2005/9/26-28 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:39868 Activity:nil |
9/24 What does it mean when you run a card (e.g. a video card) at 4x or 8x? Thanks. \_ It means that the strobe signals used for clocking AD and SBA data switch 4 or 8 times per reference clock which runs at 66MHz for AGP. Actually, I'm over-simplifying here. In AGP 4x and 8x, the strobe signals are paired (sometimes differential) so those signals only switch at 2x or 4x of the reference clock. |
2005/9/26-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:39869 Activity:nil |
9/24 Is there a reason why my wireless router is stuck at channel 6? I don't have an option to go to any other channel. ok thx. \_ Because you bought a crappy router? \_ You probably have a D-Link with "Extreme G". You need to turn off whatever it calls the 154 Mbps mode ("Extreme G", I think). The way this mode works is it uses multiple channels, thus they lock it on 6. Turn it off and you can pick a different channel. --dbushong |
2005/9/26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:39870 Activity:nil |
9/26 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050926/od_nm/germany_porn_dc Public porn shoot at the Munich Oktoberfest |
2005/9/26-28 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:39871 Activity:low |
9/26 "Defying expectations, sales of previously owned homes rose in August to the second-highest level on record with home prices rising at the fastest pace in 26 years." Go housing go! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050926/ap_on_bi_ge/economy \_ it costs $5000 per month to own a $1 million house, but only $2400 per month to rent. Do you think the economy will become very hot soon so people can increase the rent? http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/25/realestate/25cov.html?pagewanted=1 \_ $5000 per month buys you about a $700K house with nothing down for 30 year fixed at ~5.6%. \_ No it won't, you doofus, you forgot the land tax. At around $1 million the land tax becomes significant. The mortgage you can pay off, the land tax is forever. \_ I was counting property tax, dude. The payment for the mortgage alone is $4000/month. \_ The economy will be very hot for the owner of the $1 million house, when it becomes a $2 million house. \_ that will just make me even happier living in a $2 million house for $2400 per month while the owner is paying $10000 per month. yea, some owners bought it while its cheaper, but I will find the owner who just recently bought and rent from him. that will make me feel good! \_ It's the dawn of the age of the NEW ECONOMY!!! Aquarius!!! \_ Do not misunderestimate the staying power of the Age of Pisces! Us Pisceans are not done yet! We shall sock you with one last tidal wave of natural disasters, financial disasters, wars, plagues, and famines, and acts of mass terrorisms, and lots of WMDs! Just watch! \_ Aquarius! \_ Aquarius? \_ Aquar-ee-us! \_ My theory is that as long as house prices keep growing at the current clip homeowners will keep rents low because they are making so much money just by property appreciation. I don't know what will happen if the housing market stalls/crashes. \_ You have a good heart, and believe people have good hearts too. But market theory says otherwise. \_ still waiting for our social-communist commentator lafe to say something about the evils of being an efficient capitalist by owning too much and controlling other people's lives... |
2005/9/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39872 Activity:moderate |
9/26 So, Katrina, Rita, what is the verdict? I remember someone here on soda saying that federal government shouldn't get involved in hurrican relief. I would like to hear your opinion on Bush's vast mobilization of federal resources *BEFORE* the Rita hits. Do you still believe that federal government should be hands off and let the state and local officials do their thing? and why. \_ I'm tired of this thread. Why don't you email jblack directly? And why are you obsessed with proving that you're right and they're wrong? A real conservative sticks to his guns and never flip-flops his position. In another word, a real conservative never admits anything wrong. \_ Apparently niether do real liberals. That's why we call then "far"-left/right. (Or extremists) "far"-left/right. (Or extremists) -jrleek \_ Hello, Mr. Conservative. \_ No, a real liberal flip-flops (changes his position) all the time to gain the most advantageous views. \_ A real liberal is reasonable to changing his mind in the face of new evidence, but I don't call that flip-flopping, I call it intelligence. \_ Go Kerry the Master of Flip-Flopping! \_ but every time a new opinion appears? \_ Are you stupid or just stupid? \_ Intelligent flipping. \_ Intelligent flipping is a baseless myth. It's really just the evolution of an opinion. \_ I am still waiting for answers. I am not trying to embarass anyone, just curious on what is other point of view. -op \_ Complete government fuck-up all around, brought out the worst in "normal" people, those responsible should be sacked, shot and shot again, is that what you were looking for? -John \_ Rita and Katrina prove one thing: the government is inefficient. Throwing more money at the government is not going to solve the problem. Look at the late 1800s. The fire department was privatized and they only had to put out fires for paying customers, and the end result was less idling firemen playing cards and more PROFITS. Let me ask you this. Today, except for the USPS which is not even funded by tax payers, which government agencies profit? \_ ...and lots of burned down cities, don't forget that. \_ Incomplete argument--burned down cities = economic output dip = lower economic performance = impact on pocketbook of those hiring private fire depts. = no more $$ to hire private fire depts. = their houses burned down. So does this mean that funding a fire department is an example of Keynesian economics? -John \_ What happens while your neighbor's house is on fire and they aren't home? Do you call your fire department (and foot the bill)? Call around to try to determine which fire department your neighbor has? What happens when a fire spreads from one building to another, such as from a "paid up" warehouse to the apartment complex full of poor families (likely not all paid up)? -meyers \_ I think you sort of missed my point, meyers. -John \_ (tongue in cheek since this is all silly) Presumably the apartment complex or home owner's association would charge a fire-fighting fee so you and your neighbor would be on the same fire figther's network. Then of course there is the problem of who to call when you see the apartment or house in the next neighborhood on fire so we should really all band together to cut costs and have a city wide fighter fighting company and just charge a fee for it to reduce costs but of course then another city upwind might be on fire and your city directly borders theirs so really we should just have a county wide fire department to better spread the cost and since we all need it equally, hey let's just have a 1/2 cent tax on all sales to fund it since an individual share is to hard to calculate. \_ Sounds like a tax to me. -John |
2005/9/26-28 [Consumer/Audio] UID:39873 Activity:nil |
9/26 Reports that apple nano screen scratches and damages very easily: http://www.flawedmusicplayer.com \_ Evidence to the contrary: http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/nano.ars/3 \_ scratch = yes (gets ugly fast), "damage" = no (still plays) how often/easily the LCD really cracks from the inside = ? \_ If the song names are unreadable and the photos are unviewable, that == damage. \_ Yes this is 1 data point that everyone keeps referencing. \_ I can tell you that after having the Nano for 2 weeks, it does indeed scratch very easy. I'm one of those people who take VERY good care of my electronics, and even I got various scratches on it that make the screen unreadable. Simply having a cell phone rub up against it in my pocket, while other devices with nice screens (i.e. PSP) have no problem. Hopefully Apple will use a tougher screen going forward, I had the iPod-Mini for a year with not a scratch. |
2005/9/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:39874 Activity:nil |
9/26 Everytime I get a http://proxyvote.com I get the following: "PROPOSAL FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 EXECUTIVE BONUS PLAN." I always vote no because my CEO is a fucking playboy and a dickhead who doesn't do anything. I've been voting no for the past 8 years and it's annoying seeing this everytime proxyvote comes. Is there a way to find out the past results of my votes? Thanks \_ Is your CEO named Larry and have a fetish for all things Japanese? \_ Should be part of the annual report. -tom \_ you don't need to look it up. I assure you that it has passed every year. -phuqm. \_ and if there's an accounting scandal, well, he doesn't do anything so he wouldn't know anything about that! |
2005/9/26-28 [Finance/Banking] UID:39875 Activity:low |
9/26 ING Direct is offering 3.4% while PayPal is offering 3.5%. Any reason why I should keep money in ING Direct? \_ Emigrant Direct is offering 4.00%: http://www.emigrantdirect.com \_ What's your experience with this bank? Drawbacks? \_ good rate, bad user interface, be patient with the opening process/links to your account, okay once you get used to it. \_ Does that 0.1% really matter to you?! At that point I'd be looking at level of service and convenience over an extra 0.1%. I am not saying ING offers more, but that I would focus on that versus the rate. \_ how much money are you guys talking about? I look at these rates and I thought they aren't bad, but when I calculate how much I would earn in a year with a $10000, it's like really anti-climactic. I calculate how much I would earn in a year with $10000, it's like ... not very exciting. \_ I suggest you go into the loan shark business. \_ Only if you care about other stuff that ING offers, i.e. CDs, investment accounts, etc. If you care and plan to use those services you might as well stick with one banker. If paypal offers better rates and same services go with Paypal. \_ what about the part where paypal is a buncha mofos? \_ Well, I've done quite a bit of paypal stuff (I run an online store with a buddy for fun and profit) and they are mofos. However, they've never held on to our funds for long, so I would assume the same goes for their savings/checking account. So if you do have trouble with it you can just cancel it and go with someone else without too much hassle. They are owned by ebay, so it is relatively solid. I personally do ING for my savings, but I purchased CDs at 4%, and I also have an IRA with them for retirement derivatives, so that's the only real reason why I would recommend ING over paypal. If it's a principal thing and if you feel a bit squeemish about paypal then definitely go with ING. It's not worth fucking around with 0.1% if you have grave doubts (and some of them are justified) about Paypal. |
2005/9/26-28 [Uncategorized] UID:39876 Activity:nil |
9/26 I have set some local filesystems not to mount at boot in vfstab When I do go to mount them, though, i'd like to go through the whole fsck pass like it would if it was set up to do so at boot. What is the_standard/an_easy way to do this? tnx. \_ Make up an alias that basically does "fsck -p /foo && mount /foo" \_ I may resort to this (except not -p because slowlaris doesn't have that option on it's fsck) but the regular boot up process - if i'm not mistaken - only does this if it detects that the filesystem is "dirty" right? or it has been X mounts or Y days since last FSCKing. Is there no way to just do exactly what it would have done at boot time? \- i think some OSes have an option to say "fsck every N mounts". not sure about solaris [which is what i assume you have]. |
2005/9/26-28 [Uncategorized] UID:39877 Activity:nil |
9/26 Don Adams R.I.P: We'll miss him by _that_ much. \_ Awesome reference. I'm sure he'd approve. |
2005/9/26-28 [Uncategorized] UID:39878 Activity:nil |
9/26 Butch from Little Rascals.. R.I.P |
2005/9/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39879 Activity:high |
9/26 A few more bad apples: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1108972,00.html \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1490301/posts \_ The third post is the best. \_ http://csua.org/u/dii (LA Times) "[CPT Fishback] wrote that Army guidance was 'too vague for officers to enforce American values.' He concluded that violations of the Geneva Convention were 'systematic, and the Army is misleading America.'" \_ if USA is not subject to international jurisdiction, this thing will happen. If you guys recall, even those who are responsible for May Lai only got a slap on the wrist. My favorite story is IR655. They actually got metals for shooting down an airliner. \_ Doesn't he know there's a war going on? \_ That's just great. We should disband the Army and use harsh words when our enemies invade. I totally lost faith in our military. All those people they have helped mean nothing when they are misleading America! For shame! \_ Did you read at all about the taxi driver who was beaten to death in Afghanistan? The totally innocent, not a terrorist, taxi driver. How many more taxi drivers are we torturing? Laws aren't there just to protect the guilty. \_ this is not few bad apples. This is systematic abuse that is directed by people all the way to the top (recall Pentagon decided that Geneva Convention doesn't apply to war on terror?) \_ Your sarcasm filter is set too low. Of course it's not a few bad apples. Of course it goes to the top. \_ And the Geneva Convention should apply to non-state actors who do not adhere to it b/c WHY? The executive needs the fifth freedom in order to properly deal with the enemies of the republic. \_ You're one sick monkey. How 'bout you sign up and go over there? With statements like this, I bet you'd fit right in with the other PUC fuckers. \_ The Geneva convention is irrelevant here, except for the fact that it provides for the protection of civilians when possible, which we can argue about. However, last I checked, the US was a civilized country, and civilized countries do not condone, defend or justify abuse of prisoners of any sort. There is no argument about this. This is not torture to find the location of the bomb that'll go off, or punishment, it is wrong, I don't care what sort of scumbag is being abused. I don't think this is a case of the military or the US "system" or whatever being fundamentally fux0red, but there is no excusing this at all. -John \_ Well said! \_ When rights are accorded to prisoners in the context of war it is b/c there is an implicit understanding that those same rights will be accorded to our own who are captured. When this implicit understanding is no longer true, there can be no claim of rights - as they reserve the the right to use any and all means against the republic, so too must the republic reserve that same right. The extent to which this right is exercised is a matter solely for the discretion of the executive. \_ Or in other words, the "they started it!" defense. Sorry, it doesn't fly; we are signatories to the Geneva Convention and our treatment of prisoners of war must be subject to those rules, even if we think our opponent wouldn't afford us the same protection. -tom \_ Conventions only apply amongst those who actually sign the convention. The provisions of the convention do not apply to non-parties. The non-state actors who currently oppose the republic are non-signatories and therefore have no claim to rights under the convention. Furthermore, the geneva convention only applies to conventional warfare, not this current type of conflict. \_ The present Convention shall apply to the persons referred to in Article 4 from the time they fall into the power of the enemy and until their final release and repatriation. Should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of the enemy, belong to any of the categories enumerated in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protection of the present Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal. [Shocking news, Gonzalez/Rumsfeld ignore this provising. -tom] provision. -tom] \_ No, being a civilized country and adhering to absolute standards of civilization is not at the discretion of the executive. Look up "moral high ground". -John the executive. Are you saying that "the executive" knows of and condones (or even orders) this sort of thing? Note that we are not even talking about Matt Gonzalez' "torture is OK in some circumstances" memo, but random abuse. Or are you saying that the executive doesn't have a clue what the armed forces under its command are up to? I am curious. -John \_ My view is that the executive branch needs unlimited pwr to defend the republic - the means which they choose to employ are at their sole discretion. If they choose to condone this conduct, then so be it. If they choose to prosecute this conduct, then that is okay as well. If they don't know and they choose not to find out b/c they have something more impt. to do that is okay as well. I also reject the view that there is something special about civilization that compels us to act in a particular way w/in and w/out. Inside the walls of civilization I agree that there must be civilized conduct, but outside, in the jungle, if civilized conduct is a liability then those charged w/ the protection of civilization must be free to dispense w/ civilized conduct. \_ You're right, so as you're outside the walls of my civilization, let's have GUN DUEL. -John \_ Not sure if a gun duel is legal. How about a StarTrek phaser duel? Is that legal? |
2005/9/26-28 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:39880 Activity:nil |
9/26 With the recent screenies of MS Vista, I think the main technology update has been: How to keep the icons/text non-tiny for 1600x1200 displays. (Ob also copying OS X 3D effects) |
2005/9/26-28 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:39881 Activity:nil |
9/26 http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-3513_7-6333507-1.html Closer look at the recent studies comparing IE and Firefox security. Summary: For the selected time period (Jan-Jun '05), Firefox had more critical vulnerabilities reported than IE -- but many more of the IE vulnerabilities remain unpatched. Also, expanding the timeframe to start Aug '04 (when Firefox 1.0 came out), IE had more than double the Firefox flaws, and again IE has many more vulnerabilities without a patch (amazing what expanding the range by 5 months can do). Conclusion: Use Firefox 1.0.7 or whatever the newest one is. \_ firefox sucks \_ Wow. So useful. \_ with such a comment, you are required to supply a non-sucky alternative \_ ok.. what about an "I've been Trolled" T-shirt? |
2005/9/26-28 [Transportation/Car] UID:39882 Activity:nil |
9/26 How come diesel engines run more efficiently than regular gasoline engines? Is it because diesel fuels contain more energy/volume? If you burn the same quantity of diesel fuel as regular gasoline, will both release different amounts of heat? \_ Yes diesel is more energy dense. \_ and it's also denser too. \_ "On average, 1 gallon (3.8 L) of diesel fuel contains approximately 155x10^6 joules (147,000 BTU), while 1 gallon of gasoline contains 132x10^6 joules (125,000 BTU)." http://auto.howstuffworks.com/diesel3.htm \_ They have a much more effient thermodynamic cycle, higher compression, and they don't draw a vacuum on partial throttle. --jwm \_ "A gasoline engine compresses at a ratio of 8:1 to 12:1, while a diesel engine compresses at a ratio of 14:1 to as high as 25:1. The higher compression ratio of the diesel engine leads to better efficiency." http://auto.howstuffworks.com/diesel1.htm But I don't understand how higher compression ratio leads to better efficiency. Maybe there is more air to burn per unit of fuel, so closer to 100% of the fuel is burnt. \_ Compression ratio matters not so much because you're compressing more air into the gasoline vapor, but because after ignition the exhaust gas is at a higher pressure and pushes on the piston for a longer distance. Imagine after pulling in the fuel-air mixture it is at pressure P. One engine does some work to compress to 10P while the other does more work to compress to 20P. The gas engine has expended 9P on compression while the diesel expended 19P. After ignation the pressure goes up another 10P, so the gas engine is at 20P while the diesel is at 30P. Now on expansion the gas engine expands 10x to do (20-20/10)P=18P work. The diesel expands (30-30/20)P= 28.5P work. Subtracting the original work of compression the gas engine gained a net of 9P while the diesel gained 9.5P work. Not a big difference but as you keep increasing the compression ration the amount of work extracted converges to the amount the gas provided, 10P. |
2005/9/26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39883 Activity:nil |
9/26 http://www.csua.org/u/did Told you Sheenan was a whack job. \_ I'm a liberal and I don't like her. She should tone down a bit and stop saying stupid things. I do like the movement that is going on right now. It'll prevent [Jeb] Bush from seeking an election like the way it prevented LJB. \_ Right...anyone who protests is a whack job. All Hall Our Great Leader! -tom \_ Are you an evil socialist? \_ Not everyone who protests, just Sheehan. However, there is no evidence of it in that particular article. |
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