2005/9/24-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39845 Activity:nil |
9/23 "The Pentagon announced Friday that it opened a formal criminal investigation ... Capt. Ian Fishback, a West Point graduate, went to the [Senate] committee with the charges within the last 10 days because he was frustrated that superior officers in his chain of command failed to respond ... The captain is the first officer to go public with allegations of detainee abuse in Iraq since the Abu Ghraib prison scandal erupted in April 2004." http://csua.org/u/dhr (LA Times) "Reached by telephone Friday night, Captain Fishback, who is currently in Special Forces training at Fort Bragg, N.C., referred all questions to an Army spokesman, adding only that, 'I have a duty as an officer to do this through certain channels, and I've attempted to do that.'" http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/24/politics/24abuse.html |
2005/9/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39846 Activity:nil |
9/23 Huh, I just heard on Coast-to-Coast AM that hurricane Katrina was caused by the Japanese Mafia. Who woulda thought? \_ weatherwars.info. Totally awesome. |
2005/9/24-26 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:39847 Activity:nil |
9/23 A friend of mine needs a master's thesis topic. Perferably in graphics, but he also has OS experience. Any ideas? \_ It'll totally depend on the school and advisor. What school? \_ Chico State. (Cue jokes) |
2005/9/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39848 Activity:moderate |
9/24 What is the process for having a President declared mentally incompetent and removed from office? http://www.vermontguardian.com/dailies/0904/0902.shtml \_ Haven't you learned anything? You can only be removed from office if you got a blow job from an intern. And even that isn't a sure bet. \_ Warning warning ultra left radical liberal rant alert! After watching this trash I need to cleanse myself by watching 5 hours of the O'Reilley show. \_ http://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/63426 Bush has apparently fallen off the wagon. \_ And after this news was reported, sales of Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey shot up by as much as 200% \_ You start by eradicating 51% of the mentally incompetent voters. \_ You mean eradicate all registered democrats? great idea. \_ You found it! It's the smoking gun! This fact filled article will surely be his downfall! Congratulations! This it it! \_ The "procedure" is given in Sec 4 of the 25 amd: "Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President." Ask yourself, would you prefer Pres. Cheney to Pres. Bush? \_ "Poor guy, he blacked out and hit the ground and he was out for four seconds. Fortunately, those were the same four seconds that Dick Cheney was conscious yesterday." --David Letterman \_ I bet half the people here don't even know who the Senate Pro Tempore is. \_ Actually, I would. Cheney at least appears to be competent. \_ The man couldn't even cover up or spin his former company getting no-bid defense contracts. How competent can he be? |
2005/9/24-27 [Recreation/Dating] UID:39849 Activity:nil |
9/24 http://forum.anothersite.co.uk/showthread.php?p=610709#post610709 A gift for John for posting good URLs-- Super Hot Nikkala. NSFW. \_ Too airbrushed for my taste, but certainly pretty girls. \_ Well done, young padawan. I reward you with a trip to http://celebritymoviearchive.com -John \_ You ASSHOLE. I sent you something cool cuz I liked your European sense of humor, and you sent this stupid site that requires registration and $. Fuck you. For this I take back my gift, and give you http://rotten.com \_ Why can't we all just get along? \_ Dude, even the free section of cma's pretty handy. \_ Pfft it requires nothing of the sort. Click on "Tour". I was going to point you at http://www.beichthaus.de but then there's that whole language thing. Instead, I will recommend link:tinyurl.com/965ma to you, which sort of transcends translation. -John |
2005/9/24 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:39850 Activity:nil 57%like:39860 |
9/24 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050924/ap_on_re_mi_ea/nuclear_agency_iran IAEA votes to refer Iran to UN Security Council. In order to obtain abstentions from China and Russia, language specifying "sanctions" and including a specific date were dropped. \_ how about N.Korea? |
2005/9/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Finance/Investment] UID:39851 Activity:high |
9/24 http://tinyurl.com/atl2o A Housing Crash Will Soon Hit America -- Find out Sir John Templeton's Advice and Prepare for the Coming Catastrophe \_ When? When?! \_ John Snow is in Beijing pressing China to revalue RMB again. If Snow gets what he wanted (40% increase in RMB value), we will see how fast housing market crashes. \_ I am an economic fool. How is a 40% increase in RMB going to cause the housing market crash? \_ 40% increase in RMB value will whipe out all trade surplus China has with USA. Consider that China is running trade deficits with virtually all nations except USA, this means China won't have spare cash to buy a billions of US treasuries a month. US 30-yr bond need to raise interest rate to attract investors, and morgage rate is tied to 30 yr bond... \_ 40% is ridiculous and won't happen, but if it does, it means inflation since walmart, etc. will have their costs increase, and inflation will force the fed to keep on raising rates, supposedly. The other factor is how the asian central banks react to a currency revaluation of say 10%. I guess the reasoning is that once PRC allows revaluation, the other asian central banks won't be under as much pressure to keep buying US treasuries to keep their currencies just as cheap. This will force the US treasury to increase its rates in order to continue attracting money to service US debts. \_ This is just one big long fucking ad. Why show us this? And most people agree that the housing market's in a precarious state right now, but predicting exactly when it'll blow, or if it'll deflate with a hiss instead of a bang, no one can do, including "Sir John Templeton". --PeterM \_ I believe the income vs. mortgage ratios are still lower than the last 2 times housing got thumped and even then all that happened was a 20% drop followed by years of decreased _growth_ back *way* above where it was. When I bought 5-6 years ago, I thought it was high then but was simply tired of being a rental victim. I feel bad for all the folks who have been bitterly waiting for some giant corrective event that is simply unlikely to happen to any large degree. If housing prices dropped in half because of all the risky loans all choking at the same time, all you'd really see is those houses being bought up at auction by people who do have money and can afford to rent at a loss for years until incomes/rental prices catch up. The sky is not falling. Even a 20% drop in housing would simply put prices back 6-18 months (depending on location) which is still higher than when people started screaming bust. Going in after some not-yet-happened 20% drop would be worse than having bought in 6-18 months ago at the same price since in the meantime the angry renter would have lost all the rent money, have a higher interest rate, started owning later in life, and suffered the extra stress and bitterness to get a house further away from their ideal location. I didn't read the link and didn't see a point given the title. Anyone hyping their stuff with "...Prepare for the *C_O_M_I_N_G* *C*A*T*A*S*T*R*O*P*H*E* !!@@!!@1111" doesn't deserve a click. \_ Well, I bought a house, just not in CA. (Buying in CA would have been silly since I live in NM.) Regardless of what you said, I still think that housing is in a precarious state, and that there will be some sort of correction, but I've no clue whatsoever when/how bad, and no one has any such clue. --PeterM |
2005/9/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:39852 Activity:nil |
9/24 Scopes trial pt 2: http://www.pamd.uscourts.gov/kitzmiller/kitzmiller.htm |
2005/9/24-26 [Science/Disaster] UID:39853 Activity:nil |
9/24 NO's flood walls were structurally flawed: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8038 \_ Well, DUHHHHHH.... |
2005/9/24-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:39854 Activity:nil |
9/24 Any recommendations for extracting text from a WPS file? Apparently it was made with MS Works. OpenOffice can't open it \_ tr -d "\000-\010\016-\037\177-\377" < test.wps |
2005/9/24-28 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39855 Activity:high |
9/24 Is there a link btwn global warming and hurricanes? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4276242.stm \_ Thank you. You're right there is not enough data to suggest global warming->hurricanes. I will continue driving my SUVs because I don't believe in stuff like pollution->cancer. I hate it when you liberals accuse me of causing cancer and birth defects. There's plenty of air and oil to go around. MY SUV, MY property. Keep your liberal laws off of my SUV. -trl \_ Get off the SUV drivers backs ; anyone driving a gas/diesel powered vehicle is guilty, weighted in their actual fuel consumption. \_ Yes, I agree. Everyone who burns fossil fuel is guilty to the extent that they consume that. What peeves me is that SUV drivers don't pay for their fair share of things. They cause more damage to our roadways from their extra weight, they cause more environmental damage, and they are a greater risk on the road. But SUV drivers get away without paying more in taxes and, in some cases, get tax breaks. So no, I won't get off SUV drivers backs until they pay their fair share. \_ Hehe, and it was you liberals (or more accurately you environmentalists) who have helped set back atomic energy for decades, resulting in our continued dependency on inefficient and ultimately hazardous fossil fuels. Stuff like renewable energy isn't a real solution to the problem. Neither is "ride bike" bullshit. If people want a real solution we should start looking into viable long-term strategies and not be knee-jerk about it. Of course, this will never happen. \_ You are a useless sack of shit. Maybe we can solve the energy crisis by running turbines off of the hot air that comes out of the mouths of jackoff know it all sysadmins like you. \_ Hehe, and it was you republicans (or more accurately you SUV drivers) who have needlessly wasted our fuel supply for decades, resulting in our continued dependency on inefficient and ultimately hazardous fossil fuels. Stuff like "Why do you hate America?" isn't a real solution to the problem. Neither is "Why do you support terrorist?" Stuff like invading another country isn't a real solution to the problem. Neither is "Why do you hate America?" bullshit. If people want a real solution we should start looking into viable long-term strategies and not be knee-jerk about it. Of course, this will never happen. \_ Do you understand that the guy you're responding to was the fuckhead who thinks people who don't like the way the 2004 election turned out should all move to Canada? \_ You are a useless sack of shit. \_ Pot. Kettle. Black. \_ Yeah, "real solutions" like invading other countries. \_ $6/gallon gasoline tax would take care of the problem pretty quickly. We should make the SUV drivers shoulder the true cost (military, etc) of their gasoline. \_ Troll? I'll respond anyway but I'll keep it simple: $6/gallon gas tax: dead economy. Low gas prices pay for themselves by having low prices for everything else. Do you work? You won't have a job. Are you in school? Forget loans and grants. Forget social programs including education. We should continue to ignore crack pots with an axe to grind. \_ How'd UK and Japan survive? \_ They're falling apart. You want to swap economies with either one? \_ Do you equate success and value economic numbers and nothing else? \_ Which economy would you swap with and what positive thing do you think you'd be getting along with your screwed up foreign economy? If you're going to troll, you need to bring your own troll toys to play with. \_ FWIW, Japan's economy is finally having a revival. It's bad bank debts have been mostly dealt with already. Buy some Japanese stocks. EWJ perhaps? \_ Granted, they're no longer in a deep recession but would you trade economies with them? What country would you swap economies with at this time? \_ Denmark. !op !pp \_ I am not sure what you mean by "swap economies". I wouldn't mind swapping a S&P500 index fund for a TOPIX fund S&P500 index fund with a TOPIX fund though, at least for the next year or two. \_ Australia. \_ I would swap economies with any Northern European nation. I want six weeks of vacation and six months of paid family leave. I would pay $6/gallon gasoline for things like that. I bet over the next 20 years, as Peak Oil hits, they will do much better in every way economically. \_ Must be why so many Swedish white collar professionals are moving to the UK for its low (!) taxes. -John \ Even the Japanese take more \_ UK economy is pretty strong is it not? vacation time than we do and crime is practically non-existant compared to the USAnot to mention a great public transit system. The cute girls is a nice perk too ;-) Heck; even moving to canada would be an improvement \_ Why do you care? We just heard that global warming is irreversible now. I'm burning tires for electricity. |
2005/9/24-28 [Consumer/Camera] UID:39856 Activity:low |
9/24 I was thinking about buying a Canon EF 28-135 IS lens, but I just noticed that it is sold out in several places (bhphoto, adorama). Does anyone know if there is a new model on the way? If so, I'm wondering if I should hold off for a little while. \_ you sure you want that lens? at that focal length, IS is not really necessary. You might as well go for something that has bigger maximum apature. \_ Do you have a film or digital camera? \_ does it matter? \_ 28-135 IS is perfect for film. Digital SLRs have a cropping factor. There is a similar version of the IS for digital cameras. I might have a 28-135IS used, for sale. \_ I have a digital rebel. |
2005/9/24-28 [Uncategorized] UID:39857 Activity:nil |
9/24 Lecture on imaging other "earths" in Zellerbach on 7 Oct: http://www.otherworldslecture.org |
2005/9/24-28 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:39858 Activity:low |
9/24 Hi, I'm finding myself having to convert network order to host order for uint_16 as follows, is there a cleaner way? src = buffer[2]; src = src << 8; src += buffer[1]; \_ man htons \_ Uhm, I don't think your way is even correct. 1. Do you really mean to use 1-based array indices? 2. You're always storing the most-significant-byte in the position of the least-significant-byte. (Note that this is irrelevant to whether your host is big- or little-endian.) Simply writing src = buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1] should be sufficient. \_ I thought network order was LSB first? So it should be: src = buffer[1] << 8 | buffer[0] \_ You thought wrong. Do some homework. \_ If you are overlaying a buffer onto the short, that is inherently endian-dependent. Use htons, duh. \_ He's not overlaying a buffer onto a short. He's reading it into a buffer first. When he reads it out of the buffer with shift and bitwise operators, the endianness of the host is irrelevant. (And I'm not suggesting not to use htos, I'm just saying that what he wrote originally was wrong.) \- "is there a cleaner way" ... gee, ya think? if this is for work, have them buy you all the stevens books. if they will only buy you one, probably get STEVENS: Network Programming v1. I have the 2nd ed but I am sure the edition++ is fine if not better eventhough STEVENS -> dead. This is "the standard". oktnx. --psb STEVENS -> dead. Like VAX BSD 4.2/4.3, this is "the standard". oktnx. --psb |
2005/9/24-27 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Men] UID:39859 Activity:nil |
9/23 "135 women receive bachelor's degrees for every 100 men. " This can't be true. It certainly wasn't true when I went to Cal. Either that or Cal women look like men. http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20050923/cm_usatoday/biglackofmenoncampus \_ Note: receive bachelor degree != attend \_ Note: Cal is not representative of US population as a whole I bet UCSB or USC are better examples I bet UCSB or USC are better examples. The gender ratio at Cal is more a reflection of how men tend to excel higher than women. \_ Note: You're posting on the CSUA motd. Odds are the last woman to touch you was yermom. CS is not gender friendly. Try English, Biology or Business. |
2005/9/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:39860 Activity:nil 57%like:39850 |
9/24 http://tinyurl.com/7aspg IKEA votes to refer domination to Walmart. In order to obtain abstentions from socialists and liberals, language specifying "Republicans" and including a specific date were dropped. \_ how about the Religious right? |
2005/9/24-26 [Transportation/Car] UID:39861 Activity:nil |
9/24 Lessons learned from Rita: Be sure you have a Magellan RoadMate and a Japanese car. http://slate.msn.com/id/2126827/?nav=ais |
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