2005/10/27 [Uncategorized] UID:40285 Activity:high |
10/26 Boy am I glad that all the false attributions on kchang's site have been shut down, so that no one will ever be able to falsely attribute posts claiming, for example, that I am williamc and that I molest goats for a living. \_ ALL HEIL GERMAN JOHN! HEIL! \_ Hello, I am German John and I molest children for a living. -john \_ (1) Capital "J", (2) only aryan children. -John \- you are a moron. ok tnx. -tom&psb \_ is this some kind of homosexual code? \_ I think it's more like saying "assholes of a feather fart together." |
2005/10/27 [Uncategorized] UID:40286 Activity:high |
10/26 To kchang or similar individuals (I've never used the site nor do I have an inclination to): If you are indeed attributing anon posts to people and you do so erronously you're only opening yourself up to a big liability in the form of a libel suit. If you think that it can't happen to you, well, all I can say is that I know a good friend who sued someone and won about $8,500 about two years ago when said person sent out an email questioning said person's competence. All you need in a libel suit is A) Be Wrong and B) Communicate that to a 3rd person. I already wrote to csua@csua about this a couple weeks ago, which is probably why they asked the thing to be shut off. If you think your little disclaimer gets you out of liability, think again. -williamc \_ uh, it's already been shutdown completely as of yesterday. where the hell have you been? stupid. \_ This defies comment. Thank you for confirming my belief that the Montel Williams audience demographic is alive and well. -John \_ Why don't you just challenge kchang to GUN DUEL?! |
2005/10/27-28 [Academia/UCLA] UID:40287 Activity:low |
10/26 http://www.thecalifornianonwilshire.com The Californian on Wilshire Blvd. is a luxurious condo development. It is completely sold yet the building is not even done. At a starting price of 1.5 million dollars per unit, I wonder what kind of people buy these condos. \_ This is only a few blocks from UCLA. You can't buy a house in the Wilshire/UCLA area for less than 1.5 mil. A 50 year old 2000 sq ft house 1/2 mile away from UCLA starts at 2.5 mil. So actually this is pretty cheap by the Westwood standard. People are rich. I see really REALLY nice cars on Sunset driving slowly and stopping and talking to really pretty young girls on Sunset and Belair all the time. Some of the girls are probably still in college. \_ I have a friend who owned a condo on Wilshire before he sold it to buy a $4 million house in Beverly Hills. He owns his own company (tax consulting) with about 100 employees. His neighbor was a fashion designer with 7 exotic cars down in the garage. Tyra Banks used to own one there. So did/does Barbara Sinatra. In a nutshell: wealthy people do! Duh! Lots of times as second homes, too. \_ This makes me depressed. --- coding monkey \_ Why? I know code monkeys who live in Atherton mansions or own fleets of Ferraris. (OK, they are very good code monkeys.) Being a code monkey doesn't make you not rich; being not rich makes you not rich. \_ A friend bought a condo in Las Vegas under similar circumstances then sold for 3x before the project completed. It's a game of hot potato; sometimes you win, sometimes you get burned. \_ My guess is that it will get cancelled after all the people speculating on condos cancel their reservations and lose their deposit money. |
2005/10/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:40288 Activity:nil |
10/26 For companies that have offices in both N and S Cal and have equivalent positions (manager, engr, sr. engr), are the pay usually equivalent as well? \_ At Intel they have a cost of living adjustment, so if you change sites your pay is adjusted, I believe. It can easily be $10K+ living in NoCal (assuming same job title). Interesting, huh? They have an entire chart listing all the sites w/multipliers. \_ My company reserves the biggest multiplier for people working in... Alaska. \_ It's not a cost of living adjustment. It's a geographical adjustment and it's not for cost of living, it's for cost of /hiring/. -emarkp \_ I don't know for sure, but it should be. Cost of living is about the same. |
2005/10/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40289 Activity:moderate |
10/27 Miers has WITHDRAWN! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/4382370.stm \- But the CSUA Politburo is asking her to reconsider! \_ I have to admit I am suprised by this. I thought the WH could make the Congress roll over. The next nominee ought to be interesting... \_ Apparently Republicans basically told Bush that unless there is some good proof that she has a grasp of constitutional issues there was no way she was getting confirmed. Imagine that, requiring someone interpreting the constitution to be an expert on the constitution. \_ CJ John Marshall only had about a month of legal edu but is widely regarded as one of the finest justices to serve on the ussc. Personally I think that we should have *fewer* judges and lawyers on the ussc and more intelligent regular people in the ussc. I opposed the Miers nomination not b/c she wasn't a judge or a constitutional expert, but b/c she just didn't seem bright enough to serve on the ussc. Personally, I think they should nominate posner (if partha is unavailable). - #10 psb fan partha is unavailable). \_ I have no problem with the "brain the size of a planet" exception. \_ Nice quote on dailykos: It is a sad day when your choices for Supreme Court Justice appear to be 'unqualified hack who may do some damage' and 'qualified nutcase who will reap destruction a cross the land' \_ WHo's the nutcase? Roberts? \_ The Scalia clone to come. \- the comment about JM's legal educ is misleading. it was quite common for lawyers "back then" to have more of an apprentice style of legal educ. i think law is sort of different from say biology. today a bio prof has bs/ms/phd/postdoc ... which can easily be a decade of post-grad educ. while a newly minted law prof may be 3 yrs of law school and maybe two 1yr clerkships. \_ The Thomas/Scalia clone to come. \_ Interesting that you chose Scalia and not Thomas (the argument that Thomas is a Scalia clone does not hold water, ex. Scalia concu- red in Raich but Thomas dissent). \- this is somewhat interesting: http://voteview.com/the_unidimensional_supreme_court.htm \- i dont believe SCALIA and THOMAS had the highest percentage of voting the same way. Although it is possible of the 7-2 decisions, they are most likely to be S+T vs everbody else. \_ Emphasis on the "QUALIFIED" in qualified nutcase |
2005/10/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:40290 Activity:kinda low |
10/27 amckee, it's okay, don't feel bad. you will be an alumni someday too. then you will be joining us, and become one of us! yeh! \_ One of us! One of us! \_ mmmmm brains ... Send more paramedics! \_ gooble gobble, gooble gobble! \_ http://urbandead.com |
2005/10/27-29 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:40291 Activity:low |
10/27 Okay, is ftp completely gone? I'd search the motd archives but, wait for it, there are none. \_ try sftp or scp. most sftp clients that I've used have scp support for transfering multiple files or directories. \_ Hm, does WS_FTP do sftp? \_ Use Filezilla. \_ putty has a free command line scp binary that I use all the time. I've never tried their sftp client, but it can be found here: http://www.putty.nl/download.html -sax \_ See section 3 of last week's minutes. -gm |
2005/10/27-28 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:40292 Activity:low |
10/27 My new job is completely Windoze based...anyone know of a windows version of TextWrangler. I'm looking for a free text editor with extended capabilities. Thanks. -scottyg \_ I'm completely in love with Crimson Editor. \_Thanks, I downloaded SciTE and it seems to rock. I've heard good things about Crimson Editor though. -scottyg \_ Thanks, I downloaded SciTE and it seems to rock. I've heard good things about Crimson Editor though. -scottyg \_ a friend of mine uses visual slick edit. You could always try xemacs. \_ most expensive dedicated code editor you can buy != "free text editor" |
2005/10/27-29 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:40293 Activity:nil |
10/27 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051027/ap_on_bi_ge/earns_oil Exxon Mobil, Shell Post Record Profits \_ Exxon first U.S. company to have $100 billion in quarterly sales! USA USA USA! |
2005/10/27-28 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:40294 Activity:nil |
10/27 Are you worried that scammers will pose as job recruiters to steal your identity or your money? \_ If a scammer is tech savvy enough or is working with enough tech savvy people to convince me it's a real job application situation, he deserves my money. OBTW, there has been at least one similar scam with a scholarship application. \_ "Please do NOT recommend any of the positions to anyone else that you feel is qualified for a position. This letter is intended solely for the recipient." |
2005/10/27-29 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:40295 Activity:nil |
10/27 I want to backup from linux (RH) to DVD-writable. Will take multiple DVDs to do the job. It is just data. Is there some simple/free utility that will eject the disk when it is full / doesn't have space for the next file and then continue from there when i pop in a new DVD, or will I have to script up something that takes care of this. I would really prefer this to be command line. |
2005/10/27-29 [Recreation/Activities, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:40296 Activity:kinda low |
10/27 Frenchman wants to play Women's British Open - PGA - Yahoo! Sports: http://csua.org/u/dub Yeah! \_ This is stupid. You can consider the different leagues like weight classes in boxing. If a middle-weight wants to fight in the heavy weight division you *let* him, that does not mean you let mike tyson fight in the bantum weight division just because he's washed up as a heavy weight. -phuqm \_ Are you saying that it's okay to allow women to play in Britisn Open, while it's stupid to allow men to play in Women's British Open? \_ I think that's exactly what he's saying. Now, given that golf is a game and not a sport, having different leagues is silly... (flame shield on) -John \_ I am indeed saying that; am I loosing my perspicuity? -phuqm \_ it is a game, but one in which arm strength matters, which requires different leagues for men/women. -phuqm \_ Perhaps the Frenchman is abnormally weak? \_ Excellent contribution to the thread. thanks for being so smart and relevant. \_ Close. It is okay to allow women to play in the British open It is not o.k. to allow men to play in the Women's British Open\ and it is Stupid to equate one issue with the other. -phuqm. It is not o.k. to allow men to play in the Women's British Open and it is Stupid to equate one issue with the other. -phuqm. \_ This is gender discrimination then. Women can play in both tournaments while men can only play in one. \_ Next thing you'll tell me is that you have to be "challenged" to take part in the special olympics! Bastards! \_ If you are equating "female" to "challenged", then okay, it makes sense for you to say that this is not discrimination. Now go ahead and tell those feminists who demanded open door to British Open about this. \_ You don't understand this issue *at all*, do you? \_ The issue is that the Frenchman doesn't really want to win the Women's British Open. He's just trying to make a point that since women are allowed in British Open for some stupid/justified reason, men Open for some "justified" reason, men should be allowed in Women's British Open for the same reason also. \_ It sounds like you need to work on your critical thinking skills, man. \_ It's a stupid point. -tom \_ OH NO! not GENDER DISCRIMINATION!!?!! I forgot that is ipso facto "BAD"! \_ What is wrong w/ letting a nancy cheese eating surrender monkey play w/ the girls? Its not like a frenchie could compete w/ real men(tm). \_ On the average, men are better than women at golf. But there are many women who are better than most men at golf. The same might be said of black/white basketball players. So, if we can have a women-only golf tourney, it would seem that we could also have a white-only (or Asian only) basketball league. And if there is some black guy who isn't good in basketball, then too bad. \_ But assuming this is at the highest levels, almost any pro man will beat almost any pro woman. So it wouldn't be very fair. |
2005/10/27-28 [Industry/Startup] UID:40297 Activity:nil |
10/27 Usually how long do you have to work before you're allowed to take an unpaid leave of absence? \_ Hmm.. 3 days? I told the company before I accepted the offer that I had a planned vacation coming up. The company was willing to let me start and almost immediately go on unpaid leave for my vacation. \_ Depends on the company. I knew a place or two that didn't allow any unpaid leave without a damn good reason even after a couple of years. Oddly enough, they were fairly generous with sick leave. Ask your HR person or your manager if you need to do something. |
2005/10/27-29 [Academia/UCLA] UID:40298 Activity:moderate |
10/27 Appropros to an earlier conversation about SF High Schools: http://csua.org/u/dug The worst of the top seven schools still rates a "7" on the statewide API rank, which puts it in the top 70% of high schools statewide. \_ Where does CA fall among other states and this country among other western nations? \_ The ranking for 2004 seems unavailable, but the 2003 API rankings for San Francisco are at http://csua.org/u/dui . Out of 16 high schools in San Francisco, 5 have a rank of 1, 3 have a rank of 3, and 1 have a rank of 4. The other 7 are ranked 7 to 10. Ranks range from 1 to 10, with 1 lowest and 10 highest. \_ Is the API about "performance" or "improvement in performance"? \_ If you goal is just to get into a top US university, move to singapore and send your kid to raffles. 40% of 820 graduating students go to Ivy League schools or their equivalents, and that's just for the US. Many others go to Cambridge and Oxford. school fees is US$8 per month. 90 of the 820 got accepted to Cornell. This is according to a WSJ article: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~kohfamey/on_Raffles%20htm.htm Of course, you cannot chew gum. Of course, you cannot chew gum. I ditched raffles when I was in singapore cause my brother's chinese sucks and my parents think it's the school's fault, so I went to a second parents think it's the school's fault, and also because we hate schools named after british imperialist colonizer sir stamford raffles the evil one, so I went to a second rate high school, and ended up in second rate berkeley university. university. but hey, at least I have good chinese, and got myself quite a few cute girls from taiwan. \- i actually think if you are not totally stupid you might be \- i think if you are not totally stupid you might be able to get into harvard by moving to say Kiribati for your senior year of high school so Harvard can say "we have students from country++ number of countries". --psb \_ I didn't get into UCLA because they said they were over their quota of out-of-state students. My rejection stated that in an apologetic tone. \_ wait, UCLA is harder to get into than UCB now?? \_ Yes. All the would be MIT and Caltech geeks Googled and researched their chance on getting laid with hot women and found that UCLA gave them an advantage they wouldn't normally have in other schools. \_ That's the whole point, it's NOT harder yet I didn't get in, but I got into Berkeley. \_ Should be "we have students from ++country number of countries". :-) |
2005/10/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40299 Activity:low |
10/27 Does anyone else believe this BULLSHIT that Miers withdrew? A much more likely sequence of events is Dubya's people hinting they would no longer mind, and actually prefer it. Miers, ever loyal, obliges, and they spin it as Miers withdrawing to Dubya's opposition. \_ Well duh, were you born yesterday? \_ sorry, reading too much freerepublic http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1510152/posts "Withdrew herself?" "Yes. Letter from her." ... "It was the right decision, and I respect her greatly for making it." ... "Miers took one for the team" \_ The surgeon general has determined that reading too much freerepublic may be hazardous to your comprehension of reality. \_ Actually I think Bush is stubborn enough to have kept her at least through the senate hearings. Did you read Krauthammer's column? He pretty much presented the scenario that happened: http://csua.org/u/dum -emarkp \- just out of curiosity why does it matter if she jumped or was pushed? i mean i can understand curious speculation but you seem to be OUTRAGED. \_ ??? It'd be better if she was pushed, i.e. GWB came to his senses. How do I appear to be OUTRAGED? -emarkp \- I am referring to the OP. I dont know if you are the OP or not. \_ Odd. I was responding to the OP--you responded to me. I don't know why I'd respond to myself. -emarkp you (mr "BULLSHIT" OP) seem to be OUTRAGED. \_ Odd. I was responding to the OP--you responded to me. I don't know why I'd respond to myself. [and why you keep deleting this instead of fixing your followup to be to the OP is a mystery] -emarkp |
2005/10/27-29 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:40300 Activity:nil |
10/27 Anyone know of places to find decent set of poker chips for cheap? I'm not looking for clay chips. The composite kind will do. Most places tend to cost about $50 after shipping. If it's local, I can pay $50. Oh, for about 500 chips. \_ You can probably get a 500 skittles for $20. You could assign dollar values to the different colors too. \_ But I'd end up eating my pieces and lose. And btw, where the hell are you buying your candies to pay $20 for 500 pieces? -op \_ You need to hire a day laborer for $5 to sort a few dozen bags of them. Plus I assume you want just a few colors as opposed to eight colors repesenting eight denominations. \_ Walmart. Just buy a bunch of cheapo sets. It's slave-labor-ific! \_ I have some chips to sell. these are heavy chips, hardly used. Have around 500. If you can guess who I am, I will give you a large discount, otherwise they are full price. \_ Try Costco. I've used them and they're not bad at all. \_ Steal them from casinos. \_ it's not really stealing. You PAY from them. You know, unless you are talking about going in there with a gun. \_ I mean instead of cashing them in, you can just bring them home and use them if you dont mind them having the casino name on them. It's like stealing an ashtray from the casino hotel room ... although that's why they are mostly non-smoking rooms now. If you were going to hold up a casino with a GUN, wouldn you just take the cash? Just like in the movies? \_ Ummm... pp meant that if you're not cashing them in, you have paid for them. That's a pretty expensive way of setting up a home game. \_ Woo hoo myrtle! Sneaked me out a whole mess o chips, jus $100 a pop! \_ I guess if you live near a casino you could sort of treat it as borrowing them with a huge deposit. \- Thank your for playing at Casino Troll. |
2005/10/27 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40301 Activity:high |
10/27 Looks like the Fitzgerald indictments might not turn out the way the Democrats had hoped: http://www.csua.org/u/cached/dua (redstate.org) \_ http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/10/27/cia.leak/index.html "Sources: Prosecutor focusing on Rove in CIA leak probe" \_ "This sounds fishy By: Buckland" \_ "Pobable indictments for Vallerie Plame, Joseph Wilson and one as yet unknown high ranking Congressional Democrat." LOL. This is a classic pipedream from the party faithful. It only gets better if the Scooby team foils the Dems' evil schemes. \_ More likely a troll. Whatever it is, it gave me a laugh. \_ Hey, rightwingers can have a sense of humor -- who knew? \_ Erm, I'd expect more a lefty going undercover... Do you understand what a troll is? \_ Yes but trolls usually aren't that funny. The original article is. |
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