2005/10/7-9 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:40008 Activity:nil |
10/7 My 2 year old motorcycle that I bought new has about 8000 miles and I already need to change my rear tire. In addition, my lead-acid battery is crapping out. I've been having to add distilled water and the negative contact keeps getting corroded. Today while checking the cable the contact just broke off! I went to the shop today and got a new maintenance-free SLA Yuasa battery for $71. In addition a new rear tire costs about $175. In comparison, my car battery costs about the same and lasts twice as long, and each car tire costs about 1/2 of the motorcycle tire and lasts 5-6X as long. As for mileage? I get only 45MPG, which is still less than a Prius. This totally debunks the myth that motorcycles are much more economical to operate than cars. What a dissapointment. \_ Never seen the battery issue, but yes motorcycle tires don't last as long. They are made to be super sticky because you need that traction a lot more than you do on a car. Also, especially if you are a new rider, you are a lot more likely to skid the rear tire. That being said there are tires out there that will last 10-15k, but they are going to add a tiny bit of risk to your ride, is that worth it to you? 2 tires/8k miles is about 2-3 cents a mile. As to 45MPG what bike do you have and how do you ride it? If all you want is a commuter bike you don't need a super sporty bike. Even a dinky motorcycle has an obscene power/weight ratio when compared to any car, esepcially a prius. \_ How about the Bugatti Veyron? \_ A coworker rides a motorcycle to work every day. He said he has to change tires every 7500 or so and gas mileage varies a lot based on how you ride. He also gets to lane split his way to work which I'm pretty sure a Prius can't ;-) and can park almost anywhere, sometimes for free. How much research did you do before buying a bike? And what's up with 4k miles/year? That isn't a commute vehicle. \_ Who makes your crappy bike? \_ Kawasaki \_ My bikes are 55 and 60 years old, have ca. 30k miles, and I don't have this problem 8) -John \_ You have a bike from 1945 and 1950? Are you serious? What brand are they and do you have problem getting a mechanic servicing them? \_ 1951 Condor A580 (Swiss army bike) and 1946 Moto Guzzi Airone 250. The Condor's no prob, since as with all army stuff everywhere there's loads of spare parts and it never breaks (had some major repairs on replacement of worn out cylinders and valves though). As for the Airone, I'm about to find out how much pain it'll be to get it street legal and store it (it's more of an investment). There are garages specializing in both here though, and I made friends with the old guy who bought all the surplus stocks of spares for Condors a while ago. Not for the faint of heart. Pics are in ~john/Bikes if you're interested. -John Condors a while ago. Not for the faint of heart. -John \_ How much is your insurance? \_ Yes, repairing a motorcycle is more expensive than fixing a car. No surprise there, the demand is low, and to most, it is a toy. However, you win on gas, insurance, parking, and registration. \_ And depreciation. \_ But lose big on safety. \_ And you can't get laid in the back seat. \_ And you lack imagination. And flexibility. -John |
2005/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40009 Activity:nil |
10/7 He's getting there... http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/5962/disapproval2bb.gif \_ Very nice graphic. -mrauser |
2005/10/7-9 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:40010 Activity:nil |
10/7 An excellent web site showing you GSM coverage in the US. I'm very surprised that T-Mobile has a much better coverage in the US than Cingular, even as people claim that Cingular has a better coverage in metro areas. http://www.gsmworld.com/roaming/gsminfo/cou_us.shtml \_ Add Cingular and AT+T together. -tom \_ Hmm, even after doing so, I still see plenty of blank spots all over the Midwest. I have a 1900Mhz-only (ancient) cellphone that seems to perform very well in the inner East Bay, while my 850/1900 Mhz phone seems to have inferior reception. Could it be because my 850/1900 constantly force itself to communicate with the 850Mhz tower (which is a rarity) while my 1900Mhz-only is happily interacting with the abundance of 1900Mhz towers? (just guessing) Both phones are through AT&T Wireless - jthoms [formatd] \_ it has nothing to do with 850 Mhz capability. \_ The Cingular=better reception argument doesn't really mean wider coverage. The addition of 850MHz band from the AT&T merger gave it better building penetration. 850MHz signals penetrate buildings better. I had virtually no trouble with T-mobile when I was outside. It was the fact that I had no reception in my office that forced me to switch to Cingular. I now have full bars in my office. \_ someone who are better at physics need to help me out there. I thought higher the frequency, better the penetration, but at the cost of having a much shorter range per tower. that seems to perform very well in the inner East Bay, while my 850/1900 Mhz phone seems to have inferior reception. Could it be because my 850/1900 constantly force itself to communicate with the 850Mhz tower (which is a rarity) while my 1900Mhz-only is happily interacting with the abundance of 1900Mhz towers? (just guessing) Both phones are through AT&T Wireless - jthoms |
2005/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:40011 Activity:nil |
10/7 Al Gore on why Television (news) sucks. Aside from a few petty digs at his enemies, and some mistaken historical facts, (protests invented in the 60s?) I basically agree with him. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/10/06/D8D2IU703.html \_ Gore is a smart guy, but the electorate decided they didn't like sighing so we got W instead. \_ This has what to do with the link? \_ Watch the News Hour. \_ Thanks, this is great reading. |
2005/10/7 [Uncategorized] UID:40012 Activity:nil 80%like:40021 |
10/7 Talk about full circle: SBC may rename itself AT&T after merger: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=677&e=5&u=/usatoday/20051007/bs_usatoday/atampttoliveonaftermerger |
2005/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:40013 Activity:nil |
10/7 Another conservative thinker hammers the Miers nomination: http://csua.org/u/dnr And important point he makes that I haven't seen before: "This, say her advocates: We are now at war, and therefore the great issue of our time is the powers of the president, under Article II, to wage war. For four years Miers has been immersed in war-and-peace decisions and therefore will have a deep familiarity with the tough constitutional issues regarding detention, prisoner treatment and war powers. "Perhaps. We have no idea what her role in these decisions was. But to the extent that there was any role, it becomes a liability. For years -- crucial years in the war on terrorism -- she will have to recuse herself from judging the constitutionality of these decisions because she will have been a party to having made them in the first place. The Supreme Court will be left with an absent chair on precisely the laws-of-war issues to which she is supposed to bring so much." \_ While Miers' nomination seems weak, it's stronger than this argument. -tom \_ Oh, you actually support the Miers nomination? Can you tell us all why? \_ Did I say that? -tom \_ not tom: The only good thing about the nomination is that we don't know for sure if she's as bad as Thomas/Scalia. Would I rather have an incompetent reasonable person or a competent frothing loony? Tough call! \_ Thomas didn't have any more experience than Miers when he was nominated, so he's an incompetent frothing loony. -tom \_ Yes I was referring more to Scalia in that sense \_ And her supporters are trying to soothe us conservatives by saying, "Really! She's a religious preson!" Which makes me wonder if Bush is trying to put someone in who will overturn Roe vs. Wade but doesn't care about anything else. I'd rather have someone who interprets the Constitution with an Originalist eye. -emarkp \_ good, that means get rid of hand guns. :p \_ Funny, I've been thinking it was the opposite. The republicans like to talk about "protecting the unborn" to keep their religious base mobilized, but the political strategists are smart enough to know that actually overturning Roe would be political suicide. Hence the relatively moderate (at least compared to what liberals like me feared) nominees. \_ I view Miers as the Ham Sandwich choice, akin to the grand jury indictment rule. The way the GOP is these days, Bush could have nominated a ham sandwich and gotten it in. Sure, it's cronyism. Yes, it's the victory of the mediocre. But, really, maybe one or two Republicans might vote against her or perhaps abstain from voting since all the rest will vote for her. Given 55 Republican Senators, it's a done deal. |
2005/10/7-9 [Health/Men, Recreation/Pets] UID:40014 Activity:nil |
10/7 Fake Dog Testicle Creator wins Ig Nobel http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051007/ap_on_fe_st/ig_nobels Apparently they are called "Neuticles." \_ What is a "testical"? \_ It's like a cubical. \_ This one makes me chuckle: PEACE: Two researchers at Newcastle University in England monitored the brain activity of locusts as they watched clips from the movie "Star Wars." I imagine all these little locust brains hooked up with wires and a big screen playing "Star Wars" in the background. Hilarious! I wonder if they are hooked up "Clockwork Orange" style. \_ You should have seen the activity go off the chart when cell phones started ringing and the popcorn ran out. \_ What is a "testical"? \_ It's like a cubical. |
2005/10/7-9 [Recreation/Dating] UID:40015 Activity:nil |
10/7 War on Porn. "About 38 percent of men used porn three times per week or more, which makes you wonder what these guys do for a living. ... Maybe that special FBI squad should plant porn inside terrorist cells. You know, keep 'em busy." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9504659 \_ It's only taxpayer money, it's not like we're wasting the money of a corporation on this shit. \_ How do you "use porn"? -John \_ Which porn are you talking about? > _ \_ I dunno, I always sort of assmed it was a fairly passive form of entertainment. Am I behind the times? -John \_ Lack of a paper cut fetish is a sign of poor mental agility. \_ And slight smacks on the back of your head are conducive to analytical ability. Your point? This is porn. -John |
2005/10/7-9 [Health, Reference/Tax] UID:40016 Activity:nil |
10/7 Can I get some advice on where to go for health insurance? There is a cute set of circumstances which sadly leave me without, and I was wondering where I should go/look to buy it. I would likely want a plan with a high deductible (aka low monthly?) that would basically just be needed if I had some catastrophic health issue. Thanks. -mrauser \_ Mike, I went through the same thing few yrs back and used http://www.ehealthinsurance.com After you feed them your basic info (age, smoking/nonsmoking, zip code, etc) they will present you with a list of options. You can certainly find the high deductible ones with low monthly. For example, I got one through Blue Shield with $2400 deductible (yes, it's outrageous, but) with dues around $86/mo. Assuming you're 30+ yrs old, Bay Area nonsmoker. They also offer short-term insurance (12 months or less) if you're simply between jobs. Hope this helps! - jthoms \_ I got this same plan through Cal Alumni Assoc. Check it out. \_ Forgot to add, with high deductible, you're also eligible to open a Health Savings Acct (the so-called 'Healthcare IRA') or HSA. So with a $2400 deductible, you can open a $2400 HSA and write off $2400 from your 1040 for tax year 2005. Sweet! Go to http://www.hsabank.com for more info (but you don't have to open it through HSA Bank). \_ You still need to make sure that your high deductible plan is HSA-compatible. My wife's Blue Cross plan was not, even though the deductible was $2500. \_ Yes, but if you don't use the money you lose it. \_ Wrong. You're thinking the HCRA, the 'use-it-or-lose-it' acct. HSA is totally separate, you accrue it for life, and you can only use it for qualified medical expenses. (no, your monthly dues don't count, unfortunately). It's a gov't ploy to encourage folks to save up for their hlthcare exp prior to and during retirement. Unlike IRA though, you can use the money even before you turn 59.5, as long as it's for qualified medical exp. STFG for a list. open a Health Savings Acct (the so-called 'Healthcare IRA') or HSA. So with a $2400 deductible, you can open a $2400 HSA and write off $2400 from your 1040 for tax year 2005. Sweet! Go to http://www.hsabank.com for more info (but you don't have to open it through HSA Bank). |
2005/10/7-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:40017 Activity:nil |
10/7 I'm using winxp's rsh to connect to a solaris 2.8 machine. Is there anyway to have the rsh connection timeout? Currently, it seems to hang forever when something goes wrong. So far the only remedy is to reboot the windoze machine. TIA. \_ I don't know anything about winxp's rsh but generically speaking you can wrap anything with perl or expect alarms/timers. \_ I have some dos scripts which invoke certain programs on solaris. Sometimes these scripts are invoked from other scripts and/or programs, but when someone uses ctrl-c, the rsh connection isn't closed properly, so the solaris host will refuse further rsh connections for the user in question. So on windows, rsh is no longer running (you can't kill it), but if you reboot the windows host, it will work again. Using netstat on solaris shows that it's waiting to close for the windows machine even though rsh on windows is no longer running. \_ use cygwin's rsh then. \_ would this rsh close the network connection in the above scenario? our build machine doesn't have cygwin installed yet since our build-meister is still debating on whether to include it or not on std build machines. |
2005/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40018 Activity:nil |
10/7 Heading to Miami and the Florida Keys around Thanksgiving for 6 days with my gf. Any recommendations on where to visit and what to do? Hotel and restaurant recommendations? My only plan so far is to do some snorkeling and kayaking at the reefs off the Keys. |
2005/10/7-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:40019 Activity:nil |
10/7 I declared a function that takes (char const* const*), which protects array[x] and array[x][y] from being re-assigned (but still allows array to be assigned to a different entity), why do I need to cast a regular (char **) to it? Just like I don't need to cast a (char *) to a (const char *). Is this a known bug because no one uses (char const* const*) or (const char * const *)? \_ Your compiler is broken. This conversion is safe; gcc and Visual C++ both allow it without a cast. (You need both consts, though. Converting char ** to const char ** is not safe.) --mconst |
2005/10/7-9 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:40020 Activity:nil |
10/7 Firefox 1.5 Beta 2 is out: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox \_ For reference, 1.5B1 was the biggest improvement in Mozillae \_ For reference, 1.5B1 is the biggest improvement in Mozillae rendering speed I've seen since 0.8. |
2005/10/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40021 Activity:nil 80%like:40012 |
10/7 Talk about full circle: SBC may rename itself AT&T after merger: http://tinyurl.com/bkdbn (news.yahoo.com) |
2005/10/7-9 [Recreation/Pets] UID:40022 Activity:nil |
10/7 Do people name their pets: Michael or Jennifer? - not a pet owner. \_ Why not? \_ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22dog+named+michael%22&btnG=Google+Search \_ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22dog+named+michael \_ Are all your pets named Eric? \_ Personally I'd name my dog 'sex': http://www.snopes.com/humor/jokes/namedsex.htm \_ Human names for pets are the norm these days. Theories on this generally center around the way pets are more members of the family now and/or surrogates for children in many households. |
2005/10/7 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:40145 Activity:nil |
\_ Kawasaki |
3/15 |