2005/10/15 [Uncategorized] UID:40102 Activity:nil |
*/* TREVOR! |
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40103 Activity:kinda low |
10/15 Whatever happens with the motd debate, someone made a point below that I hope doesn't get lost: " If you get nothing else out of your time at Berkeley, get this: networking is more important than your gpa, major, or anything else. " I just wanted to put this up as a really valuable piece of advice, and I hope undergrads take it to heart. If you're going into "the real world", this is very true most of the time. -John \_ Thanks. --Wrote that anon but since it was anon it must be a troll and should be dismissed out of hand. ;-) \_ Out of the four jobs I've had in the last 8 years, all of them were at least partly attributable to networking. -mice \_ This is true. I got my excellent first job thanks to networking, and I got 2 sodans jobs because I knew them. -eric \_ yeah. I've gotten every job I've had because of networking, and most of my freelancing work comes from soda or ex-coworker contacts. I wish I'd known this when I was in college, I would have done things a lot differently, i.e. going to professor office hours starting my freshman year, going to more student events, etc. |
2005/10/15-16 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:40104 Activity:nil |
10/15 Here is a proposal, a compromise for both parties. Split /etc/motd.public into two files-- one is /etc/motd.civil which is logged and viewable by root only, and is viewed in default .login. The other one is /etc/motd.wild, which is unlogged and is pretty much like our current motd. \_ The problem with this "solution" is that it does not fix the problem of threats, slander, etc, from the point of view of the politburo. They are still responsible for hosting it. -ausman \_ Your welcome to create ~user/cesspool.motd if you really want a place where you can be threatened at will by anyone. Root will not breach the anonimity of the logs unless there is a specific post which requires it. -mrauser \_ I have a better idea. We'll have one file called /etc/motd.public which is an open forum for discussing politics, fundamental computer science, the computer industry, general science, sex, and the meanining of life in a lively, free form, while also posting timely links about current events and giving recent grads a leg up on their careers. Then we'll have another file called /etc/motd.jamf, where a small group of people can have a carefully logged and moderated discussion of vi/EMACS, the latest linux kernel and monty python. Anyone who mentions politics, sex, violence, industry, uses a swear word, or says anything remotely useful or interesting on /etc/motd.jamf will recieve a demerit. Three demerits will banish them forever from /etc/motd.jamf. |
2005/10/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:40105 Activity:kinda low |
10/15 feeling nostalgic. who remembers Wall Berlin? -jon (+24 hours) \_ I remember the Berlin Wall. \_ aww. I miss Wall Berlin. |
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40106 Activity:moderate |
10/15 psb: At least two out of five Politburo members are ... well, just being undergrads. They're trying, but surely you didn't expect anything more? http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA \- 1. it may be unfair to tar the entire pburo with the mckee brush. i wonder which pburo member voted against the madness? 2. i am not sure they are "trying". see e.g. "I honestly couldn't possibly care less about people complaining of losing anonymity ..." -amckee [home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA/7.not-a-democracy] [http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA/7.not-a-democracy] in case you believe i am "quoting out of context" it was unfortune the rationale for deanonymizing the motd was not more clearly stated and various issues got entangled [such as the liability issue and the unwelcoming environment/participation issue] but the the csua president can justly be taken to task for framing it in these adventitious terms and attacking the out-to-lunch, spoiled, overly- indulged, narrow-minded, self-interested alumni. 3. so i dont expect overly deep thinking about say free speech in the abstract, but crazy stuff like "psb is a notorious spammer and hoser for mailing the csua mailing list about a political matter" seems just nuts. deeper into some of the threads on the web directory above, you cant help speculate what it would be like to have ms. mckee as a colleague. i wonder if ms mckee is a famous turntablist/bboy? \- And I can't even imagine what it must be like to work with someone so obviously disconnected from reality and rational thinking. Yes, making the MOTD trackable is MADNESS. Crazy! OoOOooH! Halloween! Bats! Scary shit! Are you even capable of perspective? I'm afraid you're the one that sounds 'out to lunch'. But please, feel free to libel me. I'd love nothing more than than have an excuse to remove you on sufficient 'legal' grounds to make even you happy. =) Have a nice day, I'm done with talking to you ms. banerjee. I'm sure your friends over at slashdot could use some of your attention. \- you know, i probably read slashdot less than 95% of the people reading this. isnt ./ sort of focused on AssOS? \- Well, I began to wonder about this when you wrote: "[mrauser]s more level headed and egalitarian than I am. My opinion is much more admittedly draconian. I'm used to being a corporate manager and overseeing teams of 30+ engineers scattered across the world. That doesn't exactly work with the consensus view of management, so I go for autocratic. (It's okay, you can say it, I'm used to being the resident asshole on the team - but at least shit gets done.)" [again, context is at: home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA/7.not-a-democracy] http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA/7.not-a-democracy] BTW, I appreciate your letting me quote this thread. It makes things much easier. |
2005/10/15 [Politics/Foreign, Recreation/Humor] UID:40107 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/14 Another Jib Jab on foreign imports and outsourcing: http://www.jibjab.com/Movies/MoviePlayer.aspx?contentid=122 \_ keywords: Walmart BoxMart Box Mart |
2005/10/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40108 Activity:nil |
10/14 Many thanks to jrleek for being the catalyst for creating a brand new era of CSUA. \_ 2nd that. jrleek is a good man. \_ Now lets go invade a University that had nothing to do with the motd. \- this is a politburo decision. do you blame PAT or BUSHCO for the state of the country? [choosing the appropriate PAT is left as a limited degree of freedom]. --psb |
2005/10/15 [Uncategorized] UID:40109 Activity:nil |
10/14 Another video of cool art. (cg this time) http://www.1st-ave-machine.com/video/anime_final.htm |
2005/10/15 [Uncategorized] UID:40110 Activity:nil |
10/14 Anyone here a member of LA fitness? I'm trying to decide whether to join or not. I'm up in the Seattle area and they're opening up a new one with a pool. |
2005/10/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40111 Activity:nil |
10/14 Michael Rauser <mrauser@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU> wrote on csua@csua : I apologise for the recent spam to csua@csua. It is intended as a news : mailing list (minutes, official announcements, etc.) and not as a : discussion forum. I have altered the list to make it moderated, requiring : posts to be approved before going out to the full list. \_ This is a marked and until now unannounced change in the nature of csua@csua. When was advance notice given of this change of csua@csua to a moderated list? --Jon \_ The ua part of the 'csua' title means that the undergrads don't need to get permission from alum for everything. --darin \_ "It's [the CSUA] not a democracy. We're democratically elected, but once in office we have near complete authority to implement the policies that we see fit. Think communist russia ..." -amckee, CSUA President \_ and if it's not obvious, the above was not posted by me and was taken out of context. thx psb. -amckee \_ Could you explain how the quote was taken out of context? \_ This is the organization that was left to us by our faithful alumni. We do not have a congress, a judiciary system, or any vestiges of democracy within the typical power structure. Quite honestly, I'm not aware of any student group here that's run differently. At some point in the past, the CSUA was your organization to run and shape as you saw fit. I'm sure you each had issues that you felt were important to deal with, things that needed to be chanrged relative to tradition, and so forth. I'm sure each of you also would have resented it had a group of people who have no awareness of the current organization's culture and needs kept expecting deferrence to their ideas and beliefs about how the organization should be run. The students, at some point, trusted you to run the organization to the best of your abilities. Right now, the students trust us to do that. We may fuck up, we may piss people off, but these are our mistakes to make - just like they were yours, at one point. We care about the alumni community and feel that they contribute a lot that is valuable to the CSUA, but our charter is clearly the service of current undergraduates. We would love to make alumni happy, but as i'm sure each of you can see from these threads, that's obviously impossible. In the end, we will always chose the path that we think is in the best interest of current students. I'm sure you each would have expected the same, when you were students. As it is, this server is barely utilized by current students. This issue has comprised probably 50+ manhours of politburo time - time that has directly detracted from what we could have been doing to help out current students. We continue to spend thousands of dollars on this hardware, when the main reason it needs upgrading is to cater to the ever growing alumni ranks. The donations, sadly, are a far way from making this environment self-supporting. Quite simply, this whole server infrastructure costs this organization more in terms of time and money than current students reap from it. Again, we do care to keep a close alumni community, but a bit more appreciation of the efforts we go to would also be nice. And a bit of understanding that, this really is -our- organization right now, to make better or to fuck up, as it once was yours. We welcome your insight, but we really resent the sense of entitlement that many of you think we owe you. That alumni have accounts here is at the generosity of the CSUA, and directly against UC Berkeley policies. There is no current desire to change this generosity, but a bit of perspective on your part would be nice. We don't owe you explanations of changes we make to our boxes, we don't need need to justify every decision we make. When we do, it's because we value your insight and wisdom, but don't expect it to be binding. I know many of you disagree strongly with our choices, but the students have entrusted us to shepherd this organization and you just have to trust that we have the best interests of the CSUA at heart, even if you disagree with our actions. -amckee \_ Ok uhm yeah. So anyway, if the ever growing ranks of alums are a burden, how about just booting them all? If the number of current students is low, how much active recruiting does the CSUA do these days? Do they still do donut runs at project times? Sponsor and advertise tournament events? Go into freshman classes at the start of each semester and tell the gathered hordes the CSUA exists and why they should join? And once these people join, well, uhm, to be blunt, what do they get from the CSUA anyway? I see two things from out here in alum-land: fantastic tech help/tips from top notch industry pros from a wide variety of fields and access to jobs they'd otherwise never hear about, much less skip HR and go straight to a hiring manager. Passion is good. Directed passion is better. I assume everyone gave some pretty speach prior to being elected to politburo full of promises. Did any of that stuff happen? Mission accomplished? Honestly, I don't actually really care all that much about any of this stuff but let's get some perspective. \_ Yes, we do donut runs (as do other groups now), yes we go into classes at the start of the term, yes we do helpsessions and shill our name, and yes the ranks are still low. The current breed of CS student is unlike what you were used to - many are completely apathetic about student groups, many don't identify as CS nerds, and many haven't even watched Monty Python. It's a mainstream field now and the people here have a lot less in common than the CS nerds did when I was younger (I'm 30 and started with this whole internet/cs stuff over 20 years ago) I do not doubt at all \_ Are you related to Trevor J. Buckingham? that students -could- leverage a lot from alumni, but right now they don't. They don't read motd, they don't really use Soda, and mostly they just come to our free food events. It's a problem that many politburos recently have had to face. We welcome suggestions, of course, but things are definitely different than they used to be. People join now to hang out on our couches, use our office/lab machines, and make friends. I'm trying to bring in more speakers (hopefully some alumni) to try and give various talks. Hell, maybe a panel of people that graduated 10 years ago could come back and talk about life after Berkeley. Right now, though, none of this whole mess that we call Soda or MOTD is much of a benefit to current students. And, quite frankly, that's unlikely to change. It's just no longer the sort of service that is necessary. The entire login service could go away, and most people here would never even notice. No, there are no plans to do so, but when the politburo looks at things to put its attention and money into, the minimal value this -currently- offers students is a factor. And jobs typically come into jobs@ now. Our current focus is much more on face-to-face services, since that's the only thing that seems of value to people now, anyways. -amckee \_ Whoa! I've seen what's coming into jobs@. That is not at all the same as real jobs. An announcement from some consultancy that they're recruiting is *nothing* like having an alum hand your resume to someone and say "hire this person". If you get nothing else out of your time at Berkeley, get this: networking is more important than your gpa, major, or anything else. And yes, it's true I haven't set foot in years and I'm out of touch, but if politburo is so in touch and active then why can't they get other students interested? This has nothing to do with Monty Python. I'm not even sure why you mention that. shrug. \_ How much more donation do you need? There is no information as to how much is needed, how much has been donated, what the money was spent on, etc. No detailed accounting is being asked for here, just a rough breakdown. Otherwise, how would we know how much to donate. - soda donor \_ I know I'm going to get flamed by mrauser for saying this, but the largest issues facing the CSUA right now are not cash related. What we need more than money is a way to get students more involved with their school and major, to introduce them to better coding practices and non-academic technologies, to provide tutoring and help to a breed of students that may never have seen a command line - on UNIX or Windows. Basically, we need to help build a community of current students that is as vibrant as what those who used to be here knew. (I still think we can do it while acting professional and mature, but enough of that.) I don't have the specific budget in front of me for last year, but we requested something like $4000 last year in hardware expenses (but received less) and around $1000 this year (which we received). Although the money is important and does make it easier to buy random upgrades or components, the bigger need is just 'more time'. New Soda has been largely held up due to lack of this precious resource, not cash. And, since so few current students use this resource, it's hard to justify spending too much time on it (for those of us in pburo), when we could use this time to try and coordinate speakers, corporate info-sessions, help-sessions, etc. The better donation, in all honest, is the wisdom, time, and insight that each of you have - whether it's to help the root staff debug an issue, come talk to the students about a topic either technical or pragmatic, or basically help foster a sense of community outside of the insular confines of Soda and the MOTD. There hasn't been a lot that we haven't been able to do, due to lack of cash, but there has been a lot that we haven't been able to do, due to lack of time. Hence the proposition to -slightly- expand the size of the politburo. But, to keep mrauser from killing me, we love cash too. (cough) - amckee \_ I had a longer post, but I suspect it was wasted breath, so I rescued some precious motd bits. -mice \- ms amckee suggests i did not provide sufficient context. pls see http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA for fuller context. "by my words you will know me". it is odd to see the motd discussion turn into an alumni issue. |
2005/10/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:40112 Activity:nil |
10/15 My CD collection has become a bit unwieldly. Can anyone point me to somewhere where I can buy labeled dividers "A" "B" .. "C" "Classical" "Soundtracks" or ones where I can label them myself if given some of these dividers. I tried googling but I'm not sure what to look for exactly. -eric \- do you have any of the casals perpigan or prades recordings? |
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:40113 Activity:low |
10/16 So when do we start the underground rebel motd? \_ http://csua.org/motd ? |
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40114 Activity:high |
10/16 Dear fellow working alumni. I have begun circulating a negative networking blacklist in my company. I am making sure amckee does not get hired. I work at Intel Corporation and I've passed the list to my friends some who work at Yahoo and Google. They've also begun circulating it to the HR depts in other companies as well, including the less well know companies. Please circulate the list throughout Silicon Valley and tell me which companies you've passed the list to. thx. -alum of 1990, Intel Verification, SC \_ I left Intel in 99 as an Eng7, at the age of 24, ranked Critical Intel Asset. I'm sure your opinion, however, is Critical Intel Asshat. I'm sure your opinion, however, is equally valid. -amckee \_ Hey! tjb's back! -geordan \_ wow, intel verification AND head of HR. impressive. (not amckee) \_ This is the reason that brett was temporarily sorried. We will be discussing the issue on Monday. The decision will be at the discretion of the full politburo, not just me. As much as you may disagree with my opinions, this grossly oversteps what is an acceptable response to having such a difference of opinion. I'm less concerned with the affect that this has on me, my resume speaks for itself, but most politburo are just undergrads, CS students who just signed up to have fun and learn a bit about running a group. They should never feel that, should they try to implement a controversial decision, that they could be subjected to such a grossly intimidating and caustic repurcussion. This may be acceptable in 'real politics', but we're just students, and this is just a student organization. The palor of fear that this will cast over politburo will prevent it from enacting decisions that may be necessary for its survival, however controversial. Should students know that this might happen, the even worse affect is that it might prevent them from even joining the ranks of politburo. This action very realistically threatens the success of the organization and the stability of the politburo. We are not a full political body, we are not your senators, your representatives, or your president. We should never have to deal with this level of intimidation. Call it censorship, call it draconian, call it what you will - but we live in an insular world and these are not things that most students should have to face. -amckee \_ Anyone making a serious squish decision based on an external web site, esp. one that is known to be sucky, is an idiot. \_ it looks like you've been successfully trolled. \_ Those with an opinion on this matter, or any matter, are always welcome to attend politburo meetings. We give more weight to the concerns of current students, admittedly, but we will take your insight into consideration. Many of you have faced problems similar to the ones we've faced, and constructive feedback and wisdom is always welcome. For those that have a personal problem with me, the appropriate way to deal with that is by talking to me. I suspect our differences are not nearly as great as the emotion of this motd indicates. Sorry for being long again, John. -amckee \_ I don't think John's point is about length but more to do with succintness. -mice \_ Upon speaking with Brett, this is not attributable to him. kchang's logs were wrong, probably not an uncommon occurance. Part of why I had not brought this to the MOTD was that I wanted to hear from Brett. However, someone else felt it important to mention here. I have unsorried him and am sorry for any inconvenience. However, as a point of clarification for whomever did post this, the damage you felt that I may have done to the CSUA is far diminished by the extent of your actions. I'll only be in office for another couple months, and other officers may have different opinions. However, the real 'cultural shift' in the CSUA is now almost certainly attributable to you. If your goal was to supress dissent, to coerce agreement, and to bully your view into an organization that you are no longer a part of - you have likely succeeded. Politburo may no longer feel comfortable enacting certain decisions. At a minimum, we now know better than to try and explain ourselves and our views, as it just opens us up to personal attacks and retribution. This will be the last post I make to the MOTD, it's \_ Can I have your stuff? -geordan just not worth it to me to fight with you. I fully welcome the insight and opinions people have about how we're running this organization, but it will be more effective if you can come to a meeting or email us. This has turned into a gossip-fueled hate fest, and right now I feel pretty ashamed to have anything to do with this organization. The optimism I had in trying to find ways to make student's lives here a bit better is rapidly fading, and if all that's going to happen is that they're going to grow up into people anything at all like the minority of you who have made this such an evil place, then I just don't see the purpose. Good luck with your MOTD. -amckee \_ Haven't you threatened to sorry people because of their emails to politburo? That sucks. \_ For the record, I did not write the above posting. -brett \_ He did (or "didn't do" as it turns out) something so horrible it was necessary to sorry him before getting his side of the story? \_ Man, amckee is serious about this sorry business. He threatened to sorry me when he thought I quoted his infamous self-portrayal as "resident foobar". BTW, it's not likely I'll be in a position to hire amckee (I don't hire sw guys in general, though I might for dv I suppose), but I would certainly advise against hiring if his name crossed my desk. From my personal dealings with him (just one logged write conversation, to be fair), he seems to have problems controling his temper and he's probably a pain to work with. - tse \_ Wow, this is really lame. Whomever did post it needs to get a brain. I mean, are you trying to force motd logging? --PM \_ PM: I think the actual lesson here is different. I bet many people are silently thinking "I would not want to hire this guy based on his writings" without putting those thoughts into the MOTD. And this the the guy who wants us to "trust him" over the judicious use of the anonymity logs? \_ Well, amckee is trying to portray this as alums threatening the politburo, but I think it's just amckee. There's enough from MOTD and from his emails to hang him. \_ What triggered amckee's temper tantrum? Just Partha's ramblings? \_ I'd bet dollars to donuts that's *exactly* what OP is trying to do. |
2005/10/15-16 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40115 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/16 10 steps to becoming Republican: http://www.thefrown.com/player.php?/frowners/becomerepublican |
2005/10/15-16 [Science] UID:40116 Activity:low |
10/15 Can anyone recommend an author for a reader who likes Michael Crichton and Dan Brown (i.e. page turners that are based in science/technology). I don't care what you think of either of these two authors in terms of quality; rather I'm just looking for a similar author. thanks. \_ How about Neil Stephenson? \_ Well, for me, "page turner based on science/technology" is synonymous with Neal Stephenson, but not everyone finds his stuff to be page turners. You have been warned. \_ Iain M. Banks (his scifi stuff.) I haven't read anything by Dan Brown, but I got annoyed by Michael Crichton stuff for being repetitive a while ago. Also you might enjoy the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons. -John \_ Nothing by Dan Brown is based on anything. \- at all costs, do not read "Rule of Four" ... people who bought that book should be able to file a class action shuit for their time and money. it's so horrible you have to wonder if the authors are well connected or there is some other unnatural explanation of why that book was published and so heavily promoted after da vinci code. note: it's not a "techno thriller". --psb |
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:40117 Activity:nil |
10/15 Isn't it weird that jblack has been really quiet in the past few days? Boy, I can't wait till they implement user-tracking. It'll be a conservative jblack troll paradise! Go conservative motd! \_ What you say makes very little sense for several reasons. |
3/15 |