2005/12/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Reference/Military] UID:41009 Activity:moderate |
12/13 Haha. McCain no-torture amendment says "Follow the Army Field Manual." Pentagon changes field manual. Go Dubya! \_ So do we have to have a three screen long flame war about the definition of the word "lie" to say Rice was lying now? Or can we just agree that she was lying right through her teeth by any definition? \_ ObThatDependsOnWhatTheDefinitionOfIsIs. \_ It's a lie whatever we say is a lie. \_ url? \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/14/politics/14detain.html |
2005/12/14-15 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:41010 Activity:low |
12/13 Remember the first time you saw a9 or google maps and said "WOW!"? Here's something from Microsoft that's pretty cool as well. Go to your favorite destination and then click on "Bird's Eye Imagery" http://local.live.com \_ when they get out of beta, it'll be cool. for now, it's godly slow and chunky. google earth was there so much sooner, with a much better product (go figure, eh?). and it doesn't cover nearly enough cities. \_ WOW, I didnt realize we had such a committed Microsoft apologist here. It *is* so slow and clunky it is unusable. And is this supposed to be useful or just going for a "wow"? Google maps is useful, eventhough it does list some strange search matches. A site that has random aerial pictures is just a site that has random aerial pictures. It isn't a useful mapping site. \_ Dude, did you read the previous post? You both agree. |
2005/12/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41012 Activity:nil |
12/14 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/orleans/program.html Video Expert (James?), which of the three, quicktime, real, or WindowsMedia tend to have best quality in the above URL link? thx \_ Beats me. Watch them and judge for yourself. --jameslin |
2005/12/14-16 [Reference/Religion] UID:41013 Activity:high |
12/14 Interesting maps of US religious distributions. I guess the stereotypes are true. http://www.valpo.edu/geomet/geo/courses/geo200/religion.html \_ I didn't realize the South was so Baptist. and so un-Catholic too. The Mormon map was entertaining. \_ You know, with the proper demogoguery, perhaps we could get some regional religious strife going on, like between the Southern Baptists and the Utah Mormons... \_ There's been historic friction between precisely those two groups for quite a while. It's in the last few years that it's been decreasing. -emarkp \_ Btw can you attempt to explain the Mormon view of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Is it polytheism? \_ We don't believe it's polytheism. We reject the "homoousia" of the Nicene Creed though. And we don't get caught up in the "filioque" issue that divides Western and Orthodox churches. -emarkp \_ You're too busy using your own Bible (BoM) and inventing your own story of Jesus to worry about minute details. If MAJOR issues like that exist then why split hairs? \_ /My/ Bible is the King James Version. The Book of Mormon is an additional document, not a replacement. I also like to use the NASB for study, and I've learned a bit of Greek for NT reference--my personal greek copy is a Nestle intralinear. -emarkp \_ Not a replacement but, correct me if I am wrong, considered authoritive when there are conflicts. In that aspect it is a replacement in the same way the New Testament replaces the Old Testament. No one else accepts the BofM except Mormons, which is *THE* issue. What does arguing minutiae matter at that point? It's like comparing the Muslim Christ with the Christian one. The bigger issue is that Mohammed guy. \_ Consider yourself corrected. Where the BoM disagrees with extra-Biblical tradition, it is authoritative. The Bible has passages that contradict itself, yet that doesn't nullify the Bible. Yes, only LDS and its offshoots accept the BoM as scripture--so what? Your claim of the BoM being "our own" Bible is false. Thanks for playing. -emarkp \_ So what about the last part in Revelation where it claims the Bible to be final and complete? How does BoM fit into that? Here are some others: http://www.bibletruths.net/archives/BTAR002.htm http://www.bibletruths.net/archives/BTAROO2.htm \_ "This page cannot be found." Hahaha! \_ Fixed. \_ Wow, a whole list of canards. I'll go ahead and respond to the one you list. You know revelation was written BEFORE John's gospel and his epistles? Not only that, but you know the Bible wasn't compiled for > 200 years after John wrote that? Obviously it doesn't mean what you think it means, or half the bible would be invalid too. \_ I'm so moving to Oregon. \_ You know, religion != scary. \_ Try telling that to <fill-in-the-victims>. \_ Yeah, that's as profound and insightful as a bumper sticker. In other words, not. \_ Yeah, that's as profound and insightful as a bumper sticker. In other words, not. \_ Being surrounded by people who believe that their fate rests in the hands of an imaginary all-powerful being, consider it their duty to make sure you believe in the exact same version of this entity, and for whom this belief dictates their choice of who should run this country and how... yes, it is scary. \_ Well, you're talking about Iran, not the US. 1) your assertion that the being is imaginary is not indisputed fact, 2) it's pretty much only Islam that feels it's their duty to "make sure you believe" exactly the same thing. Most Christians believe it's important to share what they believe and urge you to consider it, but not force you to agree. -emarkp \_ Replace "Most" with "Some" and you're right. --PM \_ No, I think it's "most". -emarkp \_ Yeah, I think this is probably correct. In my (admittedly limited and biased) experience, most of the religious people I've met rarely mention god unless I've brought up the topic. That doesn't mean there aren't some truly scary christian freaknuts in every denomination who tend to really squick out non-religious people disproportionately to their numbers.... -mice \_ The Evangelical faction of Christianity holds power at the moment. You understand what "Evangelical" means, right? Hint: definition #4 in dict. And as for "disputed" Uh, everything's disputed. 5-year-olds will dispute the non-existence of the Easter Bunny. \_ Yes, it means evangelize. Which means sharing their beliefs and urging others to accept them. It doesn't mean forcing, etc. -emarkp \_ So changing local laws to make things in the 10 commandments illegal isn't forcing? The huge pro-life lobby isn't forcing the rest of America to share its views? \_ bad troll. no cookie. \_ Why is that a troll? The guy actually raises a valid example of religious people attacking rights from a perspective almost strictly based on their religious beliefs. (perhaps better exmples could have been fielded, but the point exemplified is still valid). -mice \_ The 10 Commandments are a big part of the foundation of western civilization. \_ yeah, that's why you never see graven images around here. (You have no clue.) -tom \_ They are no part of it. Western civilization goes back to the Greeks and Romans. They somehow managed to get things done without those commandments. \_ Where's ilyas to tell us they had "Christian values"? \_ Please cite examples of anyone trying to force the 10 commandments into law. I've never heard of anyone trying to put 1-5,10 into modern law. 6,8, and 9, ARE in modern law (for good reason). The only case I can see an argument on is 7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments \_ I'm trying to track exactly who first said "forcing", oh right. That was you. \_ I responded to "their duty to /make sure/ you believe..." -- sounds like forcing to me. -emarkp \_ IMO, there's a problem when "sharing and urging" drifts into "legislating" and "religiously motivated legislation". At that point, religion becomes intrusive and not very respectful of rights and differing belief systems. -mice (!pp) \_ I have yet to see that drift, with the possible exception of ID. -emarkp \_ How about Reagan's Secretary of the Interior, whose policies were based around the idea that we didn't need to protect the environment because the rapture was coming. Delusions endorsed by religion _are_ dangerous to political policy. \_ According to him, that's not true. See http://csua.org/u/eba -emarkp \_ "'Voice of God' revealed to be Cheney on the oval office intercom" \_ You don't think a belief that invading Iraq is a realization of passages from Revelations played into the extreme right-wing agenda for the middle-east? \_ Nope. -emarkp \_ Christians to this day persecute and harass gays. Until very recently, gays were imprisoned for being gay. This is religious persecution. \_ emarkp. just a friendly reminder that Muslim only turned radical when we created Israel. Don't tell me our unlaterial, unconditional support of Israel has nothing to do with religion. In this regard, radical islamic movement is a result, not cause of US/UK policies. \_ whoa! someone desperately needs a history of islam book for christmas! \_ I disagree with your assessment of history. Radical (kill all who disagree) Islam has existed for over 1000 years. -emarkp \_ i.e. half as long as Radical (kill all who disagree) Christianity. \_ i.e. half as long as Radical (kill all who disagree) Christianity. \_ Most of Christianity has become civilized in the last century or so. \_ ^century^800 years \_ When did the 30 years war end? \_ Germany was a Christian nation during WW2 \_ So were America and UK. OTOH Hitler preferred Nordic tribal religions. \_ Nah, they have been violent since the foundation of Islam. They just didn't bother the US until we started meddling in their business. we started meddling in their business. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1536289/posts -jblack |
2005/12/14-15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran] UID:41014 Activity:low |
12/14 Following up on an earlier thread... "Iran President: Holocaust is a 'Myth'" http://csua.org/u/eb0 \_ in other news, aliens land in Terran \_ Soon they'll land in Protoss and Zerg |
2005/12/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:41015 Activity:moderate |
12/14 Hypothetical: You're an Iranian thug who just drove a few zillion fake ballots over the Iraqi border. How are you going to get them into the vote count somewhere in sufficient quantities that it shifts the election but not so many that it causes enough suspicion to get your bogus votes thrown out? \_ Dump them in Chicago (an official Iraqi polling place in the US). All good democracies believe every vote from Chicago. \_ Nah, do it like this: First get a polical ally to build the electronic ballot boxes. Eliminate any voting paper trail, and finally make it illegal to ask for a recount (like the GOP is doing in Ohio!) \_ why do republicans hate democracy? \_ a fundamentalist Christian govt would get the word of Jesus to everyone more efficiently \_ I still have to wonder why an all-powerful god needs help getting His message out. Oh, yeah, because it's a fucking bullshit fairytale. \_ You seem to have some serious lack of clue about religious/christian ideology. There's this little concept called 'free will'.... As an agnostic, I'm hardly an apologist for any religious system, but at least get some clue before spewing vitriol like a recent high school grad. \_ free will is incompatible with ominiscience. \_ Get Jimmy Carter to certify the vote? \_ Just burn a shi'ite vote for every fake sunni vote you toss in \_ That's okay. We had no problem with 99% votes in the referendum a couple months ago in Iraq. |
2005/12/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41016 Activity:nil |
12/14 Free Mr. Tookie! \_ Am I the only person who has no idea what the fuck all this Tookie stuff is about? \_ No, you're unlikely to be the only person who lives under a rock. \_ This, Sir, is an ex-Tookie! \_ Shall we launch him from a canon? \_ Was this an intentional typo? |
2005/12/14-16 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas, Consumer/TV] UID:41017 Activity:moderate |
12/14 What are your favorite shows on TV these days? \_ Mythbusters: .. \_ ditto \_ great show for the geek in all of us. \_ 24 on DVD . \_ 4400 \_ SG-1: .. \_ SG Atlantis: .. \_ Battlestar Galactica (the new remake): . \_ West Wing: ... \_ Simpsons: ... \_ Malcolm: . \_ LOST: . \_ Lost: .. \_ Family Guy (not as good as prior seasons, but still entertaining) \_ count me in. \_ Arrested Development: ... \_ House \_ Las Vegas \_ Nova: .. \_ Frontline: .. \_ Smallville: . \_ Prison Break!! \_ Every Day Italian (Giada is hot!) \_ I answered west wing, but I must give my support for her hotness. \_ You can vote for more than one b/c it says "shows" \_ She is hotter in her new show, Behind the Bash \_ The Daily Show: . \_ The Amazing Race: . \_ Grey's Anatomy: . \_ My Name is Earl: . |
2005/12/14-16 [Finance/Investment] UID:41018 Activity:low |
12/14 anyone have ameritrade? should i store my cash in the reserve fund (money market) while i am not trading? \_ I do. I figure a percent or 2 of growth is better than nothing. I noticed on a couple occasions the money market *lost* small amounts of money but Ameritrade gave me a 'gift' to cover the loss. \_ can you buy stocks fast with it being in the money market acct? \_ Yes, it just makes you have negative cash until they transfer money out of reserve at the end of the day. \_ do they charge $35 if you take out cash before 90 days? \_ where do you specify whether to store cash in the reserve fund? I can't find it anywhere on the account website. \_it's on your home page.. enroll in reserve... righthandside \_ I think it's only available for IRA accounts. Are you using an IRA account? \_ yeah.. it's only in my ira accts. \_ I've had ameritrade for several years (ever since they bought ndb). I normally keep my cash in the reserve fund b/c it gives a decent return. |
2005/12/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:41019 Activity:nil |
12/14 anywhere there are cool christmas lights to drive by and see? \_ Yes. |
2005/12/14-16 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:41020 Activity:kinda low |
12/14 I just saw a link posted on http://crooksandliars.com and I thought I'd ask motd about it: http://csua.org/u/ebc Mostly I was just wondering if people supported hate crimes legislation. I'm very much a liberal, but there seems to be something silly about punishing people differently based upon what was in their head when they committed the crime. Really, is one murder different than another? Do we want to punish people for what they think? \_ I am an ultra liberal, but in this regard, I don't buy this 'intent' logic. Let say if a guy raped a woman. His defense could be something like he was drunk at the time and thus get a less severe penalty. WTF? we are rewarding people who are not responsible for their actions? \_ Uh.. How exactly does your example relate to the discussion? \_ Well intent does matter in determining whether some acts are a crime or not, but I agree that it's pretty silly and basically amounts to extra crimininization because of the offender's politics. -another liberal \_ I think that using intent to punish people different for the same effect does make sense in most cases. A person who plans out a effect does make sense in many cases. A person who plans out a crime and executes it may pose a greater threat to society as a whole vs. the person who gets caught up in the heat of the moment and overreacts. Almost anyone can misjudge a situation and overreact, while few sit around and plan crimes. The fact someone overreacted once doesn't necessarily imply that they would do so again (though it is suggestive of this; hence the need for incarceration and post release monitoring). The effectiveness of incarceration as a means of correction on those who act w/o a plan may be greater b/c many of them feel regret over their actions and may take steps to prevent the recu- rrence of a similar action. rrence of a similar situation. In addition, the person who gets caught up in the heat of the mo- ment might have made a mistake re the need to defend themselves or others, so they could have a partial (or complete) excuse. This is generally not the case with those who execute a pre-existing plan. [ In the context of hate crime legislation - I think that the existing law are sufficient to punish hate criminals, so I don't really see the need to pass these law. I think that many of them will get passed b/c legislators don't want to look insensitive ] existing laws are sufficient to punish hate criminals, so I don't really see the need to pass new laws. I think that many of them will get passed anyway b/c legislators don't want to look insensitive. ] |
2005/12/14-16 [Finance/Investment] UID:41021 Activity:high |
12/14 "ILF up 66%, BZF up 74%, EWY up 44%, CEE up 64%. But I only hold about 10% in each. You are holding too much risk with an undiversified portfolio like that for my taste." \_ That's impressive, nice returns betting on different regions. How do you plan on investing in 2006? \_ Thanks, I only posted the best ones though. There is an EWG up 9%, and a bad bet on CPN bonds (lost 50% so far) that bring the overall return down to about 30%. I am still working on my end of year adjustments, but I will certainly hold the above, to start with. I try not to sell winners, but in CEE's case it went up so much I had to sell half of it to avoid overbalancing my portfolio. I moved the proceeds into EEM. Recent purchases include TKF and PCU, a copper miner. I am probably going to reduce my overseas allocation from 70% \_ Thanks, I only posted the best ones though. There is an EWG up 9%, and a bad bet on CPN bonds (lost 50% so far) that bring the overall return down to about 30%. I am still work- ing on my end of year adjustments, but I will certainly hold the above, to start with. I try not to sell winners, but in CEE's case it went up so much I had to sell half of it to avoid overbalancing my portfolio. I moved the proceeds into EEM. Recent purchases include TKF and PCU, a copper miner. I am probably going to reduce my overseas allocation from 70% back down to 50%, but other than that, I haven't figured it out yet. Any suggestions? \_ Funny how the motd financial gurus only post their winners and the biggest ones at that and everyone has large double digit gains in everything. It feels like 1998 all over again everyday on the motd. \_ 30% yearly gain is nothing to sneeze at. \_ This is true. My gain is 20%/year over the last 5-6 years but there were down times in there as well. I'm not picking on this person in particular, more the general batch of "I'm a guru! I got lucky on these 3 stocks! Don't look at the losses under the rug..." people posting here. \_ 20% per year is impressive, especially given that your 5-6 years included 2000 to late 2002. I have a 35% annual gain since late 2002, which was when I got out of the post internet bubble stock investment funk. I definitely lost money from 2000 till 2002. Luckily I didn't have too much money then. your 5-6 years included 2000 to late 2002. \_ Like I said, there were some down times. I bought in while the market was still dropping so I was at a loss for a while but now I'm well above. My only regret was not trusting myself and getting scared and not buying more at one key point where I had my finger on the "buy" button but chickened out. That was the low point. Oh well. I did ok. \_ I missed Korea entirely. What prompted you to pick Korea (EWY)? I have EUROX, but it was trounced by your CEE in the past year, even though it had good long term performance and has been slightly less volatile. I know little about Turkey. What's your reasons for buying it? When is it joining the EU? \_ About three years ago, I decided that China was the real growth engine of the world, but I don't want to buy Red Chinese stocks for obvious reasons. So I decided to buy stocks in the nations that I thought would benefit from China's rise, including most of its neighbors: EWH, EWS, EWY and TTF (later sold when the Thai economy went into a recession). CEE is very heavy on Russian oil and into a funk). CEE is very heavy on Russian oil and gas producers, so be careful with it. I bought Turkey mostly because The Economist keeps saying good things about the Turkish economy and chances for EU admission. They still have a bunch of hurdles to jump, but it looks like 2012 or so for Turkey. \_ I bought some EWJ (japan) and also had MJFOX \_ I have bought some EWJ (japan) and also had MJFOX (japan) since late 2003. Everyone is saying buy Japan. What do you think? The other thing I've been looking at is blue chip US companies. So far, I've bought just GE though. You don't like India? Totally missed the 20% semiconductor run up recently. Thanks for the Turkey tip. I will definitely look at that. \_ I have a bit of Japan, will probably sell some emerging market and move into it and SPX when I rebalance. The US economy has all the same problems it had three years ago, but at least the valuations are looking more reasonable. I guess I should buy some IFN, but I missed the big runup and hate buying high. Any other good ways to get into India? |
2005/12/14-16 [Computer/SW] UID:41022 Activity:nil |
12/14 I want to open up an investment account for my 1 year old niece and put money in it every year and run it with her as the owner. Any suggestions? \_ There is something called a UTMA (other states have similar) where it is an account in the name of a minor, but under the custodian- ship of an adult. The kid may have to pay taxes on investment gains but I think it's basically what you're looking for. |
2005/12/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:41023 Activity:nil |
12/14 Dvinsk Clan's "Le Parkour" (from a few days ago) in higher quality: link:tinyurl.com/d2mgo (urban.zen.praktik.ru - 41MB WMV) |
3/15 |