2005/12/27-30 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:41142 Activity:low |
12/27 I have two subversion respositories A and B. I want to import the contents of A into B and get rid of A, but I don't want to lose the version history. Is there anyway to do this? tia. \_ what version control system? \_ dumbass - "I have two subversion respositories A and B." \_ not all vcs are created equal \_ Have you not heard of subversion? You're sounding stupider by the post. \_ And it all went quiet in the city and the wind blew down the road someone cried out SUBVERT and the people all went cold \_ never heard of it \_ Who's on first? \_ I'm using subversion: http://subversion.tigris.org In cvs/rcs days this sort of thing was easy, I'd just copy the ,v files, but subversion uses BerkeleyDB so I'm exactly sure how to go about doing this. \_ Around 1.1 or 1.2 SVN began to use FSFS as default. However, it's not the file format that's complicated, it's the two repositories. Do you want to retain the date of the histories as well as the revisions themselves? You may want to look at the vss2svn project, which is some perl scripts for doing this for vss. \_ No I just wanted to revisions, not the dates. The post below was basically what I was looking for. Thanks. \_ http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=40600 \_ Thanks. I figured it out from the manual as well: http://tinyurl.com/bbyft (svnbook.red-bean.com) I just had to dump the two respositories and then load them back into a new repository. This preserved all of the version information I wanted. \_ a good software engineer is a good historian! |
2005/12/27-30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41143 Activity:nil |
12/27 Freedom of speech at its best: Bush versus newspaper editors. http://tinyurl.com/bjdzw |
2005/12/27 [Consumer/Camera] UID:41144 Activity:nil |
12/27 I am seeking recommendations for a CDMA phone with good voice quality and reception/transmission. I've been through a couple phones since attempting to replace my old Kyocera 2135 and both sucked by comparison. I don't care about camera and other bling. |
2005/12/27-30 [Finance/Banking, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:41145 Activity:nil |
12/27 I recieved a music CD for a Christmas present, and though it did not trojan my box, it would not play normally in the CD drive. I was able to do DAE on it, but is there any way to find what sort of protection is being used? \_ Usually googling for the exact title in quotes + "copy protection" will find you a lot of web boards with good info. Alcohol120% and Daemontools should be good enough to deal with whatever it turns out to be. -John \_ Well like I said, I was able to do DAE on it in spite of the protection. Google fails me because it's an uncommon CD with a fairly common name. \_ have you tried to play it on a different OS, such as Linux/BSD? \_ No, I got DAE working and was satisfied. Does Linux have a machanism for identifying CD corruption mechanisms? |
2005/12/27-30 [Recreation/Dating] UID:41146 Activity:kinda low |
12/27 Brokeback Mountain: Rape of the Marlboro Man http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=48076 \_ The author of this article wants it so bad in the ass \_ Wow, what insight. By this single "I know you are but what am I" argument, you've moved the level of discourse about the topic all the way to 2nd -- no 3rd grade. Kudos sir! \_ He's giving the author his deserved respect. \_ Why does Ang Lee like to make gay movies so much? \_ Powerful human dynamics? \_ gotta love right-wing fearmongering. yeah, homosexuality is really going to be the end of Western civilization. uh-huh. \_ What I love is that all of his arguments revolve around how it destroys (the gay guy's) marriage. He seems to miss the point that the loveless marriage is a product of the unaccepting society. So he's either being a dumbass or intentionally deceiving his audience... almost like Hollywood. \_ "loveless marriage is a product of the unaccepting society." Can you explain that? \_ If the guy is gay, but can't express that, he may enter into a marriage because that's "what you do". But his sexual needs are being denied in such a marriage, leading to resentment and unhappiness. \_ Can't he just stay single? Don't you think marrying someone you don't love at all is kind of irresponsible? \_ Perhaps he could. Perhaps his family expected it of him. Perhaps he hadn't even considered the possibility that he was homosexual, but wasn't happy with what he had. As for "irresponsible", people do a lot of irresponsible things when they don't know who they really are or what they really want. \_ Perhaps he just likes a little anal on the side. There are a lot of straight marriages that end up like this. I don't see what homos have to do with it. And don't try to excuse irresponsible behavior by "people do that"... oh yeah people rape others when they aren't getting enough sex, quit your moralizing. \_ Wow. I'm amazed how quickly the psychos come out on this issue. Mmm.. homo sex == rape! You r0x0r, duud1!! \_ lol ya rly like wtf? btw learn to read. \_ If you are not sure, or not ready to make a commitment for life, don't get married. Why is it that people take marriage so lightly these days? \_ "These days"? You haven't given this subject much research or thought, have you? \_ If you think you have something to say, try saying it. \_ How 'bout we give gays the option to make that commitment, and then we'll see how lightly it is taken. Do you think kids out of high school getting married are considering it fully? Do you think that the dynamic discussed here contributes greatly to the freq of divorce? I suggest you are laying too much blame at Ang Lee's feet. \_ Yes, if we are ready to send an 18 year old to war where he needs to make life and death decisions, then he should be able to consider a marriage decision seriously. At 18 you are a grown up, have the rights and responsibilities of a grown up. \_ E_TOOSHORT. This conversation is at an end. \_ You've been trying to branch out on irrelevant topics. I was just sticking to the original discussion. \_ E_TOOSTUPID. Can't handle the TOOSHORT exception. \_ you are cute. \_ Okay, I missed this sentence: "Do you think that the dynamic discussed here contributes greatly to the freq of divorce?" Yes, too much emphasis on sexual desires, and personal fulfilment as opposed to love, commitment, loyalty and responsibility. \_ I suggest that as the stigma of homosexuality diminishes and as the acceptance of homosexual marriage/unions grow, this VERY SMALL portion of the total of failed marriages will all but vanish. Marriages don't fail because of homosexuality. \_ Dude, it's irrelevant whether the third person is a guy or a girl. The guy got married and had kids, and then went on adulterous "fishing trips" to Brokeback Mountain for 2 decades. \_ I agree with you here, but if it weren't about a homosexual couple, 1) it wouldn't be made into a movie and 2) you wouldn't bother thinking about it. \_ There are countless movies about marriage and affairs and love that could not be. \_ And you get upset about every one of them... ---------------------------\ No, I just don't agree that the statement, "loveless marriage is a product of the unaccepting society" applies here. \_ The person who posted that was extrapolating. I haven't seen the movie, so I can't say one way or the other if that's what the movie said, but I've tried to suggest scenarios that expound upon his statement. If you just reject it, then fine. I'm done walking you through. \_ That's "what you do". \_ Honoring your marital vows is "what you do". Loving (an action, not state of mind) your wife and children is "what you do". \_ Indeed. Funny, though, some people, for whatever reason, don't or can't. If that's your only complaint here, then this is a long discussion about nothing. I think you're just creeped out by homosexuality. \_ actually the long discussion is because some people here are rather presumptuous and mis- interpreted my comment. \_ Author was obviously disappointed by the lack of pudding eating scenes and lashed out in an unfulfilled, unloved crime of passion. |
2005/12/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41147 Activity:nil |
12/26 Another Bush's Middleeast Democracy successful story: http://tinyurl.com/9sgtb (SFGate.com) |
2005/12/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:41148 Activity:nil |
12/26 Kudos to whoever rebooted http://csua.berkeley.edu! Thank you. \_ Directs the flow of kudos towards Jon. |
2005/12/27-30 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:41149 Activity:moderate |
12/27 Who would win? Italian Mob? Triads? LA Gangs? \_ you forgot yakuza \_ The Russian mob already won. \_ I thought it's Ukrainian. \_ Why do you hate Ukranians? \_ cause they collaborated with the Nazis to kill us Jews. \_ Charles Lindberg and many famous Americans loved Hitler, maybe we should have jailed them or something. \_ if that is the case, you have a lot of people to hate French, Italians, and Polish were all collaborated with Nazis \_ al qaeda \_ Mini-Ditka, driving da Bears bus. -John |
2005/12/27-30 [Reference/Tax] UID:41150 Activity:nil |
12/27 Creative Commons needs $50k in donations to maintain tax exempt status in the US: http://creativecommons.org/support \_ Where does it say anything about tax exempt status? \_ Excuse my ignorance, but what does Creative Commons actually do other than draft up various licenses for people to use? Where is this money going to go? Why shouldn't I donate to the EFF instead? |
2005/12/27-30 [Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:41151 Activity:nil |
12/27 I'm trying to help out with my mother in law's computer problems. She has two Windows XP computers (one desktop, one tablet pc) that she was using for her job before she retired. The computers themselves are old and her workplace doesn't want them back but they are installed with all this corporate Novell stuff that I don't know anything about and her account on the computer has very restricted permissions (she can't even install any new programs on it). we can't get the admin password. Is there a way to make these computers usable without reinstalling the operating system? \_ Obtain a copy of BART PE rescue disk. You can download this off of a site or emule or torrent or what-have-you. I think the complete ISO is about 720 megs big, so you'll have to stick it on a DVD or overburn a CD-R. Boot it up, if you got the full version there's a password recovery and regedit util on it. You can also get the admin password recovered through a freeware NTPassword recovery disk: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd which also works (I've used it many times). The computers will most likely not have floppies or support booting off of it, so you'll have to burn the CD version. No GUI though like BART PE (which is essentially running WindowsXP through a CD). I suppose from there you can see if you can revert the machine back to its original state before they stuck Novell Netware on it (original save point under system restore). \_ From my experience with Novell, "usable": yes. "usable without tearing your hair out": no. Novell tends to, and has as long as I can remember, always put a lot of junk into the OS. I'd blow the OS away unless you wanna play "pick the junk out of the registry" for the next few months. If you want to just go with the "turn off Novell" option, try to recover the admin password. There are a few utilities on the internet that claim to help you do this, but I have been largely unsuccessful in actually getting them to work. - jvarga \_ This is fine and all for the desktop, but you might have trouble finding a copy of Windows XP Tablet Edition to install on the tablet. I doubt you can get the restore CDs from the co. \_ Recover the admin password. STFW. \_ http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/bootdisk.html |
2005/12/27-30 [Uncategorized] UID:41152 Activity:nil |
12/27 Interesting flash demonstration on photo retouch. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=14537 |
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