2005/12/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:41084 Activity:nil |
12/20 Ok, Canadian Liberals like Islamists? http://canadiancoalition.com/forum/messages/12071.shtml |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:41085 Activity:low |
12/20 Need a pointer here. I am behind a company firewall. I would like to be able to run MSN Messenger and Real Audio from it. The firewall has a SOCK5 proxy server. Is it possible for me to set up zebedee in some way so I can get get Real Audio and MSN to work? if yes, pointers please? \_ Since no one who knows what they're talking about replied, I'll give you the generic answer: try port forwarding via ssh to your home over the proxy server. Is this even possible? Beats me. Let us know how it goes. \_ thanks I will try it. \_ I've traversed a socks proxy at corporate sites with ssh, using if I remember correctly, LD_PRELOAD of libsocks or something like that. it inserts socks negotiation into normal dynamically linked socket code, e.g. I then used standard RedHat build of ssh client. I don't know what zebedee is, but libsocks might fix it directly, or you might need to do the above ssh port forwarding combination. \_ why don't you point RA and MSN at the socks5 proxy straight? \_ GAIM's MSN module's socks5 proxy never worked. and I don't know how to set up real audio's rstp proxy... in terms of how does it relate to socks5 proxy. pointers? |
2005/12/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41086 Activity:very high |
12/20 Suspicious motd silence on Bush's "It's good to be the king" argument for his NSA decision^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hlawbreaking. \_ I thought we covered this a few days ago. Who exactly are you suspicious of anyway? \_ Well, remember that TIA project? Well, #$@#$#$@#132323 NO CARRIER \_ Ask Bork about his video rentals.. \_ MSNBC covered it. That makes it a lot more mainstream: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10536559/site/newsweek \_ Hah hah. There's been suspicious silence on the motd on any good news on Iraq, Bush, etc. for quite a while. There was no mention of the Iraqi election for instance. \_ having an election is insignificant. It is mainly for the show for USA domestic audience anyway. It is just another one of those milestone which doesn't mean squat, along with "transfer of soverignty," etc, etc. news on Iraq, Bush, etc. for quite a while. There was no mention of the Iraqi election for instance. \_ having an election is insignificant. It is mainly for the show for USA domestic audience anyway. It is just another one of those milestone which doesn't mean squat, along with "transfer of soverignty," etc, etc. \_ A free election of a parliment, with roughly 70% turnout is insignificant. Okay. Thanks for letting us know where you stand. Please sign your posts in the future so I can know which ones to ignore. -emarkp \_ Please don't derail this with an Iraq flamewar. ok tnx. \_ I'm not the above poster, but "Free election" is a dubious claim. Iraq is still under occupation. I think that any civil structure that comes to form while we are there will be, by design, fragile. What Iraq ultimately becomes will not take shape until/unless we leave. --scotsman \_ Free as in speech. There were real elections with real candidates, and the people turned out in droves. The kind of thing people were saying would never happen. Yes, the final state of the country won't be known until they stand on their own, but it is a huge thing that happened and a great beginning for the newest democracy on the planet. -emarkp \_ I'm not the above poster, but "Free election" is a dubious claim. Iraq is still under occupation. I think that any civil structure that comes to form while we are there will be, by design, fragile. What Iraq ultimately becomes will not take shape until/unless we leave. --scotsman \_ Free as in speech. There were real elections with real candidates, and the people turned out in droves. The kind of thing people were saying would never happen. Yes, the final state of the country won't be known until they stand on their own, but it is a huge thing that happened and a great beginning for the newest democracy on the planet. -emarkp \_ Elections are easy. Governing is hard. -ausman \_ I don't know... I just think this is so blatent that I am just want to see how Bush is going to get out of this one. \_ So blatant? Wiretaps on conversations with people outside of the US who are associated with Al Qaeda? That's your definition of blatant? \_ So blatant? Wiretaps on conversations with people outside of the US who are associated with Al Qaeda? That's your definition of blatant? \_ With people outside of the US that Bush et al have said are associated with Al Qaeda.. Do you know the 4th amendment? Do you know what FISA is? There are legal mechanisms to do what they wanted to do. They have decided those legal mechanisms don't apply to them. Adding to this: http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=58437 Dem gays is a "credible terrorist threat".. mmhmm... \_ Between US citizens, in violation of both the Constitution and the law Congress passed to cover it. Bolton using the NSA to spy on political opponents inside the State Dept. The DIA spying on anti-war groups, including The Quakers and the Catholic Worker. And this is just the stuff that has come out so far. I am sure there is more. \_ Oh come off it. This is no worse than having ~500 of your political opponent's FBI files. \_ Oh come off it. This is no worse than having ~500 of your political opponent's FBI files. \_ You mean that "scandal" that was investigated by an independent prosecutor that resulted in no charges... Okay, fine. Join me in a call for an independent prosecutor here. \_ That depends on what the meaning of "investigated" is \_ That depends on what the meaning of "investigated" is \_ Yeah, because that's precisely the same as trying to stop terrorism. \_ Wow. Way to miss the sarcasm. You must be _this_ tall to post to this thread. \_ They are both despicable, yes. \_ Boalt law Professor John Yoo says Dubya can do whatever he wants as Commander-in-Chief during a time of war. Go Dubya! \_ Boalt law Professor John Yoo says Dubya can do whatever he wants as Commander-in-Chief during a time of war. Go Dubya! \_ You're talking about this? http://csua.org/u/edz (LATimes) "Neither presidents nor Congress have ever acted under the belief that the Constitution requires a declaration of war before the U.S. can engage in military hostilities abroad." Prof. Yoo, just because no Congress has taken a President to task for abusing the War Powers does not grant every Pres. the right to do so. It's a pretty justification, but it's still not borne out by the Constitution, which means it's only as good as your ability to stay ahead of the Congressional lynch mob. Also, your speculation on the idea of Congress becoming the initiator of wars is disingenuous-- no one's suggesting that the Pres. doesn't have the authority to start conflicts, just that he then must continue to obey the laws of the US even after the start of conflict. We do not have a military dictatorship. \_ http://www.conyersblog.us/archives/00000328.htm Congressmen calls for investigation and censure. \- Where is Karl Rove in all this? [re: presidential summons of nyt editors etc] |
2005/12/20-22 [Science/Biology] UID:41087 Activity:nil |
12/20 Dover judge tosses intelligent design. http://www.stcynic.com/blog/archives/2005/12/win_in_dover.php Text of decision: http://www.stcynic.com/kitzmiller_342.pdf \_ Science: 1 Pseudo-scientific, religious quackery: 0 |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:41088 Activity:nil |
12/20 Update on the "DHS visits student for book ILL" story. At least one fact is wrong. The ILL doesn't require a social security number: http://acrlblog.org/2005/12/19/interlibrary-loan-causes-a-stir |
2005/12/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:41089 Activity:kinda low |
12/20 Freepers confused about intelligence design decision http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1543993/posts \_ Oh Jesus! Now we have leftists reading and posting freeper links. It was bad enough when confused pseudo ultra right wingers posted that crap. People have mostly stopped posting from ultra left wing garbage sites. Can we please stop posting from the ultra right wing garbage sites now, too? Please? We don't *have* to mimic the rest of the web's trash here. \_ What ultra left wing garbage sites did you object to? http://talkingpointsmemo.com? The guy that broke the Duke-stir story? \_ Three days later, still no reply. That is what I thought. The New York Times is "ultra left wing garbage" to the Freeper crowd. \_ Oh Jesus! Now we have leftists reading and posting freeper links. It was bad enough when confused pseudo ultra right wingers posted that crap. People have mostly stopped posting from ultra left wing garbage sites. Can we please stop posting from the ultra right wing garbage sites now, too? Please? We don't *have* to mimic the rest of the web's trash here. |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41090 Activity:nil |
12/20 I'm trying to use Java reflection to find all fields in the current or inherited classes which have public setter methods. getField inspects inherited classes but gives only public fields. getDeclaredField gives all scope fields, but only not in inherited fields. Anyone know a good way to inspect inherited protected fields? \_ Use getDeclaredFields and walk up the class hierarchy yourself to get all the fields. \_ That's what I was afraid of. -op \_ On second thought, there's a good reason why it's like this, you might have multiple levels of inheritance declaring different fields with the same name. -op |
2005/12/20-22 [Reference/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:41091 Activity:low |
12/20 I want to learn to input Chinese characters. What is the best thing to learn, pinyin, jhooyin, romanization, etc? It's so complicated when you have MPS2, Sin Wenz, Hanyu pinyin, Tongyong pinyin, etc. When I was little I learned jhooyin but it seems like it's becoming out of flavor. \_ I'd recommend pinyin input. It matches the english typing skills you already have. \_ if you use Windows, my recommendation is actually get one of those pen-input board. Nothing is more natural than writing the character down. Otherwise, I recommend Han-Yu pinyin method. It is by far most logical phonetic methods, and it doesn't require specialized keyboard for it. Mind you that due to large number of homophonetic characters, phonetic method tend to be slow. \_ What software do you use with the pen-input board? The built-in one has an unresizable square that you need to write the character in. \_ I urge you get one of those boards from the vendor and use its software. Microsoft's built-in hand-writing software is not quite there yet \_ Which vendor? Can you recommend a set? \_ I use PenPower with a 5x4 tablet for my church work. It has several options in terms of writing area. I actually prefer the unresizable box (transparent with outline) even though it gets in the way often, rather annoyingly. Another option is where you can write anywhere on the screen, but sometimes it gets confused (or it gets me confused) in terms of whether you are trying to write or clicking the mouse, etc. Overall I am reasonably satisfied, but I haven't tried any other systems, so can't compare for you. I think typing is much faster if you are willing to train, and of course you don't need to carry a board around. They sell the PenPower systems at: http://www.asiazest.com - yet another poster \_ I think it's interesting that the sensors in the hardware everyone mentions are in the pad, not the writting impliment. It seems to me that a brush with sensors in the two ends might be a more elegant solution, especially since you could use real ink and make nicer looking characters on the hardcopy. Just a thought. \_ Thanks! I also found out that I can indeed resize the Windows Chinese handwriting IME by dragging on the right side of the character box. |
2005/12/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:41092 Activity:moderate |
12/20 Pentagon Labels Gay Kiss-In a 'credible threat' http://tinyurl.com/ccssd \_ FBI watched Greenpeace, PETA http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/20/politics/20fbi.html \_ Um, I don't know if you've noticed, but PETA is pretty extremist. I for one am glad the FBI's keeping an eye on them. \_ Hmmm... Spray painting fur vs. blowing shit up. Get real. \_ What's so extreme about eating tasty animals? \_ Huh? \_ PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. \_ http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/19/domestic.terrorism "[Senate Environment Committee Chairman James Inhofe] singled out People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for giving money to members of both groups [ELF and ALF]." \_ http://www.civicusa.org/animalrightsterrorists/id22.html |
2005/12/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41093 Activity:nil |
12/20 Sigint specialists respond to extra-legal NSA orders. http://www.defensetech.org/archives/002032.html |
2005/12/20 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:41094 Activity:nil |
12/20 I deleted all political drivels. Fuck Repubicans, who are below Reptiles and above Repugnant, Fuck Democraps, uninformed haters of freedom, Long live Linux and tech talk, may the world belong to us, May technocracy rule! Oh and vote for the Penguine Party. |
2005/12/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW] UID:41095 Activity:moderate |
12/20 Is soda connected to an ntp server? The clock is about 25 seconds behind. \_ Thanks for pointing this out. It turned out our old /etc/rc.conf didn't specify the full path to ntpd, and so the new FreeBSD rc files were refusing to start it. It should be working now. You can run "ntpq -p" to see which NTP servers (if any) soda is connected to, and how far off our time is from theirs -- please let me know if you ever notice it's not working. --mconst \_ I just checked, and ntpd wasn't running; I've restarted it. You can run "ntpq -p" to see which NTP servers (if any) soda is connected to, and how far off it is from their time. --mconst \_ Actually, soda's clock looks fine. Maybe it's you. \_ It's fine now, but was slow earlier. You'll have to take my word for it. |
2005/12/20 [Uncategorized] UID:41096 Activity:nil |
12/20 I'm a whiner, and my post has been baleeted. |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:41097 Activity:nil |
12/20 I'm trying to determine the cause of an curious behavior: When I login to a Linux box from my Mac (rxvt in X11), there is some lag on the text output during the printing of multiple lines of output. When I login to a FreeBSD box from my Mac, there is no lag. Curiously, when I login to either the FreeBSD box or the Linux box from my Linux laptop, there is no lag either. Any ideas what differences between the network settings could cause this. Could it be buffered I/O or minimum packet size? It happens with telnet and ssh. \_ Are your TERM settings the same on both? \_ yep TERM=xterm \_ Have you tried this on multiple Linux boxes or just the one? \_ yep, tried it on about 4 debian boxes. \_ perhaps you might try some other telnet programs on your mac? |
2005/12/20-22 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:41098 Activity:nil |
12/20 I have a Nokia 3220 (the one with rubber lights on the side). Since it doesn't have Bluetooth built in, I bought the AD-5B Bluetooth adapter which on the web site says is compatible with 3220. I also bought a Bluetooth headset. Here is my problem, after plugging in my AD-5B into the 3220, I pressed the control key and the Bluetooth headset sync button, but it wouldn't sync. According to the manual I should get a prompt to enter the code (0000) but I don't even get the prompt. Why is that? \_ Plug in the AD-5B bluetooth adapter into your Nokia. The adapter will blink green once, then blinking red every 5 seconds. Press the control key on the bluetooth adapter once, it should blink green every 1 second. Turn on your Nokia bluetooth headset. Within 10 seconds, the adapter should have continuous green light, meaning it found a device. At your key pad, press 0000#. Now you should see a Car sign on the phone, and the adapter should blink green every 5 sec again. Congratulations, you've turned your regular Nokia phone into a bluetooth phone! Note that the adapter ONLY works with Nokia Bluetooth 1.1 headset. I've tried many other brands but they don't work. |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:41099 Activity:low |
12/20 I'm trying to mount a FreeBSD UFS partition read-write using Knoppix. The mount command shows it being mounted rw, but when I try to write to any file (as root) it says that the filesystem is read only. Any suggestions? root@knoppix# mount -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 root@knoppix# mount /UNIONFS/dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type ufs (rw,ufstype=ufs2) root@knoppix# cd /mnt/hda1/tmp ; touch foo touch: cannot touch `foo': Read-only file system \_ check dmesg for warnings? Also, I don't know if the module comes w/ write support by default \_ Thanks, looks like the linux UFS module doesn't support RW. \_ Thanks. |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:41100 Activity:nil |
12/20 Hi guys. The newbs I play Texas hold 'em with require you to use both your hole cards; however, according to the official rules you have the option to use none, just one, or both of your hold cards to form your 5-card hand. Requiring use of both hole cards makes straights and flushes harder of course. Does anyone out there play like my newb friends? \_ god your friends are noobs. they should look into 7-card stud to get a clue. \_ Your friends are idiots. Maybe they're thinking of Omaha? Another question: Let's say all bets have been called and there is more than one player at the showdown. Can a player just fold at this point without showing their cards? I think the answer is no. \_ obdragonpokerlittlemythmarkerskevebeatssensenantekidreference \_ In one hand, no less!!!1!one \_ Outstanding. I'm glad I'm not the only one. \_ no. players paid to see his cards. \_ maybe we're both wrong http://www.poker1.com/mcu/rules/b_article11.asp This page says that you need to show your cards to win (duh), but there doesn't seem to be a rule that says you need to show if you're a loser. This happens to match my memory of movies where poker is played ... someone shows a kick-ass hand, and everyone throws their hands face-down. \_ The people I play with use a rule where the winner can request to see the losers' cards if a river bet was callde. to see the losers' cards if a river bet was called. \_ In Vegas you can just fold, but I think the above person is correct that the winner can ask to see the hand. In Vegas 'cards speak' which means if you are an idiot who says he has a flush when in reality you have a royal flush then the dealer will call it a royal flush (the best hand). For this to happen people usually just show their cards and keep their mouths shut (lest be proven the total morons that they are, although everyone makes mistakes). The moral here is not to fold without showing your cards at the showdown. Some people think there's an advantage to mucking the cards, but I don't bother if I stayed in that long. Added: doing some research shows bother if I stayed in that long. Added: Doing some research shows that while legal to ask to see the hand it is considered VERY BAD etiquette and you may be asked to leave. BAD etiquette and you may be asked to leave. Here's more: http://www.tommyangelo.com/articles/i_want_to_see_that_hand.htm \_ Which one has to show first then? I think everyone is just as obligated to show, fuck that etiquette. \_ According to the url, if no one wants to show, then the first person to show is the last guy who bet/raised during the river round (i.e., the aggressor shows first). if everyone checked for the river round or everyone was already all-in before the river round, then the guy to the left of the dealer shows first. People then show in a clockwise order from whichever player showed first. Also, anyone can elect to show first, at which point others can show if they want to (in any order). Then again you can have a house rule that says if you get to the river round, you MUST show even if you're a loser, which is what you meant by "fuck that etiquette". Another user who posted above has a similar house rule ... \_ The newb who folded at the showdown did so because he was bluffing and didn't want to be further embarrassed by showing the cards he had. \_ you can fold at any time as long as it is your turn without showing your cards (even if there is no bet in front of you) \_ This wasn't in question. |
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