2005/12/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:41112 Activity:nil |
12/21 http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=1471 I'm looking for another funny video of the icelanders like the one above. The one above says too many connections. Where else can I go? Thanks. \_ gay gay gay. If this is what's popular in iceland now, then they are 30 years behind our superior American pop culture. \_ Hmm, that's a song in English. Our superior American pop culture did not feature songs in Icelandic. |
2005/12/22-23 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:41113 Activity:moderate |
12/21 What's the quietest, most reliable 300-500GB HD out there these days? I'm mainly concerned with reliability/sound/price per GB to store lots of media stuff, and I'm not too concerned about performance. Also a related question, when do you guys think 1T drives will come out, 2008? 2009? \_ in my experience, seagate drives tend to be quieter than others \_ Generally speaking, faster spin = louder. Go check out a hardware review site like http://tomshardware.com, anandtech or sharkeys (and many others) for specifics on various popular/common drive models. \_ http://storagereview.com \_ I have two Seagate ST330831AS 300 GB SATA drives in my G5. They are pretty quiet and have been fairly reliable. Not bad for about $100 each. \_ Define "fairly reliable". \_ Stores bits correctly 9,999,999 times out of 10,000,000 times? \_ I've had them for a little under a year and haven't had any problems in terms of slow performance or read/write errors (I can't say the same about Maxtor drives I've owned in the same time period). No errors in terms of SMART status either. owned in the same time period). I usually check the SMART status as well using DW and I haven't noticed anything abnormal (w/ Maxtor drives I've seen errors w/in 3mo). |
2005/12/22-23 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41114 Activity:kinda low |
12/21 Liberty is dead. All voice, email and most likely fax and data are being monitored: http://csua.org/u/eeq \_ Thank you peterl. You're now on my watch list. -Big Bro \_ Hmm, maybe you should use the NSA's technology so you will get the right username next time. --peterl \_ Very well. Thank you peterl. You're on my watch list now -NSA \_ Ever hear of Echelon? Liberty has been dead for a long time. \_ God damn, what is the login you use for the post? \_ http://bugmenot.com \_ You don't need a login. Is this a ploy to prevent people from reading the article? |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:41115 Activity:kinda low |
12/22 Can't get any Americans to volunteer for your illegal war? No problem, just hire mercenaries, 100,000 and counting... http://csua.org/u/eev \_ everyone has a price. \- you know i dont really feel that sorry for the highly paid mercenaries who take jobs in the security sector. i'd spend your sympathy points on people like the poor [financially] nepalis duped into jobs in iraq and then killed or people serving in the military/reserves in iraq who are under ORDERS to do things like this for shit pay and no option to walk away. you can (not love) cigarette and gun mfgrs and still believe they should not be sued for lung cancer/gun deaths. you seem to be an incoherent liberal. i say that dispassionately. \_ All the poster mentioned was about hiring mercenaries. Where the hell did you come up with that other stuff? \_ Interesting, mr. or mrs. dispassionate. I don't find any implication about sympathy for the mercenaries in either the above post or the article. So far, between the two, I'd choose yourself if I had to pick who is "incoherent". Which is a shame, since all your other points are good - if applied to a different discussion perhaps. \-hello you may wish to see: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-09/01/content_370757.htm and http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1018/p01s04-usmi.html the incoherent liberal comment comes from using expressions like "illegal war" and the general tone of the comment. it's the article which raises the issue of whether the killed mercenaries were "wronged" and the OP appears to be in sympathy with that position. cigarette companies have fave funded bogus science and engaged in sleazy advertizing but i have little sympathy for people suing them. \_ FTA: "Addicott, a retired Special Forces officer, estimates that the number of civilian contractors in Iraq surpassed 100,000 this year. 'That takes into account not only people specifically hired to provide armed security, but also those in transportation, construction, food services, housing, laundry etc. Americans and non-Americans.'" Your claim of 100,000 "mercenaries" is exaggerated. Or do you call people doing laundry "mercenaries"? \_ Not the original poster, but "war" is not supposed to be a business opportunity. It is the weight of the state brought to bear to protect itself or its interests. Privatizing war takes actions outside the sphere of influence of the state, meaning the state responsible for war and all its fallout cannot control the actors. This is dangerous for stability, not to mention morality. This is EXACTLY what Eisenhower warned us about. "100k mercenaries" is an exaggeration in terms, not in numbers. Private interests fighting our wars for profit is reprehensible. \_ You're an idiot. Everything is a business opportunity. And yes, it is an exaggeration of numbers if you're calling landry workers part of 100,000 "mercenaries". \_ You're an amoral fool who's blind to history and social responsibility. Nice to know you. \_ So I'm the one blind to history even though every war in the past shows people moving in to make money AND help people? You're quite a piece of work. \_ I didn't say it doesn't and hasn't happened. I'm saying it's wrong. Read up on Truman. \_ Okay, so I'm *not* blind to history? Good. Now, you need to understand that economic opportunity != bad. \_ When it's based upon war, I posit that it is. I posit that death is not a commodity that we as a people should be proud to traffick in. \_ So arms manufacturers shouldn't make any money? Laundary soap shouldn't be sold at a profit? Hell, first aid kits should be free? What planet do you live on again? \_ How the fuck do you imbeciles make the leap from what I said to "should be free" You're not worth bothering with. \_ You missed the questions about selling things for profit. Answer those if you object to "for free". \_ good luck with your crusade! \_ People don't do things for free. Many American soldiers especially those from low income or low education or low opportunity - are in the army to improve their lot in life. They're as mercenary as the contractors. They're just willing to work for less. \_ Do you really want to let this comment stay posted? Do you know how stupid you sound? \_ No wonder American GIs commit crimes like raping schoolgirls in Japan. They are just low people at their jobs. \- you may wish to read the chalmers johnson book sorrow of empire and blowback he is a fmr ucb prof who went a little nuts. see wall archive etc ok tnx --psb \_ I guess you saw Jarhead |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:41116 Activity:nil |
12/22 French Anti-Americanism: http://www.economist.com/world/europe/PrinterFriendly.cfm?story_id=5323762 \_ ? This is news? The French have always gone their own way, at least during their sovereign periods. \_ Not news, just interesting reading. |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41117 Activity:nil |
12/22 These colors don't run, says Rumsfeld, they walk away slowly, not making eye contact. http://csua.org/u/eet (Seattle Times) \_ A troop reduction does not constitute a full pullback. Some of the moves makes sense. Iraquification continues onward... \_ It makes absolute sense. It also contradicts everything Rumsfeld and Cheney have said up to now. \_ "depending on conditions on the ground" is pretty vague, translates to, "whatever the hell I feel like" |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Domestic] UID:41118 Activity:nil |
12/22 http://www.maristpoll.marist.edu/nycpolls/TS051221.htm Ah, racial disparities.. And lafe, please merge changes. You overwrote me --scotsman \_ Sorry, dude. -lafe |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41119 Activity:high |
12/22 Okay, we know Bush isn't going to be impeached. It's Reagan and the Contra arms deal all over again, but with Bush saying he did it instead of "I don't know/recall." But is the unauthorized wiretapping of American citizens in these times an impeachable offense? Discuss. \_ Absolutely. And I think he _will_ be impeached, but not removed. \_ you think a (R) controlled congress is going to impeach him? you're totally off your rocker. \_ Elections coming up here in 2006, and Repubs just unplugged Grandma. It wouldn't even take a strong wind to swing this. \_ While I share the general sentiment to a degree, I think this is overly optimistic. Honestly, I doubt 06 will be much affected by the budget cuts. \_ The last time congressional approval rates were this low was 1994. Granted, D now is _not_ R then, but R's are rightly scared. \_ Well, the GOP is certainly vulnerable right now -- a succession of scandals coupled with a general decay of gung-ho support for our involvement in Iraq has opened the door for change (not to mention the bumbling efforts of FEMA during Katrina). Sadly, as long as the economy is reasonably sound and unemployment doesn't change significantly, there's very little likelihood of any big shift from R to D. It's a pleasant fantasy to imagine the Budget cuts having a massive unintended impact, but I think the reality is that it's not going to have any impact *at all* when all considerations are taken into account. \_ Yep. If we had a recession, everything would be perfect. \_ Your reading comprehension is lacking. I said "Sadly, as long as the economy is sound, change will not happen". It is sad because one with a reasonable ethical viewpoint would hope that the succession of scandals would be sufficient to bring about change without any other external forces. Alas, this is not the case. \_ neither. complete waste of time. \_ Warrantless wiretapping is likely not an impeachable offense b/c the Pres. has inherent emergency powers to authorize any means he feels are necessary to protect the nation from its enemies in a crisis. Consider that Lincoln suspended habeas on his own authority despite a strong implication that only Congress had the right to do this. If the suspension of habeas in direct violation of separ- ation of powers is not impeachable, by no measure can one consider warrantless wiretapping impeachable. Unlike your ave. motd poster, most Dem. Congressmen and Senators understand that warrantless wire- tapping is a common practice in intelligence gathering and they will be reluctant to take this tool away. Even if BUSHCO's assertion that an emergency is present is deemed incorrect, there is a plausible argument that they were mistaken and simply overreacted. In light of 9/11, Spain, London, &c. better to overreact than underreact is a winning argument. \_ It's sad that you believe that. Unchecked secret power grabs are a terrible road to go down. Not in my country... \_ Regardless of whether it is a terrible road to go down, it is not an impeachable offense under Art 2 Sec 4. Given the pressure to act in a crisis, it is not unforeseeable that a Pres. might authorize these means. Given that these means have been SOP for decades, BUSHCO is at most guilty of expanding their use. Should they have resisted the tempt- ation? Probably, but that doesn't mean it is impeachable. It is our fault as voters that we did not select someone better suited to resist the temptation. Fortunately, this mistake can be corrected in a few years. Consider that the A&S acts were repealed by Jefferson. There is nothing to indicate that the next Pres. will be unwilling to restrict the power that this Pres. has "acquired." \_ "Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." High crimes and misdemeanors would certainly cover \_ certainly? what web site told you that it is "certainly" a "high crime and misdemeanor" to order wiretaps like this? \ http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode50/usc_sup_01_50_10_36.html \_ http://tinyurl.com/bzaz4 (findlaw.com, 50 USC Ch 36) [ Same as the cornell url, but you don't have to click through ] warrantless wiretaps, especially if the use thereof violates the current federal procedures. Although it is SOP to begin wiretapping before asking for (and, in all but 4 cases, receiving) a warrant to do so, it is illegal to wiretap and NOT ask for a warrant within 72 hours; the latter has NOT been SOP for any administration since the procedures were put in place except for this administration. The legal requirement for impeachment has been met; it now depends on the will of the Congress. \_ In your studied constitutional expert legal opinion the requirements for impeachment have been met? I'm glad we don't need to discuss it further. \_ We could say something equally as fatuous about your comments. In fact, I will. Grow a set. \_ It is certainly more serious than lying about a blowjob, which is what brought the last President down. As I said before, impeachment is primarily a political process, not a legal one. If enough Americans think he should be impeached, he will be. \_ You want to discuss this further, bring something more than "No, he won't be impeached!" to the discussion. \_ I was replying to someone who did nothing but rant and make grand sweeping statements and put forth partisan agenda driven opinion as fact. Excuse me for daring to question the brilliant legal minds on the motd. \_ You misunderstand the argument completely. I agree that there are procedures re wiretapping and that these procedures have been violated. I even agree that authorizing these wiretaps in violations of the USC is a crime UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. These are not normal circumstances. In an emergency the Pres. has inherent powers to take any action that he deems necessary to protect the republic and its citizens. His inherent power trumps the requi- rements of the USC, thus no crime has been committed. [ I also disagree that this is the first admin. that has explicitly or implicitly authorized wiretaps in violation of the USC; I think that this type of thing has been going on since the start of the Cold War. It has only become more extensive under BUSHCO ] \_ Yes, we know, the John Yoo argument. It doesn't hold water. Even under non-normal circumstances checks and balances must have a place. Otherwise we are not the nation we claim we are. Are you going to hold your tongue if nationwide elections in 2008 are suspended because "we're in an emergency situation"? \_ If normal checks and balances must have a place during emergencies then why was Lincoln able to suspend Habeas? The constitution strongly implies that only Congress has this power. If violating horizontal separation of powers is not sufficient for impeachment, what make you so sure that some wiretaps in violation of a federal statute (not the constitution) is sufficient? wiretaps in violation of a federal statute is enough? If nat'l elections were to be suspended wouldn't it have made more sense to do so last year when there was the very real possibility that BUSHCO would be sent home? \_ Show me a declaration of war. \_ The Pres. emergency powers are not depen- dent on a declaration of war. If we use the habeas clause as a reference, it is possible to interpret "invasion" as any attack on American soil, thus confering authority to act. Note that the habeas clause does not require a declaration of war under Art I Sec 8. \_ ITYM Sec. 9. Btw, Lincoln's suspension of habeas was ruled unconstitutional. \_ That is why the Star Chamber had him assassinated. No man is above the law! \_ No I mean Sec 8 (yes habeas clause is in Art 1 Sec 9, but it does not requ- ire Congress to declare war pursuant to its power to do so under Sec 8). While I agree that in Ex Parte Merry- man the USSC found Lincoln's actions to be unconstitutional, Lincoln was able to ignore that decision and no habeas relief was granted until after the war (iirc USSC restored habeas in Ex Parte Milligan). This suggests that the President's emergency power is so extensive that even the USSC lacks significant power to limit it. to me that the President's emergency power is so extensive that even the USSC lacks the ability to limit it. If the defiance of the USSC was not enough to impeach, please explain to me why ignoring a wire tapping provision is? [ Note: I do not think that "perjury" was enough ] Re Elections: I'm not sure what I would do. My family lived through a similar situation in the 70s and everything worked out fine in the end (elections/civil rights rest- ored, &c.) so I might just go along w/ it. \_ With "enough to impeach", you seem to be ignoring the political dimension. Impeachment, as you well know, isn't triggered by the act of the impeached. It's triggered by the political machine of the Congress. "Enough to impeach" is determined by the house when it votes on articles. "Enough to remove" is determined by the senate when it votes to convict. Lincoln's actions, whether or not a sufficient violation, did not trigger impeachment because his case was strong enough for Congress not to bring it. In fact, Congress passed the Habeas Corpus Act in 1863 which voiced their approval of his act. Here and now, Bush is sitting at a point comparable to some time before ex parte milligan. To claim before ex parte merryman. To claim Bush has an inherent right because of Lincoln is claiming stare decisis in congressional acts. i.e. that today's congress will do what lincoln's did. It's optimistic at best to hope that congress will be so tied to precedent, especially when the situations are so drastically different. \_ Right, and since we're fighting perpetual war with Eurasia, Big Brother can do whatever he feels is best for us. \_ While there are some parallels between 1984 and the present situtation, I personally find that the Alien and Sedition acts and their repeal is a far better parallel. \_ Isn't warrantless wiretapping what brought Nixon down? \_ Only indirectly. It was Nixon using his office to stop the wiretapping investigation that led to his resignation. In this case, there is no cover-up, just the wiretapping. \_ Bush is already trying to obstruct the investigation in this case, but admittedly nothing has come out to the degree as did in the Haldeman case. But it is probably only a matter of time. \- maybe there will be another SATURDAY NIGHT MASSACRE when ALBERTO is ordered to fire FITZGERALD and resigns the HARRIET is ordered to fire him and resigns and then JOHNYOO fires him and becomes AG/SG/CF in one! |
2005/12/22-24 [Recreation/Activities] UID:41120 Activity:kinda low |
12/22 Got some little cousins visiting the Bay Area from far away over Xmas. They have never seen live snow. Where is the closest place where there is snow without having to deal with driving to a place like Lake Tahoe which will be crowded/expensive? \_ What sort of snow experience do you want? Look-snow, play-snow, ride-snow, or ski-snow? \_ The kind of snow experience where you get stuck on the highway for hours and can't go to bathroom because the roads are closed! --- !OP \_ play-snow \_ Low part of the Sierras, find a public park with a hill and you can go sledding, make snow angels, have a snowball fight etc. My favorite cheap sleds are the ones that are basically a big plastic dish with handles. \_ I heard that right now snow is only really over 8000 ft because it's too warm. Might want to check reports. \_ The storms in SF today may or may not make slush of everything < 7000 ft. \_ NOAA says no low snow... http://csua.org/u/ef0 \_ http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=1233 Sno-parks are okay, but call because it's too warm. \- you can drive to Ymte [the valley is more impressive than a random patch of snow] and then walk to tioga pass. http://www.nps.gov/yose/now/conditions.htm --psb |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan, Finance/Investment] UID:41121 Activity:kinda low |
12/22 Hi guys, I'm going to be visiting Taiwan next week. What's the best way to exchange USD for Taiwan dollars? My guess is to buy AmEx travelers checks (as an AmEx cardholder) in cash at an AmEx office, and exchange the checks for NT$ at an AmEx office (for free) in Taiwan. Is changing U.S. dollars in cash at the CKS airport for NT$ that much worse? Thanks. \_ before you leave airport, use your ATM card and withdraw local currency. I do this all the time everywhere I go. \_ AAA sells travellers' checks to members without fees. \_ Yeah, I was looking at that. I even have a AAA-branded credit card I can charge it to (no cash advance fee for travellers checks). I'm just wondering what the fee is to cash them at CKS airport I guess. My friend from Taiwan also says, "People in Taiwan only know AmEx travellers checks", although the bank and airport booth people probably know know Visa checks. You buy Visa checks at AAA offices I believe. \_ Are you sure AAA sells Visa checks? I remember last time I bought traveler's check at AAA it was AmEx. This was about 2 years ago, so things may have changed. As changing money at CKS, I did it last time I was there. However, I don't remember what rate "premium/fee" was. \_ Not sure, but they only mention the Visa stuff on AAA web pages now. The AmEx web page still mentions AAA though. \_ This is true for Europe; that ATMs are usually your best deal in terms of exchange rates. I tend to stay awake from Trav Chqs or money changers. See if your ATM card has a Visa/Mastercard logo on it, and you would only be charged the standard 1% foreign transaction fee. Most ATMs in Europe and Singapore (don't know about Taiwan) do not charge cash advance fee like in the U.S., so you would only pay your home bank for doing business with other ATMs. And if you carry certain balance with your bank (Citibank comes to mind), they waive all ATM fees when you use other bank's ATMs. If you bank with BofA, for example, they have affiliate banks worldwide so that you won't get charged. Ask them for a list. \_ If you do decide to go with the ATM route, make sure the ATMs at your destination will accept your PIN. The last time I travelled internationally, I found that a lot of ATMs, particularly in airports, would only work with 4-digit PINs. It took me a while to find a bank whose ATMs would work with my longer PIN. -gm \_ Oh, also remmeber a lot of non-US ATMs do not have alphas on it, so if you're used to memorizing 4-alpha, get used to memorizing the digits instead. |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others, Finance/Investment] UID:41122 Activity:low |
12/22 For my motd investment buddy. I was looking at TKF (Turkish Investment Fund) and I noticed the following: http://www.etfconnect.com/select/fundPages/global.asp?MFID=3857 Closing NAV: $18.97 Closing Share Price: $23.85 Premium/(Discount): 25.72% As a comparison, IFN (India Fund) has a premium of 5.05% And the CEE you also recommended has a discount of 3.9% Would you be worried about the 25.72% premium? \_ Yeah, it worries me. Especially since I own some TKF. I wish there was some other way to get exposure to Turkey. Do you know of any? \_ I don't know any other. Thanks for the CEE tip. I will sell half my EUROX first thing 2006, and buy CEE with the money. 2006 so I don't pay capital gains until 2007. |
2005/12/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:41123 Activity:nil |
12/22 Remember Murtha's "80% of Iraqis want US to leave"? Here's where it came from (and other useful info): http://factcheck.org/article366.html \_ why those cheeky http://moveon.org people. \_ http://abcnews.go.com/International/PollVault/story?id=1389228 Look at the bottom-most table. Confidence in Public Institutions: Percent Confident Police 68% Iraqi Army 67% Religious Leaders 67% [...] U.N. 31% U.S./U.K. Forces 18% To address the specific question of "when to leave": Leave now 26% Post-election 19% Security restored 31% Security restored and only Iraqi forces 16% Longer 5% Do you support or oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq: Support 32% Oppose 65% To be accurate, I would say most Iraqis don't like us there, but a little more than half want us to make sure things are stable before we go ... |
2005/12/22-24 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:41124 Activity:nil |
12/22 On XP, I have folders using Chinese characters. I also have file names using Chinese characters. When I do a samba mount from my Linux to XP, I can do everything if the file name isn't using Chinese characters. How do I get around this restriction? Thanks. \_ you need to be specific on your XP's file system. FAT uses legacy encoding. NTFS uses some sort of Unicode encoding (I think it's UTF-16). I vaguely remember newer version of samba handles unicode encoded filename rather well. |
2005/12/22-24 [Uncategorized] UID:41125 Activity:nil |
12/22 For driving during the holiday season from LA to the Bay Area, when is usually the best time to leave? \_ The morning of the holiday (Christmas, Thanksgiving or NY Day). Seriously, it's open road then. |
3/15 |