailing list. Or maybe not mailist list. Not sure if that's a requirement. Anyway, it will only be used by a dozen people, I intend to at least use a .htaccess file, I don't want it in any search engines, etc. I'd like it to be easy to setup and maintain but I'm willing to do a nightmare setup if I don't have to do much later. Anything else it does is a plus. I have my own hardware, net, domain name, NS, MX, etc. Any suggestions appreciated. Oh yeah, it should run on *nix, in case that wasn't clear. Thanks! \_ mailman? \_ <yourfavorite swiss cheese CGI/PHP bulletin board> + mailman? |
2006/1/15-17 [Transportation/Car] UID:41380 Activity:low |
1/15 If lane splitting is legal, then can I drive a theoretically little car that has the width of 1/3 of a car and split lane in between two other [little] cars? How about riding a bicycle in between cars during a completely halted traffic? I know that this is dangerous and foolish, I just want to know the legality of doing so. \_ As i understand the law, yes you can. I also don't see why the bicycle one is foolish, except that you won't be able to keep up if taffic starts moving. \_ Lanesplitting is legal but many motorcyclists are partially in two lanes, which is not, or they shuttle between two lanes without signaling when they are riding between two columns of cars. It cyclists who ignore or are unaware of the traffic laws, not the motorcyclists. \_ it is also acceptable to pass on the right if the lane is wide enough |
2006/1/15-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:41381 Activity:low |
1/15 The Dirty Dozen http://www.divestterror.org/dirtydozen.html \_ "In the 1980s, millions of outraged Americans succeeded in bringing about a singular achievement -- ending South Africa's racist apartheid policy. There is little debate as to how this was accomplished: Where international sanctions, public condemnation and diplomacy fell short, a nationwide American divestment campaign triumphed. " Is this true? They cite no evidence. I recall my parents boycotting various products because of South Africa, but I don't recall ever hearing about one of those big companies actually divesting. Does anyone know anything about the accuracy of their claims? \_ Google south africa apartheid divest This was one of many pages I found on the subject. More research left to you, the reader. http://www.msu.edu/~divest/apartheid.html |
2006/1/15-17 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:41382 Activity:low |
1/15 I'm running a Gentoo box with udev-070. A handful of my devices (mouse and joystick, to name the most noticable) work fine if they're plugged in at boot time, but if I plug them in later they have some issues. For the mouse, it doesn't detect the mouse wheel; for the joystick, it doesn't work at all. I'm not exactly sure what to google for, as the howto I've found regarding Gentoo and udev just talks about setting it up, not dealing with funky stuff like this. Anybody know what the issue might be or where I can look for help? Thanks. \_ what do you mean by "mouse wheel not detected" -- in X? Do you have the zaxismapping? \_ He probably means that X doesn't recognize mouse wheel movements after you unplugged and plug the mouse back in. I have basically the same problem with a cheapie KVM switch. It has nothing to do with the X server config files, AFAIK, but it's a deeper problem with either the motherboard, the mouse drivers in Linux, or the mouse itself. I'd mess around with the BIOS settings to see if it fixes it, but on my debian box even doing a cat on the psaux port does not reveal any movements off of the mouse wheel after you unplug/plug back in the mouse. |
2006/1/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:41383 Activity:high |
1/15 This is a computer question which photo geeks would appreciate. I am trying to extract date/time from JPEG's EXIF header and use that to override Windows/NTFS's filename's create time. I need to do this in a batch mode involves hundreds of photographs. How to do this? write a shell script in cygwin? which library do you recommend to extract EXIF header? how to modify ctime on NTFS? thanks. kngharv \- i dont know anything about the windows side but i use "jhead" [http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/] or tcl. ok tnx. --psb \_ thanks. jhead fits that part of my need. However, I am also looking for something where I can add a field to EXIF, namely "FocusLengthIn35mm." If any of you guys knows how to do this, please let me know. OP \_ Image::ExifTool --dbushong \_ http://jpgtime.learsy.com i've used it to change the time stamps, not sure if it can add other exif data \_ Since the beginning of my digital camera days, I've adopted the policy of renaming my digital camera images YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_NNNN[_tag].jpg (where NNNN is the sequence number and tag can be the camera model). The time a picture was taken is more important to me than all the other attributes, and name my files this way make sure that information will not be lost and every file has a unique identification. I use my own perl script to do this, but I am sure you can find utilities that does rename for you. My script can also re-touches file timestamp based on the time embedded in the filename, so I can very easily adjust the file timestamp if necessary. The important thing is to make sure your camera's clock is set correctly (for the timezone you are in), but my script has an offset option for those "ops" occasions. On my last trip we used 2 cameras, and the file ordering allows me to dump the pictures from both cameras together and do slide shows in the order the pictures were taken across both cameras. Email me if you want to give it a try. -chiry \_ I didn't agree with "The time a picture was taken is more important to me than all the other attributes" until I became a parent. When other people see my baby's pictures, the first question they ask is nearly always "how old was he?". For those pictures without imprinted dates, I quite often find myself unable to answer. pictures without imprinted dates, I usually find myself unable to answer. \_ unfortunately, the reason why I've asked this question at first place is that I am still using 35mm and other film cameras. and they don't have EXIF info :p \_ might be a bit overkill, but these should be able to do what you want: http://www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/software/asset-management.shtml |