2005/10/24-25 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:40238 Activity:moderate |
10/23 Guys, I would like to fetch the 'opensolaris' logo from the website http://www.opensolaris.org What tools can I use to do that? I am on WiFi. And I want to fetch the logo just because they are making it hard to do so. \_ Uh, Firefox? Any other web browser? wget? Why does it matter that you're using WiFi? \_ Have you looked at the html source? i wouldn't considered this as a "class A" dumb question... and etheral doesn't work with wifi... \_ so use tcpdump - this doesn't even require that much fu (see below). \_ Uh, are we talking about the same Ethereal? You might want to specify that Ethereal (or any sniffers) on Windows don't work with wifi, due to ndis. Ethereal on a Real OS works just fine with wireless cards. Or you could just use Auditor/Kismet/Wellenreiter. -John \_ Which one? http://www.opensolaris.org/images/header.png , http://www.opensolaris.org/os/open-final3.png or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/about/buttons/get_os_ribbon_03.gif ? Your magic fu is weak. -John \_ header.png and may I ask how did you do that? When I use firefox + "view rendered source" extension, all I can see is an empty <div> that marked as "header" I can fetch all the graphics, but the header.png was particularly difficult, and please shed some light. Thanks \_ Try right-clicking on the image, or just drag it to the desktop. -tom \_ Doesn't work. It's loaded by a stylesheet. Look at source, you'll see /css/screen.css. Load that, and you'll see all the other css it loads, then just go through those and look for pngs/jpgs/gifs. -John \_ Try a Mac. (Worked for me in Firefox). -tom \_ This is on a Mac, with both Firefox 1.0.7 and Safari. Dragging it to desktop just saves a link. He means the orange/blue "opensolaris" logo at the top left of the page, not the multilanguage one. -John \_ Here's what I did to get header.png (in Firefox on mac w/ no extensions) 1. Get page source for http://www.opensolaris.org 2. This says that the style sheet is /css/screen.css and that you are looking for MastheadLogo 3. Get the page http://www.opensolaris.org/css/screen.css 4. This gives you a list of several style sheets to choose from: layout.css, presentation.css, &c. As it turns out MastheadLogo is in presentaion.css, which you should be able to figure out by fetching each one in turn. 5. Get the page http://www.opensolaris.org/css/presentation.css 6. Look for MastheadLogo, which tells you that the image is located at ../images/header.png 7. Get the img from http://www.opensolaris.org/css/../images/header.png OR http://www.opensolaris.org/images/header.png I agree w/ John, your FU is VERY WEAK. \_ LOL at you. You got pwned by the poster below. \_ Page Info hangs (comes up w/ empty window) for me on Mac (1.5b2). \_ come on now, don't be a poor sport. \_ It works fine in 1.0.7 though. Does safari have the same feature (other than via view activity)? \_ Pshaw. You guys are all weak sauce. Tools | Page Info | Media in firefox. \_ Bingo. --Guy who thought this was a dumb question. |
2005/10/24 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:40239 Activity:moderate |
10/23 So, I'm confused. Perjury is impeachable, but not indictable? http://thinkprogress.org/2005/10/23/hutchinson-technicality c.f. http://www.conservativeusa.org/impeach-trial.htm \_ People who worship money and Jesus at the same time, which is technically not possible, should have no problem holding that belief. \_ I'm not sure what you are getting at b/c perjury is indictable and the comments only specify that the Sen. Hutchinson would like the indictment to be for a substantive crime rather than for perjury. There is a colorable argument that perjury is insufficient to meet "high crimes and misdemeanors" requirement of the impeachment clause (Art 2 Sec 4) re civil officers and perhaps the VP b/c their Art 4 Sec 3 oath may not be have covered perjury but the Pres. oath in Art 2 Sec 1 cl 8 does. (NOTE: I think this is a BS argument b/c perjury isn't the sort of "high crime or misdemeanor" the framers had in mind.) \_ I think the point is that the same senators decrying indicting government officials for perjury are *on the record* as saying that perjury qualified as "high crimes and misdemeanors" when it was Clinton lying under oath about something that wasn't even a crime. The traitors currently under investigation are not the President, and ARE lying about a REAL crime, assuming the indictments are handed out. \_ That's what I assumed, which is why I said there is a colorable argument that the std is different wrt the pres. Personally, I think it is BS - it didn't qualify then, it doesn't qualify now. the pres (not that I buy it, only that it is there). |
2005/10/24 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:40240 Activity:kinda low |
10/24 Dear motd baby experts, my wife and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year but haven't had much luck. We're both over 30. This month she had a fever and flu symptoms (muscle ache, chills, etc) on the week she usually has her period and the fever lasted 2-3 days, and she's about a week late. She doesn't want to "waste" EPT again and now I'm really REALLY anxious. Are these signs that I may finally be a daddy??!? Are these signs normal? \_ It pains me to see people replace their professionally trained doctors with motd. \_ <hush falls over the crowd> ...... I think the motd baby experts have spoken \_ It's possible, pregnancy hormones can do some pretty crazy stuff. Those symptoms are pretty severe though, my wife starts getting nausea around her first skipped period. Home pregnancy tests are pretty cheap. \_ How much does an EPT cost? \_ around $10 per test. Still pretty cheap. \_ if you can't afford pregnancy tests, you really shouldn't be having children... |
2005/10/24-25 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:40241 Activity:kinda low |
10/24 I'm reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and I have a question about Chinese Names. For example, Liu Bei. Liu is his family name, Bei is his given name, and he seems to have a third name, Xuande. What's this third name? The translation refers to it as a "style." What does that mean? \_ It is typical for Chinese to have at least two "First names." in the past. What we call "first name" is roughly equivalent of "birth name," the name that goes to the family tree, and in the imperial time, not very polite to be called upon unless you are a very close friend or a member of family. One tend to use "school name" or "zi" as the name to be used commonly. In this case, "Liu" is the last name, "Bei" is the birth name, and "XuanDe" is the "school name" which everyone call him upon. It is not uncommon for well-established Chinese to have a 3rd "first name" or "hao" roughly translated as "as known as." So, in short, Chinese tend to have three first names. I am from a very traditional family, and we managed to keep most of that tradition even today. kngharv, the guy who has two first names as well. \_ It just means he's friggin' sweet. \_ Liu not Lui unless you are still using some non-PRC standard romanization. \_ No, just a typo. Fixed. \_ How did you find the book? Did you like Liu Bei, or thinks he's a weenie? How about Cao Cao, the evil but cool dude? \_ I haven't gotten all the way though it yet, I just read about Liu Bei crossing the Tan. (I'm pretty busy these days) So far it's been really good. I don't think I can really pass judgement on either of them yet. Liu Bei is possibly a little over restrained sometimes though. \_ I'm surprised no one has mentioned the video game yet. \_ I recognized the name from "Destiny of an Emperor" an old NES RPG. \_ There must be at least a dozen games based on the story. Which one are you thinking of? \_ The one called "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". \_ There were several PC versions with the same name, and now there are few versions of PS2 as well. \_ The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is huge in Japan as well; I used to get drunk at an izakaya called SanGokushi (Three Kingdoms). --erikred \_ The third name is used among friends, sort of similar to the use of tutoyer in French. \_ Ok, this seems to jibe with the other stuff I've heard. As I now understand it, everyone is given a formal and an informal name at birth. In this case, Bei is his formal name, and Xuande is his informal name. Ok, does anyone know why the translator chose to call the informal name the "style?" \_ Because the translator's Chinese-fu is weak? \_ wikipedia is your friend. "Chinese style name": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtesy_name \_ wikipedia is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_style_name |
2005/10/24-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:40242 Activity:nil |
10/24 King of real estate getting out of real estate, his reasons are interesting: http://tinyurl.com/7zeh9 \_ Seems like the usual reasons to me. His "deflation scenario" is a little more detailed that most, but it's generally the same. \_ I don't think construction material costs going up is a big secret, but this article is mostly focused on the high end buyers, not little people looking for a house. If you already own your place and plan to live in it, you win. If you can/must wait 2 years, you might win. If you're buying casinos or ball parks for hundreds of millions, you should listen to this guy. |
2005/10/24 [Uncategorized] UID:40243 Activity:nil 66%like:40248 |
10/24 Has anyone used GOOD? http://good.webex.com Good/bad? --scotsman |
2005/10/24-25 [Science/Space] UID:40244 Activity:nil |
10/24 Ebert review of "Doom" is hilarious. http://csua.org/u/dt8 \_ not as good as his review of the recent deuce bigelow movie imo |
2005/10/24-25 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:40245 Activity:moderate |
10/24 Can you convince me to get rid of my CRT monitor and buy a flat-screen LCD monitor? \_ Why would you need convincing? Text looks sharper, especially with DVI, there are no more ghosting problems, it uses less power and therefore generates less heat, it's much easier to move and maneuver around. The only place were CRTs have the edge is in color fidelity (or so I've heard) which might matter if you're a digital editing nut and handling insanely high resolutions. \_ However, they're still a fair bit more expensive, and the resolution doesn't go as high unless you get a large LCD, which you pay even more of a premium for. \_ A 19" quality LCD costs today what a quality 19" CRT cost 4 years ago. (under $400). Besides, I think a display is possibly the most important component of a desktop computer system, so I'd definitely try to get the best I can afford. A 19" LCD does 1280x1024 and you probably don't want to have resulution larger than that on 19" display anyways. \_ I recently bought a 19" 1280x1024 LCD (700:1 contrast) for $300 with analog and DVI inputs. It's gorgeous. Check out these deals: http://www.slickdeals.net/#p6628 \_ Notice how I can't get 1600x1200 with a 19". \_ I didn't want 1600x1200. \_ I've never needed over 1280x1024 on any monitor, including 21" CRT monitors. \_ I noticed that my productivity scales pretty well with number of lines of code I can fit on a screen. That's why I run all my desktops on CRTs at 1900x1200. Odd that my laptop screen is at 1920x1200, but I can't find why I run all CRTs on my desktops at 1900x1200. Odd that my laptop screen is at 1920x1200, but I can find an affordable standalone 19" LCD that will do that. \_ Your screen is most likely the most expensive part of your laptop. \_ Almost certainly. But why they don't make that screen standalone is beyond me. \_ If you get an uber LCD which turns out to be lame (too much resolution for tiny fonts and images), you will regret switching. \_ More desk real estate. That in itself should be reason enough. \_ Do you wear glasses? I'm pretty near sighted and I always found color crts (esp. 19" and larger) strained my eyes and gave me headaches after prolonged use (6+ hrs). I switched to an LCD in 1999 and it helped a lot. I've subsequently bought a 20" Apple Cinema display and I no longer get eye-strain or head- aches. I'm not sure if this is b/c of the refresh rate or just b/c the LCD is sharper than an CRT. \_ I read somewhere that CRT has a thick layer of glass and the images are "under" the glass so that your eyes are constantly having to focus and refocus between looking at the images and the surface of the glass and that causes the eyestrain. LCDs just have a thin layer so the text and images lie right at the surface. |
2005/10/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:40246 Activity:nil |
10/24 I find this amusing. Apparently "Intelligent Design" folks are saying that "March of the Penguins" supports ID. When I watched it I was thinking how natural selection is at every step of the way. -emarkp http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=46989 \_ They are capitalizing on the movie's hype and betting on people being too busy to watch the actual film to verify their claims. In other words, what a smart deceptive move. \_ Even worse, Intelligent Design has nothing to with behavior. It seeks to explain the workings of life on a molecular level. It's akin to saying Democracy was caused by evolution. |
2005/10/24-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:40247 Activity:kinda low |
10/24 Dear motd. I need some perl to randomize the lines in a text file. I know this is easy but i have no perl-fu. Please help. \_ @lines = <FILEHANDLE>; print splice(@lines,rand(@lines),1) while @lines; \_ Let's hope your file is not bigger than the amount of virtual memory of the machine. \_ Yes, since motd so often grows to fill memory on soda.... \_ Let's... How completely pointless. This was a 2 minute perl snippet, fer chrissake... \_ Maybe I should show what I have and you can tell me where I'm going wrong, This uses a fisher-yates randomization to be unbiased: #!/usr/bin/perl open(FILE, "+< $_"); while (<FILE>) { push(@lines, $_); while (@lines) { print splice(@lines,rand(@lines)%@arraylength); } @reordered = fisher_yates_shuffle(@lines); foreach (@reordered) { print $_; } sub fisher_yates_shuffle { my $list = shift; # this is an array reference my $i = @{$list}; return unless $i; while ( --$i ) { my $j = int rand( $i + 1 ); @{$list}[$i,$j] = @{$list}[$j,$i]; } } \_ Your function isn't returning the array. @reordered is being set to "0" (The return value of the "while"). Change "foreach(@reordered)" to "foreach(@lines)" and this code should work. \_ Careful about using rand with %. You can get into distribution problems there. \_ The % doesn't do anything; perl rand called that way can never return >= @lines. \_ Upgraded as per dbushong. I didn't trust perl enough. print splice(@lines,rand(@lines)%@arraylength) while (@lines); \_ Upgraded as per dbushong \_ Where's $_ coming from in the open() line? \_ #!/usr/bin/perl die "usage: $0 file\n" if @ARGV != 1; open(my $fh, '<', $ARGV[0]); my @offsets = (0); push(@offsets, tell($fh)) while <$fh>; pop @offsets; while (@offsets) { seek($fh, splice(@offsets, rand(@offsets), 1), 0); print scalar <$fh>; } close($fh); ## this is how i'd do it. --dbushong \_ My (extremely short) version: /msg dbushong hey, can you write a solution to that motd thing? \- i have had problems using perl rand to do this on files with more than 32k lines. you may want to test this out ... maybe rand returns more values than it use to but i had to re-write this for larger files ... this was +5yrs ago. if you want the codes mail me. oh also for larger files performance can be an issue. [i dont mean really large files ... i typically was operating on about 130k entries ... 2x/16netblocks of addresses] --psb \_ Actually, it looks like it's not perl rand, it's just manipulating the slices efficiently on large arrays that's making things suck. I'll ponder. --dbushong \_ OK, redone to user fisher-yates as above. Now it only takes 22 seconds on soda on /usr/share/dict/words: --dbushong #!/usr/bin/perl die "usage: $0 file\n" if @ARGV != 1; open(my $fh, '<', $ARGV[0]); my @offsets = (0); push(@offsets, tell($fh)) while <$fh>; for (my $i = @offsets - 2; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $j = int(rand($i)); @offsets[$i,$j] = @offsets[$j,$i] if $i != $j; } for (@offsets) { seek($fh, $_, 0); print scalar <$fh>; } close($fh); \- hello my codes taeke about 5-6 sec on /usr/dict/words on sloda but the sloda numbers are not that stable it is interesting to see the memory growth variations of the different approaches. ok tnx. this time i didnt check the quality of the shuffle. SSH-soda{12}[~/bin]% while 1 loop==> ./rand1.pl /usr/share/dict/words > /dev/null loop==> end 0:05.46sec, [3.961u 0.100s 74.3%], [10080Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:06.56sec, [3.949u 0.146s 62.1%], [10078Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:05.42sec, [3.953u 0.108s 74.7%], [10080Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:06.70sec, [3.921u 0.172s 61.0%], [10082Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:08.29sec, [4.041u 0.182s 50.9%], [10074Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:05.19sec, [3.870u 0.185s 78.0%], [10074Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:04.79sec, [3.830u 0.176s 83.5%], [10078Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:04.55sec, [3.902u 0.159s 89.0%], [10074Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] 0:06.07sec, [3.917u 0.182s 67.3%], [10076Kbmax 0pf+0#swap] \_ How would an Intel Critical Asset randomize a file? |
2005/10/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:40248 Activity:nil 66%like:40243 |
10/24 Has anyone used GOOD? http://good.com Good/bad? --scotsman \_ shac >>>> all motd posters --scotsman \_ If it was bad, wouldn't the URL be http://bad.com |
2005/10/24-25 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:40249 Activity:kinda low |
10/24 Environmental group going after Toyota: http://www.freep.com/money/autonews/attackads24e_20051024.htm \_ "The hybrid version of the Highlander got only 20.6 miles per gallon in a week-long test drive this year on a range of driving conditions by Free Press auto critic Mark Phelan. The EPA rating shows the vehicle gets 33 m.p.g. city/28 m.p.g. highway in federal tests. The non-hybrid Highlander, meanwhile, was rated 19 m.p.g. city/25 m.p.g. highway by the EPA -- much closer to the actual results in the hybrid." Ummm... so what about the actual "test-drive" results for the non-hybrid...? |
2005/10/24-26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40250 Activity:low |
10/24 Brent Scowcroft interview with The New Yorker magazine http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/001024.html Scowcroft supported the invasion of Afghanistan as a "direct response" to terrorism. ... The first Gulf War was a success, Scowcroft said, because the President knew better than to set unachievable goals. "I'm not a pacifist," he said. "I believe in the use of force. ..." [Rice and Scowcroft] also argued about Iraq. "She says we're going to democratize Iraq, and I said, 'Condi, you're not going to democratize Iraq,' and she said, 'You know, you're just stuck in the old days,' and she comes back to this thing that we've tolerated an autocratic Middle East for fifty years and so on and so forth," he said. Then a barely perceptible note of satisfaction entered his voice, and he said, "But we've had fifty years of peace." ... "The reason I part with the neocons is that I don't think in any reasonable time frame the objective of democratizing the Middle East can be successful. ... I'm a realist in the sense that I'm a cynic about human nature." \_ 50 years of peace? \_ I suppose everything looks rosy when compared to Iraq \_ 50 yrs of conflict without American blood... more or less. and I agree with Scowcroft's 50 yr of peace in the sense that Americans never really care about brown/yellow/black casualties \_ Umm... Vietnam? I presume he means "in the region." \_ I do remember us losing soldiers in lebenon in the last 50 years. \_ 'Ere me now! Dis my MAIN MAN, Bent Scocroff! -alig \_ "Lebanon". And I guess all those Canadians we bombed and the 150 or so guys we lost in Gulf War I don't count. As for Americans never really caring, that would sure explain My Lai, I guess. -John |
2005/10/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:40251 Activity:nil |
10/24 Guy doing a flaming shot, and why it's a bad idea http://www.badongo.com/pic.php?file=Guy+doing+a+flame+shot__2005-10-24_flame_shot.gif \_ I wonder what the 'Intelligent Design' folks have to say about this? |
3/15 |