Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:October:20 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2005/10/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40193 Activity:nil
10/19   Freepers pile on Dubya
        \_ Naahhh, looks like the usual ass-licking of the GOP power brokers
           to me.  Sometimes this stuff is so over the top it almost reads
           like parody, or even Bush slashfic:
           "Whether it's the mass media or the obstructionist Democrat
           Senators, the Islamic terrorists or natural disasters, the leaders
           of the various 'minority' groups or the homosexual lobby, the
           abortionist fanatics or the RINOs, even leftover Clintonites in the
           Pentagon, FBI and CIA, there is always something standing there,
           furiously attacking or opposing the President at every turn. Yet he
           stands up and faces it all with courage and tenacity. Where will
           anyone find a better man out there?"
           \_ I hate the freeper whining so much. "We only control TWO branches
              of the government. Daddy promised us THREEEEE." Internally I
              translate everything that "stands in their way" (liberals,
              democrats, Clinton, etc.) to variations of "the Man" just so I
              can listen to it without slapping them upside the head. The
              above quote slightly translated for my sanity: "Whether it's the
              corporate Man or the obstructionist Man, the Bible thumping Man,
              or natural disasters, the leaders of the various 'majority'
              groups or the Missionary Position Only lobby, the anti-abortion-
              ist or the Oreos, even the leftover Man in the Pentagon, FBI and
              CIA, there is always something standing there, furiously attack-
              ing or opposing the President at every turn. Yet he stands up
              and faces it all with courage and tenacity. Where will anyone
              find a better brother out there? Slap mah fro!" Yeah it doesn't
              work. I still wanna slap a freeper around.
              groups or the Missionary Position Only lobby, the anti-abortionist
              or the Oreos, even the leftover Man in the Pentagon, FBI and CIA,
              there is always something standing there, furiously attacking or
              opposing the President at every turn. Yet he stands up and faces
              it all with courage and tenacity. Where will anyone find a better
              brother out there? Slap mah fro!" Yeah it doesn't work. I still
              wanna slap a freeper around.
                \_ They will only be happy once we live in the Christian
                   feudal corporate state, with 90% of the population slaving
                   away in vast polluting factories or off fighting in endless
                   wars, while they enjoy the most sinful pleasures on top.
                   We're not there yet, so they whine.
                   \_ Not slaving away in factories.  Serving the upperclass
                      on their enormous estates/ranches, and in their shopping
                      centers.  And those that serve the rich will be the
                      lucky ones.  The rest will live in 3rd world conditions
                      without health care, public services, police protection,
                      public education, or hope, in places where the
                      upperclass never has to see or deal with them.  And the
                      upperclass will say:  "They deserve that, because they
                      don't work hard enough.  They're stupid and lazy.  In
                      this country, Under God, you get what you deserve!"
                      That is when the freepers will be happy.
                      \_ I don't know why you put no healthcare in the future
                         tense.  Most of the people I know from highschool have
                         no health insurance now, and I went to an upper middle
                         no healthe insurance now, and I went to an upper middle
                         class highschool.
2005/10/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Reference/Religion] UID:40196 Activity:nil
10/20   Are Jews Smarter? Proof and disproof:
2005/10/20-22 [Reference/Religion] UID:40197 Activity:nil
10/20   Why we need to increase the number of Arab students (and encourage
        more of our students to go to Arab countries)
        \_ Why did the Soviets send Yakovlev to study in the US at the time
           when both the Soviet govt and Yakovlev were anti-US?
2005/10/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40198 Activity:nil
10/20   Partial transcript of Powell's number one while Powell was Sec State
        "Under Secretary of Defense Douglas [inaudible], whom most of you
        probably know Tommy Franks said was the stupidest blankety blank man in
        the world. He was. Let me testify to that. He was. Seldom in my life
        have I met a dumber man."
        \_ This guy?
2005/10/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:40199 Activity:nil
10/20   Powell fucks Dick
        "a plea bargain process has evidently been opened with Vice President
        Cheney's lawyer ... Powell ... showed that memo only to two people--
        president and vice president. ... Powell testified about this exchange
        in great length to the grand jury ... Powell appeared convinced that
        the vice president played a focal role in disclosing plame's undercover
        \_ Is it possible to overdose on schadenfreude?
           \_ On the contrary, my mom is convinced that when my grandmother
              was dying of a degenerative brain disease back in the 70's,
              that Watergate-related shadenfreude added months to her life.
              She was a Trotskyist, and of course loathed Nixon.
           \_ Could the "schadenfreude" guy please give it a rest? The only
              reason any of us gain any bit of enjoyment in what's happening
              is in the possibly naive hope that America will wake up and
              vote these corrupt, incompetent and treasonous clowns out of
2005/10/20-22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40200 Activity:nil
10/20   Italian men become fathers at a later age than any other
        nationality, and do little or nothing to help their wives once
        their babies are born.
        \_ The "late fathers" part is because they all live with the 'rents
           until they're something like 33 on average.  -John
        \_ The "late fathers" part is because they all live with the 'rents
           until they're something like 33 on average.  -John
           \_ What is this, a doublemint commercial?  You feeling okay over
              there, John?      -mice
           \_ What is this, a doublemint commercial?  You feeling okay over
              there, John?      -mice
              \_ It's some moron's broken motd restore script.  I've posted
                 about it before.  -John
                 \_ private scripts are bad :(
                    \_ bad scripts make Jesus cry
2005/10/20-22 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:40201 Activity:nil
10/20   Sendmail question: When I send mail while logged into my mail server
        to an address on the same server, the From address appears
        as "username" rather than "username@mailserver".  Can somebody
        give me a hint what I need to change to have the full address appear?
        \_ In both Emacs sendmail and MS Outlook, you can specify an address in
           the "From:" field.
           \_ This is a question, not about the mail client.
        \_ FEATURE(always_add_domain)dnl in  -tom
2005/10/20-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:40202 Activity:low
10/20   There's an SMC 54Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Broadband Router on sale at
        MicroCenter for $7.99.  Does anyone have and bad experience with this
        router?  I'm looking for a wired router for my two desktops at home,
        but this one is even cheaper than the wired routers.  TIA.
        \_ Dude, it's eight bucks.  -John
           \_ Yeah, I can dump it if it's bad.  But I'm new to networking, so
              if it causes incompatibility or other problems, I would't be able
              to tell whether it's the router or it's something else.
        \_ Look to, Amazon, and user reviews.
        \_ I bought one for my parents.  Range seems fine, doesn't seem to
           crash or hang.  My parents are not very demanding users, and
           their needs are modest (no vpn, games, don't need ports open,
           no particular filtering, etc.).
        \_ On a related question, I have the netgear WG614 and it's a
           piece of junk. Netgear use to make good stuff, but the
           WG614 has so many problems. Anyone care to recommend a good
           router? My experience with Linksys was from the pre-cisco
           era, and back then netgear's stuff is way more stable than
           linksys. Has their stuff improved after being part of
           cisco? What about d-link?
           \_ I bought Linksys WRT54G recently and I am extremely pleased
              with it even though I didn't bother with installing customized
              Linux-based firmware on it. It is very stable, has all the
              features that I need and "just works" (tm). I was specially
              pleased that it keeps the NAT state properly for ssh sessions
              and doesn't kill them after a period of inactivity (lots of
              routers seem to do that, at very least with their earlier
              firmware versions)
              \_ You mean it runs for weeks/month without the need to
                 reset? If so I will seriously consider it...
                 \_ Yes. It has been working fine for six weeks so far but YMMV
                    specially since many such gadgets can have several
                    hardware revisions while keeping the same model name.
                    I am connecting with cat5 cable but my roommate are using
                    wireless (with WPA/shared key).
                    \_ Six weeks of uptime is not that long.  I have a d-link di-624
                       that's been running for several months.
2005/10/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40203 Activity:low
10/20   Corruption in Iraq
        \_ feel the schadenfreude!
           \_ Erm, you've got a substantial part of the population who's been
              watching in horror as a more substantial part of the population
              condones crooks and morons ruining the country, lying cheating
              and stealing and getting away with it, and fucking up things
              so badly it's hard to believe it's not being done on purpose,
              all the while being ignored by said more substantial part when
              yelling at them to engage their fucking brains.  Now the barrel
              of shit created by aforementioned crooks and morons starts to
              run over, spattering aforementioned shit all over everyone, and
              you are surprised about "schadenfreude"?  -John
              \_ bad word choice on my part. I should have said, "sucks
                 to be an American in the private sector" -op
        \_ If even half of what was said in that article was true we should
           ignite Chaney today. -mrauser
           indite Chaney today. -mrauser
           \_ I wish we could indict him for fleecing America
                \_ Is that even illegal when 1 party controls 2 branches of
2005/10/20-22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:40204 Activity:low
10/20   Canada among the 'worst polluters':
        \_ Just the tarsands alone produces as much greenhouse gas as 1/3 the
           entire California passenger car fleet.  It's kind of ironic that
        \_ Just the tarsands alone produces as much greenhouse gas as 1/3 of
           the entire California passenger car fleet.  It's kind of ironic that
           they are using one of the cleanest fuels (natural gas) to produce
           much more environmentally dirty petroleum and producing tons of
           emissions in the process.
           much more environmentally dirty petroleum and lots of emissions
           more environmentally dirty petroleum and lots of emissions
           in the process.
2005/10/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:40205 Activity:low
10/20, its "Rapture Index" has been hovering around 160
        the highest levels since just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
        \_ Does having the anti-Christ as a VP make the index go up or down?
           \_ He is merely "in league" with the Lightbringer (i.e. not related)
           \_ He is merely "in league" with the Lightbearer (i.e. not related)
2005/10/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:40209 Activity:low
10/20   Oh munificent psb, I need high fallutin' friends I can bitch about
        opera with....Do you know any? Also, whadya think of Dr. Atomic?
        \- The bomb was "the bomb". I didnt like the women parts.
           I didnt really expect to like it but went to see it anyway.
           \_ I left after act2, scene1. What a disappointment.
              Even more so than the Harriet Miers nomination. -op
              \_ I rarely even meet people like you, so let me take this
                 opportunity to tell you to go fuck yourself.
                 \_ Hey don't go all Cheney on us.
        \_ One more from the man who brought us _Nixon in China_ and
           _I Was Looking at the Ceiling and then I Saw the Sky_? Adams
           is probably most consistently the least interesting of the
           minimalists. Though I did see him conduct the Ensemble Modern
           playing Rihm, Nancarrow, Zappa, etc. and that kicked some
           serious ass.
2025/03/14 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:October:20 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>