2005/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40118 Activity:kinda low |
10/16 OK, plea from me (and a lot of others, I'm sure): write what you want to, who cares, that's the whole point, but when you've written it, please please please just take a second to read it through and ask yourself, "is tihs teh ghei or n0es?" I'm not asking anyone to self-censor based on whether they write stupid shit, no matter what they're trying to get across, but just ask yourself that quick question. It doesn't take long, is great practice for life, and helps save put off the point at which we reach peak byte. -John \_ Well, amckee has mistakenly sorried one person (since remedied), and he has threatened to sorry at least one more (me), for content that he finds objectionable. In my case, because I quoted him self-describing his role in the Politburo. Does this sound like a person can "write what you want"? - tse \_ Yes, it does. They're not sending you to fucking siberia, they're threatening to turn off an email account. I'll write exactly what the fuck I want until the minute they turn off my account, and so should you. \_ Yes, it does. The whole discussion is moronic on the scale of galaxies (both the fact that some measures like this have been proposed at all and peoples' reaction to them.) Look up "tempest in a teapot." Threatening to sorrying alumni (or anyone) for stupid shit like this is about as mature as saying "you go home now, you can't play with my toys anymore. The only proper reaction is to just leave. It's a fucking _account_, and if someone doesn't want to let you play with their toys anymore, guess what, it's a nice day outside. -John \_ It's more than an account. Some of us old farts have been around here for decades. soda is the occasional meetingplace where get to poke each other and say hi. That is why CSUA has been described as a social club as opposed to a hardcore techie org. Nice as it is outside, I'd rather hang here and piss off tse and psb. Feel the love! \_ Alas, since I refused to toe the line amckee drew for me by continuing to criticize him on MOTD, I am afraid I will likely be sorried shortly after the next Politburo meeting. It has been 19 years since my first cc account. I was hoping to make it 20 before I call it quits. - tse But at least I will be sorried following the official process rather than at the whim of amckee. I will probably count that as a small pyrrhic victory. - tse \_ This is all frightfully stupid. Amckee wrote some self-indulgent, stupid mails, psb was being difficult as always, and the CSUA moves on. Stop being such a drama queen. -John (only 15 years, alas.) |
2005/10/16 [Health] UID:40119 Activity:low |
10/16 I was walking in downtown SF today and I think I saw blojo walking past me, I was thinking of flagging him down and telling him how much pain and suffering turning on the 'write' bit for all on /etc/motd was causing but then I decided it wasn't worth the effort. - danh \_ Are you the father of /etc/motd.public? |
2005/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40120 Activity:nil |
10/16 are people really getting sorried for hurting politburo's feelings in email? \_ In motd. amckee sorried one person and threatened to sorry at least one more. That was just Saturday. \_ I'm an alumnus who has donated to the hardware fund, and likes the MOTD the way it is, not that that seems to matter. I also just read amckee's e-mails to psb. - Why should I donate anymore if there really is a chance my account could be taken away? - Why should I donate anymore when the money is incompetently spent on hardware that doesn't work with BSD? - [Deleted entry about hardware purchasing incompetence and BSD, since anyone can make that mistake. And I appreciate all the officers' and VP's hard work.] Sorry I missed the whole brouhaha, but some clarifying statements from the Politburo seem in order. |
2005/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40121 Activity:high |
10/16 C'mon people, stop threatening to not hire anyone, or sorrying people. \_ I agree, that was done in very poor taste. Amckee has put a _lot_ of work into this organization and just because you disagree with him is no justification for the threats. You have also disproved the benefit that the alumni offer, this is like counter-networking, not offering csua members jobs but making sure that a csua member is not hired. You certainly should be ashamed of yourself. -mrauser \_ "Go go mrauser networking skills!" \_ No one guarantees anyone a job. If there is an offer of help, the offer has been to help when a fellow csua-er seems competent and reasonable, or at least doesn't seem incompetent and unreasonable. It's not about the decision to de-anonymize motd; it's about amckee's response to criticism afterwards. Looking dispassionately at his emails wth Partha and his posts on motd, does he seem like a reasonable person to you? Does he seem like someone you would want to work with? Looking dispassionately at his emails and his posts on motd, does he seem like a reasonable person to you? Does he seem like someone you would want to work with? \_ Much of the psb emails were taken out of context, he really was being sort of a pain. He would retort to an argument with a completely sarcastic comment that deserved no response. That said, no matter how I feel about how amckee acts I would never start a "blacklist" campaign. Thats obscene. YOU are welcome to not hire him all you want but its truly not fair to go out of your way to ensure that hes not hired anywhere else. -mrauser \_ Give the grownups a little credit. We're not all that amazingly juvenile. -John \_ do you really think sorrying someone over 'being annoying in email to politburo/root' is valid? you should read my mailspool, it would make you cry. - danh \_ No, I don't think that, nor do I believe I said that. I thought I just said it isn't right to organize a "blacklisting" movement. -mrauser \_ I must be reading The Psb Files in a different language than you. I think you threaten to sorry psb for being annoying. Or maybe it's someone else. I must admit I get the logins of current politburo members confused. Also, you got trolled pretty hard, it happens to most people eventually. \_ I think if you will look at emails that I sent the word sorry does not appear in them at all (although I'm not positive). Please aim your flame more selectively. ;) -mrauser \_ If it had been a flame, you would have noticed real quick. -John >To: amckee@berkeley.edu, psb@ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu >Subject: Re: Character attacks >Cc: politburo@csua.berkeley.edu >From: "Partha S. Banerjee,,," <psb@ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu> >Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 14:16:47 -0700 >>This is your first and last warning, Partha. If I continue to see character >>assassinations against any member of the politburo, myself included, I will >>sorry your account. If I continue to see defamation against my character, I >>will file for a restraining order against you that bars you from your >>behavior. No friends that you think you have on the 'inside' will be able >>to help you. I have no tolerance for your bullshit and I am keeping a log >>of the things you say which, so far, have been happily easy to attribute to >>you. If you wish to debate an issue or represent a political idea, do so as >>an adult. You're welcome to come to the next Politburo meeting and discuss >>the concerns you have, but you will not be able to hide behind a computer >>screen and cast your vitriol on our servers. \_ It seems to me that a "blacklist" campaign based on a flame war over a text file would have the main result of causing people to think that Berkeley CS grads are raving lunatics. \- look i am getting fed up with this "out of context" comment. i have "released" essentially all the context. at this point you have to claim people lack comprehensio$ at this point you have to claim people lack comprehension or intelligence. because what they are NOT lacking are the bits and the bytes. the only think i didnt make public is mr. mckee last reply to me, because it seems like in that case he sort of asked me not to make it public. is "being a pain" and sarcasm in the evergrowing lists of sorryable offenses? i shall now enjoy my iftar chicken. --psb \_ I only say out of context because not every email was posted there (I'm almost certain I had 2-3 more replies to you than the one I saw). And Some innane comments you made were: *While we respect your right to be a complete troll and to voice your > do you know what troll means? just curious. *there might be an 'easier' solution to them. > we might even call it "the final solution". happy belated yom kippur. There was also another one, but I don't want to bother to find it in my emails. -mrauser \_ Are you saying you *want* Partha to publish every email that passed between him and members of the Politburo concerning the motd policy change? And that would satisfy in your mind the question whether amckee was quoted out of context? Is this an official Politburo position? \_ Thankyou for scewing my words. I said that it was out of context because not all the emails were published, it was not a request for him to publish them. I was the one who originally told him I was fine with him publishing them, but I would prefer he not, just because it will create more and more spam (of which I don't intend to reply) but he is free to post any emails he wishes (unless in that email amckee asked him to not post it). -mr \_ It seems somewhat disingenuous to on one hand not to want psb to publish all the hand to not allow psb to publish all the emails and on the other hand castigate him as "quoting out of context" for not publishing all the emails. \- The above quotes are (already) included at: \- The above quotes are included at: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA The only psb-pburo email not included there is one sent to me after the above quote [and thus arguably not relevant to assessing my state of mind and intentions writing the above]. I certainly would be happy to reciprocally trade your right to "release" all of my email if I have the same right with the pburo emails. The only email not on the site above is this one: From amckee@berkeley.edu Sat Oct 15 14:39:04 To: "Partha S. Banerjee CC: politburo@csua.berkeley.edu which ends with a post script saying he did not give me persmission to share his emails. which certainly was not my impression and i leave it to the spectators to judge that for themselves. i personally think it was courteous for me to ask. i think i should have unilateral right to share email sent to me about me in his official capacity as the csua president. So if mr. mckee wants to "relese" me w.r.t. to the last email, then we can truely say the record is complete and people can make their own decisions. --psb \_ The decision I've made is that both psb and amckee are idiots and should get a life outside of motd. -neutral guy \- i have a lot of free time during ramadan. khudah hafiz. --psb ramadan. --psb |
2005/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40122 Activity:low |
10/15 As recent ('05) alumnus, I'm very disturbed about the tone being taken towards alumni by the current pburo. Is this because of bad feelings towards people like psb & etc for bitching about the MOTD change, or is it really about the mass alumni community? I found the (recent) alumni community to be an invaluable resource to me when I was a student; I even attended social functions with 'geezers' like nevman and felt enriched for it. I never partied with nweaver, though. Everyone is right about networking, but I think that the CSUA alumni community goes beyond that. It's just a pretty freaking awesome group of people! Where else could I go and have a handful of people spend three hours recovering my fubared laptop hdd (thanks ajani, vadim, mconst!) and then laugh with me at my stupidity? Current members are running the CSUA, no ifs or buts about it. But I hope amckee is not representative of the majority of pburo or current memberships when he asks "Why should we even allow alumni on our servers?" The whole point is that alumni have jobs and lives and our servers are what really creates the crossroads for the alumni community to flourish. Would you rather have irc.csua be for current csua members and make dbushoung delink and run an irc server for alumni? A serious schism between alumni and current membership strikes me as the worst thing that could come out of the MOTD changes, whatever happens. -jhs \_ I have been fortunate to have worked with several alumni, and almost all of these interactions have been positive and rewarding. The politburo, and me, have nothing but respect and admiration for the vast majority of alumni. Hell, we even respect psb. However, there is a very vocal miniority of alumni that are helping to derail the CSUA. As others have said, the alumni are an invaluable resource - for jobs, for insight, for a million things. However, how likely is it that the majority of them - reasonable, level-headed, non-trollish peoplt that they are - will look to the CSUA with repect, given the environment that we're seeing here in the MOTD? If I had a job opening, of which I've represented many in the past, I most certainly would not take it to an environment that appeared to be filled with petulant children, as I would argue we see here. \_ No, you'd take it to individual people whom you've seen provide a high signal to noise ratio compared to the petulant children. Trust me, people are grown-up enough to know not to rely on the tenor of a publicly writeable text file as a primary means for judging the membership of an organization. -John It's not that the majority of CSUA alumni are like this, far from it, it's just that the vocal minority of ones that are seem to disproportionally represent the 'culture' of the CSUA. So yes, we're frustrated with some of the alumni that you see here, but that in no way translates to all of them. Hell, perhaps some of them would even come back into the fold, if they didn't think this would end up like some kindergarten in the Bronx. And no, there are no plans to boot alumni - that was never a proposition. What was said was that we put a *LOT* of effort into this environment, mainly used by alumni, and the generosity of this does not seem to be appreciated. We're not a free ISP, we're a professional student organization, and it's only reasonable that we have -some- expectations out of how we use our servers. Like, "don't act like children". We desperately want alumni to be a more important part of this organization, but we need to constantly evaluate whether that is happening and what we can do to improve it. And, it's important to note, the 'alumni commmunity' stretches much wider than the MOTD audience, and we try to keep that perspective in mind, as well. Not only will a slightly less hostile MOTD be good for new students, it may very well attract more alumni who have been turned off on it. -amckee \_ Just as a tiny piece of advice, if I may be so bold, consider paring down your essays a bit and working on making a point in a more succinct manner--it's more effective. -John \_ And the "why should we allow alumni.." quote was a rhetorical one, intended to solicit retrospection and perspective. Communicating subtleties of intent are often difficult in 'informal' environments like this, and there's at least a fair chance that much of the animosity comes from both sides misinterpreting the intentions of the other. As always, talking about things like this face to face is always far more productive. Alumni are always welcome to attend politburo meetings (Mondays @@ 7pm) and share their thoughts. As people like mconst and dlong can attest to, we (and I, especially) make a lot of effort to solicit their views. An alumni representative actually sat with us during the MOTD debate and provided more insight and dialog than any other participant in the audience (politburo included). This insight was invaluable. We ultimately decided on the side of anonymity, which was not the position they represented, but it helped give us a much deeper perspective. If you feel strongly about something, then the place to broach that is in person at our meetings. To be honest, with all the emotion on the MOTD, it's hard to take things too seriously - and it's easy to get into too 'defensive' a mode of debate. And as much of an apparent schism as seems to exist, this almost always collapses when you realize that the person on the other side of the debate is an actual 'person'. -amckee \_ Above, you write "we ultimately decided on the side of anonymity"? In the minutes of the meeting, I thought the 4-1 vote to "Modify the system" was a vote to institute motd logging? Please explain. \_ I typed too quickly. We decided to enable a provision such that, in extreme circumstances, the politburo could identify the source of an motd edit and deal with them offline, through our normal disciplinary channels. This would never include de-anonymizing them to the motd. amckee \_ It seems clear that the decision to deanon is one for the pburo to make. The most reasonable complaint I've heard is that the proposal was not structured or formalized well. This seems fair, and it may be that the MOTD's importance to some alumni was underestimated? Putting in the effort to get both a technical solution and a policy that is robust and as liberal as possible seems worth it (especially if alumni can be made to do most of the work?). But I'll likewise agree that some of the same people who are complaining the loudest don't seem to understand the reality of today's student body, and don't give credit when credit is due to the work put in by the current pburo. Of course this is *some* people, I've seen plenty of jvarga props in the last few months. -jhs \_ And yes, jvarga deserves definite props. We sometimes ride him a bit hard, but he's always had what he felt was the best interests of the CSUA at heart. We may disagree occasionally, but he's been one of the most self-sacrificing individuals I've known. -amckee \_ The decision I actually proposed was more alumni friendly than what was originally proposed, in my opinion. We decided that we needed the capability to identify motd edit authors, but I wanted to leave the implementation (technical and theorhetical) largely up to the alumni. This got thrown back in our face as "we don't want to eat your dog food". Reasonable, but perhaps more rooted out of initial frustration. Although we aren't negotiable on the need for the provision, we're pretty flexible on how it's done and we're fairly open to suggestions on how disciplinary action should be handled. My own idea was that if someone is making threatening, slanderous, or hostile attacks or comments against another person - the sort of things that you would not expect to find in a work place or professional environment - that we need to be able to deal with that person. In most circumstances, this would probably start out with a warning. In circumstances like the one that initially prompted this whole mess, it might lead straight to sorrying. As with all such disciplinary actions, this is a matter decided upon by the politburo. (Granted, if someone is being a real pest, an officer or root staff may need to temp-sorry them until a vote can be made.) At no point did we ever discuss or suggest that we would "tell the world" who the offender was, that'd just be silly - especially since most of us don't even use the MOTD. For the most part, it'd probably be a system such that we only got involved if someone complained (or how else would we know about it?) Hopefully, once tempers calm down, we can get some more productive suggestions on a solution that is as palatable as possible to the users of the forum. - amckee |
2005/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40123 Activity:low |
10/16 How exactly did "make motd anon, semi-anon, or non-anon" turn into some hostile "students/politburo vs. alum" hate fest? I keep reading stuff that strongly implies that "total anon motd" is the "what alums want" and a "logged motd (of some sort)" is what "students/politburo wants". This is clearly not the case. Some alums want a totally anon motd, some want a semi-anon motd and others have wanted it completely non-anon going back many years. Given that the vote on this vaguely defined motion was not unanimous in pburo and that they have "already spent over 50 hours" discussing and dealing with it, it seems like "the students/pburo" aren't of a single mind either. This whole students vs alums thing is a red herring that seems intended to misdirect the entire non/anon motd discussion. Unfortunately, it seems to have succeeded. :-( Wake up, the strings are being pulled. \_ I was with you up till that last line. Who's pulling the strings? The Illuminati? strings? The Illuminaiti? \_ It's not a conspiracy. There's someone who wants us to not talk about the real issue but to babble about this us vs them, students vs alum nonsense. If not we wouldn't have been diverted off the original topic on to this hatred garbage. I'm asking everyone to ignore that noise and go back to the real issue: the motd and how to make it not suck. \_ Are you saying we got Karl Roved? --PeterM \_ The issue is that the politburo has decided that it wants to make a change (whether it was unaninmous or not is not really germane). There is an uproar about the change, and I am confident that 100% of the people who are complaining about the idea are not current students. I think it is quite difficult to argue that the MOTD in its current state serves the CSUA's active members, and similarly hard to argue that the proposed change will have any deleterious effect on MOTD discussion. -tom \_ So what does qualify for being on the motd? HW and test answers? Sunshine, pretty flowers, fuzzy wuzzy bunny rabbits and baby \_ Don't fuck wih Fuzzy Bunnies. -John chicks, and meeting announcements? Does the motd get to be a disasterous insane and inane public forum or the same chirpy, go-CSUA-happy-happy-joy-joy message every day? What is the politburo's "vision" of the motd? \_ Complete non sequitur and red herring. -tom \_ Not really. If I don't want to be sorried for posting to the motd, what are the rules? If there are no rules, well, just say so and note that people will be sorried by fiat. If you know what will best serve the active members of the CSUA in the motd, I'd be happy to read it. \_ How about, the exact same as the rules about being sorried for walling. It's not that complicated to figure out what you should and shouldn't do. And that's completely separate from the question of whether usage should be logged (as it is in every other form of electronic communication). -tom \_ And the official wall rules are? And as shown over the weekend, logging can lead to arbitary sorrying. Changed this time, but still sets an interesting precedent. What is the politburo's vision of what the CSUA should be? (not really directed at tom per se, but an open question) \_ Actually, it was lack of logging that led to arbitrary sorrying; if the MOTD were logged, you would never sorry "the wrong man." -tom \_ I think it's more unchecked ego than lack of logging that led to arbitrary sorrying in this case. |
2005/10/16-19 [Finance/Investment] UID:40124 Activity:nil |
10/16 So, what happens to shareholders in a mutual fund if the mutual fund company goes belly-up? \_ I imagine they stand in line with the other Chapter 7 bankruptcy debtors. They probably stand pretty close to the front though. \_ That sounds mighty suspicious. -op \_ The "mutual fund company" just manages the fund. Each fund is its own separate entity under the Investment Act of 1930something, and owns its assets on behalf of its shareholders, with its own board and everything. The managers and its debtors have no legal claim on the fund's assets. \_ So if the mutual fund place closes shop, do they liquidate the funds and return to shareholders, or what? \_ yes. |
2005/10/16-19 [Uncategorized] UID:40125 Activity:nil |
10/16 Setting up /etc/motd.public, 10 seconds. Posting motd, 100 hours. Writing a stupid and unreliable logger that can be easily fooled via scp and other mechanisms, 10 hours. Squishing someone based on the unreliable logger, priceless. \_ Re stupid and unreliable logger -- are you talking about the proposed one or the current one that a user created? ... oh yeah, you're talking about the current one. I guess that's all the more reason to create the proposed one! </troll> |
2005/10/16-19 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:40126 Activity:nil |
10/16 I accidently overwrote a file in my home dir. Is there a process where I can request the version of this file from, say, 1 month ago? Or are there even backups/archives like this at all? \_ mail root \_ Yes, backups do exist. Right now, they are not mounted, so you will need to email root. Be aware that backups do rotate out, and are currently being sporadically manually done, so email sooner than later -- njh (the guy who runs backups) \_ Thanks!! Now that I think about it, I might actually have my own backup from the time I want, though it would be on a PC that I don't have access to today. I'll check for my own backup before emailing root, but it's good to know that root can help me if necessary. Thanks! -op |
2005/10/16-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40127 Activity:moderate |
10/16 Dear danh, geordan, psb, peterl, tse, lafe, mice, john, and many others who have been posting on motd. I'd suggest you guys stop publicly criticizing amckee because he has no problem squishing all of you. I'd take his threat seriously as he already squished someone who threatened to blacklist him at HRs and headhunters throughout Silicon Valley. I for one will stop saying anything bad on motd because I value my soda account. -fearful alumus \_ Troll troll troll your boat -John \_ funny, these are among the members who have consistently provided the most support when I've ran into horrible technical problems during the course of my work and have turned to the motd or wall for help. -sax \- I have a feeling Mr. Tse will be unavailable when the pburo is looking for HSPICE help or hotel recommendations on the Cote d'Azur. :-) --psb \_ 1 for 2. No Cote d'Azur for me. Even you should remember my dislike of the French. My advice is to go to Valencia, Hotel Ad Hoc Monumental. I can answer most questions spice and verilog related though. -tse \_ I've evolved beyond spice and cote d'azur. - tse \_ You remind me of the grad students who accuse the grad student union people of "intimidation" because they're annoying, and claim that grad students live in fear of "union intimidation tactics". "Union intimidation tactics" means coming by your lab and trying to get you to go drink coffee and hear about their union. You only have to tell them to fuck off and threaten to call the cops on them once, and they *never* come back, and mark your entire department as "anti union", avoiding that whole section of the building. Just as blathering about a union is not "intimidation", threatening to turn off an email account is not a serious threat. Have you also started to self-censor what books you check out from the library because the feds might come after you? \_ Heh, thanks for looking out for me, man. -mice \_ I think you need to relax. Nobody is going to get squished for their motd post without a politburo vote. -mbh, vp \_ Didn't amckee sorry Brett (and then had to unsorry him when it turns out Brett was the wrong guy)? Did amckee manage to sorry the right guy eventually? \_ It is rather amusing that after politburo members pedantically promise to be fair and impartial after they possibly implement motd logging, and after politburo members write, at length, about how reasonable and wise they are... one of them goes off the handle and sorries someone for strange reasons. I guess sorrying someone is a lot easier than emailing someone. Anyway I don't have much of anything useful to add, please don't destroy the CSUA, it's been nice knowing many of you. - danh \_ Yes, that was a mistake and amckee has acknowledged it. That kind of impulsive sorrying is not the regular course of action. -mbh \_ What CSUA policy has the person posting about the "blacklist" violated? \_ None, it was just a troll -mbh \- just for clarification: is the mbh position "the user who posted the blacklist post should not have been sorried because he was just 'trolling'". while the acmkee position is he should have been sorried, but because we do not know who it is we cannot do so, but if we do discover who it is, then we will sorry the user? i inquire because there are a lot of thoughts attributed to "the politburo" and it seems like they are not of one mind here. --psb \_ I apologize I should be more clear when speaking on behalf of the CSUA. psb you stated my opinion clearly. That post should have read "my position would be to ignore it". -mbh \_ Is there an established CSUA process to sorry someone? Is there an established CSUA policy to punish root staff who arbitrarily sorries someone without following the established process? Is there a plan to follow the established policies and punishments in this case? \_ I read through the CSUA constitution and /csua/adm/doc/policies, and it appears that the rules are VERY non-specific, probably intentionally. Now, if you wanted a heavyweight approach to policies ... \_ It seems to be up to the discretion of the politburo. I am guessing nothing will be done. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? \_ Whatever. I'll say whatever the hell I want. I've made backups of my homedir here. Oh noes, amckee might flip out and wield his AWESOME POWER and squish me. It's fine, learn 2 govern. -geordan \_ You go geordan! Go kick ass the same way you kicked Susan Graham's ass in 164... or not. :) \_ Savage Susan is still terrorizing undergrads in 164? Wow. \_ You make a good point. I'm nowhere near as Powerful as amckee. That's probably why I've never been christened as a 'Critical Asset'. -geordan \_ Stop it, your minority voice is gonna cause every single alumni to be squished. There goes 30 years of tradition \_ Yes, and amckee has acknowledged the mistake. And there is no 'right guy' either because the post was a troll. and that kind of impulsive sorrying will not happen. -mbh \_ I'm pretty sure I didn't actually post anything about amckee. --peterl \_ You don't have to actually post anything. amckee just has to think you posted something. And the post doesn't necessarily have to do with amckee; he just has to think it does. - tse \_ Btw, I've told all the opera companies I've sung with not to hire amckee. Yes, he has the voice of an angel, but his diva 'tude and doesn't-play-nice-with-others issues makes him impossible to work with. --not-scotsman \_ that's right kid! you'll never work in Broadway again. \_ Was amckee a Critical Opera Asset too? |
2005/10/16-19 [Finance/Investment] UID:40128 Activity:nil |
10/16 dear motd financial adviser, i'm interested in learning about investing in the stock market and would like to hear recommendations about books to read on this subject. I am not looking for general advice on "what to do with your money" but specific advice on methods and strategies for picking stocks and mutual funds to invest in for someone without a lot of experience and no background in economics. \_ Wow, psb hasn't answered yet. I'm incapable of imitating psb, but he would tell you to read "A Random Walk Down Wall Street." ok tnx. \- 1. i was at the opera. 2. good advice. --OTpsb \_ I would read a Peter Lynch book. Then I would try yahoo finance and all the news on the particular stock you are interested in. WSJ is always good, and Economist helps too, but is not essential, since it doesn't need to be too complicated. The basic but important things are careful research on the company (the industry it is in, competitors, products, business model, risks, valuation, etc. etc.), patience and discipline (let good stock run, cut loss early on bad picks). Also, resist the urge to start trading instead of investing. Of course, don't forget asset allocation, but I have mixed feelings about that. I think sometimes one should go for it. If you can do the above well, you should be fine. You can learn other more fanciful, but not necessarily more useful, stuff as you go along. Before buying a stock, be able to give a 1 minute explanation on why you are getting it, and what are the possible risks and downsides for the stock. Oh, also Smartmoney magazine is pretty decent for picking stocks and funds. \_ start with Investing for Dummies or Personal Finance for Dummies. After that, let us know. \_ in addition, that Peter Lynch book, and maybe also writings by William O'Neil (How to Make Money in Stocks), and Jim Cramer (latest book). \_ http://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/03/050803.asp |
2005/10/16-18 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:40129 Activity:nil |
10/16 So any sun old timers still reading the motd? I was recently named a SARC "intern" and I wanted to find out if anyone has been through the "intern" process and if they had any tips/pointers. txn. \_ I'm a Sun "old timer" in several ways, especially if you count me playing with the first prototypes when I was 11 years old ... I was a Sun intern in summer of 1991 and had a blast. My take from that was that if you actually do useful work and get anything accomplished you can get a job there once you graduate (I did). You get to meet Scott McNealy and hear his puppy calendar stories and for me it was the most fun I've ever had in a job, especially with the huge water battle between SunSoft and SunLabs. -eric \_ maybe I wasn't clear - I'm a staff eng at sun and I was put on the Software ARC (arch. review committee), and I wanted to get some pointers on what ARC members do, &c. \_ Nope that wasn't clear. I joined Sun as an MTS-1 and only worked there 2 1/2 years so I never got anywhere in that regard -eric \_ neato. sounds like a paper pushing job. \_ From what I can tell it is mostly paper pushing, but this is in addition to my regular job, so it just means more work for me. |
2005/10/16-17 [Recreation/Sports] UID:40130 Activity:nil |
10/16 These are some conditions and precepts so that morally aware youth do not inadvertently imitate heretics and polytheists when playing soccer ... Hell awaits those who die playing soccer according to rules established by heretical countries, at the head of which is America. http://NYTimes.com: http://csua.org/u/dqm \_ "6. Do not play in two halves. Rather play in one half or three halves..." Hmm.. someone need to look up the meaning of "half." \_ Why do you hate Allah? |
2005/10/16-19 [Reference/Religion] UID:40133 Activity:nil |
10/16 The Slacker's New Bible: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5698558 |
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