2005/12/13-15 [Finance/Investment] UID:40984 Activity:kinda low |
12/13 Hello self proclaimed stock gurus. It's time to prove yourselves that you are a true guru by winning the motd stock contest. Entering the contest is easy: predict the Google stock price in 6 months, 1 year, and 2 year intervals from now. To receive the title of a True Motd Stock Guru, you must sign your real name. I will start. \_ dunno about goog but made killing on EMRG (in at .36) \_ 420, 350, 300 -junior \_ Anyone who claims to be able to predict the price of a stock with as much immaturity and volatility as Google is not an investment guru. -tom \_ why do I have to agree with tom. Let's not predict price. Just choose stocks. \_ yes, choosing stocks is better, but usually, to win, one has to do a risky bet (eg. all oil stocks) and then has some luck. A more reasonable portfolio would finish above average but will not win. \_ to win what? \_ best performing portfolio of the year. \_ Investing is a marathon, not a 100-yard dash. If you treat it as a sprint, you're more likely to end up screwed or breaking even. *You* might have gotten lucky, but as an investment strategy this is fuck stupid. \_ One year is a very reasonable time frame to judge stock picking performance. Good long term investors may not beat the market each month, but they tend to beat the market year after year, with a bad year once in a while. \_ one year is not enough. Ten year is more accurate. You can evaluate trading, and position trading in one year, but not long term investing. \_ well, you need to make an evaluation or judgement call at least once a year in my opinion. But you do need to consistently make good calls for several years at least before you can be considered a good investor, so I don't disagree with you. \_ A stock can easily appreciate 20% in a few weeks, turning it from undervalued to fully valued, and hence a candidate for selling. This is called value investing. It's not trading. \_ 50% GAGEX, 50% VGPMX. Up 55% and 32% respectively and I think they will go higher, especially GAGEX. \_ PBR 79% gain since 12/27/04. \_ That's a single stock. GAGEX and VGPMX are mutual funds, in energy and precious metals. \_ Yes, but I am not sure if GAGEX is necessarily less volatile since it is highly dependent on the price of a single thing: crude. \_ ILF up 66%, BZF up 74%, EWY up 44%, CEE up 64%. But I only hold about 10% in each. You are holding too much risk with an undiversified portfolio like that for my taste. \_ why not join http://marketocracy.com \_ can you play if you're a GOOG employee? |
2005/12/13-15 [Computer/SW/Database, Politics/Foreign] UID:40985 Activity:nil |
12/13 MySQL PHP admin generates the entity relationship diagram as PDF. How does it know what the foreign keys are, and where can I find that out? The export of DDL doesn't seem to show foreign keys of this database that I'm trying to understand but the ER diagram shows them. \_ IIRC you need to tell it about the linkages (phpmyadmin) and it stores them in a metainfo table. \_ SHOW TABLE STATUS has fk constraints in the columns. SHOW CREATE TABLE foo \G shows it in a more readable format. \_ Right, but that only works for InnoDB tables that actually support foreign keys. \_ I was under the mistaken impression that myisam would record the constraint but not actually enforce the constraint. But why are you using MyISAM? \_ MySQL supports Foreign Keys? |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:40986 Activity:nil |
12/13 This is cool. http://framboise781.free.fr/paris |
2005/12/13-15 [Reference/RealEstate, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40987 Activity:nil |
12/13 Ya'll are boring. Enough with the housing talk. Where's the juicy topics? And I don't mean political flames... \_ Be patient my little cricket. One of the politburo newbies like amckee will do something stupid and comical. \_ my GF insists on getting brazillians even though I'm not that into it. what should i do |
2005/12/13-15 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:40988 Activity:low |
12/13 For an average priced house in the Bay Area paid with 20% down, how much more monthly payments is it per quarter point hike in the interest rate? I did a quick preliminary check on yahoo's mortgage calculator and it's only about $50/month/quarter point. That's not a lot. \_ Think about how excited you'd be to save $50/month on, say, your gas/power bill. \_ and that's just for a quarter point (0.25%) \_ The op's point is that even with 1 point increase, or $200/month extra, it's not really going to affect people. Heck, in the Bay Area I pay $80 for gardeners, +$200 for premium cable/phone/DSL, $105 for Cingular family plan, $500 eating out, and another $500 for movies, skiing, road trip, gas, whatever. How is $200 extra/month going to affect the economy where I'm at? \_ Not everything is about you and your ilk. Are you stupid or just dumb? \_ Let's say rates go up to 8%. That's $400/month and there goes your eating out or your car payment or whatever. Even if it's $100/month it will "affect people". \_ Do you own an average house? \_ Are you one of those contributing to the negative savings rate of the nation? |
2005/12/13-14 [Consumer/Audio] UID:40989 Activity:nil |
12/12 New BART Trip Planner is out. Palm/WinCE: http://www.bart.gov/stations/quickPlanner/download.asp iPod: http://www.bart.gov/stations/quickPlanner/ipod.asp \_ It's sort of sad. Everything this does could be done in a pretty small AvantGo channel, and then you'd get automatic updates. And it would have cost them like 1000th as much to develop. \_ you mean an iAnywhere Solution! -tom \_ And then it would only be useful for people who bought a propietary Avant Go client |
2005/12/13 [Uncategorized] UID:40990 Activity:nil |
12/13 I just wanted to say that kchang's villain tagger is cool and was already responsible for one of the more entertaining paranoid discussions on soda. \_ what the hell are you talking about? \_ kchang has a motd archiver. He has a feature that attempts to track changes by user, it is semi-accurate. He modified it to substitute villains for the user names. Some people took it personally and hilarity ensued. |
2005/12/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:40991 Activity:nil |
12/13 Instead of "Tookie" Williams, maybe people can rally behind a death row immate who really got a raw deal. He's black, had no criminal record but lived with his 18 month old daughter in a duplex in a bad neighborhood. In the other unit lived a suspected drug dealer. In the middle of the night, a cop + SWAT team perform a "no knock raid" on the unit (mistakenly kicking in his door) and he shoots the cop, who happens to be white and the son of the police chief, and kills the cop. A mostly white jury sentences him to die. http://tinyurl.com/8kc4y \_ A mostly white jury sentenced Tookie to die, too. It's completely legal as long as jury members aren't known to the court to have demonstrated prejudice against the ethnicity of the defendant. \_ who said anything to the contrary? It is also not legalistically relevant that the cop who was shot happened to be the son of the police chief, but if you think it isn't indicitive of whether or not jutice was served, then you are none too bright. \- in theory peremptories are not supposed to be based on race. i dont have energy for extended discussion but you can start with Batson v. Kentucky. \_ i don't disagree with you. \- i am not taking a position here. i am just sharing a decision that goes to your "it's completely legal" [where it's not clear what the antecedant to "it" is] \_ I was talking to the "you need to have other black people (peers), don't you?" crowd, just in case there were any of those people reading. \- legality isnt just a matter of who ends up on the jury, but how the juries venire is composed, the vopir dire process itself, and there are special voir dire process itself, and there are special issues for grand juries and "death ceritifed" juries as well as auxilliary issues like victim impact statements. there are some pretty interesting stats about who end up getting the death penality. the crudest generalizations [black people get the death penality] are not so accurate but there are some dramatic staticistic ... like the differnece some dramatic statistics ... like the differnece in likelihood between a black fellow killing another black person vs black killing white getting the death penalty. --psb \_ Unfortunately, the white/black issue is pretty much irrelevant and by bringing it up you weaken your case. Also, the defenders of "Tookie" have helped people like this guy (who looks like he got a raw deal) get screwed. My friend's mother was sentenced to 20-life for killing her husband when there was video of him saying that she didn't do it. Her conviction was overturned, but not until after she had been in jail for 10 years and developed MS. \_ How did the defenders of Tookie screwed this guy? -clueless \_ Most of USA looked at Tookie and decided that the people trying to keep him from being executed were loons. That weakens any future attempts to keep people from being executed, especially when the race card is played. \_ I think most people think it's okay for Tookie to die because of the abominableness of the crimes, they really think he did it, and that after 26 years an appeal hasn't succeeded so that's good enough proof that he did it. His behavior in his first ~10 years in jail didn't help any. \_ Exactly. So when the nutjobs say he's innocent, they tune out on a case like this which may be legitimate. \-^innocent^nominate for nobel prize \_ I think there is a difference between someone with NO criminal record and a known gang leader ... There is really no dispute of the facts, only whether or not someone is permitted to defend themselves with deadly force if people storm into their house, and if there is reasonable doubt that the defendent did not know they were police officers, which I believe there is in this case. \_ Maybe I'm being dense, but how did he make a video if..er, you know, he was dead? -John \_ It was taken by the medics who life-flighted him to the hospital. -pp |
2005/12/13-15 [Finance/Investment] UID:40992 Activity:nil |
12/13 Which is better for an individual investor, savings bonds or treasury bonds/notes? \_ Bill Gross, the king of bonds, recommended FAX, an asian bond fund with 7.30% yield. It's a closed end fund that's trading at 10% below its NAV (net asset value). I am buying it tomorrow. with 7.30% yield. It's a closed end fund that's trading at 10% below its NAV (net asset value). I am buying it tomorrow. \_ 47% in Australia. It is not really diversified. \_ neither is not good. Liquidity gets pretty bad. I would go for bond mutual funds instead. |
2005/12/13-15 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40993 Activity:nil |
12/13 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051213/od_nm/china_bra_dc Stalkers rejoice! Stalking is a declaration of love and thus condoned by the mainland Chinese government. \_ Understand, I beat you up and stole your wallet only out of love for you. |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:40994 Activity:nil |
12/13 Any particular reason why /usr/man does not exist ? \_ looks like all the docs and stuff go in /usr/share, including man |
2005/12/13-15 [Reference/Tax] UID:40995 Activity:nil |
12/13 Currently the yearly gift tax limit is $11,000 per year, and if it is over you can deduct it from your lifetime unified gift tax (for both gift and estate) exemption limit per person, which is $1.5 mil. This will increase gradually in the next few years thanks to Bush. http://www.fairmark.com/begin/gifts.htm http://law.freeadvice.com/tax_law/gift_tax_law/unified_estate_gift_tax.htm http://www.amerilawyer.com/gift_taxes.htm (old, just change numbers) According to the URL above, "Because of all of these rules, gift taxes are rarely required to be paid." Fine. If they're rare in the first place why did Bush want to increase the limit, and what % of the Americans actually give more than $1.5 mil as gifts? \_ political benefits? \_ Because taxes should always be cut to zero whenever possible, and instead of balancing the budget you just pressure Asian countries to keep buying out debt? countries to keep buying our debt? \_ asian money is like opium. We have a need for it but it's bad for us. \_ Republican Party ideology requires as many tax breaks for the rich as are politically feasible. -tom |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:40996 Activity:nil |
12/13 Europeon's outraged over Tookie's death: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10450663/from/RSS \_ Wow, instead of copying and pasting, you misspelled European and abused the apostrophe. You rock! \_ No, I spelled europeon correctly. \_ No, I spelled it correctly: euro-peons. \_ Amerikkkan's celebrate! \_ The first Terminator never expressed any remorse for his killings either. |
2005/12/13-15 [Computer/Networking] UID:40997 Activity:nil |
12/13 I am visiting relatives in the NYC area (LI) and taking my wifi laptop These people have nothing better than dialup at their house. Anyone care to reccomend something better than Starbucks ($$) for internet access ? \_ The local library? \_ McDonalds? Barnes & Noble? \_ A cantenna? Maybe they have neighbors with wifi? |
2005/12/13-15 [Recreation/Media] UID:40998 Activity:nil |
12/13 http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/12/13/051213173239.bo5ciosh.html "Ticket sale revenues dropped five percent in the first 11 months of 2005 while the number of Americans going to the cinema fell by 6.2 percent compared with the same period in 2004" So once again the revenue-per-consumer goes up, and they wonder why we're spending less on the movies. \_ A 1.2% annual increase is less than inflation, so quit yer bitching. \_ And your source that the numbers were not inflation-adjusted is? \_ What about DVD sales. I bet those were higher than ever. \_ DVD sales are actually dropping. Too many DVDs. |
2005/12/13-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40999 Activity:nil |
12/13 The motd archiver is looking for a more permanent, non-UCLA home. I as the author will give out the complete DB and the source code of KAIS MOTD to whoever wants to continue hosting the archives, preferably outside of the .edu domain for the purpose of fault tolerance and many other reasons. I don't mind if the new owner renames it or do whatever with it as long as the archives are provided to the public on a continuing basis as has been done in the past few years. If you have the hardware to share (small bandwidth and only 300M disk), I will spend time to set it up for you. If no one wants to host it, the archiver will be gone for good some time next year. Thanks. -kchang \_ Would this be a good thing for http://csua.org? \_ the person who owns http://csua.org does not want to host it, for good reasons (liability, maintenance, etc). In short I actually think the death of the archiver may actually be good. It'll allow a few selected motd addicts to move on with their lives. As for me, I don't mind having one less thing to maintain for the pleasure of other people. -kchang \_ http://csua.net, then \_ It's pointing back to the original .edu ip. \_ is soda out of question? |
2005/12/13-15 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:41000 Activity:kinda low |
12/13 Winter ain't over until it's over: http://tinyurl.com/d5qo9 \_ "Despite urgings from some Republican senators, the U.S. oil industry declined to offer any of its $30 billion in third-quarter profits for what it views as a government responsibility. The only significant outside aid has come from Citgo Petroleum, controlled by the Venezuelan government and its president, fierce Bush administration adversary Hugo Chavez, who has promised $10 million in discounts to low-income northeastern heating oil customers." \_ Having been a low-income northeasterner for quite some time now, living in the shitty old tenements they call "housing" out here, I would say that at least half of the energy used on heat here is just pissed straight out the single pain windows, poorly \_ pane insulated walls and un-caulked joints. The only way to really help people in the long run out here is to somehow provide a financial incentive to the slumlords to apply a little basic thermodynamics to the housing rather than just letting the tenant pay 300 bucks a month to heat a small two bedroom apartment. \_ Hence "ownership society!" Silly liberals. \_ I do agree with the oil companies ... It's not their fault that America has a "faith-based" approach to energy, just praying that the invisible hand of the market will always provide citizens with cheap energy when we've known for over 30 years that growth and depletion would start causing major problems right around the year 2000 or so. \_ I agree with them also. Our problem is not that our government is controlled by oil men. Our problem is that our government is controlled by stupid, ignorant, and incompetent oil men. \_ Hence Bush's crusade to secure oil resources! see, it all makes sense. |
2005/12/13-15 [Industry/Jobs] UID:41001 Activity:nil |
12/13 Hiring the A-Team via Craigslist: http://www.stuffo.com/a-team-finding.htm \_ Old. \_ I've never seen it before -- it's hilarious! I'm glad it was posted again. -mice \_ seconded |
2005/12/13-15 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:41002 Activity:nil |
12/13 Oedipus Lives! http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/news/wwn/20051209/113414040002.html \_ Uh huh. Weekly World News. |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41003 Activity:nil |
12/13 Shark v. Octopus. Round 1 Fight! http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/octopus/media_players_blue/shark_hi.html (Needs Real Player) |
2005/12/13 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:41004 Activity:nil |
12/13 51 Terrorist Suspects Crossed Border Illegally http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1539796/posts \_ posted by jblack |
2005/12/13-15 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:41005 Activity:nil |
12/13 Hi guys, SMTP relay does not work with the new soda. It used to work using SMTP/SSL with password authentication on old soda. Can someone get SMTP/SSL relay working again, on some port? (I don't like to use the company SMTP server for personal e-mails, and I actually prefer a GUI client over logging in and using mutt.) \_ This is a known issue, root types are trying to figure it out. \_ Thanks root! \_ I have this working nicely on Postfix if there's anything from my setup you want (don't know how sendmail does it.) -John |
2005/12/13 [Reference/Religion] UID:41006 Activity:nil 80%like:40968 |
12/11 Ok, I got a kick out of this. Potter and Aslan: http://www.shortpacked.com/comics/20051212sticks.png \_ http://www.robandelliot.cycomics.com/archive.php?id=180 \_ the really jacked up part is that local Christian group here in Taiwan is boycotting Harry Potter for this reason, they are arguing that film like this (and Lord of the Ring) promote evil. \_ Hmm ... I haven't heard of any Christian organization opposing Lord of the Rings. This is probably because Tolkien is a good friend of C.S. Lewis who wrote "Mere Christianity", the Narnia books, and many others. \_ Tolkien wasn't just a friend of Lewis, he was a very devot catholic himself. \- i may have put this on the motd before, but here it is again. the first paragraph is pretty funny. --psb http://www.lrb.co.uk/v23/n22/turn03_.html |
2005/12/13-15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:41007 Activity:nil |
12/13 Military spying on anti-war protesters. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051214/ts_nm/security_pentagon_spying_dc |
2005/12/13-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Interesting] UID:41008 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/13 http://www.samorost2.net \_ keywords: fun flash game samorost samrost samrost2 |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41011 Activity:nil |
12/13 I just watched Donnie Brasco and got to thinking after the scene where Donnie Brasco, still under cover, runs into some federal DA or attorney or something, and he beats the guy up to prevent the DA from recognizing him (and thus revealing his true identity). Does anyone know of what the policy is in real life, to prevent potentially serious predicaments like this from happening? Is no one allowed to acknowledge each other when not in the office? |
3/15 |