2005/10/19 [Recreation/Media] UID:40169 Activity:nil |
10/18 "Commander in Chief" on ABC a TV show or a campaign ad? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,172663,00.html \_ Is that better than fox news, which is one long non-fiction (so they claim) campaign ad for Bush? |
2005/10/19-21 [Uncategorized] UID:40170 Activity:nil |
10/18 Well, now you guys have someone to complain about for years and years OTHER than Paolo... \_ Who is paolo and why would I complain about him? \_ ^complain^mock |
2005/10/19 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40171 Activity:nil |
10/18 22 indictments? Is it really possible? http://talkleft.com/new_archives/012630.html \- if this is true, i may start beliving in intelligent design. but that post is from oct 5? |
2005/10/19 [Uncategorized] UID:40172 Activity:nil |
10/18 Cancun's about to get rm'ed. \_ Is this where they shot "Girls Gone Wild"? |
2005/10/19-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40173 Activity:high |
10/18 The following people attended politburo: bonnie, awall, scarr, myungk, mconst, amckee, mrauser, mbh, geordan, jon, ajani, njh, mikeh, vadim, linxu. Who is a student and who is an alum? _____________________________________ < Politburo Approved for YOUR safety! > ------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (xx)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ U ||----w | || || ObDoNotTauntTheAMcKeePolitburo \_ Students: bonnie, awall, scarr, mkim (aka myungk), amckee, mrauser, mbh, linxu, rfm (not mentioned above). \_ Students: bonnie, awall, scarr, myungk, amckee, mrauser, mbh, linxu. \_ Students: bonnie, awall, scarr, mkim (aka myungk), amckee, mrauser, mbh, linxu, rfm (not mentioned above). Staff: jon, mikeh, vadim. Neither: mconst, geordan, ajani, njh. --mconst \_ bonnie, awall, amckee, mrauser, mbh, linxu are students. the rest are alumns. - linxu \_ Another newer member rfm was there also, he just wasn't in the minutes. -mrauser \_ So does the Politburo have a "vision thing" for the CSUA? _____________________________________ < Politburo Approved for YOUR safety! > ------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (xx)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ U ||----w | || || ObDoNotTauntTheAMcKeePolitburo \_ Say it with me: I will respect the politburo's authoritay! \_ Was there a politburo meeting? Any news to report? \_ Yes. Ruling Soda With An Iron Fist! \_ The official minutes are at http://csua.org/u/drj Quick summary: the meeting was long and well-attended. amckee resigned, but by the end of the meeting pretty much everyone agreed to reinstate him (without root). Politburo decided not to log the motd, at least for the time being, and will actually try to make it more anonymous. There's now an explicit policy that root should ask politburo before sorrying someone, except for account breakins and similar emergency stuff. --mconst \_ The minutes are particularly weak on explaining the discussion about the motd. Basically it was decided that logging it or moving it to somewhere else would decrease the possible use- fulness to new students. We proposed instead to try and do something which would improve the overall quality of the motd and return it more to its original purpose, an anonymous discussion. It was proposed we would create a program, much like /csua/bin/motdedit that would allow a user near total anonimity (or in the words of Vadim "we can make it really hard to figure out who posted") when editing motd. In theory, this will reduce the amount of personal attacks and trolling in general. I hope this clears up the current course we are taking in regards to the motd. -mrauser \_ The minutes are weak on the exact course of discussion because if I write too much, then people will think things that are just hypothetical or randomly proposed are under serious consideration. -linxu \_ I don't think it's accurate to say that the motd's original purpose was to be anonymous. In the early days, pretty much everyone signed their names. It turned out to be anonymous simply because it was a world-writable file, so it attracted people who didn't want to be identifiable. -tom \_ How long was it before, say, half the posts were no longer signed? (honestly, just curious) -mice \_ I don't really recall, but trolling didn't take over until the mid to late 90s. -tom \_ Interesting. What happened in the mid to late 90s that made people want to troll? And who do you think is the best troller of all time? \_ I think the main thing was one or two dipwads (reiffin and ecchang) realized they could get away with saying just about anything, and get more response to their trolls than they would in any forum which attached a name to their comments (because they would quickly be identified as cranks otherwise). [Funny that this keeps being deleted] -tom \_ no, it is ridiculous that you'd feel the need to post such trash based on your broken de-anon scripts, especially in the context of the ongoing "let's make the motd not suck" discussions ongoing. there is no need for this. \_ Oh, come on; it's established fact that both of those guys are trollers, and also dipwads. Sorry to have to call you out, anonymous coward. -tom \_ Seriously, get over it. We just got through a whole thing about bad logging and bad blood in the csua. Why do you insist on doing this? Let it go. \_ I'm just explaining how the MOTD turned from a useful resource where pretty much everyone signed their name, into a cesspool filled with anonymous cowards like you. -tom \_ No, you're making into that very cesspool you claim to not like. Signing or not signing made no difference. In some ways it made it worse. Case in point: you're signing your vicious petty little attack right now. \- holube is an endangered species and removing his cesspool habitat violates the endangered species act \_ The motd has always been a den of iniquity. Perhaps in your deluded memories it was all sweetness and light, but as with many free and open forums, it lost that innocence long, long ago. (unlike most sodans) \_ I think the MOTD has always beeen sardonic and sarcastic, but I don't think it was actively hostile. -tom \_ tjb is the best troller of all time \_ Honestly? The Clinton presidency. It got ugly. \_ How far back was 'original', anyway? -gm \_ I believe /etc/motd was first made world-writable on the original Apollo, which would mean 1988 or so. -tom \- I dont think there was an explicit view of anonymity when it was decided to create the motd.public either, but I think if you would ask people to pick what is more important: A: a forum where people are free to discuss whatever they want ... we'll call this the "liberty position" or B: fostering a certain atmosphere/culture/ environment ... let's call that "a vision of the good" \_ I think the main thing was one or two dipwads (reiffin and ecchang) realized they could get away with saying just about anything, and get more response to their trolls than they would in any forum which attached a name to their comments (because they would quickly be identified as cranks otherwise). -tom I think many people would advocate implementing A and **hoping*for*B**. However, I am not defending I think many people would advocate implementing A and hoping for B. However, I am not defending this on "orginalist" grounds, but I think that is a superior position for other reasons [like I think political speech should get higher protection than commercial speech, for reasons other than "what would the founders do"]. I do recognize certain issues like threats and harassment, "structural attacks" [writing a cronjob to munge or destroy the motd], mis- cronjob to munge or destroy the MOTD], mis- attributing links to the danhimal or others etc complicate the question. But I still think at this point A > B. ok tnx. --ANONYMOUS etc complicate the question, but I still think at this point A > B. ok tnx. --THE DANHIMAL at this point A > B. ok tnx. --ANONYMOUS \_ "vision of the good?" who *are* you?? \- i am not sure what your point/implication is but this is sort of in the spirit of how some terms are used in philosophy. i cannot go into detail about this in the MOTD but you can search the WEEB for expressions like ("priority of right over [the] good" rawls kant philosophy liberty). there is some discussion of this at: http://www.civsoc.com/cltphil/cltphil6.html or look for "right over the good" at "http://www.guardian.co.uk/obituaries/story/0,3604,848488,00.html if you have access to JSTOR you may be able to find: Rawls J: "The Priority of Right and Ideas of the Good." which is an important paper. At least that is what I learned in the rhetoric class I took on amckee's advice. --ANON \_ did psb ever take a class other than freshman rhetoric? You can log a forum and still have people free to say what they want. -tom \_ I don't agree. Some of the truly lame/offensive arguments would likely not be made in a non-anon forum b/c the speaker may self censor to avoid public ridicule. If the primary concern is the free discussion of all ideas regardless of how lame or offen- sive, then the potential that some ideas will not be presented dictates that the forum be anon. If no value is attached to lame or offensive ideas, then there is no reason not to log. \_ There are plenty of lame ideas posted in non-anonymous forums. \_ There are plenty of lame ideas posted in non-anonymous forums. -tom \_ Could tom be getting dumber? \_ Now if you were to give the example of usenet I'd be tempted to agree w/ you. \_ Did amckee admit to wrongdoing and issue an apology as part of his resignation? Put another way, did amckee explain why he resigned as president? The minutes are skimpy on this. \- Perhaps, but the vocal disapproval of the alumni has changed some of the poltiburo's beliefs on what the vision should be and how it should be achieved. -linxu |
2005/10/19 [Uncategorized] UID:40174 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 Cancun's about to get fucked.. \_ Is this where they shot "Girls Gone Wild"? |
2005/10/19-21 [Uncategorized] UID:40175 Activity:nil |
10/19 Go to http://images.google.com, choose "Use strict filtering" in Preferences, search for "Janine Lindemulder". Now enjoy the filtered images. \_ She's kinda scary looking. \_ She looked pretty good on Howard Stern's show on E! last night. \_ whats your point? that the filtering doesnt work?? \_ Yup. --- OP |
2005/10/19-21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:40176 Activity:nil |
10/19 A new high (low) in war profiteering: http://amconmag.com/2005/2005_10_24/cover.html |
2005/10/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40177 Activity:nil |
10/19 Thomas DeFrank at NY Daily News: Bush knew about Plame leak all along, only got angry because it was done clumsily. http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/006782.php \_ Maybe Bush will be included on the indictment. Has he talked to the Grand Jury? |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:40178 Activity:nil |
10/19 My sister's music is featured at http://NPR.org under 'all songs considered' and can be listened to. The name of the song is 'Take a minute' from her previous CD 'I kid you not'. Her name is Diane Marie Kloba. I hope you enjoy it. -ikiru \_ Congrats! Is she as hot as yermom? \_ See http://www.dianemariekloba.com ... ikiru's mom is currently about to go medieval on Florida. |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40179 Activity:nil |
10/19 Cute kittens, cute comic: http://mows.com |
2005/10/19-21 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:40180 Activity:nil |
10/19 http://www.ginniemae.gov/rent_vs_buy/rent_vs_buy_calc.asp?Section=YPTH Rent or buy? \_ "Please use Netscape4.7 and below to see your result or, please use IE. Thank you" Wow. |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:40181 Activity:moderate |
10/19 At what age did you start losing interest in console or PC games? \_ Not yet (26). \_ Try 69 years: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20051019/bs_bw/id20051018173699 \_ Woah! Your sneaky, back-handed method of polling motd ages has succeeded where all other attempts have failed. Clever. \_ Not yet (26). I play a lot less than I used to, though. Like the poster below, I enjoy simple, old games (but for my generation, that means the original Super Mario and Mega Man). \_ ~22 (now 35), and that's because the games became too complex. You have to remember the 10 buttons on the joystick and how to make 20 moves and choose among 30 weapons. I'd rather play something simple like the original Space Invaders and Pac Man. \_ How about Serious Sam co-op? \_ Or Katamari Damacy? No buttons at all. \_ Never heard of it. Forgive my ignorance. \_ Frantic FPS. Sort of like Doom on caffeine & speed. \_ Not yet (31). Speaking of which, F.E.A.R. was released today: http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3144858&did=1 "this game is basically gun-porn and you'll experience multiple gun-gasms playing it ..." \_ I am still interested but haven't played in 3 years because \_ I am still interested but haven't played for 3 years because (1) don't have time, (2) getting lazy with going through the learning curve for the typical real time strategy games I like to play. Last game played was AOE, and I can do some serious arse kicking. (33) \_ Still going @ 34 ... But my playing is very sporadic now I go for months without playing anything at all. \_ About the same, but only 30. Every now and then I check the video game news and see that some game that I know something about came out, buy it, play for a while, and then I let the old ps2 collect dust for a few more months. The less I play, the less games I pay attention to, the less that happens. It's not so much that I don't enjoy playing games, it's just that it takes a lot of time not only to play, but also to keep up with all the news and happenings. If you don't keep up you just don't buy all that much. \_ My game playing peaked at around age 24 or so after an earlier peak @ Berkeley \_ My desire to play video games has been pretty steadily decreasing since I was 20 or so. I like them, but I usually have more important/funner things to do. I pretty much stick with pre-PSX stuff these days. \_ I was a great fan of Civ III type turn based strategy games until I was about 32, then gradually lost interest in them. Have not played any in about five years now. like to play. (33). \_ 32, still play a lot of WWII FPS (mainly Forgotten Hope) online. Rarely interested in single-player; only when the plotline and gameplay is outstanding. -John \_ late-30's and still play tons of PC games. Mostly MMO now a days and a few console games. \_ 30, and still going. Mostly BF2. And I just picked up the latest SSX, and also F.E.A.R. But I don't buy nearly as many games as I used to. \_ If you like BF2, check out the mod I mentioned (it's for BF42, but they're porting it.) A lot fewer hosers, and they try to add a lot of historical realism. -John \_ http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php?date=2005-10-03&res=l \_ Ha. It's an accuracy mod, not a simulation--they put in a pink Panther and the n00b stick... -John \_ Not yet (30). I still play games on my Mac. I was never into console games. \_ Right around when I started getting laid. |
2005/10/19-21 [Consumer/Audio] UID:40182 Activity:nil |
10/19 What's the best mp3 player that takes AA/AAA battery? \_ Probably the iRiver iFP series. \- I have an iFP and it's great. Get the 512MB one. Battery life is insane. \_ what about Creative? \_ What about iAudio stuff? Anyone used it? their G3 looks promising. \_ mp3 cd player? |
2005/10/19 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:40183 Activity:nil |
10/19 Excellent summary of Myths vs. Facts re Plame and Joe Wilson http://www.thinkprogress.org/leak-rebuttal |
2005/10/19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40184 Activity:nil |
10/19 Original article on "Bush rebuked Rove about Plame affair" http://nydailynews.com/front/story/357107p-304312c.html I'm confused, though, how does this make sense with this timeline? http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/08/national/main577086.shtml http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/10/20031010-6.html \_ Apparently not being under oath is not a "get out of jail free" card for lying to investigators... |
2005/10/19-21 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:40185 Activity:high |
10/19 Let's reinstate the 55mph limit. "For every mile per hour faster than 55 mph, fuel economy drops by about 1 percent, said Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director for the Union of Concerned Scientists. The drop-off increases at a greater rate after 65 mph. The faster you go, the faster the fuel goes." http://csua.org/u/dro \_ my suggestion is impose $1.5 per gallon of federal tax on gasoline and people will go green as result. We can use the money to really fix the road and provide research funds for things like automated highway, fuel cell research, etc. \_ better yet, lets go back to walking, bicycles, and horse and buggy. Gasoline usage drops 100%. Fatalities due to dangerous speeds drop drastically too. No more dependence on foreign oil! \_ Fuck speed limits. The average travel speed has been going down for years, because on average people just keep spending more and more time sitting in traffic. Throw in the extra time spent working to pay for the stupid ass car habit, and you actually aren't going any slower by biking to work. -anticartroll \_ Since this seems to be "right vs. good" week, how about making it voluntary? Educate people about how much they'll save, and they can decide for themselves whether driving slow is worth it to them on any given occasion. If you're worried that it's hard to drive 55 when everyone else is going 80, you could reserve some freeway lanes for slow drivers, without mandating it for everyone all the time. If your goal is to reduce dependence on oil rather than just to save people money, then you can also impose extra taxes on oil to encourage conservation -- not only will this make people drive slower on average (while still allowing them to drive fast when they need to), it'll also give them an incentive to save oil in other ways (buying more efficient cars, closing the windows, etc.). \_ Well, how fast will you be driving on the freeways? \_ So how fast do you plan to drive on the freeway? \_ I vote for 60mph. --- !PP \_ Wouldn't this depend on which car? Maybe some cars get optimal fuel efficiency at 55, and others at 70. Might also depend if you are going uphill, have the windows open, etc. \_ Wind resistance roughly doubles between 55 mph and 70 mph. At 55 mph, "tire resistance" and wind resistance for a typical car are about equal. -!op \_ I spent one week in truck doing 55 and the next week doing 70 to see how much I would save and my gas usage was about the same. One week is most of a tank for me so it was enough data. \_ I call bullshit on this. I've driven 101 from SF to LA plenty of times in a BMW with a trip computer monitoring my fuel efficiency and found that it was optimal (about 30mpg) at around 70mph. \_ BMWs are fairly aerodynamic so they're impacted by wind resistance at higher speeds. Their torque band also lies in the 3000-5000 range which corresponds to about 70MPH. Not all cars are like this. \_ You're saying Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director for the Union of Concerned Scientists, author of "Greener SUVs: A Blueprint for Cleaner, More Efficient Light Trucks" and "Zeroing Out Pollution: The Promise of Fuel Cell Vehicles", doesn't know what he's talking about? \_ I find all statistics suscpicious which don't allow for different kinds of cars. If you really wanted to cut down on gas consumption, think "trains". Anyway, regardles of whether he's right or not (he's got a point about the wind resistance, but it affects different cars differently), your post reeks a bit of Mr. Science ("I have a master's degree.. in science!") -John on gas consumption, think "trains". -John \_ The problem is that it's impractical and dangerous to have a different speed limit for each car model. You need to find a composite speed limit that works \_ Just tell cops to not give tickets to those of us who are RICH WHITE MEN with GOOD CARS and everyone will be happy. -John best in the aggregate for the distribution of cars out on the road. BTW, I should have made the sarcasm more obvious when I tried to defer the the UCS guy's authority. -pp \_ Yup I hit 31 MPG, the highest I've ever seen, driving on HWY 5 @ 75 MPH in my Mercedes for a long stretch. No breaking, flat, etc. \_ I tried driving the long stretch on the San Mateo Bridge, excluding the incline section, with my '04 Toyota Sienna 2WD van, which is more aerodynamic than older minivans. I drove the whole stretch at 55mph, then the whole stretch at 60mph, and again at 65mph. I reset the "average MPG meter" (whatever it's called) at the beginning of each run, right after I passed the toll booth and accelerated to the desired mph. For the 55mph and the 60mph runs, the meter readings were roughly the same. But for the 65mph run, the reading was 2-3mph lower. I didn't use the "instant MPG meter" because it fluctuates too much. -- yuen \_ The 55 mph speed limit was based in part on the facts that most cars at the time had poor areodynamic design and had large engines (v6/v8) that were not particularly efficient. In comparison most cars these days have better aerodynamic design at all speeds and esp. at high speed (65+ mph). Also most cars these days have smaller engines that are far more efficient (there are far more c1v1cs on the road than hummers). \- conserving to keep stuff cheep just lets other people face lower prices. if you want to be active about something then lobby for more research in alt energy. or maybe higher taxes on gas if you want to punish people with big cars. this drive 55 is like turn your thermostat down or do your laundry at night. it's better to change the price structure. \- should we have say quotas on home energy use? should we have legal max thermostat settings? \_ I don't believe in quotas, however I see no prob. w/ imposing higher prices on ppl who use more than the ave. (an luxury tax if you will - pg&e does this already). The legal max thermostat setting is an interesting prob. If the purpose is to limit consumption, then I think no, but if the purpose is to promote health and safety (fire hazard, &c.), then I would say yes b/c regualtion of health and safety is a traditional concern of the state. \- i have seen a number of these stats about the marked drop off of efficiency at highers speeds in say AAA literature. i am wondering if they forget or deliberately do not factor in the greater distance travelled in unit time. e.g. there is a difference between volume of fuel burned per minute at 55 vs 75 and then there is volume of fuel burned per *mile* at 55 vs 75. ok tnx. --ANONYMOUS DRIVER \_ Don't they usually report gas mileage to begin with? \- i'm talking about stats like the one in the first \P of this thread. you're not sure what they mean. P[ost] of this thread. you're not sure what they mean. \_ It's simple physics; power to overcome wind resistance increases with the cube of velocity. -tom \_ See the mpg vs. mph graph in http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/driveHabits.shtml "As a rule of thumb, you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.21 per gallon for gas." BTW, there are other useful gas-saving tips at http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/drive.shtml _________________________________________ |
2005/10/19 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40186 Activity:high 72%like:40192 |
10/19 Man dies after having sex with a horse: http://tinyurl.com/7omhr (Seattle Times) \_ I don't understand why the guy's brother wants a harsher sentence for Tait. It doesn't seem like Tait forced the guy to take it up the butt from a horse. \_ Maybe he's with PETA and is upset the horse was used sexually. \_ He was an enabler. \_ He is an enabler. \_ How is a trespassing charge warranted? Whose property did Tait enter un-invited? \_ the neighbor \_ Oh, I thought the intercourse happened at the farm. \_ This one was at the neighbor's farm. |
2005/10/19-21 [Uncategorized] UID:40187 Activity:nil |
10/19 Where German babies come from. Book for children, but still NSFW. http://www.planetdan.net/pics/babies/index.htm \_ OMG! Page 21 is hillarious! |
2005/10/19-21 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:40188 Activity:nil |
10/19 Housing boom/bust links from swami the magnificent: http://tinyurl.com/cv3mt (thestreet.com) http://www.patrick.net http://tinyurl.com/bl5rm (finance.yahoo.com on stock prices) |
2005/10/19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:40189 Activity:nil |
10/18 This is a serious thread, please don't delete it. I'm about to get \_ Ah come on... Beastiality never goes out of style. married and will be sharing my XP file server files (MP3 and videos) on 802.11x. The server will be up and accessible 24x7 to run regular stuff too like TV (all-in-wonder card), browser for house guests, etc. I also have about 50G of porns on it and I need to hide them from my wife since she doesn't like them. Since she's in tech she knows how to mount, log in, and do other things. What's the best way to hide my porn collection? Thanks. \_ Burn to DVD and then delete. \_ Agreed. \_ Or buy a firewire drive, transfer everything to it, keep it unplugged and in a closet for the duration of the visit just to make sure that some random guest doesn't accidentally replug it in. \_ Yes, but you'll be stupid and leave it plugged in after a really good session. Poof. Caught. Just admit to yourself you have a porn collection, cull it down to just Good Porn, and put it somewhere she won't see right away. Make a backup because once she does find it, she'll delete it. Get yelled at. Find another place to hide in directory structure. Best place? Game and app directories. \_ Can't you just make the folder not readable for other users? \_ Yeah, win xp has per-user security stuff available like unix. \_ What about 2k and NT? -- !OP \_ i think it's tied to NTFS \_ This is hilarious! \_ I guess you could try just obfuscating it under some innocent directory tree and rename all the files with a perl script or something. \_ nuke it all. enjoy your wife more. \_ link:csua.org/u/drp (work-safe) \_ PGPDisk. Confidential_work_docs.pgd. And make a backup to a 3.5" USB drive. -John \_ pkzipc -pass foo ...... \_philcompress \_ Did phil ever graduate, or is he still a perpetual undergrad creeping closer to graduation one unit at a time? |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40190 Activity:moderate |
10/18 This is a serious thread, please don't delete it. I'm about to get married and will be sharing my XP file server files (MP3 and videos) on 802.11x. The server will be up and accessible 24x7 to run regular stuff too like TV (all-in-wonder card), browser for house guests, etc. I also have about 50G of porns on it and I need to hide them from my wife since she doesn't like them. Since she's in tech she knows how to mount, log in, and do other things. What's the best way to hide my porn collection? Thanks. \_ Ok, I'll bite. IMHO, you don't have a healthy attitude going into your marriage. This isn't about porn. This is about deceiving someone you think you love about something trivial. Ditch the porn or get a woman who doesn't care or shares your tastes. \_ Burn to DVD and then delete. \_ Agreed. \_ Or buy a firewire drive, transfer everything to it, keep it unplugged and in a closet for the duration of the visit just to make sure that some random guest doesn't accidentally replug it in. \_ Yes, but you'll be stupid and leave it plugged in after a really good session. Poof. Caught. Just admit to yourself you have a porn collection, cull it down to just Good Porn, and put it somewhere she won't see right away. Make a backup because once she does find it, she'll delete it. Get yelled at. Find another place to hide in directory structure. Best place? Game and app directories. \_ 50G is too much to hide in directory structure. \_ Can't you just make the folder not readable for other users? \_ Yeah, win xp has per-user security stuff available like unix. \_ What about 2k and NT? -- !OP \_ i think it's tied to NTFS \_ This is hilarious! \_ I guess you could try just obfuscating it under some innocent directory tree and rename all the files with a perl script or something. \_ nuke it all. enjoy your wife more. \_ link:csua.org/u/drp (work-safe) \_ PGPDisk. Confidential_work_docs.pgd. And make a backup to a 3.5" USB drive. -John \_ pkzipc -pass foo ...... \_ philcompress \_ Did phil ever graduate, or is he still a perpetual undergrad creeping closer to graduation one unit at a time? \_ It's taking time to convince all the profs to accept midterms & finals in crayon. \_ he is trying to outdo psb as longest ug ever \_ How long was psb a ug? dans was a ug for 8 years, mconst still is.... \_ Find another woman, one that does not object to porn. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life slinking around like this? \_ I think the compromise is to keep the porn off the main file servers and browser/media history and he can keep his DVD or external HD stash. I'm pretty sure op can get that agreement. Kinda makes sense if there is random guest access and potential future little sodans. \- if she finds it, challenger her to GUN DUEL. \_ RIP phil hartman \_ I agree. You need to teach her that the porn is for her own good. A lil training goes a long way ;) \_ Buy her some chick porn. Google for "pornography for women." According to a (probably b.s.) survey I read recently, something like 65% of American women say they enjoy pornography--I can't imagine it's of the rump-slapping "ja ja faster baby" Klaus the German pr0n star variety. -John \_ Just pester her incessently for sex until she realizes that porn makes her life easier. \_ That arguments works if she's into orgies, bestiality, fisting, anal, s&m, etc. \_ Ohhh...his wife can "mount". Huhuh...mmm..uhhuhuhuhu \_ ...and log in. I don't want to even think about that one. \_ Porn is bad for you. Dump them. - Christian Liberal |
2005/10/19 [Uncategorized] UID:40191 Activity:nil |
\_ but don't let that stop your lawsuit! |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40192 Activity:nil 72%like:40186 |
10/19 / Man dies after having sex with a horse: \ \ http://tinyurl.com/7omhr (Seattle Times)/ ----------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\______,. |__|\ )\\ ||----/|| || ' || \_ I don't understand why the guy's brother wants a harsher sentence for Tait. It doesn't seem like Tait forced the guy to take it up the butt from a horse. \_ He is an enabler. \_ How is a trespassing charge warranted? Whose property did Tait enter un-invited? \_ the neighbor \_ Oh, I thought the intercourse happened at the farm. \_ This one was at the neighbor's farm. |
2005/10/19-21 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:40194 Activity:low |
10/19 Hi I'm a cell phone idiot and I need clarification. I've been told there are 3 major frequencies out there, 850, 1800, and 1900. Which ones are CDMA, TDMA, and PCS? Thanks. -cell idiot \_ those are all cdma \_ those are all GSM too... 850/1900 in US and 900/1800 worldwide \_ Um, ok. So inter networking-speak, the frequency is like the physical, and GSM are like the data-link or network layer? What about PCS, what is that? \_ It's like the datalink, network and, with the advent of data, the transport layer. PCS is as John has mentioned. \_ CDMA is a blanket term for a bunch of cell protocols commonly used in the US and, I think, Korea--"code division multiple access" just means that multiple signals can occupy the same channel. GSM is used in most of the rest of the world (from the Groupe Speciale Mobile that designed it), also a mobile protocol that uses 4 frequencies (see pp.) I believe it uses TDMA ('t' = 'time'). PCS means "personal communications services" and is a marketing term for bundled mobile services--it can use CDMA or GSM. It would help to know if you are just curious or looking to buy a phone/service, and if so, what you want to do with it. -John \_ Maybe GSM would be more popular in the U.S. if they changed the name to "freedom protocol". \_ cdma is used in US (verizon, sprintpcs), China (china unicom), Japan (KDDI) and other places. I think for the bands, say \_ Brazil (Vivo) around 1800, each company get a band close to 1800, but their bands don't overlap (eg. sprintpcs and verizon and tmobile and cingular each has its band around 1800). they may use different protocols for their assigned/owned band. \_ the confusing thing is there is also a older "TDMA" protocol, still used by US Cellular. Both GSM and "TDMA" uses TDMA (time division - each call gets a time slice) as its underlying way of dividing up a frequency band. CDMA is a more complex and theoretically superior way of dividing up the band. I believe part of the reason why China Unicom selected CDMA is because PRC pushed it to use it, since experience gained with CDMA could be applied to military use. \_ Sure, it was just a quick "wireless for dummies" overview. Some of the older TDMA in the US is a holdover from the days of real "cellular" telephony. -John \_ Sure, it was just a quick "wireless for dummies" overview. Some of the older TDMA in the US is a holdover from the days of real "cellular" telephony. -John \_ What do you mean by "real \"cellular\" telephony"? \_ What do you mean by "real \"cellular\" telephony"? \_ I thought I recalled reading that a TDMA variant was used for carphones, but now I'm not sure. -John \_ http://www.thetravelinsider.info/roadwarriorcontent/quadbandphones.htm may be useful |
2005/10/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:40195 Activity:moderate |
10/19 Is there an "unbiased" site that gives the straight dope about what each proposition is really about, and what the pros and cons are? \_ It's the GOVERNATOR! What do you expect? More tax cuts for the corporation and the people who have made it. That is the basic platform of the conservatives. \_ wait, you're actually going to vote on those? \_ The voter pamphlet you get from the state will have the pro/con from biased sources and the 'neutral' description from the state. And why wouldn't someone vote on them? \_ the voter pamphlet only has so much space and my past experience with it has been somewhat unsatisfactory. \_ Just vote no on 73, 74, 75, 76 and 77 and yes on 79 and 80 if you are a lefty and do the reverse if you are a righty. I'd personally vote no on all of them because I think they all muck around with things that we don't fully understand, but since nobody listens to anybody anymore just tow the party line. \_ toe \_ Why would redistricting have anything to do with left or right? \_ Ahnud says vote yes on 73-78 and no on 79, 80. The reality is it makes no difference how you vote, b/c if everyone votes no the law doesn't get passed but if everyone votes yes, the law will be struck down by the courts. \_ I thought we paid the legislature to legislate. \_ no, the various lobbies and special interest groups pay the legislators to legislate. We just occasionally vote them in or out. \_ I advocate voting against all propositions on principle, regardless of issue. The system sucks and should be done away with. </flamebait> \_ pretty much... check out this prop that passed: http://www.smartvoter.org/2004/11/02/ca/state/prop/63 It's bluntly stupid. I guess you can pass anything as long as it targets a rich enough tax bracket. oh and that smartvoter site might help the OP: http://www.smartvoter.org/2005/11/08/ca/state/prop \_ Why do you love rich people john? I don't mind having Michael Jackson and Paris Hilton's cousins pay a bit more for basic infrastructures to help out the rest. At any rate the rich bourgeois already own vast amounts of land in metropolitan areas and they have been, are, and will continue to gobble up empty, underutilized suburbian vacation homes. They also run and control mega apartment complexes in hot spots of metro cities and artificially inflate land values (Irvine) which really screw up the rest of us working class prolitariats. -fuck capitalism oh and that smartvoter site might help the OP: http://www.smartvoter.org/2005/11/08/ca/state/prop (oh and that http://smartvoter.org site might help the OP: http://www.smartvoter.org/2004/11/02/ca/state/prop/63 ) \_ i'm not John, don't interrupt, and you = bluntly stupid \_ Because I'm a fat bloated plutocrat bastard tool of the running dog imperialists. Because I hate hippie long- hairs and think all the colored folks should limit their career aspirations to serving me and Muffy drinks at the country club. Because I like the idea of a Metropolis- like tribe of underclass laborers being squashed under my mighty oppressive boot. Excuse me? -John \_ Vote Yes on 77. Redistricting in an impartial way is the key to making districts more competitive, which should reduce the number amount of extremism, left or right, in the legislature. ok tks -!psb making districts more competitive, which should reduce the amount of extremism, left or right, in the legislature. ok tks -!psb \_ As above, show me that it's not impartial now, and you might change my mind on 77. Oh, and btw, it's "ok thx" |
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