2005/10/31-11/1 [Uncategorized] UID:40343 Activity:nil |
10/31 SeaQuest is coming out on DVD: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=4407 \_ and still no date for the release of Manimal? |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Uncategorized] UID:40344 Activity:low |
10/31 What the heck is The Wizard of Id supposed to be about today? http://featurepage.creators.com/washpost.html?name=wiz \_ I think they're trying to say halloween==devil worship \_ Or that orange gourds and wheeled transports are all part the Devil's plot of e-ville. |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Uncategorized] UID:40345 Activity:low |
10/31 what's a command line torrent program that lets me limit my uploading speed? \_ the reference bt client maybe? \_ yep, the reference python implementation does this \_ Not strictly CLI (curses-based) but try rtorrent. Fairly counter-intuitive commands, but does what you want. -John |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Uncategorized] UID:40346 Activity:nil |
10/31 Happy Halloween! http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4346/1160/1600/103944384bmomQg_ph.jpg \_ aruga aruga! \_ What? \_ Capt'n! She canna teak anymoor. She's gonna blow! \_ onomatopoeia for squeezing rubber horns \_ Haha! I see. Thanks. |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/Networking] UID:40347 Activity:moderate |
10/31 What's the best tool out there to crack WEP? \_ pissed that your neighbor finally enabled encryption? \_ Can't hack into the webcam in their daughter's bedroom? \_ mmm, daughter cam. \_ Auditor collection. http://www.remote-exploit.org and make a donation to Max. You owe me a coke. -John |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40348 Activity:nil |
10/31 From <DEAD>dcbar.org<DEAD> via the intrepid Wonkette: I L Libby Jr Cheif of Staff, Room 276 Eisenhower Exec Office Bldg. Washington DC 20501 Email: Not available Phone: 202-456-9000 Fax: 202-456-6212 Membership Status: Suspended Reason for suspension: Non-payment of dues. Disciplinary history: None Date of admission: May 19, 1978 \_ So you're going to call him? What is the importance of this? \_ It's amusing how many of these lawyers around bush and company manage to get their licenses suspended. \_ Because he didn't pay his dues? \_ Miers had a suspended license as well. It's just something that seems to come up with remarkable frequency around Bush. Mediocrity in all things... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1018051miers1.html \_ Wow, talk about trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. \_ You seem to think I'm saying more about this than I am. \_ http://www.theonion.com/content/node/41917 \_ Cheif of Staff != Chief of Staff (!!) |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/RealEstate] UID:40349 Activity:low |
10/31 A while ago I went to take a look at a condo development. I answered a survey and an agent took me around. Then I asked the agent if it is possible to bring in another agent (such as my friend) in order to save a few commission fees. She said it is possible, but that I'd have to bring an agent during the FIRST visit. Is she bullshitting or is this a standard thing? \_ Are you the same person with the "The condo agent *LIED!* to me!" story? The seller can make up any rule they want as long as they don't violate some civil rights laws and similar things. They can say they give a $15K discount to anyone who wears green and yellow spotted sneakers when they FIRST visit and can even change the colors at their whim. They're a seller. They set the selling rules. You're in a negotiating situation. Bring your friend if you want. They then have the choice of selling or not selling to you at that or any other price with or without your friend involved. There are no 'standard things' in the way you seem to think. \_ ok cool, thanks. I'm pretty new at this so I have no idea what the 'rules' are. I guess there are really none. Your response is very helpful. Thanks. \_ Oh, there are rules. However, they all happen once you agree to them by signing something. If you didn't sign anything you are free to do/say whatever. That goes for both parties. \_ And make sure you wear green & yellow when you first go into any place to get the funky sneaker discount! \_ Ask your friend, the AGENT. \- FYI: nolo press has a book called "how to buy a house in CA" |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40350 Activity:nil |
10/31 Some stories you may have missed last week in the media's masturbatory speculation on Rove: UN Oil-for-Food scandal report released: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1602171,00.html Iran President calls for Israel to be "wiped off the map" http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/31/international/middleeast/31iran.html of Iraq is way more than the money funneled to Saddam Hussin during UN Oil-for-Food program, right? What is the big deal about this? Are you looking for a justification for the war? \_ Only two American companies made money during the FFO scandal. The Provisional Government gave money to mostly American companies. You Es Eh! You, ese! \_ I'm not looking for "a justification". The UN is a corrupt organization, and this is an important report. \_ The Bush administration is a corrupt organization. \_ Really? The official investigation has produced a single indictment. The UN investigation shows corruption everywhere. \_ Why hasn't the Senate investigation into the use of WMD intelligence (which was promised to occur after the 2004 election) been started yet? \_ Yes, really. The foxes are guarding the henhouse: http://www.amconmag.com/2005/2005_10_24/cover.html \_ you know that the money squantered by the provisional government of Iraq is way more than the money funneled to Saddam Hussin during UN Oil-for-Food program, right? What is the big deal about this? Are you looking for a justification for the war? \_ Only two American companies made money during the FFO scandal. The Provisional Government gave money to mostly American companies. You Es Eh! You, ese! \_ I'm not looking for "a justification". The UN is a corrupt organization, and this is an important report. \_ The Bush administration is a corrupt organization. \_ Really? The official investigation has produced a single indictment. The UN investigation shows corruption everywhere. \_ Why hasn't the Senate investigation into the use of WMD intelligence (which was promised to occur after the 2004 election) been started yet? \_ Yes, really. The foxes are guarding the henhouse: http://www.amconmag.com/2005/2005_10_24/cover.html |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40351 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
10/31 Is this real??? http://www.zippyvideos.com/138107019747255.html [The Chinese title says "Squid camouflage (must see!)"] \_ WMP can't play (requires codec) \_ would someone download the clip and put it in /csua/tmp? \_ /csua/tmp/octocamo.wmv \_ Yes, but it's an octopus. Octopodes are awesome. They can change color _and_ skin texture for camoflage; most of their brain is, in fact, dedicated to running their elaborate camo system. \_ also look up cuttlefish. freaking awesome. I've been looking for a place to get one as a pet, but have been unsuccessful so far. \_ Holy shit! That freaked me out more than any Halloween stuff. |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Uncategorized] UID:40352 Activity:nil |
10/31 I currently have AT&T's VoIP CallVantage program. How easy is it to switch to Vonage's VoIP, which is $5 cheaper/month, and I get the first month free? Also can I keep the same number? |
2005/10/31 [Uncategorized] UID:40353 Activity:nil |
10/31 *KNEW* it, god damn, nominated another supreme court justice just to get people's eye off Scooter and Rove! \_ Here's a better conspiracy theory: Miers was just a feint to get people more ready to accept Alito. I realize that doesn't make any sense, but that's what makes it a conspiracy theory. \_ i dont think this is so far-fetched \_ The main problem with the above conspiracy theory is that Bush does not seem to have come out any stronger from the fray over Miers. \_ Don't worry, man. I won't soon forget about treason, perjury, obstruction of justice. \_ How well does that tinfoil hat fit? |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Computer, Recreation/Humor] UID:40354 Activity:nil |
10/31 Civ 4, The Internet wonder http://netfiles.uiuc.edu/chudnoff/www/gore.jpg \_ Tell me that was a joke please? \_ It prolly is a joke but that is how it is in game. Pretty funny. |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript] UID:40355 Activity:nil |
10/31 Javascript newbie question: appType2 = new Array("IESSALLO++3A - Manual EE - Single Department Input\ for ACES Group and Business", "....", "....") Trying to do some simple Javascript modifications, but don't know anything about it. What does the ++ in the string mean / do? \_ Nothing. It's just a ++ in a string. BTW, you can just say: var appType2 = [ '...', '...', '...' ]; which is much more pleasant. --dbushong \_ thanks! |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Consumer/Shipping] UID:40356 Activity:nil |
10/31 Dear MOTD, I'm moving to Chile for a year next year and am flying via SF->NYC. Does anyone here know of a way to inexpensively ship 1-2 large suitcases worth of stuff to South America from either city? I couldn't get a business upgrade from NYC to Santiago (yes, I know it's a big detour.) -John \_ May I ask why you're moving to Chile? \_ The Spanish term for it is "la mordidad." -tom \_ Thanks, but I don't think yermom's crabs will help me ship my stuff. -John \_ Where in Chile? \_ Why not something like DHL? \_ When I was there I knew someone who used DHL. Of course his mom was a VP of the company... By the way I live there for 2 years in Santiago (though that was 10 years ago). -emarkp \_ Weight? \_ Very very roughly maybe around 30-50kg total (tbh I don't really know.) I just figured that DHL/UPS/whatever would be exorbitant pricewise. -John \_ Call them first. Most of them have airport-to-airport international economy freight. If they are too much then get back to us with the price we should beat. \_ Try bax global. You have to fill out the paperwork yourself, but I saved a lot of money shipping a heavy monitor to Amsterdam. Using UPS would have made it not worth it. Took a long time though, ship freight. But very cheap. \_ Tried them, they refuse to ship anything "personal", no matter how I phrase it. -John \_ "Hello? DHL? Yeah, I need to ship 50kg of cash to South America. .... Yes, it is a business item, nothing personal. .... Ok, yeah, I'll take the shipping insurance." |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:40357 Activity:kinda low |
10/31 Naked women on the streets of Hong Kong in PETA protest: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051031/od_afp/environmenthalloween_051031171302 \_ KFC ain't going to torture this chick: http://news.yahoo.com/photo/051014/ids_photos_ts/r1925397729.jpg \_ I'm sure Hooters is just as bad to its chicks. \_ Hooters serves fried chicken menu also? \_ http://www.hooters.com/menu/Hooters_Online_Menu.pdf \_ No prices? \_ where are the pictures of naked PETA girls? \_ People Eating Tasty Animals. \_ The caption said the two lying in the fake coffins were naked. \_ url? |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:40358 Activity:high |
10/31 http://www.daveloveselizabeth.com : Makes me glad I am married. I did not know that Linux is a cause of singledom. ;-) Stuff like this will make dating that much harder .. \_ I don't understand why this guy is spending so much time and energy and money on a white chick. Statistically white chicks are more bitchy and/or have attitude problems, don't cook and don't take care of kids, and are much more likely to leave you and take your money and fuck someone else. -asian fetish troll \_ I would be creeped out if I was Elizabeth. That guy tried too hard. "Just Engaged" shirts and hats?! Run, Elizabeth, run! \_ Why do I get the urge to track these people down and gun them down? \_ He sets the bar too high for himself. How can he ever expect to top it? Anyhow, it's the frequent little things that chicks dig. Not the big impossible stuff. \_ IMO, it's not that he's a romantic who sets the bar too high with Mediterranean cruises and whatnot, but that he is objectifying his wife and in a sense making her a possession. I think he has issues with women. Do *you* treat women like that, even when trying to impress them? I'd think he was less creepy if he *did* take her on cruises and buy her diamonds. There's this weird sense on cruises and buy her diamels. There's this weird sense of desperation and trying to make everything 'perfect' that gives me a feeling of dread. Will he beat her if she doesn't conform to the ideals? He seems to be setting himself up for a fall. He didn't do anything 'impossible'. In fact, it was more mundane - that makes it creepier. "Here honey, I got us His and Hers Forever mugs." \_ Wow, you jumped from "desperate nerd" to "wife beater" pretty fast there buddy. \_ what, you don't beat your wife? about the prop? -emarkp \_ I like some ideas in it. I don't like the implementation. It would have been easy for them to put this up and push it through if they didn't implement the first round without voter approval I'd be able to give my support. --scotsman \_ What about the implementation don't you like? -emarkp \_ Just what I said above. It's redistricting outside of the normal cycle, and the first time 'round it goes into effect without being approved by the voters. --scotsman \_ I'm not sure what you mean by "goes into effect without being approved by the voters." Do you mean the council of judges would normally be approved in an election, and won't be the first time around? -jrleek \_ The map they would draw would be in effect in 2006, in the same election that the voters approved said map. \_ I'm just saying that this guy has issues with women and I would fear that he wouldn't know how to behave with one. This could get violent, but even if not I think it would be bad. I am surprised she doesn't sense the creepy vibe. She's probably some sort of nutjob herself. I'm getting "Runaway Bride" with my spider sense. \_ I voted for it. -ausman \_ I think it's six of one, half dozen of the other. The problem of incumbency has little to do with how the districts are drawn. -tom \_ Opposed. It's not a solution, it's appointing a tribunal to come up with a solution. I want this redistricting reformed, but this does nothing to actually do this. --erikred \_ Right now the legislature draws its own boundaries. How would you suggest improving it? -emarkp \_ Mathematical formula based on population. Follow the guidelines currently provided re: not splitting up counties or cities too much. --erikred \_ This is something that's been bugging me about the whole discussion. The main argument I hear for supporting it is "no seats changed hands last time". This is insufficient to convince me that there's a problem with the current map. Based on that, it's a big leap for me to conclude that the system to draw the map has pressing problems. --scotsman \_ Okay, so you like the proposed rules but want to remove people from the process? I'd agree with that, though I'd want the algorithm and implementation public and reviewable. Short of that, the rules for choosing the judges are pretty strict and I see this as a reasonable solution. -emarkp \_ The idea of appointing three formerly partisan judges by random lot sounds like an unnecessarily complication. Propose a solution, not a method for designing a solution that's more complicated and just as open to corruption as the current one. --erikred \_ I'm voting for it. It's clearly better than what we have now. In fact I'm voting for all of 74-77. The arguments above against it don't mean anything to me. Prop 77 is easily understood and likely to have reasonable results. Anything to light a bit more fire under politician asses. \_ Even though it comes from Ah-nold "The Groper" Schwarzenegger, I was for it a few months ago and I'm still for it. -moderate/liberal \_ If Judge Wapner is against it, then so am I! \_ those ads actually cemented my position in favor... \- so what is the rationale for it being all judges rather than say statisticians or political scientists or other technical people. what is the "objective function" the implementors will be given? \_ The whole job of a judge is to be as fair as possible. \- gee the whole job of a mathematician is truth. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:40359 Activity:high |
10/31 So the LA Times and SF Chron have endorsed prop 77. How do you feel about the prop? -emarkp \_ I like some ideas in it. I don't like the implementation. It would have been easy for them to put this up and push it through if they didn't implement the first round without voter approval and outside the standard census cycle. Or if not easy, at least I'd be able to give my support. --scotsman \_ What about the implementation don't you like? -emarkp \_ Just what I said above. It's redistricting outside of the normal cycle, and the first time 'round it goes into effect without being approved by the voters. --scotsman \_ I'm not sure what you mean by "goes into effect without being approved by the voters." Do you mean the council of judges would normally be approved in an election, and won't be the first time around? -jrleek \_ The map they would draw would be in effect in 2006, in the same election that the voters approved said map. \_ I voted for it. -ausman \_ I think it's six of one, half dozen of the other. The problem of incumbency has little to do with how the districts are drawn. -tom \_ Opposed. It's not a solution, it's appointing a tribunal to come up with a solution. I want this redistricting reformed, but this does nothing to actually do this. --erikred \_ Right now the legislature draws its own boundaries. How would you suggest improving it? -emarkp \_ Mathematical formula based on population. Follow the guidelines currently provided re: not splitting up counties or cities too much. --erikred \_ This is something that's been bugging me about the whole discussion. The main argument I hear for supporting it is "no seats changed hands last time". This is insufficient to convince me that there's a problem with the current map. Based on that, it's a big leap for me to conclude that the system to draw the map has pressing problems. --scotsman \_ Okay, so you like the proposed rules but want to remove people from the process? I'd agree with that, though I'd want the algorithm and implementation public and reviewable. Short of that, the rules for choosing the judges are pretty strict and I see this as a reasonable solution. -emarkp \_ The idea of appointing three formerly partisan judges by random lot sounds like an unnecessarily complication. Propose a solution, not a method for designing a solution that's more complicated and just as open to corruption as the current one. --erikred \_ I'm voting for it. It's clearly better than what we have now. In fact I'm voting for all of 74-77. The arguments above against it don't mean anything to me. Prop 77 is easily understood and likely to have reasonable results. Anything to light a bit more fire under politician asses. \_ Even though it comes from Ah-nold "The Groper" Schwarzenegger, I was for it a few months ago and I'm still for it. -moderate/liberal fact I'm voting for all of 74-77. \_ If Judge Wapner is against it, then so am I! \_ those ads actually cemented my position in favor... \- so what is the rationale for it being all judges rather than say statisticians or political scientists or other technical people. what is the "objective function" the implementors will be given? \_ The whole job of a judge is to be as fair as possible. \- gee the whole job of a mathematician is truth. \_ you confuse fairness with truth. they are not the same. only one requires wisdom. \- well this is all meaningless without some sense of the objective function. how do you decide whether map A or map B is "better"? \_ "better" is defined by "just" and "fair". that is what judges are supposed to do. if not people we trust with our justice system every day, then who? mathematicians? hah! \_ I think it's funny that my comment about judges being a better judge of fairness than mathematicians got censored. \_ Judges are also supposed to be wise, which means they would rely on expert statisticians for the math bits. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Reference/BayArea, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40360 Activity:low |
10/31 Mass graves uncovered in San Francisco: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=local&id=3589212 \_ dead people don't deserve rights! taking up valuable real estate anyway. \_ must be work of Saddam Hussin \_ nice design, God! \_ must be work of Saddam Hussin \_ News Flash: UN Inspectors ordered in to investigate mass graves in SF. Bush administration denounces Newsom's stuuborn refusal to produce evidence of destruction of chemical weapons. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:40361 Activity:nil |
10/31 CIFS sure seems to work as advertised alot better than NFS, isn't this a pretty big advantage of living in MS land vs. linux/solaris?? \_ I'm going to cry. \_ please don't cry. Tell us why this makes you want to cry. \_ I'm not the one who originally said "cry" but when I was at Decru several times a day I would hear the engrs implementing the CIFS side of things yell "are you shitting me?" Apparently not even MS follows the CIFS specs correctly. It may look like it works well but behind the scenes it's REALLY ugly. CIFS may be decent but it's overall ugly. \- i was speaking to that samba carter fellow and asking why somethign was designed the way it was. he explained "in cifs ... locking ..." and i said "i must be missing someting because that is insane and doesnt make sense." then he told me "nope, you've understood it correctly". |
2005/10/31 [Uncategorized] UID:40362 Activity:nil |
10/31 Anyone know of a website that lists the odds of getting killed/wounded for a us serviceperson in iraq? |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Health/Disease/General, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40363 Activity:nil |
10/31 Some tuna and sharks are partially warm blooded: http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=104543&org=NSF&from=news \_ must be work of Saddam Hussin |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Uncategorized] UID:40364 Activity:nil |
10/31 <deleted due to lazy formatting> |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Uncategorized] UID:40365 Activity:nil |
10/31 Something to think about (cartoon by Ann Telnaes) http://www.anntelnaes.com \- look at the difference in treatment between john walker lindh and his various non-white brothers in arms. ok it does seem like he got a pretty harsh sentence but 1. let's see how long he actually serves 2. he got quick access to the courts vs. the people the administration doesnt want to give a day in court ever 3. why is he being treated as an american citizen. what exactly more would he have needed to do to lose his american citizenship? \_ A better example is Jose Padilla who is an American citizen and is being held without charges. I think it's year 3 now. \- padillia is one of the people i refer to in point #2. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Health/Eyes] UID:40366 Activity:nil |
10/31 PHaSRs on Stun Captain? http://www.defensetech.org/archives/001911.html \_ Fascinating (and cool), but doesn't that require some remarkable marksmanship? \_ You are thinking single target. This is crowd control. Think mob. And you don't need to get everyone, just enough to deter. Say 25% of the people up front. That'll cause a mass retreat. http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=104543&org=NSF&from=news |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:40367 Activity:nil |
10/31 http://www.realestateabc.com/insights/doomandgloom.htm Housing will not bubble! We're still looking much better than the 70s. So go ahead and buy your house. BTW this site has a lot of cool statistics and graphs. \_ In the 70s, inflation is really high, and I suspect there's a corresponding rise in wages. These days inflation has been low until recently, and wage growth is slow. \_ In the 70s, inflation is really high, and there's a corresponding rise in wages. These days inflation has been low until recently, and wage growth is slow. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Industry/Jobs, Uncategorized/Spanish] UID:40368 Activity:kinda low |
10/31 No name employer X offered a nice job but gave me only 2 weeks to respond. Big name employer Y has just started interviewing me (phone) but X offer will expire in 3 days. What's the best way to delay X? By the way for tech jobs how long do offers usually last? 2 weeks? 2 months? \_ All the stuff below is true. However, you must also consider which place you'd actually want to work at if salary wasn't an issue. Your work environment is more important than your income after reaching a certain income level. I've walked away from very high paying jobs because I absolutely hated going in everyday. \_ I've had this exact situation come up before. When I got the offer from company X, I told them I had promised company Y that I would give them <insert number> time and asked if they were willing to leave the offer open. The HR person said no, but the hiring manager overrode her. Offer letters almost always expire in about a week to ten days unless the company has a 2nd choice they don't want to lose if the 1st choice falls through, or if there is budgeting pressure, such as a potential hiring freeze when the fiscal Q4 starts... \_ Take the offer from X. If you get Y then tell them. This happens all the time. People stress over it, but that's reality. They have no problem firing your ass, so don't feel guilty if you have to tell them 3 days in that you are leaving for Y. They'll be upset, but they won't blacklist you or anything. \_ Basically, you can expect that you will no longer be welcome at X anymore, if you ever end up wanting to go back to them. If you think you may end up wanting to work for X one day, tell them straight up you think their offer is good, but you would like more time to evaluate your options. Sound reasonable? \_ Yes, I agree that X may not take you back again. However, they may. It's not deceitful to leave in that situation. How often do people gets offers after they've already taken 'their best'? OTOH, if you ask them for more time you may end up with neither X nor Y. The best way to play it is to take X unless there's some overwhelming reason you don't even want to risk pissing them off. \_ I think the risk/benefit is better for my option than yours in general, but I guess you think the opposite. Anyway, plenty of room for opinion, op can decide. \_ Depends on how badly you need a job. If OP can risk losing both then go for it. I really needed a job. At some point X will say 'Is there some reason you are taking so long to decide?' at which point you either need to take X or risk losing it. You can't have cake and eat it, too. My point is that if you upset X it's not the end of the world. If you don't have to, because you have the luxury of time/money then don't. Don't worry about working for X again, because if you don't want to work there now, then why would you want to later? That's when you need to shit or get off the pot. IOW, your strategy is better but only works for so long. Eventually, you come to the same point in the process (where you must decide). In that case, just take X. There are a lot more companies out there and X may even forgive. More than likely, X will become a distant memory anyway. I am most grateful for the jobs I didn't get/hang on to. \_ I say it IS deceitful. They probably tell their other candidates that the job is taken. Having said that, it's probably not that big a deal. But, it's a small world and you might just be screwing yourself a bit down the road even if it doesn't involve X anymore. So I'd try hard not to do that. \_ It is not deceitful to leave X for Y if you've already given up on Y and then they offer you the job later (for example). There are lots of legitimate reasons you might take X and then leave shortly afer. We've had people relocate and then they get homesick (or their wife does). X doesn't have to know the specifics. They'll understand. \_ Uh, in this case you haven't given up on Y and are still actively pursuing jobs while accepting X. I say it's deceitful. Whatever. \_ How would you ever get another job if you inform your current employer every time you are interviewing? \_ Offers are anywhere from 3 days to a whole year or more if you interned and they loved you. But in most cases, I'd say it averages a week to 1.5 weeks depending on when they offered. \_ Tell Big Name Employer Y that you're considering another job offer, and if they want to stay in the running, they need to move you through their interview process quickly. \_ This does work and you should do this, but it won't help with whether to take X or not. I've found it can prod Y into faster action, though. ("Are you going to make me an offer or not?") If Y still diddles you are at Square One. \_ Ethically, you should do a hybrid of the suggestions. Tell X you are interviewing with Y and ask for an extension. Tell Y you have a job offer and query if they can expedite your interview process. However, You can't ask X to hold you a place forever. At some point, you'll need to decide if you want job X or job Y. Figure that out and apply as directed. \_ Yes, and if Y hasn't made an offer then just take X. If later Y comes through and you prefer Y then just take Y and leave X. This is simple, folks. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Consumer/TV] UID:40369 Activity:nil |
10/31 36+ inches Plasma HD TV or LCD TV? Brand and model? Really thinking more about 40-50 inches. All positive and negative suggestions and comments appreciated. Thanks. \_ Yes. Yes. Interesting. You're welcome! |
3/15 |