2005/12/6-7 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40871 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/6 Boy, Dutch people are weird. Mildy NSFW. http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~mjvdh/pag1.html \_ Ha ha ha "Pame-la" ... (la means drawer in Dutch) \_ Origin of the idea: http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~mjvdh/boobycase%203a.html (NSFW) |
2005/12/6-7 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Humor] UID:40872 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/6 http://shockingfun.zoovy.com/product/POOPOOSNOWMAN And Christians get upset about a "holiday tree"? God I love capitalism! |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:40873 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 I am going to Taiwan in January. Haven't been there in a very long time. I need to bring some gifts, but can't think of much that's either uniquely available here or significantly cheaper here. I need to buy gifts for kids, cousins in their 20s, and also lots of aunts and uncles. What do people bring when they go back to Asia? Ideas and suggestions? Please help! \_ Bring back nice traditional wife from rural China since most Taiwanese women have Westernized and modernized, meaning they don't cook, they don't clean, and they bitch all day. \_ You mean Taiwanese women are more like Hong Kong women now? \_ 2 months ago my sister had to bring back 150 bottles of Centrum Silver we bought from Costco. I really don't understand it. \_ Centrum vitamins. At least my parents did 20 years ago... -oj \_ Hmm, my mom still does that. \_ Beef jerky or dried mangoes from Costco. \_ Also pistachios from Costco. My dad buys a lot of this from Costco to bring back to Hong Kong when he visits me. \_ We've brought viatamins and beef jerky back to Korea. Probably the most popular thing for us has been honey. It's very expensive in Korea, and my father-in-law loves it. They also liked Macadamia nuts. I don't know about Taiwan, but Koreans don't like overly sweet candy, so even chocolate covered rasins didn't go over well. American alcohol can be good too, but check the customs regulations. -jrleek \_ American ginseng from Wisconsin. In Chinese medicine and culinary, American ginseng serves different purpose than the ginseng from American ginseng serves different purpose from the ginseng from Korea and north China. -- yuen \_ or some Polo / Calvin Kline shirts from Cosco. I think it's more suitable for people in the 20s. -live in TW. |
2005/12/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:40874 Activity:nil |
12/6 Why are you people so obsessed with kchang? It's nice outside. -John \_ Cause he still has a cute little bubble butt that just begs for a rimming. \_ And I suppose you're out frolicking naked through some alpine meadow with a hot chick while you read and post to the motd? \_ Blackberry. Ours still work :-) \_ Unless you post a picture from said blackberry with a timestamp\ that proves there is really an alpine meadow and a naked hot chick, I think we can all assume you're hunched over a laptop in some nerdy building, just like the rest of us. \_ Actually I'm hunched over a laptop in my nice living room with a glass of wine in front of the fireplace watching soccer, but http://blackberryporn.com ... -John \_ It's desperation stemming from leading meaningless lives. \_ I'm trapped in a loveless marriage and a pointless job. It's either this or I become one with WoW. \_ I went the latter route. You too can make your home in Azeroth. \_ Fair enough. |
2005/12/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40875 Activity:high |
12/6 Sigh, finding my current kchang alias. -emarkp So now I'm "reagan". Just so you know kchang, I've sent an email to root asking for your access to motd to be terminated. I have no idea if it will happen or not, but I thought you'd like to know. -emarkp \_ Jesus christ you really are pathetic aren't you? if it will happen or not, but I thought you'd like to know. -emarkp \_ Ooh. Now I'm hirohito! You're so clever! -emarkp \_ it's random. it's clear that someone has no sense of humor. \_ Beats me. I'm emarkp on mine. \_ I realized after refreshing it a few times that my alias is rotating through several choices. It's not totally random AFAICT though, because none of the aliases I'm getting are neutral. Apparently kchang's maturity level is at about 5 years old. -emarkp \_ likewise, your intelligence is at about 5 years old. It took you how long to figure out that you're not being singled out? \_ It's not as deterministic as that. I get mostly super villain names, but so do other posters who posted when I wasn't online. So it's not a strict mapping. Different users can share the same kchang identity. \_ I suspect there are different classifications. If you've criticized kchang in the past, you only get names that are negative in his hierarchy. My alias of "reagan" isn't evil to me, but I'll bet it is to kchang. -emarkp \_ And I suspect you are being paranoid. I am biased though, since I am enjoying all the bad guy names he's finding. He hasn't even ventured into the Reagan- or Nixon-era names, yet, but admPoindexter may be coming soon. Or perhaps he'll stick to the more simplified comic book villains and slurs. -- megatron \_ It took about 2 minutes to write a script to log the names I'm given. Here are the top 4: 109 reagan 17 redneck 13 miniMe 11 hannibalLector Now I suppose kchang might simply be incompetent and his use of a random number generator is flawed, but the above doesn't look random to me. -emarkp \_ You're being a fucking idiot. The vast majority of names are some type of villain. Maybe you'd rather be Stalin? or theWickedOne? How exactly are these names non-random? What could you possibly have in common with mini-me? The world does not revolve around you. \_ I think he wants "theHumorlessOne" \_ Hi kchang! It looks like you've changed your script since I posted this. Now suddenly (within the last few minutes) I've been assigned many more names. Did you fix your random number usage? Or did you move me off your "bad" list? -emarkp \_ you are such a paranoid. and you've been trolled. congrats. \_ I'm not kchang. For fucks sake, man, THINK. \_ Cool. Would you mind posting the script so we can all check it out? -- theTempter (as of a minute ago) \_ Where is this kchang namecalling down? Is this a new KAIS MOTD site? \_ http://csua.com/24/?incr=1 \_ Mehlhaff has been doing it for years with cvs. It was still there last time I checked. \_ I use RCS. -ERic \_ FWIW, I like it. I think it's hilarious. Also, I'm glad the archive and search functions are back. \_ Me too! Lighten up, dude. The mapping of name to kchang name seems pretty random to me. I doubt there is a line: if (login == emarkp) name = something_negative; I bet it's just the luck of the draw. - magneto \_ It still seems random to me. Are you at all sure it can tell who is posting what? I'm still not even sure what my own alias is. I assume we all have one or they're assigned randomly. \_ I'm getting positive characters, like megatron -- w00t! \_ Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons in the cartoon. Decepticon is um, evil. Megatron combines brute strength, military cunning, ruthlessness and terror. Aches to return to Cybertron to conquest after destroying all Autobots on earth. Plans to possess all Earth resources. Incredibly powerful and intelligent. Fires nuclear- charged fusion cannon. Can link up interdimensionally to a black hole and draw antimatter from it for use as a weapon. No known weakness. \_ He was cool though! Turned into a gun and everything \_ He got pwned by Optimus Prime. Repeatedly. Even after he became Galvatron. -mice \_ Acutally if you watch the the first movie very closely although Optimus Prime is still "standing" after the fight, he is the first one to die. Megatron is still in good enough shape to talk back to Unicron and doesn't ever "die" like Optimus Prime. So if anyone got pwnd, it was Prime. [ Yes, Galvatron was beaten by Rodimus Prime, but that was only b/c Unicorn weakened Megatron to the point where he could be beaten by the autobots; Rodimus couldn't hope to beat Megatron ] - Megatr0n #1 fan \_ Oh puhLEEEAZE -- the only reason Optimus Prime didn't waste megatron was because of that useless interfering twit Hot Rod. Dude, megatron got tossed out on his ear by freakin' Starscream. Starscream!, man -- how wussy is *that*? At least Optimus got resurrected as himself, rather than absorbed like megatron. -mice \_ Optimus got resurrected? Did we watch different movies? Optimus dies and turns gray in the one I watched and Hot Rod is given the crystal of power (or whatever). Cf. Megatron who doesn't die, but is repaired by Unicron. The part where Megatron is tossed out by Starscream is the sadest part of the movie, but he makes up for any whimpyness in the very next scene w/ Unicron. Cf also, Megatron's battle cry "Dece- pticons Attack!" to "Autobots Rollout!" No comparison. Its like "Warp Speed Mr. Scott!" and "Beam me up Scotty" vs. "Engage" and "Energize." :-) \_ Optimus eventually got resurrected (twice!) in the TV show. \_ Optimus eventually got resurrected (twice!) in the TV show. \_ The original tv show? Or one of the more recent updates? I don't remember Optimus dying until the movie (but then again the last time I watched transformers was more than 15+ yrs ago). \_ Yes, the old TV show, a little while after the movie came out. Not the new CG/anime stuff. \_ I'm getting Dr. Evil or Cobra Cmdr, but I'd prefer Dr. Claw! All in all the names are cool. \_ Not the kwah... the kwah! \_ How long do you think it will take kchang to add 'emarkp' to the list of supervillains? Will emarkp have a fit when he randomly gets labeled with the horrible moniker emarkp? Why do you read the motd so much if it offends you? Weren't you the guy filtering out curse words from the motd? \_ Hi anonymous troll! -emarkp \_ It's random for me ... I went from megatron to LeftWingNut to bush to MaoZedong. I think kchang is just trying to identify the same posters without identifying the identity of the posters, pretty cool. Is his degree going to be in social studies of geek to MaoZedong. Is his degree going to be in social studies of geek clics? \_ It now appears to be random for me as well. The distribution was very much /not/ uniform before, now it appears to be. -emarkp \_ Uhm, welcome to the nature of randomness. \_ 7 is the most random number! \_ Is there a way to add nicknames? \_ How about "moroni" \_ Before some politburo individual reads this and overreacts, there is nothing inherently wrong with kchang archiving the motd, attempting to guess posters' identities, and posting insulting names in their places (if he were doing so, which is not the case). If you don't like kchang's sense of humor, don't bother going to his website. This is not high school; hell, this is not even college. This is a globally editable message board which is sometimes informative, but often irrelevant, like most of the Internet. Get over it. --erikred \_ politburo should squish darthVader and Megatron the same way amckee squished brett. |
2005/12/6-7 [Recreation/Humor, Computer/SW] UID:40876 Activity:nil |
12/6 Hi kchang. You're pretty funny: "This web site is filled with nothing but trolls, sarcasms, and insults and should NOT be used as a substitute for honest informational sources such as http://FoxNews.com and WhiteHouse.gov." If I want political commentary from you I'll rattle your cage. \_ It definitely sounds tongue-in-cheek. He's implying both sites are not "honest" and "informational" |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/Companies/Google, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40877 Activity:nil |
12/6 GOOG is with the terrorists: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/12/06/al_qaeda_google |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:40878 Activity:low |
12/6 I read that the PAKI in Pakistan stands for: Pashtun, Afgan, Kashmiris and Iranians. Is that true? \_ Yes, because all acronyms around the world are from English transliterations, so as to make it easy for the U.S. media market. \- no \_ Short for Pakistani. Don't call an Indian a Paki unless you want to insult them. \_ I thought "Paki" was insulting for Pakistanis as well. \- i assume the quetion was about "where does the name "pakistan" come from, not about the usage of the epithet "paki". some people say "wog" stands for western oriential gentleman but that is probably not true and it is just a nasty term that ex post had various faux meanings attached to it. punjab on the other hand certainly is from "5+waters". "paki" i think is urdu for pure or sacred or something like that. i dont know the origin. but it certainly isnt like say "benelux" etc. anybody claiming "kashmir is an essential part of pakistan and is the k in the name" is either confused or bullshitting. the P if anything would be for punjab which is much more important than pashtoon. and sind is left out. YMWTS: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Humor/Peccavi.txt i note in passing, the indian national anthem does have a sanskritized list of parts of india. \_ easy to assess the veracity of the claims made in this web site: http://geography.about.com/library/misc/blpakname.htm |
2005/12/6-7 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:40879 Activity:nil |
12/6 After the upgrade, when I do M-x shell in emacs, the prompt has color and my commands are automatically highlighted. Wow! What change enabled this? |
2005/12/6-7 [Transportation/Airplane, Reference/Military] UID:40880 Activity:moderate |
12/6 Pesky journalists! http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/12/06/D8EAVS3O3.html "A plane loaded with Iranian journalists ... At least 128 people were killed -- 34 on the ground ... the plane appeared to be circling the airport when its tail suddenly burst into flames, leaving a smoke trail as it plummeted ... The C-130 is built by Lockheed ..." \_ Hmm, that seems odd. It was having engine trouble, then the tail burst into flames? The C-130 doesn't have any engines in the tail. \_ Any gas tanks near the tail? \_ Suicide bombers always travel in economy. -John \_ That's because they get free upgrades. "Madam, either you give me that empty seat in the First Class or I'll press the trigger." \_ And demand free upgrades mid-flight. "Madam, either you give me that empty seat in the First Class now, or I'll press the trigger." \_ You mean "I demand a seat in heaven!" <boom> \_ gas tanks are usually in the wings. Tails usually have the power generation unit, which looks a lot like an engine. \_ No idea. I only know of the ones in the wings, here's some info though. http://csua.org/u/e77 \_ Another 9/11. \_ I think it's CIA's work. I mean, we are quite experienced at taking down Iranian planes, no? \_ The Iranians are quite good at crashing planes all on their own. \_ I'll tell you why we know the CIA wasn't behind the crash: the planes crashed, didn't they? |
2005/12/6-7 [Consumer/PDA] UID:40881 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 I have a Palm IIIc, and I got offered a free Palm Vx at work. I took it assuming there would be some advantge of a V over a III. I can't seem to figure out the advantage. It has the same amount of memory in any case. Does anyone know the difference? \_ Slimmer form factor? Maybe more colors? \_ Definatly less colors. The Vx is B/W, the IIIc is color. It \_ fewer definitely _/ \_ fewer \_ Are there a countable number of colors in the rainbow? \_ Both color sets are finite values. \_ I think you meant "Is there..." and that's irrelevant. "less color" would have been correct. "less colors" is not. is slimmer/smaller, but not enough that I'd care. \_ Basically it's just the form factor. And even without colors, its screen won't make your eyes bleed. \_ So, it might be easier to read books on? Dunno, seems about the same to me. \_ Palm V runs on Palm/3.x OS has serious limitation in terms of multimedia capability. |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40882 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 Giving this its own thread: I'm curious about other people's thoughts on this. How strongly ingrained do you think the current government/military in Iraq will be? I.e., when we leave, how resistant will it be to neighboring influences? How incorporated are the national vs. local governing systems going to be? The reason I ask is that I suspect our attempts at instituting a government from the top down are going to result in a papier-mache veneer while the religious leaders, who have strong, direct, authorititative local ties, gather control. --scotsman \_ once we leave, its' kurds. vs. shia vs. sunni. ROUUND 1, FIGHT! \_ I wonder if anyone's considered the strategic benefits of letting middle eastern states develop all the nukes they want, just not long-range delivery systems. \_ who needs a delivery system? just use a barge. manned delivery systems (ala suicide bombing) is their specialty. \_ Hell, all they have to do is stick it in an oil tanker. \_ Neutron bombs would be better than nukes. It would be to hard to get at the oil if they nuked each other. Seriously, there is enough incentive to avoid control by Iran or another Saddam that things in Iraq might work out. It might not be as nice as Turkey, but it could be okay. Just focusing on Iraq, I think, misses the big picture and that is the democratic squeeze on Iran and Pakistan. \_ We should give them Neutron Bombs. Regular nukes might make it hard to work the oil fields. Seriously though, I think that the Iraqis might make this thing work b/c the alternative is oppression at the hands of Iran or another Saddam. Maybe it won't be as nice as Turkey, but it could still work out ok. Just focusing on Iraq, I think, misses the bigger picture and that is the squeeze on Iran and Pakistan. \_ traditionally, there is a sort of proxy ideology war between Shia vs. Sunni. Traditionally, Iran is a strong Shia backer, but most successful of all, it's Saudi's backing of Sunni. Saudi used to fund Sunni dominated regime, and fund all sort of islamic school which teaches Sunni sect. The problem with this Iraq thing is that Saudi is kind of in trouble on its own and can't really provide support for the Sunni in Iraq. So, we are looking at Sunni will be eventually get squashed. \_ Nononononono! The Saudi position remains unchanged. They still fund militant wahabiism both inside and outside Saudi Arabia with both private and public funds from the royal family. Where'd you get the idea anything at all has changed in that regard, they're "in trouble" (whatever that means) in their own country or they can't support anything outside their own country? If that were true, a lot of people would stop pointing at Saudi Arabia as a prime source of terrorist funding that needed a good ass kicking. The Shia are campaigning hard for the elections on the 15th. Why should they have to squash anyone when they're the majority population? That makes no sense. The Kurds only issue is how much oil falls under their regional control. The Sunnis are the only ones with something to lose because they had too much before and there aren't enough of them insane enough to form anything more than small terrorist groups blowing up markets and election lines. A country of 26MM people can survive with a few suicide bombers every week forever, however that doesn't seem to be an effective long term method if the government and people can hold out as Israel has shown. \_ In the end, it will be who controls the oil will control the country. The question is will there be an actual country to control or will it be nominally diced into a federation of states of Kuridstan, Iraq, and Poor-Assed-Sunni-stan. There is a question of how much factionalism exists. Will Iraq be akin to Afghanistan? |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40883 Activity:high |
12/6 Condi is the next Dick Cheney http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1534543/posts "Torture is a term that is defined by law. We rely on our law to govern our operations. The United States does not permit, tolerate or condone torture under any circumstances." "The United States has not transported anyone and will not transport anyone to a country when we believe he will be tortured. Where appropriate, the United States seeks assurances that transferred persons will not be tortured." \_ Translation: Torture is what we say it is; if we do it, then it isn't torture. What happens in Saudi Arabia, stays in Saudi Arabia. \_ What is torture depends oon what your definition of is is. \_ It all depends on what your definition of is is. \_ Actually this is interesting b/c it implies that the protections of convention 3 will be applied regardless of the person's art 4 status. If this is the administrations official policy, it seems like a big change. \_ This how every other Geneva Convention signatory interprets it. Only the GWB Whitehouse claims this "enemy combatant" exemption. \_ Go read convention 3 and you will see that Art 4 status is (1) not applicable to non-state actors and (2) only provided until a competent tribunal makes a determination re Art 4 status if such status is in dispute. That other signatories interpret it in a particular way is irrelevant b/c the admin. is not obligated to follow an interpretation which is not supported by the text. If the admininstration has chosen to extend Art 4 protections I applaud it. \_ I'm sorry, but many of these "terrorist" are state actors. \_ Which state? My understanding is that if found out of uniform (no, bomb belts are not a uniform), they are EC until said tribunal determines otherwise. That is the point of the tribunal, no? \_ Go read Convention 3 and then tell me which part of Art 4.1 applies to the terrorists. Here is a link to the text: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Third_Geneva_Convention#Article_4 \_ "armed forces"? You mean like Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines? (Yes, terms and words do have specific meaning.) Insurgents are not considered specified meaning.) Insurgents are not considered part of the "armed forces of a Party", nor are they volunteers or militias "forming part of such armed forces". Usually 4.2 is considered to apply to Iraqi insurgents, especially since the Article 4.2 specifically mention "militias and members of other volunteer corps, *including those of organized resistance movements*" [emphasis added]. Problem there is that Iraqi insurgents may not meet defitions 2 and 4 of an "organized resistance movement". \_ I did not mean to imply that the insurgents could be considered armed forces of a party or milita (esp. since I do not think that any state is directly opposed to the US). I agree that only organized resistance or possibly spontaneous resistance can apply to the insurgents. Assuming arguendo that only one of the four requirments of 4.2 need to be met (in reality all four are required), the insurgents can't possibly qualify b/c (1) there is no identif- iable chain of command, (2) they do not carry insignia identifying themselves, (3) they do not carry arms openly and (4) they do not adhere to the customs/laws of war (ex. suicide bombings are not customs of war). The best bet is probably 4.6, but the problem is that the insurgents don't adhere to the customs/laws of war. |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:40884 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 emarkp's little fit below is a good illustration of the "true random doesn't seem random" problem that afflicts shuffle-play implementations in MP3 and CD players. \_ Sigh. When one value gets 50% of the hits in 200 trials, that's not uniform distribution, now matter how many names you want to call me. -emarkp \_ If this were true, you would be correct. However, 200 trials from a script doesn't mean anything. What counts is when kchang's code re-generates random numbers. Looking at your sample below, it looks like reagan is about 6x more frequent than the next closest. It's improbable, but a uniform distribution could have oversampled one item by 6 in the code, which comes up as 6/12 item generations. That's assuming your script is distributed evenly across time, and so is his random generation code. Assuming he varies the interval between regeneration, then this could be fairly probably. between regeneration, your results are fairly probable. eg. After nicknames get assigned, wait 1-100 seconds, then assign again. Reagan just got assigned a long wait time, then your script oversampled one data point. Or any variation off this procedure. Done properly, it could give the illusion of semi-consistency while remaining truly random. -magneto (not "luck of draw" magneto, but "I am Magneto" one) \_ Except that several instances of "reagan" occur, then one of (say) hitler or sauron, etc. After I listed the results, suddenly "reagan" went way down in frequency. -emarkp \_ It's a conspiracy to call you "reagan" and not hitler! \_ Ok, fine. Let's say he hardcoded something so that he called you reagan. What an insult that is! What other nicer villain names listed on his web site would you preferred to be called? \_ I'd like to be Captain Hook. -!emarkp \_ This is the CSUA. There are numerous algorithms that can do this, biasing results for certain members of the population for given periods of time. -magneto |
2005/12/6 [Uncategorized] UID:40885 Activity:nil 70%like:40892 |
12/6 Click on "Watch The TV Ad" on the bottom left corner: http://www.honda.co.uk/impossibledream/window.html - direct: Also a different commercial on diesels, click on "See the Film": http://www.honda.co.uk/change - direct: http://www.btaa.co.uk/winners2005/movs/HondaDiesel_Grr.mov |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:40886 Activity:kinda low |
12/5 Spokane Mayor Recalled in Sex Scandal "Mayor James E West was recalled from office Tuesday in a special election over allegations he offered jobs and perks to young men he met in a gay Internet chat room .... West, a former Boy Scout executive and sheriff's deputy, was elected mayor in 2003 after serving more than two decades as a conservative Republican in the state Legislature, where he voted against gay friendly bills." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051207/ap_on_re_us/spokane_mayor \_ What is it with people in Spokane and the hot, gay sex? \_ We've got lots of snow right now. We need the hot, gay sex to keep warm. -bz \_ Bitter angry hetero sex not doing it anymore? \_ Yes, whenever there are homosexuals, there is evil and corruption. We need to unmask all the hidden homosexuals. |
2005/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:40887 Activity:nil |
12/5 GOP Corruption Continues: http://halliburtonwatch.org/news/whistleblower_hearings_denied.html \_ Why is a story from 18 months ago news now? \_ Which President gave Halliburton their first exclusive no competition contract? |
2005/12/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:40888 Activity:nil |
12/6 Most oddly disturbing thread of the week award goes to the people debating Megatron vs. Optimus. |
2005/12/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:40889 Activity:nil |
12/6 heh, emarkp provides as much entertainment as amckee. you guys make motd exciting again. good job and keep it up! -anon troller \_ Got a question for you emarkp. It's obvious that kchang has special statistical rules for calling names for different people. What made you think you're special and that he singled you out? More importantly, what's so bad about being called reagan more frequently than say, hitler or kimJongIl? Lastly, this is the internet and there's a lot of trash out there. Why are you so obsessed with his particular trash? \_ Sorry, my "anonymous troll" quota is filled for the week. -emarkp |
2005/12/6-7 [Reference/Law, Reference/Law/Court] UID:40890 Activity:nil |
12/6 Law's Quandary Reviewed by Antonin Scalia http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1535100/posts |
3/15 |