2005/9/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:39806 Activity:nil |
9/22 I don't know if it's motdedit or someone's anti-nuking or merge script, but a lot of entries seem to be getting mauled, with lines posted where they don't belong, double-posted, whatever. -John \_ Al-Qaeda has infiltrated CSUA and is now terrorizing motd! FEAR |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39807 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
9/22 I've posted my lifelong collection of weird, unusual, and plain stupid pictures: http://csua.berkeley.edu/~kchang/pix/funny \_ How about these: http://www.livejournal.com/users/zete_tic/329.html?page=1#comments -jblack http://www.livejournal.com/users/zete_tic/329.html?page=1#comments \_ Wow, I didn't know there were that many stupid people on LJ. \_ Wow, Bush sure does look heroic in that fighter suit with stuffed codpiece, doesn't he? I wish he would strut around like a rooster again and taunt the enemy some more, while safely in his bunker 10,000 miles away, don't you? \_ I was hoping you guys had a sense of humor and post some humorous pics of Bush... oh well. post some humorous pics of Bush... oh well. -jblack \_ I was hoping you conservatives had brains and found some humorous pics that were given to you. oh well http://csua.berkeley.edu/~kchang/pix/funny/politics/bush \_ Wow, I thought jblack's pics were stupid, but these really take the taco. \_ Uh, which ones did you find acceptable and which ones did you find offensive? \_ Not offensive, stupid. "Huh, huh, I photoshopped in a chimp instead of Bush! I'm brilliant!" etc. In general the only thing lamer than collecting a bunch of bad pictures of someone who is constantly being photographed, is to make bad pictures with poor photoshop manipulation. \_ "Bush in that fighter suit with stuffed cockpiece ......" |
2005/9/22-23 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:39808 Activity:nil |
9/22 http://csua.org/u/dgs (LA Times) "The plane--on the animated map at his seat--'wasn't going anywhere ... just hanging around in Los Angeles.' A few minutes later, he heard the calm male voice of Flight 292's pilot, Scott Burke, speaking over the plane's intercom: 'For those of you who may have noticed we are flying in circles ... we are currently experiencing difficulties with the front landing gear.' ... A young woman at his side turned to him nervously: 'So what does that mean?' ..." \_ "Honey, it means I'm your last chance to get laid. Let's go to the lavatory..." |
2005/9/22-23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39811 Activity:moderate |
9/22 What's the safest way of restarting a sun machine when someone has the screen locked and you can't find that person? At least on these suns, a stop-A; sync sometimes results in the machine asking for an fsck upon reboot. Also, I realize that a different screen locker with a logout option or maybe a script that kills the current X session would be more ideal, but the administrators here are lazy or something. \_ There is no safe way, without root. On my clusters, rebooting the machine will get your account turned off. -tom \_ Does anybody else laugh at tom upon reading things like this? \_ no kchang. go stick your head in a pig. \_ As long as there's no serious disk activity going on, there should be. Even if there is, there should still be, if your file system doesn't suck. I'm not sure how much solaris's UFS implementation sucks. \_ Rebooting multi-user machines has implications other than whether the filesystem needs to be fsck'ed or not. -tom \_ True, but these users know they shouldn't stay logged in anyway. These are essentially single-user machines that interface to lab hardware. All I care about is that the machine doesn't ask for the root password to fsck upon reboot. \_ just accidentally trip over the power cord \_ Are you, by any chance, thinking of the Soda 2nd floor labs? There I think Ctrl-Shift-Blackspace will usually log them out. There I think Ctrl-Alt-Blackspace will log them out. -jrleek \_ Nope. If only. \_ On the SunRays, there's some key combination (Ctrl-Meta-Moon?) that will reboot the terminal. This is also occasionally useful for getting rid of the dreaded newt cursor. -gm \_ On my Sparc Ultra 5 at work, the power botton at the front gracefully shuts down the machine. |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Travel] UID:39812 Activity:nil |
9/22 I'm going to Washington DC in a couple weeks more-or-less as a tourist. I want to find a hotel in a relatively pleasant/safe area near a bunch of touristy things and the metro. Are their any hotels or neighborhoods you'd reccomend? It doesn't need to be too fancy, but it would be nice to find a place with net access in-room. \_ Are you going to join Cindy Sheehan, the clueless nutso who happens to have a noble cause and is giving us liberals a bad name? \_ No, actually I was planning on visiting the Smithsonian, going up in the Washington Monument, maybe tour The Capitol, and throw a bucket of blood on imperialist aggressors. \_ When I visited DC I stayed in Alexandria and took Metro in. Otherwise, maybe Dupont Circle. A lot of DC is sketchy. However, you'll be fine at any large hotel (Hyatt, Sheraton, etc.). |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39813 Activity:nil |
9/22 'The Aristocrats' = funny |
2005/9/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:39814 Activity:nil |
9/22 Jimmy Carter says we need to show photo ID to vote. ACLU says: "Photographic identification as a requirement for voting is antidemocratic and prevents people from exercising their fundamental right to vote whether proposed by the General Assembly of the state of Georgia or the Carter-Baker commission" http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/news/nation/12688495.htm \_ How does that follow? (What the ACLU says) \_ Is this a matter of confusion between verification of right to vote with anonymous voting? \_ Yes, and also a question the circumstances of how and who gets a verifable ID and how that ID will be used later on (i.e. will it become akin to SSN or driver's license for serices). \_ What does Jimmy Carter say about corporations run by directly partisan Republicans supplying black boxes for voting in our election? |
2005/9/22-23 [Science/Disaster, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39815 Activity:moderate |
9/22 Question for motd: A day ago I think there was a link explaining the downsides of using a nuclear bomb to try to disperse forming hurricanes/tropical storms. I have two questions, does a thermonuclear (fusion) bomb have the same fallout effects as a nuclear bomb, and two, if not, wouldn't it be a great solution to the problem? Just go nuke these things once they achive hurrican status (because there are too many wussy tropical storms). I'm pretty sure the cost of the bomb would be offset by the money saved in devastation (62+ billion for New Orleans anyone?). -mrauser \_ Pres. Bush has a dream .. where he can just put his finger on the eye of the hurricane and keep it from spinning.. then it stops.. he wonders if it'll work \_ What John and people below have said is essentially correct -- it's the fireball from the detonation that irradiates stuff. If the fireball is close enough to the ground, then the blast radius is likely reduced, but the effects from radioactive fallout are greatly enhanced. An airburst is much cleaner (where the fireball doesn't reach the ground) but has greatly enhanced blast effects. While air-burst detonating a nuke (hot or cold) in a hurricane will not produce as much fallout, any dust or other debris will will not produce much fallout, any dust or other debris will be irradiated; though compared to a ground-detonated nuke, it's still largely inconsequential. \_ You do realise that a fusion bomb NEEDS a fission bomb to get it going, don't you? \_ Someone posted this link that explains why it wouldn't work: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/C5c.html \_ Aside from the link above, what hubris. The power and energy involved in a hurricane dwarfs any single nuke, and possibly the entire US nuke arsenal. We humans are small. Even our nukes are small. \_ Trust me when I say that the entire US nuclear arsenal can do a lot more damage than a hurricane. Can you imagine if 8,000 warheads had hit New Orleans? \_ 8,000 warheads detonated in the gulf of Mexico wouldn't have flooded New Orleans \_ One warhead on a levee would have. \_ One fertilizer bomb on a levee would have too. \_ I am not sure I agree with this. \_ The above link was what I was referring to. I just wasn't sure if fusion bombs had quite the same fallout effects. But as I said, we would hit these things when they are tropical storms, before they are fully developed. -mrauser \_ The biggest affect to fallout is how close to the ground the bomb detonates, not the size of the bomb. \_ True, fallout usually refers to radioactive dirt that was thrown into the atmosphere. However, the other kind of fallout is radioactive elements left over from the fission process. A well made "fusion" bomb will produce much less of this kind of fallout than a fission only bomb because the fission core has more time to complete it's reaction. \_ Not really. I'd think the contribution of the fissile/fusion materials are almost irrelevant compared to the tons of debris that the fireball would loft up into the air for a ground blast. I think the bigger issue is the radiation produced by the blast. Fission generates more of the 'bad particles' that irradiate stuff -- making for much much more lethally radioactive fallout in a ground burst. It's not the fissile material itself, but the stuff it contaminates while exploding. \_ Didn't you see that episode of Dungeons & Dragons where the DM takes a day off and gives his powers to the paladin? THE WORLD IS A DELICATE BALANCE, MAN! \_ Best cartoon series ever. Bring it back, please!! \_ Fusion nukes don't create fallout per se. It's the fission bomb used to set off the fusion part of a fusion bomb that causes fallout. -John \_ Why do you hate hurricanes? \_ I bet BUD DAY hates hurricanes passionately. \_ Because the hurricane terrorizes America. It impedes our freedom and liberty, and limits our rights to cheap oil from the Gulf. Therefore, we need to launch preemptive attacks on the hurricane BEFORE it hits the American soil. We will be resolute until our mission is accomplished. To the hurricane, I say bring it on, and God Bless. |
2005/9/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:39816 Activity:nil |
9/22 Does anyone know how to do auto edge selection in Gimp? I have a logo where I want to make all white transparent. It seems like there should be some easy way to do this. Addendum: Never mind. Select->By Color. I can't believe I missed that. |
2005/9/22-23 [Science/Disaster, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39817 Activity:high |
9/22 Ok, so we've established that the nukular option against the hurricane is lame. How about effective ways to HARNESS the awsome energy from the hurricane? What are some things that could be effective? Portable windmills? Wave energy collection? \_ I'd post my idea for a giant blimp array, but you guys will just make fun of me. \_ Think of it like harvasting lightning for power. The key word is substainability. \_ Windmills might work if they are rigid enough, since they can work with other winds when there is no hurricane. Another approach I can wildly imagine is to build a large array of smaller and somewhat flexible windmills so that they don't break in a hurricane. \- given that hurricanes generate more energy than the all of humanity needs at that moment, how would you store it ... or would you just run high energy physics experiments durning hurricanes? hurricanes? --psb \_ Pump water from lower ground to higher ground. It's not like windmills can tap anywhere close to 100% of the hurricanes' energy output anyway. \- remind me why were are using hurricane power instead of say wave power? \_ I'll remind you that we aren't actually using either. \- remind me why were are using hurricane power instead of say wave power? --psb \_ No one has developed a working large scale model for chaging wave power to something more useful. The large models that have been tested have been very disappointing. \_ Somehow, the image of Igor waiting for a hurricane to make landfall before raising the platform just lacks poetry. -gm \_ A gigantic propeller! The size of the whole huricane! That floats along with it! Yeah! \_ Just use solar power. The amount of energy from sunshine on a city in a day is about equal to an atomic bomb. \_ Igor, fetch me an atomic bomb. Or we could just use... HAMSTER POWER. -John \_ Lighting rods hooked into your zed-pm. \_ Just don't ground them into the ocean by accident. |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:39818 Activity:nil |
9/22 So it turns out that a bungload of British army emergency supplies and MRE-type food were to be burned as "unfit for human consumption." I forwarded this to a colleague in the US, who sent it to Feinstein's office just for shits and grins, and according to what they told him, nobody'd even heard of this. This makes baby jesus cry. http://csua.org/u/dgx -John \_ The end of this article reads: 'The FDA said: "We did inspect some MREs (meals ready to eat) on September 13. They are the only MREs we looked at. There were 70 huge pallets of vegetarian MREs. "They were from a foreign nation. We inspected them and then released them for distribution."' |
2005/9/22-23 [Industry/Jobs] UID:39819 Activity:nil |
9/22 My group is looking to hire a part-time student sysadmin: /csua/pub/jobs/Linux_Cluster_Admin_UCB_EECS_Student -mikeh |
2005/9/22-23 [Finance/Investment] UID:39820 Activity:nil |
9/22 ETrade is offering money market for 3.65% APY for the first 3 months plus $50 credit to you. Is it possible to open up one, then close an existing one and get the credit? \_ Are you sure there is no fine print already in place against existing customers? \_ ETrade has a gay ass withdrawal fee of like $50 or something. |
2005/9/22-23 [Health/Disease/General] UID:39821 Activity:nil |
9/21 A deadly plague hits Warcarft world. Hundreds of dead virtual bodies lie on the streets. Blizzard tried to control the plague by staging rolling re-starts of all the servers supporting the Warcraft realms and applying quick fixes. However, there are reports that this has not solved all the problems and that isolated pockets of plague are breaking out again. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4272418.stm \_ Well you know vaccines and cures aren't always 100% effective in the real world either. |
2005/9/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39822 Activity:nil |
9/22 More details on the Crawford Ranch: http://eyeball.sabotage.org/prez-eyeball.htm \_ BBC Map shows the hurricane is going directly to Crawford TX: link:tinyurl.com/ah5nv |
2005/9/22-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39823 Activity:nil |
9/22 "Report says global warming could spark conflict" http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050922/sc_nm/environment_warming_dc \_ We're already doing well without global warming's help. \_ Report says global warming affects Jennifer Lopez's sex life. Report says global warming could lead to discovery of Sasquatch. Report says global warming killed JFK. |
2005/9/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:39824 Activity:high |
9/22 Clinton dodged the draft, hid FBI files, smoked dope, flipped Whitewater property, set up a new Korean wing in the White House, fired the travel staff, paid hush money to Hubbell, sold the Lincoln bedroom like an upscale Motel 6, and grabbed every ass that entered the Oval Office. Got it? Good. \_ What is this in relation to? Do you really want us to list all the bad stuff about Dubya? BTW: Clinton never inhaled. \_ Clinton didn't inhale. Dubya snorted coke. \_ huh? \_ How many thousand people died because of Clinton's scandals? \_ How many people died during Desert Storm under Clinton? \_ Desert Storm was a Clinton scandal? WTF? \_ tons.. mogadishu.. kosovo.. \_ 0, Desert Storm was under Bush I. Exactly! \_ It started under Bush I and continued in Clinton's time. \_ Are you stupid or just stupid? Or are you thinking that the no fly zone enforcement was part of Desert Storm. What would BUD DAY think? \_ I imagine more people died under Lincoln or FDR. How many died under Bush I? I wouldn't be surprised if Bush I & II have the least blood on their hands of any war-time president. \_ It's this type of thinking that gets America screwed up in the head about what the military is used for. While casulties are an important consideration, War is an extension of Politics. Comparing the number of dead is rather pointless. \_ I didn't start the comparison of number dead. However, if you want to run numerical comparisons, then Bush II is relatively clean. Personally, I think 1 dead in an unnecessary war is too many and a million dead in a necessary war is not. \_ ~100,000 dead Iraqis in a war of choice is too many. \_ not to the Christian zealots \_ And if that were the number, it might be worth quoting. \_ Clinton's wars were not scandals, neither were Lincoln's or Bush I's or FDR's. They didn't lie to invade countries unilaterally that posed no threat to us. \_ You mean the Nazi's actually did bomb Pearl Harbor? And the Civil War was actually fought to free the slaves? \_ So how many died under LBJ? \_ Who cares? This is about how Clinton's scandals are meaningless compared to our current President. \_ IOW, LBJ is worse, but let's not talk about him. \_ You forget to mention that he assassinated anyone who threatened to reveal his financial crimes, that he gave away the Panama Canal to his Chinese masters, and that he had Waco stormed because he was jealous of Korresh's harem. Oh, and black helicopters, black helicopters, black helicopters! Quick, borrow my tinfoil hat! \_ And the embarrassment in Somalia to our elite forces. |
2005/9/22-23 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:39825 Activity:nil |
9/22 Anyone know where I can find video of the Jetblue landing last night? \_ http://csua.org/u/dgs |
2005/9/22-23 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:39826 Activity:nil |
9/22 Help. The NFS on my Mac OSX is sick and I can't find /etc/init.d or any /etc/rc.X to do nfs restart. I can't even do init 2 or other things. How do I do this on the Mac? Thanks. <what's up with the censorship?> \_ Use kill, the way God and Bill intended. You might be able to (re)start NFS using the following script: /System/Library/StartupItems/NFS/NFS <what's up with the censorship?> |
2005/9/22-23 [Science/Physics] UID:39827 Activity:high |
9/22 What are the downsides to using a nuclear bomb to disperse forming Islamic extremists? I'm pretty sure the cost of the bomb would be offset by the money saved in devastation (100+ billion in a major city anyone?). \_ 9/23 reply: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/rita_wishful_thinking \_ if you use a neutron bomb, nothing (well other than a bunch of annoying anti-bomb peacenicks protesting in the streets and annoying anti-bomb peaceniks protesting in the streets and making the morning commute that much worse) \_ Does the US even possess neutron weapons anymore? I thought those were only deployed for a brief time during the '80s as a buffer against a Russian tank invasion of Europe? \_ Possibly. They have a short shelf life, and we aren't making anymore AFAIK. We might be refurbishing them though. \_ Do you really think the government is dumb enough to get rid of something like the neutron bomb (regardless of what the official peacenik friendly story is)? \_ Do you really think the government is dumb enough to get rid of something like the neutron bomb (the official story is probably just a cover to keep the peaceniks happy) \_ Assuming this is a serious question, (a) the islamic extremists that threaten anyone don't "form" per se, (b) we'd blow up a lot of innocent people and their infrastructure which we're at least not supposed to do, (c) we have always had a policy since the end of WWII of never using nukes first, and (d) nobody would ever ever talk to the US again. Go sit in a corner. -John \_ re (b), best reason to use a neutron bomb, the infrastructure remains intact, some collateral human damage will occur, but in war that can't be helped. re (c), the no first strike policy has been "reviewed" by the current admin and may be rescinded if the situation was dire enough - therefore this policy is presently not a barrier to the use of "nucular" weapons re (d), the US is not well liked overseas, it is not likely that further degradation of international opinion is a major concern to the decision makers - armed retaliation may be a concern but currently no nation can field a force sufficient to make retaliation a sufficient threat to avoid first strike. \_ neutron bombs are still atomic bombs ; they are just optimized for radiation output vs. explosive blast power. If you want to kill people and not infrastructure biological and chemical weapons are the way to go. There's significant political costs to their use, however... \_ As opposed to less significant costs for normal atomic bombs? |
2005/9/22-23 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:39828 Activity:nil 60%like:36841 80%like:39804 |
9/21 FireFox 1.0.7 is out (several security fixes): http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/releases/1.0.7.html |
2005/9/22-25 [Academia, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:39829 Activity:nil |
9/22 Invited by PRC to speak at Beijing University, Li Ao quoted Chairman Mao saying that the CCP will one day perish, and gave an outspoken and daring speech attacking everyone from Beijing University officials, CCP leaders to Taiwan politicians. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/23/international/asia/23china.html |
2005/9/22-25 [Uncategorized] UID:39830 Activity:nil |
9/22 Hi azarm, is OpenTV still in Marina Village in Alameda? Just curious. \_ We're in downtown SF now. Much nicer! \_ Are Eric del Sesto and Ian Porteous still there? \_ POOOOORRRRKKKK!!!!! --oj |
2005/9/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:39831 Activity:nil |
9/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050922/ap_on_re_us/katrina_criminals_hk4 "State police did criminal background checks on every refugee and found that more than half had a criminal arrest records -- a third for felonies." |
2005/9/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39832 Activity:nil |
9/22 National Hurricane Center's image of Rita's "wind distribution": http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at3+shtml/023809.shtml?swath?large \_ Damn, Florida's getting fucked. \_ Florida??? |
2005/9/22-25 [Science/Space] UID:39833 Activity:kinda low |
9/22 Why the hell are the Texans fleeing? It's not like they have a levee or anything that'll be as disasterous as New Orleans. \_ Worst US natural disaster was in Galveston, TX. 6000 dead. \_ Galveston is an island on the Texas coast that was nearly wiped out 100 years ago. The question is why are Houstonians fleeing Houston when the water will not wash away the city. It'll get damped and innundated with water, yes, but it's a mainland, and it's above sea level. \_ Flying rooftops can kill too. \_ cuz they'll shoot at FEMA and the CHP .. cowboys like freedom.. true freedom \_ Flooding and wind. Hurricanes tend to throw down a lot of water and toss about a lot of crap. Plus basic services will not be readily available. Being hurt, dying, homeless or sans food when there may not be enough people to help you is a bad thing. The more people around in the same circumstances, the worse it is. \_ Cause 165 mph winds can do a lot of damage and kill people. Course now that everyone is bailing Rita has dropped down to 135mph winds but it is going over another warm water area soon so will probably pick back up. \_ Cause when their internet access goes down, all hell will break loose. \_ Do you need a reason to flee Texas? \_ "I didn't want to be in the way." -Dubya |
2005/9/22 [Uncategorized] UID:39834 Activity:nil |
9/22 11:15PM 151 users, load averages: 35.97, 28.68, 14.67 |
3/15 |