2005/11/8-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:40483 Activity:nil |
11/7 Dear housing bust expert Swami the Magnificent, my wife and I really really want to get a house soon. What is the best time for buyers? end of December? mid January? \_ Uhm, did you read your own links? The builder they quote in the second link says he expects housing prices to go up slower. Going up slower is not the same as dropping. I understand the desperate desire to own a home but don't fool yourself by selectively reading articles. That's no way to invest or buy. \_ http://tinyurl.com/dpd3j (yahoo news) http://tinyurl.com/acxh2 (yahoo news) Housing market crash crash crash. May hard working homeowners stay and keep their abode. May greedy flippers burn in hell cuz they're brash. May new buyers find renewed hope for finding a home. \_ I'm not STM, but from a co-worker who is currently trying to sell a house, the slow times are when closing dates fall on the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas) since no one wants to do a big move around those dates. He de-listed his house and will try again early next year. \_ Have your friend sell to this guy! \_ Mind living in Phoenix? \_ Yes, November and December are slow times. This can be good in terms of price, but bad in terms of selection. I bought my house in November and there wasn't much on the market. When houses started to list in earnest again (spring) the prices were a lot higher. So, now is a good time. \_ I'm not sure about that. With less inventory, everybody goes looking at the same few places. That's what I saw when I was looking a while back. The inventory was down but there were still tons of people looking. I don't know if maybe there are less buyers now though. \_ Fewer buyers and fewer sellers. The market is more quiet. In the spring it will pick up again. Prices then are usually higher than now, despite the increased supply. It's less a factor in CA, but many houses don't show well in winter. It's like buying your car on a rainy day. Factor in holidays and this is a better time to buy than, say, April. \_ Be aware of the proposed new tax law which caps mortgage interest deduction at 420k. If this gets passed, it will most definitely affect housing price. \_ Another way to screw the blue states, since obviously anyone with a 420K house is superrich. |
2005/11/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:40484 Activity:nil |
11/8 Analyst says Wilson 'outed' wife in 2002 http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47242 There are now multiple witnesses stating Wilson 'outed' his wife well before his mission to Africa. \_ Slight problem... take a look at http://www.crooksandliars.com/stories/2005/11/08/vallelyAndWilsonFoxAppearances.html The two were never on on the same day. Not only that but Wilson wasn't on at all until many months after this outing supposedly happened. And when that last little tidbit came out the "analyst" changed his story to match the dates better. \_ This message brought to you by our good 'ol jblack \_ Does jblack belong to the Berkeley College Republicans? \_ http://www.thinkprogress.org/leak-rebuttal \_ Wow, that link doesn't address Vallely's claim at all! Thanks anonymous motd link poster! -emarkp \_ Vallely's claim was limp to begin with, even if true. The outing occurred with Novak's column, which has a significant (and partisan-activist) readership. \_ Ah yes, the standard partisan response. "Your claim is false! And even if it isn't, it doesn't matter." Thanks for playing. -emarkp \_ Actually, I never said his claim was false. \_ "even if true" \_ != "Your claim is false!", which is a declaration indicating certainty \_ Waitasec. A retired Major General says he heard Wilson talking openly about his wife being a CIA agent in the green room at Fox News? THAT's your evidence? Where are the multiple witnesses? \_ You aren't willing to take any statement by a Major General as the aboslute truth? You've obviously never served. \_ I'm withholding judgement until I hear what BUD DAY thinks. |
2005/11/8-10 [Consumer/Audio] UID:40485 Activity:nil |
11/8 http://www.patmedia.net/marklevinson/cool/cool_illusion.html work safe. \- weird to see "mark levinson" in a context other than highend speakers/audio. --psb, also not the speaker co. \_ Not really. Mark Levinson was married to Kim Cattrall while Sex in The City was running, so his named appeared in a number of non-audio contexts. \_ this is the coolest illusion I've ever seen \- have you seen the pawn on the greyscale chessboard? that one is pretty dramatic too. this is also pretty good: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/CoolPix/continuous-motion.jpeg this is also interesting: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/CoolPix/Christ.jpg \_ This one isn't that dramatic but I had to crop the colors to prove to myself it was true: http://web.mit.edu/persci/people/adelson/checkershadow_illusion.html What is this "pawn on chessboard" thing? I vaguely remember something like that. \- oh yeah, that is the one i meant. i guess it wasnt a pawn. that one is mindboggling. literally. \_ I wonder if the military makes some use of these illusions, or if it trains its personnels to avoid being tricked by similar illusions. |
2005/11/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:40486 Activity:nil |
11/8 When is Fox News going to offer the O'Reiley Show and Sean Hannity programs for 99 cents on iPod? I need portable Fair and Balanced programs to periodically cleanse myself from pervasive liberal trash like CNN ABC CBS NBC PBS that I'm surrounded by every day. Also it'd be nice to send an iPod preprogrammed with Fox News to my little brother in Iraq to cheer him up, to remind him why he's there. \_ I'll sell you an icepick you can use to clear those filthy liberal voices out of your ear. \_ I'd doubt that would happen. I can see podcasting complete with ads, but then they would have to figure out how much to charge for the ads and draw up contracts. Directed sales. Like butter! \_ hey, don't joke about users' siblings in Iraq |
2005/11/8-10 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:40487 Activity:nil |
11/8 Don't forget, there's talk on software election security by one of the leaders in the field, Dr. David Jefferson. It's tonight at 6pm in 306 Soda, \_ How long is the talk supposed to run? \_ Probably about 1 hour. \_ Why is it not held before the election day? \_ Basically logistical reasons. David Jefferson is a busy guy, and originally he was going to speak on something totally different. We didn't get it all figured out until last week, and the room is availible today. -jrleek |
2005/11/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:40488 Activity:nil |
11/8 "France's biggest Muslim fundamentalist organization, the Union for Islamic Organizations of France, issued a fatwa, or religious decree, that forbade all those "who seek divine grace from taking part in any action that blindly strikes private or public property or can harm others." http://csua.org/u/dyh (Yahoo! News) Is this smoke or are the fundamentalist really against the violence? \_ More likely, it's them realizing that you cannot have a fortnight of rioting without experiencing some serious lashback on the political front. They're trying to tell people that the point has has been made, the shark has been jumped, and, as Dave Chappelle would say, it's time to Wrap This Up! \_ Additionally, they're proving that the Muslim leaders have more power in France than the French government. \_ Good point! cf. Madagascar election, January 2003. \_ UOIF is run by a guy named Boubaker, who's a big moderate. It's sort of semi-sponsored by the government; this is an attempt to exert some control over militant elements in the (mainly Algerian) muslim community by bringing pressure on some of the more radical mosques from within the community itself. There's a fight between UOIF (which I wouldn't call "fundamentalist") and another, more conservative, organization about influence within the French Umma. To overly simplify, it's a matter of those who want to work within the system versus those who don't. And no, muslims in France are a large group but they definitely don't have more power than "de gub'mint". -John |
2005/11/8 [Uncategorized] UID:40489 Activity:nil |
11/8 Anybody know how long the electronic voting talk tonight is supposed to run? I'm trying to decide if I can make it to an 8pm event. |
2005/11/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Military] UID:40490 Activity:moderate |
11/8 Cruise Ship Escapes Pirate Hijack Attempt http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051105/ap_on_re_af/pirate_attack Ship's Passengers Recall Pirate Attack http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051107/ap_on_re_af/seychelles_pirate_cruise What kind of cruise ship is it that can outrun speedboat? Or, what kind of lame speedboat is it that can't even catch up with a cruise ship!!?? And what kind of lame pirates would use such a speedboat? \_ "two 25-foot inflatable boats" I suspect that heavily loaded inflatable boats are not that fast. Probably better acceleration, but lower top speed. \_ Still, they can't outrun a 440-foot-long, 10,000-ton cruise ship? That's still lame. \_ They probably didn't outrun, per se. With no way to board or stop the ship, when the cruise ship set out to open sea, the pirates probably just gave up. \_ Modern luxury liners can hit almost 30 knots. Some lame Somali rustbucket may not make that much. -John \_ The rigid inflatable boats the US Navy uses have a top speed of 45 knots, but a cruise speed of only 30 knots - and that's a boat the US military uses. I'm gonna guess the speedboats were faster, but not much faster and have a shorter range. \_ Once again, khat-addled Somali thugs. Have a look at link:tinyurl.com/9mynz -- "speedboat" is an optimistic description. -John \_ They went 100 miles offshore in that? \_ Look up Thor Heyerdahl. Where there's a will there's a way. Some of the slow freighters, private yachts or tankers modern pirates take are well worth it. Anda cruise ship will not deviate course because some random blip is near it--it will probably just try to avoid ramming. -John \_ The more I think about it, the more surprised I am that the thugs got that close. A radar blip from something on an intercept course within 10 miles of me? If I can't talk to it, I run from it. A possible terrorist strike would be my primary worry, especially 100 miles out on a ship full of American/European tourists. \_ Even more lame is that, why did the pirates fire their guns when they approach the cruise ship if their speedboats aren't that fast? They should have quietly approached and climbed up the ship before waking up everybody with gunfire. \_ The problem is that there is no easy way to "climb" up the ship. The ships are built for easy access to docks not to those at sea level. The shooting was probably out of frustration. \_ The article says they were trying to disable the ship with their shooting. \_ It's like shooting BBs at a elephant. You need to know where to hit and then get lucky hitting it. \_ Eh, not so much with RPG's. \_ I thought climbing up ships from sea level are pirates' specialty. Isn't it their main way of hijacking ships? \_ Most piracy deals with much smaller, slower ships. Small frieghters, fishing boats, that sort of thing. Built much lower and substatially easier to access. \_ These guys are primitive thugs. Like op, they probably thought "speed boat _must_ be faster than cruise ship." -John \_ Per /., it looks like the cruise ship used a sonic weapon to deter their pursuers: http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/news/breaking_news/13106303.htm \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_range_acoustic_device very cool. |
2005/11/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40491 Activity:high |
11/8 tom holub \_ ilya shpitser \_ david bushong \_ charlie root \_ geordan rosario \_ Hi! -geordan \_ peter mardahl \_ (what does this list of names represent?) \_ People who were at yermom's last night. -John \_ Evidence that the price of green in Berkeley is Way Too High. \_ So, someone said something threatening toward amckee, like instituting a blacklist saying "do not hire amckee". amckee used KAIS MOTD identification to turn off someone's account, someone who turned out to be innocent because KAIS MOTD's identification was in error. The Politburo sent mail to kchang asking him to turn it off, with wording that some inferred to mean "turn off the ident feature or else." kchang just took the whole thing down. Clear enough? --PeterM \_ Thanks, peterM in my innocent eye, kchang has nothing to do with this at all. he has repeatly, and clearly labled that his "name attribute" logging feature is not accurate. I don't think it's kchang's problem when someone falsely put faith on that feature, no? kngharv \_ Yes, I understood clearly that kchang's naming feature was not accurate. In fact, his feature misattributed to me things I didn't say (other things it got right). Nevertheless, I liked the feature: it's fine if you understand the quality and uncertainty of the data. --PeterM \_ It's a GOOD thing that the archiver is down. Some of the comments amckee made could be really damaging to him in the future. Ditto with tjb and ilyas. \_ my motd archiver is still going strong. -ERicM \_ it was not a threat, it was an retaliation. I personally made sure that amckee will never get hired by Google, Intel, IBM, and countless other companies. I love networking. \_ This seems inappropriate to me. If you think the guy is so vile that he needs to blacklisted, don't you think that he'd do a good job shooting himself down in interviews? If you think you need to do MORE then it's clearly personal and not professional. Alot can be said of amckee, but I don't think this sort of retaliation based on motd content is reasonable. \_ It's often difficult diagnosing personality disorders in an interview. \_ Yeah, the evidence is that psychopath blacklister guy got hired. \_ Honestly, I wouldn't hire either of them, but knowing what I do, if I had to choose I think I'd hire amckee over the blacklister guy, but because at least amckee is honest, and blacklister guy is basically a cowardly grudge-holding bastard. \_ I have personally contacted God, and I've made sure no one from Earth is going to Heaven. \_ you also seem to love hyperbole. \_ Just curious--how could you _make sure_ that these companies won't hire someone? Won't that imply these companies maintain a blacklist themselves? \_ I hope I never come across you in my professional life. Blacklisting is vile. --PeterM \_ Ditto. To pp, go fuck yourself. -John \_ not exactly smart signing your name. \_ What, so I'm supposed to cower in fear of the blacklister? What is he going to do, put me on a blacklist for being anti-blacklists? Or is he going to invent some slander/libel? --PM \_ It's not only "motd content", but the personal threats made to some people, and the lack of any apologies. Look at the psb web site for the hysterical rantings -- "I will file a restraining order" "Your friends will not be able to help you" "The CSUA is a Stalinist Empire and I am Uncle Joe" "I am keeping a log of your actions" "psb you have been a hoser by spamming the csua@@csua mailing list" "the full scrutiny of contract law" "alumni on our servers is clearly in violation of campus policies" "I am the resident asshole". I doubt the earlier poster has the power to have amckee banned at several large companies, but one can point to the very words written by amckee. \_ So you've appointed yourself judge, jury, and \_ So he's appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner, and decided that establishing a precedent for intimidation and execution of threats on the motd was a more rational and responsible behavior? How is that supposed to be good for the motd community as a whole? Honestly, I think you're the one that should be sorried here since you not only made threats, but seem to have actually carried through on them. Honestly, I think he's the one that should be sorried here since he not only made threats, but seems to have actually carried through on them. Uh oh...have I just made myself a blacklist candidate, now too? \_ Politburo sent kchang a couple e-mails asking him to turn off the ID feature, or at least put a big disclaimer about its (in)accuracy. kchang did not respond to Politburo e-mail and was threatened by a Politburo member that he may be sorried if he didn't write back. kchang decided to turn off the archiver entirely. \_ This is in the context of a CSUA president who threatened to turn off the accounts for at least two more people, never apologized to them, and did a lot of semi-unstable ranting documented at http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA and the request-like rather than threat-like nature of the mails was not communicated to kchang. And some of the communication was from non-politiburo persons. \- what sort of moron would try to outthink psb? ok tnx. --#1 fan \_ What sort of moron would try to outthink psb? --#1 fan \- psb for president-4-life -- #2 fan \_ !psb -John \_ I think !psb may be a popular candidate at the next politburo elections. -gm |
2005/11/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40492 Activity:high |
11/8 Would someone give me a pointer on what was the big controversy surrounding KAIS MOTD, the whole story, and in particular, why the name attribute logging is a such big deal? ever since KAIS MOTD being terminated, people start to censoring MOTD again. and it is very annoying. \_ So, someone said something threatening toward amckee, like instituting a blacklist saying "do not hire amckee". amckee used KAIS MOTD identification to turn off someone's account, someone who turned out to be innocent because KAIS MOTD's identification was in error. The Politburo sent mail to kchang asking him to turn it off, with wording that some inferred to mean "turn off the ident feature or else." kchang just took the whole thing down. Clear enough? --PeterM \_ Politburo sent kchang a couple e-mails asking him to turn off the ID feature, or at least put a big disclaimer about its (in)accuracy. kchang did not respond to Politburo e-mail and was threatened by a Politburo member that he may be sorried if he didn't write back. kchang decided to turn off the archiver entirely. |
2005/11/8-10 [Consumer/TV] UID:40493 Activity:nil |
11/8 I now see "multi-zone" dvd players being sold by makers like Sony, this puzzles me, isn't it illegal to sell multi-zone (region free) DVD players? At least intentionally? Especially from a copyright dickhead like Sony? Or did the DVD contract change recently? \_ It isn't illegal. It may violate agreements with RIAA, however. \_ What does the RIAA have to do with DVDs? MPAA, on the other hand... \_ Sorry, got my acronymns mixed up. I meant the DVD CCA. \_ Sony is trying to play it nice since they got themselves burned by the rootkit thing. Besides, the real battle is on BluRay vs. HD-DVD. \_ I thought it usually was a "wink wink" gosh I hope no one ever press buttons X Y and Z at the same time because that would make the player region-free deal. \_ Basically, yes. Same thing with Xbox modchips. Depending on which country you do it in, it's either illegal or sanctioned explicitly by the courts (i.e. Italy.) -John |
2005/11/8-10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40494 Activity:nil |
11/8 7-minute segment on the marketing of the Iraq war http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Hardball-Runuptothewar.wmv http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Hardball-Runupto.mov See Condi, Dick, Powell, and Dubya report what would turn out to be false claims. |
2005/11/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:40495 Activity:low |
11/8 Oops, looks like the person who leaked the CIA secret prisons info was a Republican senator. Guess that "investigation" won't be going anywhere after all. \_ If it's McCain, it might go somewhere. Oh wait, McCain just said he hadn't heard of the sites at all before the Post story. \_ Frist is backing off already... Gee, think the man has any credibility left? -aspo \_ everyone's a schadenfraudester. \_ Hey, the Dems can still call for it (and they should--of course the Repubs should as well). -emarkp \_ "Hey, we're gonna get the guy who blew the whistle on our secret CIA torture scam!" wtf?? \_ Yes, it is more important to stop the leaks than to find out more about the US secret prisons. Trent Lott says that it was a Republican senator because VP Cheney told them about the prisons during a luncheon. Makes you wonder what they say over nightcaps. \_ That's when they talk about the horse molestation chambers \_ s/'secret prisons'/'torture chamber'/g |
2005/11/8-10 [Recreation/Computer] UID:40496 Activity:nil |
11/8 Can someone show up to this and asphyxiate every person speaking at this? thanks Internet: Friendster, MySpace founders debate online communities Nov. 8, 7-9 p.m., Andersen Auditorium, Haas School of Business The founders of the wildly popular online communities http://MySpace.com, recently bought by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp for $580 million, and http://Friendster.com, will discuss the future of these virtual neighborhoods in an event sponsored by the Fall 2005 Pledge Class of Delta Sigma Pi, a business fraternity. The event is free and includes the chance to win an iPod Nano and other cool door prizes. |
2005/11/8-9 [Health/Disease/General, Science] UID:40497 Activity:nil |
11/8 5 cases of polio in MN Amish group. link:tinyurl.com/atvhz \_ Good for them! They resisted the evil tyrannical gubbament and its attempts to inject nasty SCIENCE chemicals into their god loving children! \_ Hey, nice strawman. Did they get cervical cancer via HPV too? \_ Heh, thanks man. \_ Contrary to popular belief, the Amish embrace modern medical science. Note that the baby that spread the disease got it in a hospital. The amish are more hostile to technology that helps you get stuff done quickly. \_ Yup. See #4 in http://www.amish-heartland.com/?topic=FAQ |
2005/11/8-9 [Science/Biology, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:40498 Activity:moderate |
11/8 Kansas school board approves change to definition of science to permit teaching of intelligent design alongside theory of evolution Old text: "Science is the human activity of seeking natural explanations for what we observe in the world around us ..." New text: "Science is the human activity of seeking logical explanations for what we observe in the world around us ..." \_ I don't see how that really changes anything. ID is no more logical than it is natural. -tom \_ 2006 State of Kansas Science Textbook: Chapter 1: The Flat Earth Chapter 2: The Earth-revolving Sun Chapter 3: Seven Days of Creation Chapter 4: Logical vs Natural: 3 Steps to Bring you Closer to God \_ Chapter 5: Atheist Scentists Go to Hell \_ Chapter 5: Aetheist Scentists Go to Hell \_ Chapter 6: Faith-Based Science and Engineering: Power of Prayer \_ 2006 State of Kansas Health Textbook: Chapter 1: Don't Worry Your Pretty Little Head About It \- so are parents goign to be allowed to have their kids opt out of the fruitcake stuff? \_ Great phrase by Kansas ID board member: "Darwin Fundamentalist" \_ FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER WILL GET THE INFIDELS! -John \_ Flying Spaghetti Monster can't keep flying forever! Thanks to Intelligent Falling. |
2005/11/8-9 [Science/Biology] UID:40499 Activity:nil |
11/8 What's the matter with Kansas, indeed: http://www.cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/11/08/evolution.debate.ap/index.html \_ Can someone please tell me what the BIG problem is w/ evolution that is somehow not present w/ GR or QM? It seems to me that if you accept GR/QM, you have to accept evolution. \_ GR/QM don't contradict thw WORD OF GOD. \_ "Intelligent Design" won the nomenclature war. For instance, I believe life was designed by a Creator. However, when I looked into the details of ID, I was stunned by how it basically says "this stuff doesn't make sense, doesn't it make more sense that God^H^H^H an intelligent agent designed it?" Seriously, that's their whole argument. -emarkp \_ ID works on the "N+1" theory. If our level of technological understanding is "N", then anything with a technological complexity of "N+1" MUST be divinely inspired. I work in Kansas, and live next door in Missouri, and half of the people on both sides (smart, educated, earnest) believe in some form of N+1ism. Even those people who understand that the whole thing is political posturing in the part of the Kansas (Republican, grass-roots) political establishment still also, somewhere in the back of their minds, believe that, yes, Evolution is real, but underlying evolution is some divinely-inspired impetus. --coganman \_ my foot up their asses is divinely-inspired \_ And they haven't tarred & feathered you yet? -John \_ Say we accept for the sake of argument that life on earth was designed by an intelligent agent. I do not see how this refutes or disproves natural selection b/c (1) the intelligent agent could have used natural selection as the mechanism to create life and (2) the intelligent agent itself may have arose due to natural selection operating in a different environment. \_ I agree. ID proponents however paint evolution as requiring evolution to be a random process--explicitly forbidding a creator. Thus setting up the straw man. -emarkp |
2005/11/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:40500 Activity:nil |
11/8 http://drudgereport.com accidentally flips prelim. Virginia election results http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1518401/posts |
2005/11/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40505 Activity:nil |
11/7 Stephen Colbert/Middle Earth fanfic: http://www.colbertnation.com/colbertnation/fanfic_blr1.jhtml |
3/15 |