2005/10/28-31 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:40302 Activity:nil |
10/29 http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/051027/economy_housing.html Sales tumbled 11.8 percent in the West. It's finally happening! \_ Hehe, way to misquote and take out of context! Go-Go Renter Troll! I'm going to desperately cling to my home and hope prices don't plunge 50% causing my profit to slim down to a mere $100k. Oh, wait. I live here. It doesn't matter what the on-paper value is. And hmm, the article only talks about new homes. OTOH, good news for you is the "medium home sales price fell 5.7% to $215,700". I'm going to run out and buy a few of those... in Idaho. You would have scored 2 motd troll points, except you put the silly "sky is falling" editorial in there, but you'll get partial credit: .75 troll points in your column. How's the rent thing working out? \_ don't worry. jim cramer says fed is going to raise rates until housing bubble pops! 3rd quarter economic growth is good. inflation is through the roof. this means fed can and will raise and raise and raise. jim cramer is always right! yippee! you will have negative equity soon! bwahahahaha! - disgruntled home owner \_ Hi renter troll. Inflation is hardly "through the roof". You'd have to go back to Jimmy Carter times to see that. Homeowners don't care what their on paper value is. Only speculators. I'm taking away .5 troll points for the inflation comment. You're down to .25 troll points. \_ For consumer products, no, but for assets, yes, they are very much through the roof! Even for consumer stuff, 5.7% ain't mellow. \_ If you don't plan on selling right away and you're a homeowner, inflation is a good thing. You get paid more, stuff costs more, so that's a no-op. But hey! Your property tax and mortgage don't rise to match. You win! \_ In fact, real estate prices tend to track inflation in the long run. \_ Supposedly. But I think the inflation for houses has already happened. The other things are only now slowly catching up. |
2005/10/28-31 [Uncategorized] UID:40303 Activity:nil |
10/28 Flash paraody of Ah-nold http://www.arnoldsneighborhood.com |
2005/10/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40304 Activity:nil |
10/27 Dear miserable soda undergrads and the incompetent and stupid politburo members who are out of touch with the real world, you guys seriously need a life. http://secondlife.com/whatis \_ "Millions of Linden Dollars change hands every month for the goods and services Residents create and provide. This currency may then be bought and sold on third party sites for real currency. Many of these sites even offer in-world "ATM" machines to facilitate transactions." Isn't that illegal in the U.S.? \_ not as long as you pay your income taxes |
2005/10/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Recreation/Computer] UID:40305 Activity:nil |
10/28 Sulu, you have the helm. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051028/ap_on_en_tv/people_george_takei \- in an odd coincidence, SPORK previously played the same role in EqEqEquus. I believe that HOMOSEXUAL DATA FELLOW has hit on \- in an odd coincidence, SPORK previous played the same role in EqEqEquus. I believe that Homosexual Data fellow has hit on the brother of a sloda user. |
2005/10/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40306 Activity:nil |
10/28 An Act of Federal Piracy http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1508617/posts?page=26#26 \_ Freeper quote: "Lock and Load...and wear a copy of the Constitution pinned to your shirt! It's gonna get UGLY for the next few years.... I am now 100% convinced that Bush is now doing all he can to ensure Hillary is elected in 2008...hmm...Bush, Clinton...Bush, Clinton.... could another Bush be far behind?! NO! Never again! " Ha! So much for the base. \_ "The gaia high priests were deeply offended that they and their collectivist comrades weren.t offered bent knee respect by a commoner, and he didn.t pay out a $270,000 tribute to study, admire and appease their wetland god." I thought there was some law requiring this sort of purple prose to be preceded by a disclaimer-- oh, right, it's a freeper link. |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:40307 Activity:nil |
10/20 New York Times profit drops 52% -jblack http://tinyurl.com/7qaz4 |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:40308 Activity:nil |
10/20 Liberal activist paid homeless people to rally -jblack http://www.bakersfield.com/24hour/nation/story/2823782p-11469231c.html |
2005/10/28 [Finance/Banking, Finance] UID:40309 Activity:nil |
10/17 Do poor blacks need to hear 'millions more' excuses? -jblack http://tinyurl.com/7w2tr |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:40310 Activity:nil |
10/17 The national silence on immigration -jblack http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/dianawest/2005/10/17/171492.html |
2005/10/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:40311 Activity:nil |
10/17 More people killed by natural disasters in non-Christian countries. http://www.towardtradition.org/article_Earthquake.htm |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40312 Activity:nil |
10/16 Black people advocating the final solution against white people. -jblack http://tinyurl.com/czq24 |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:40313 Activity:nil |
10/16 DeLay's prosecutors lack a key document http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/politics/3397339 |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:40314 Activity:nil |
10/15 Meth sting leads to 15 arrests with Mexican immigrants http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1502858/posts -jblack |
2005/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/911, Health/Disease/General] UID:40315 Activity:nil 92%like:40316 |
10/29 http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2005/10/28/maple_sugar_smell_mystery.php "The whole city smells like maple syrup" - anyone know what's going on? |
2005/10/28-31 [Politics/Domestic/911, Health/Disease/General] UID:40316 Activity:low 92%like:40315 |
10/29 http://csua.org/u/duq [gothamist.com] "The whole city smells like maple syrup" - anyone know what's going on? \_ There's a section of pathway in Lakeside Park where there's a burst \_ There's a section of pathway in Merritt Park where there's a burst of maple syrup smell. I'm almost positive it's from a tree. Either from the bark or the leaves. \_ Perhaps there was a big pancake breakfast at the homeless shelter, such that the usual bum/urine smell was covered over by the new sweet smelling bums. \_ I just got back from NYC and had few little bum/urine/puke/ garbage smelling experiences. Unlike the mission, where I get to smell it everyday... I'm told that east coast cities smell less than SF/SOMA because it rains more there, but I'm thinking that there's more to it. Anyone have any crazy hypothosis? \_ California pee more odiferous. It's the cheese, man. \- it may just be colder. |
2005/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:40317 Activity:low |
10/28 Has anyone interfaced Java and MySQL? Is is difficult? Where should I start? \_ JDBC? \_ JDBC. \_ JDBC, and it is really easy. |
2005/10/28-29 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:40318 Activity:nil |
10/28 I've got a friend with a Yahoo account problem who is getting the run- around from customer care. Any of you Yahoo types out there care to field this for me? Send me email. - jvarga \_ don't dignify it by calling it "customer care." -tom |
2005/10/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:40319 Activity:low |
10/29 It's been over 10 years since I took 162. What is a good place for a refresher course on the architecture and advantages vs. disadvantages of using various file systems for BSD, Linux, MacOS, NT/XP, and others? ok thx. \_ And the legendary FAT. \_ And HPFS, NTFS, and the legendary FAT. \_ i think newer editions of the dinosauar book cover this \_ It's funny that my 164 book (Sp '92) also has a dinosaur on the cover. \_ It's a dragon. Hence the compilers book (ASU) is known as the dragon book. |
2005/10/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:40320 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Docs say I can't do dd from disk that is in use. This seems (based on my bad memory) to be contrary to my experience. Any opionions on duping an inuse disk (to a non-inuse one). this is on solaris 8. \_ live update, ufsdump, rsync, dd... you want your filesystem as quiesced as possible though for all of the above \_ what the above and others say about quiet drives and RO and then: since you don't tell us what problem you're trying to solve, my very generic advice is this: dd the drive so you get boot blocks and other fun stuff you might want, then do an rsync after that just for kicks in the hopes of catching a few of the files that might have been in use while doing dd. no, this followup rsync will not make a perfect mirror on an active disk but if you wanted to do a real backup, you'd use real software for it or at least take the source drive offline. you're well into kludge territory already, anyway. \_ You can dd from a disk that is in use. You will obviously not get an exact duplicate and, as above, I would not try this on a very busy filesystem. However, it works fine under Solaris 9/10 and Red Hat Linux. I've done this to make 'backup' disks (successfully) many times. \_ If you need to keep the filesystem mounted RW, I'd suggest using rsync rather than dd. If the filesystem is mounted RO it seems like dd would be fine. \_ Rsync is slower and won't grab the boot blocks (if you want them). \_ rsync is NOT slower than DD unless the filesystems are basically full. -top \_ Yes, it is. Best case scenario (using the right rsync options) they are about equal. "dd" can use the raw device and bypass the filesystem entirely. Amended: You are right that if the filesystem/disk is not very full then "dd" will be slower merely because it is copying "empty" space but not because "dd" is intrinsically slower. \_ What problem are you trying to solve? What are your priorities? \_ so it's not "intrinsically slower", it just takes longer to run? Get a clue. -tom \_ I think you need the clue, tom. "dd" is faster. If you want to prune the list of files you want to "dd" first it will kick the butt of "rsync". You know that, too, but you just like to argue. When copying the exact same volume of data, "dd" is faster. \_ While driving a car is faster than walking, walking from Telegraph and Bancroft to Telegraph and Durant is much faster than driving. "dd is faster" is meaningless unless the problem is well-defined. -tom \_ Even your example is false. \_ Alright, we're convinced: you're an idiot. You don't have to try this hard just for us. \_ You may as well say that a plane is slower than walking, too. The statement about a 'well-defined' problem is your own parameter but doesn't change the fact that planes are faster than walking. \_ To put this in a way that even an idiotic computer geek might understand, if you have two different sort algorithms, one that's usually faster in practice but O(N^2), and one that's usually slower in practice but O(N log N), it makes no sense to say that one is intrinsically faster than the other. It depends on the problem you have to solve. -tom \_ HAMMER GOOD! If you took a second to think, you'd realize you're clueless. Or maybe not. It's dim. \_ Do you know what the word 'intrinsic' means? \_ Yes. You seem to have trouble with the word 'slower', though. \_ "dd" is intrinsically faster. \_ Not for the problem posed (ergo "HAMMER GOOD"). If you want to keep spouting your technically correct and completely irrelevent point, by all means... You will still be wrong. \_ You have come to know that which is tom. \_ hey moron: he's replying to !tom. \_ We don't even *know* what the problem posed is yet. However, we do know the guy wants to use 'dd' to solve it. Rsync may not even be a viable solution in this particular case. \_ What problem are you trying to solve? What are your priorities? \_ try using solaris' Volume Manager (also known as disksuite). create a one way mirror containing the current live FS as the initial submirror, then attach the second empty FS as another submirror. wait for the second submirror to sync up, then at your leisure, detach the second submirror. look at metadb, metainit, metattach, metadetach, metaclear, and other "meta"commands. --Jon look at metadb, metainit, metattach, metaoffline/online, metadetach, metaclear, and other "meta"commands. --Jon \- i have a solaris 10 sunblade 1500 which some colleages wanted to clone to save time. i rebooted my machine and used /usr/bin/dd if=/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 of=/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2 bs=1000k and thne fscked. all the machines work fine ( 5 clones). it sounds like you know what the issues are so just take this an a data point. 73gig disks ... i think it tok 40min or so. oh i am sure i booted it su and killed off most of the processes before running dd. \_ The thing with the Solaris LVM method is that you don't really need to have the filesystem quiescent. You get a valid, consistent snapshot at the time of metaoffline or metadetach. --Jon \_ As long as you understand this isn't considered "production quality", if that worked for you, great. I wouldn't do that for something going into a data center 24x7, etc. \- i bet lot of production operations were running on less reliable windows installations (i dont know how reliable windows OS is today). anyway, these are cheep sun workstations with ide disks, so what do you think. anyway, it seemed to be the OP was aware of the "issues" and was just interested if it was "crazy talk" [you'ld be lucky if it worked] vs. 99%chance it should be fine. hence the "datapoint x5" comment. \_ who said that just because you put a windows box in production means its production quality? thanks for pointing out they're workstations. that was so unclear. i was pointing out that this isn't production quality. sheesh. \- are you a frequent visitor to Casino Troll? \_ And what is "production quality"? This is essentially what tools like "System Imager" do. What are you afraid of? 'cksum' the OS if you want to. Bits is bits. \_ PQ: built correctly, not a hack job with dd from another box. Something you'd bet your career on. Workstation for the guys? Whatever. Server in the colo running critical db? No way is that getting built from a dd clone off a hot drive. Building a few dozen/hundred/whatever web/whatever servers? Jump/Kick Start. I've done the clone thing for workstations. I'd never do it for servers. If you want to discuss it in detail, post your name and we'll take it to email. |
2005/10/28-30 [Uncategorized] UID:40321 Activity:nil |
10/28 DANH. GET IN TOUCH WITH UVULA. OR ELSE. KTHX. \_ I read "... GET IN TOUCH WITH VULVA ..." \_ Since when does Julia post to MOTD? \_ I pity the minionless |
2005/10/28-31 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40322 Activity:nil |
10/28 Libby indicted, Rove not. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/10/28/D8DH5FOG0.html \_ yet. \_ Note no one's been indicted for the actual leak yet. \_ The leak law is very narrowly written. It's entirely possible that the leaking was done with malice and violates the spirit of the law, but it will be too hard to get a conviction to they don't indict for that. Perjury is somewhat easier to prove. \_ Note, though, that the investigation is not over. The people named in the indictment is an impressive list. If any one of them end up indicted as well, this will be the story for the rest of Bush's presidency. \- i guess it takes more than invading a country on false pretenses, torturing people, letting osama get away, not really caring about well connected companies looting the public coffers. \_ Let's be clear on what he was indicted for. If you read the document only real two charges stand up and they are based on hearsay. 1) Libby said Russert "asked" him about Plame, Russert in his testimony said this never happened. In fact, Russert himself disputes the facts as they are laid out in the indictment, saying publicly he never received any information on Plame at all from Libby. 2) Libby testified he qualified to Miller his statement about Plame with the phrase "that's what reporters are telling us". Miller disagreed in her testimony. Just he said she said, all pretty underwhelming. in his testimony said this never happened. 2) Libby testified he qualified to her his statement about Plame with the phrase "that's what reporters are telling us". Miller disagreed in her testimony. Just he said she said, all pretty underwhelming. -jblack |
2005/10/28-30 [Transportation/Car] UID:40323 Activity:high |
10/28 Hi guys. I have a 1996 Camry DX (85K miles) and the mechanic says I need to replace my shocks. He quoted me $800 for parts&labor. Is this fair? This place (non-dealership) has done a good job previous visits, uses OEM parts most of the time, and is Japanese-owned. Thanks. \_ check out wheelworks.. usually buy 3 get one free ($600) on struts. \_ if you tires are bouncing (you can tell if you get groves deep wear evenly spaced/spread across your tires (like if you were bouncing a basketball). if so you need new struts \_ The price is about right for a shocks&struts job. I can't comment on the realiability of the labor, which is what you comment on the reliability of the labor, which is what you should really care about \_ Kais Motd would've given you the answer. \_ You go on living your life how you want, but I'll just point out that your little "problem" will cost you more than I have spent on my current bike and my previous bike and all the bike related accessories I've ever bought. \_ as i've thought throughout college, riding bike is good, but is not so good for non-bike dates \_ sounds a little on the high-side, but not unreasonable for good quality work. \_ \_ One more question: In the context above, is it just the "shocks" he's replacing? I read on howstuffworks that a "strut" technically includes the shock absorber too. -op \_ A "shock" is a big spring; it's responsible for absorbing jolts from the road. A "strut" is a passive hydraulic piston that dampens out the vibrations in this spring; if you didn't have struts, your car would porpoise up and down after hitting a bump. You usually replace shocks and struts at the same time. Shocks do less as they age due to fatigue on the metal; struts also wear down. I had my shocks&struts changed out a year or so ago on my '95 car, and the handling and ride comfort both improved. It was less than $800, but not by much. (I have an American car.) -gm \_ http://auto.howstuffworks.com/car-suspension5.htm From the above URL, it sounds like a "shock" is a piston type device, not really a spring ... -op \_ Hey, how about that. Disregard prior "expertise". -gm \_ No worries ... I almost think some mechanics would look at me funny if I told them taht \_ Shocks don't ever really need replacement, unless the ride quality is unacceptable to you. \_ I was wondering about this as well, why is a guy driving a 10 year old car worried about how smooth the ride is? \_ mechanic said it was time -op \_ mechanic said it was time. Personally I would wait at least two more years or pass the cost to the next owner; I can stand the car bouncing down the freeway, even at ~ 80mph. It's actually my gf's car, though. -op \_ For a car that old, the time to fix things is when they break. Exceptions are anything to do with the cooling system (e.g. hoses), the safety system (e.g. brakes) and the timing belt. You want to replace those items before they break. Shocks? No way. \_ after reading the comments, I've come to agree -- I'd personally replace at leaking shocks (i'd be worried about metal-on-metal grinding). eh, some people say shocks are part of the safety system, but thanks for the advice. \_ I always ask: 1) is this a safety issue? 2) will it cause any other damage if I don't pay you a zillion bucks to fix it. Based on those answers I decided if my money will be well spent on a fix or not. I'd spend a few bucks on minor stuff, I'd spend as much as reasonably needed for a safety issue (or just replace it if it was too much), but wouldn't spend $800 on a non-safety issue that didn't bother me. \_ Jah. I'm basically saying, let's assume it's a safety issue. Then, Is $x fair for repair y? -op \_ Yes, if it's for good quality parts and a good job. |
2005/10/28-31 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:40324 Activity:nil |
10/28 Abandon the Web! guerrilla platform warfare: http://csua.org/u/dus |
2005/10/28-31 [Health/Disease/General] UID:40325 Activity:nil |
10/28 Exxon-Mobil Employees Given Fake Flu Shots http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051028/ap_on_he_me/fake_flu_shots \_ I got jabbed in the arm and I'll I got was this lousy placebo. \_ We demand extra-strength placebos! \_ I want some quality sugar cane not that corn syrup crap. |
2005/10/28-31 [Finance/Investment] UID:40326 Activity:high |
10/28 Hi, does it make sense now that interest rates are rising and that the housing bubble appears to be peaking, that there will be a flux of $$$ from housing to stocks? Evidence of this would be the Dow Jones average increasing noticeably over the next 6-12 months. \_ Rising interest rates usually hurt the stock market. \_ but it will eventually end, and rates will start going down again. \_ or it will go up, and then oscillate at a higher level for a very very long time. \_ economy/stock market starts to go down, slow too much, and interest rates will start going down again. \_ if inflation remains high, which do you think the fed would pick: inflation or recession? \_ why do you think they would 'choose' either bad thing? why do you think they have that kind of power over the economy? if they had the power to 'choose' the state of the economy, they would always choose a strong/healthy/robust economy. was there a point to your question? \_ Err ... the fed does one main thing, adjust the interest rate up or down. To fight recession, they would lower the interest rate, to fight inflation, they would raise the interest rate. That's what is meant by the fed "choosing". I think most people understood that. \_ Ok then. In that case, they would still choose to attempt to get to the magical place in between those two states since either of the other states can/will kill the economy if the condition goes too far. It is much harder to pull the economy out of a tail spin than it is to keep it from doing so in the first place since both recessionary and inflationary states feed on themselves in a cycle of doom without more and more serious intervention. It is that intervention that the Fed is in a continuous state of attempting to perform. It is like asking a surgeon if he'd prefer his patient died from a heart attack or a stroke while on the operating table. \_ or it could be a surgeon deciding whether he should save a man's leg, but possibly risk the man's life, or amputate the infected leg. \_ well except that it can't be. both economic conditions are horrible if they slip beyond a reasonably small range and feed on themselves. would you rather a) destroy the economy or b) destroy the economy. \_ how would they "feed on themselves"? Do explain. \_ well sometimes inflation and recessions will happen and there is nothing you can do about it. The only choice you get is pick one. why do you believe that only good things are allowed to happen? because you said "it can't be"? bwahahahaha! have you heard of the term "stagflation"? \_ Buy gold, an AK-47 and stock up on ammunition. \_ Uhhhhh, when is this *not* a good idea? \_ When you live in CA. You CAN NOT buy anything close to an AK-47 here. Not even the semiautomatic version. Just a .22 LR rimfire superfacially similar looking one. BTW, I am the proud owner of a Bulgarian AK-47 and 75rd drums, with plenty of 7,62 x 39 mm ammo. :) \_ Rising interest rates will lead to the rising of the dead. Move away from large cities. \_ The dead will be raised -- for fuel. \_ From 9/14: "http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050914/od_nm/germany_cats_dc German invertor creates renewable fuel. A newspaper say he uses dead cats as the source but he denies it. Fucking Krauts." \_ not a good idea. best investment now could be the I bonds. almost 100% probability that it will be more than 6% when they set the rate for the next 6 months on 11/1. they set the rate for the next 6 months on 11/1 cause the variable part of the rate will be 5.7% and the "fixed" rate is 1.2% but may be lowered, but should still be more than 0.5% |
2005/10/28-29 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40327 Activity:nil |
10/28 President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat (reasons MSM should read again) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1510728/posts -jblack |
2005/10/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:40328 Activity:nil |
10/27 Jobs program tries to discourage immigration to U.S. -jblack http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1510519/posts |
2005/10/28-11/5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:40329 Activity:nil |
10/28 Contractors Plead Guilty to Illegal Donations to Texas Democrats -jblack http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1510734/posts |
3/15 |